Chapter 685
someone is coming!

Yun Li was startled, her consciousness fell back, and she became a little ant in the void again.

She hurriedly transmitted the voice: "Duo Duo, let's go!"

Xuan Er thought again, to come here, the strength of the visitor should be comparable to that of the hideous. For him, this maelstrom can be seen to the end at a glance, and now he is going out from under his nose.

With Duoduo's teleportation ability, there is a [-]% chance of escaping, but the other party will definitely know that they have taken the Yaodan. If they chase them directly to Canglan, wouldn't it be a disaster to go back with them.

She immediately grabbed Duo Duo, burrowed into Hide's body, and kept her breath hidden.

Let's hide first, at least not let the other party discover their true strength.

Almost as soon as they got in, there was a loud noise outside, and the spirit ship had arrived.

After some commotion, a deep and majestic voice came, "Lu Jun, take someone to set up the formation, Lu Feng, follow me to get the demon pill!"

Yunli: "..."

With a deep sigh, she communicated with Huan Shiling with her spiritual thoughts, and was going to let Dodo take her back forcibly. The troubles in the future can only be solved later, and the most important thing is to save her life right now.

Just as he was about to enter the world of Ling Nei, there was a burst of loud laughter from outside, "Hahaha, the Taoist said how mysterious your Lu family has been recently. It turns out that you killed a giant void beast!"

"Lv Hongwen!" The person in front exclaimed, his majesty was gone, and there was a trace of tension in his voice, "You follow us!"

"It's not just him!" Another voice sounded, with a teasing sense of a cat catching a mouse in his tone.

It's the enemy!

Yunli rolled her eyes, stopped her movements immediately, and at the same time made a gesture of silence for Duoduo.

As the saying goes, it is easy to fish in muddy water. When the two sides fight, they take advantage of the chaos and run away. Even if the winner finds out that the demon core is not there afterwards, he will only think that the other party walked along, and will not think about the third party at all.


Outside, looking at the monks of the Lu family, who were twice as many as them, coming out of the spirit boat one after another, the heart of the leading old man of the Lu family sank to the bottom of the valley.

"Space teleportation formation?" Seeing the formation flags and formation cards that Lu's family took out, Lu Hongwen's eyes turned jealous, and his tone turned gloomy, "It seems that Old Demon Ning left you a lot of good things!"

The old man of the Lu family was furious: "Lu Hongwen, you'd better show some respect to Venerable Wujue, don't forget, your Lu family was once the Venerable's servant!"

Old Devil Ning, Venerable Wujue?Ning Wujue? !

Yunli's eyes widened, the two parties outside are related to Ning Wujue!

The surname Ning plus the title of Venerable Wujue, the instruction should not be too obvious, even Dodo noticed it, and her eyes lit up immediately.

Yunli covered her mouth to prevent her from asking, then took her hand and wrote on the palm of her hand: "Don't talk, don't transmit sound, just pretend to be listening to a story, but don't get excited, just remember wink. '

Duoduo blinked obediently, Yunli let go of her, moved her ears to the edge of the covered flesh wall, and tried her best to open her perception.

As soon as the old man's voice fell, the members of the Lu family were breathing a little harder, and Lu Hongwen was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, with gnashed hatred in his words.

"Don't mention that devil to Master Dao, if it wasn't for him, how could my Lu family be reduced to where it is today!
Hmph, when I followed him, I didn't get any benefits. He became a devil and was arrested, but our Lu family was implicated, and everyone shouted and beat him. "

The old man of the Lu family cursed back: "White-eyed wolf! If it weren't for the venerable, your ancestors would have been dead long ago, so how can the Lu family be passed down to this day?
As a slave, you, the Lu family, betrayed your old master because it was unfaithful; as a rescued person, you were ungrateful and backstabbed your savior, it was unrighteous.

Unfaithful people, who in Qingxuan dare to associate with them?Your Lu family has today, and you have made it yourself. "

"Old man, don't be bloody, he saved our ancestor, but our ancestor also died for him!" Lu Hongwen's eyes were red, and he almost gritted his silver teeth with hatred.

"The Lu family has the formations and treasures he bestowed on them, but they can't hide them. Let our family face the reckoning of the righteous way alone. We have today, and your Lu family can't get away from it!

Master Dao has always wanted to ask your Madam Lin Yang, did her former brothers and sisters come to her for help when she dreamed back at midnight?Recalling the grand occasion of Mo Yuntian's top ten families in the past, does she regret not coming out to save people? "

Lu Hongwen was very excited, and he roared in one breath, panting heavily, and after a while, he took a deep breath and let it out, calming down a bit, and said sadly: "If you can be a human, who wants to be a dog? Back then, Mo Yuntian was ten Big family, now only our two families are left to survive."

The old man of the Lu family was speechless, and he said softly for a while: "The venerable will come back, and he will avenge us."

"Revenge? Hmph, everyone is dead, what's the use of revenge?" Lu Hongwen sneered, "Jiuliyuan is an ancient cage, written by a god, no matter how powerful Ning Laomo is, there is absolutely no possibility of escape. Hmph, Lu Family, I am waiting to see you destroy the door."

Hearing this, Yunli was stunned, since Wu Xiexiu escaped from Jiuliyuan?
No way, Jiuliyuan is not only a place of exile for evil cultivators, but also a place of assessment set up by Qingxuan's top forces.

Every 3000 years, a large number of foundation-building elites enter. If there are evil cultivators who can break the restrictions of the prison, they can take advantage of this time to go out.

For so many years, it is impossible that no one escaped successfully, right?
Amidst the doubts, the voice of the old man from the Lu family sounded again, as if he had made up his mind: "Forget it, I will tell you the truth today. It was the venerable who planned to enter Jiuliyuan back then."

Yunli was again in a daze, Ning Wujue tried his best to modify the formation, escape the golden cicada's shell, and take risks to seize the house, just to get out of Jiuliyuan and ascend to Qingxuan again.

How could it be possible to take the initiative to enter Jiuliyuan?

Not only was she unbelievable, but Lu Hongwen outside also didn't believe it at all. He sneered and said: "Old man, don't change the topic, today is your death day!"

The old man of the Lu family sighed: "I don't want to believe it either, but this is the fact. Not only entering Jiuli Yuan and becoming a cultivator, but following the demon monk Huineng is also the Venerable's plan."

"What?" Lu Hongwen couldn't believe it, but the movements of his hands stopped, obviously he believed it a little bit.

At this time, if Lu Yang wanted to lie to him, there was absolutely no need to make up such an outrageous reason that was almost absurd.

He asked in a deep voice, "Why? Why did he do that?"

The old man of the Lu family smiled wryly and shook his head, "Before the venerable left Mo Yuntian, he secretly set up a magic circle in my Lu family, and told the ancestor that he was going to enter Jiuliyuan, and he would come back after 9 years.

You know what happened later, the Venerable met the demon monk Huineng when he went out, and they became close friends without fighting. "

Lu Hongwen couldn't believe it, "So, all the 'best friends are in trouble, you have to save them' are all fake, all of this is his scheme! Even the demon monk is someone he uses?"

(End of this chapter)

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