all the way to fairy

Chapter 665 Mermaid

Chapter 665 Merman (10)

The elder looked at the three members of the Feng clan, but saw that they also had expressions of surprise on their faces, obviously they didn't know that she would come.

Shaohaoyue came on the cloud, and he was in front of everyone in an instant. At this time, everyone woke up like a dream, and those who were not of sufficient status rushed to greet him.

"See Yuedian."

"Wan An in Yue Palace..."

Those with high status would exchange pleasantries, "Feng Shiqi, why are you here?"

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Shimei is still as charming..."

Shao Haoyue nodded slightly, passed through several people, stood beside Ling Zhou, looked at the white-robed elder, and said again: "Teacher, I want to partner with him."

The crowd quieted down. For a moment, they suspected that there was something wrong with their ears. The invincible Yue Dian was going to partner with a good-for-nothing?
Yue Dian has never been to the academy before, Lingzhou is a trash who is in the academy except in Longgu, when did the two of them meet?Never heard of it?

Even the white-robed elder was stunned, and after a long while he asked incredulously, "You, you want to take part in the assessment?"

Shaohaoyue twitched her brows slightly, and asked back, "Can't I participate?"

It was only then that everyone remembered that although this master never came to the academy, he still had a name.

At that moment, the white-robed elder mechanically nodded, "Of course."

Shao Haoyue smiled at him, turned to look at Ling Zhou, and asked softly: "This classmate, are you willing to partner with me?"

The faces of the crowd were uncertain, and Ling Lou was the leader of the Dragon Clan in the academy. He took a step forward and asked tentatively, "Senior sister knows Shedi?"

"Who do I know and need to report to you?"

Linglou was so blocked that she couldn't speak, she smiled sarcastically: "Shimei likes to joke."

Shaohaoyue rolled her eyes unceremoniously, ignored him, and turned her attention to Lingzhou again.

From the moment she appeared, Lingzhou's eyes followed her all the time, he once suspected that he had heard or read wrongly, but he didn't believe it was true until she asked again and again, until she was close to her.

The light that once illuminated his dark world came again.


His throat was sore, and he wanted to say a lot of words, but when he caught sight of everyone looking at him out of the corner of his eye, he swallowed those words, and only a hoarse 'yes' remained in the end.

Shaohaoyue nodded, "I have a lot of things to do, so I will trouble you with the assessment rules and precautions."

"Yes, yes." Ling Zhou murmured, his voice was as low as a mosquito.

Shaohaoyue didn't care, and instead approached the three of the Feng family. After meeting each other, Shaohaoyue asked, "Why are you here?"

"Come to the dean, I have something to ask."

"The dean is in Guique Pavilion, I'll take you there." She said, looking up at the white-robed elder, "Teacher, I..."

Before she finished speaking, the elder waved his hand, "The matter of Yuedian is important, you take her there first."

Shaohaoyue left, but the crowd was blown away, all of them stared at Lingzhou like a high-intensity searchlight.

This time, their eyes were not disgust, but envy, full of envy.

"It's really shit luck, he actually climbed to Yuedian! What else are we going to assess, to compete for No.2?"

"Yeah, with her participation, this time's merits will definitely be stretched a lot, as ugly as it is."

This is pantothenic acid.

There are also those who change their minds quickly and take the opportunity to pick things up.

"What's the matter? They are four spirits with noble blood. Shouldn't they surpass us?"

As soon as this remark came out, some people from the White Tiger Clan and the Xuanwu Clan changed their expressions immediately. Obviously, they were among the four spirits who were often surpassed by other races.

"Congratulations, Shixiong, with Yue Shimei's teaching, you, as a brother, will no longer have to worry about being held back." The youngest girl of the Baihu clan spoke.

She is the youngest but has the highest status. The other white tiger teenagers respect her faintly.

"You—" Linglou was so angry that she had no choice but to look at the girl's confident gaze.

He lowered his face, looked at Lingzhou probingly, and asked, "When did you have friendship with her?"

Everyone wanted to know this question, so they closed their mouths in agreement, pricked up their ears, and waited for Lingzhou's answer.

Ling Zhou clenched his fists, showing hesitation, "I..."

Someone touched his shoulder affectionately, "You kid is not mean, we are all classmates, we all act together, you kid actually went out alone behind our backs."

"Why, are you interested in the whereabouts of my Feng Clan?" The Wen Run young man narrowed his eyes slightly, with a half-smile.

The few people who are eager to inquire are excited, and there are two other people from the Feng family here. This matter is not only Lingzhou's private matter, but also related to Shao Haoyue. If they are labeled as spying on military affairs...

"Haha, it's just a joke, just a joke."

The white-robed elder also felt that this group of people could no longer be gathered together, and directly announced the dissolution. There were two people from the Feng clan, and it was not easy for the others to force Lingzhou, so they left one after another.

After a while, Lingzhou was the only one left in the square. He stood where he was, unable to calm down for a long time.

He wanted to tell her that he didn't miss the appointment on purpose, he really wanted to go to Tianyu Mountain, but he couldn't help himself, he couldn't go anywhere except Longgu and the academy.

He wanted to say that he had never told anyone about her, including his own father...

There are so many things he wants to say, he rehearses in his heart over and over again, trying to show his best side

While waiting excitedly, the light yellow figure finally appeared, and Lingzhou mustered up the courage to go forward, "Yuedian, I..."

"Are you waiting for me here?" She seemed a little surprised when she saw him just now, and then remembered something, and patted her forehead angrily, "Hey, my brain, I forgot to leave you a message talisman."

As he spoke, his fingertips moved slightly, and he sketched out a simple communication talisman, which landed in Ling Zhou's palm.

"I have a lot of things to do, and sometimes I can't reply to messages in time, but I will read them when I have free time. If you are in a hurry, you can go to Yaoyao and the others first."

Shaohao Yao nodded to Lingzhou, and asked again: "When did you know each other?"

"I don't know each other. I just can't stand them bullying the weak."

Ling Zhou was taken aback, and suddenly opened his eyes wide, meeting her strange gaze, the excited heart in his chest suddenly cooled down.

It turned out that she had forgotten him.

He drooped his head, feeling extremely lost, and still unwilling to think about it, Ling Zhou raised his head, brushed away the broken hair on his sideburns, completely exposed his face, and asked in a low voice: "You help me only because I... am weak ?"

During this time, he kept staring at her face, expecting her to recognize it.

She was obviously taken aback, and blurted out, "Your eyes are so beautiful."

As soon as the words came out, he seemed to feel that he was being abrupt, so he smiled apologetically and answered seriously.

"The person I want to protect is also a weak person. I hope she can go out safely and return home safely. So these bullying people, I will see them once and teach them a lesson. In this way, she will be safe."

(End of this chapter)

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