all the way to fairy

Chapter 687 Unpredictable

Chapter 687 Unpredictable
What's even more unfortunate is that these days, she has been busy exploring, so she hasn't cut much meat at all.

The only thing that comforts her is that she has harvested the demon core. As a void creature, the ferocious demon core is of great value. Perhaps she can use this to comprehend the power of the void.

After taking Xie away, she checked the surrounding environment again, and after making sure that there was no breath left, Fang and Duoduo returned to Qingyu.

When she came out from Huanshiling, Hide had been swallowed down to only one bone, if she came out more slowly, this bone would be gone too.

As a foodie, Duoduo's mentality is much better than Yunli's. For her, anyway, she has not eaten a bite of meat so far, so there is nothing to regret.

Seeing this, Yunli secretly despised herself for being too careless about gains and losses, and not as free and easy as a child.

Seeing that the two of them had come back, they had been standing at the door, not entering the room for a long time, Wei Lin couldn't help being surprised, and raised his voice and asked, "What are you two doing standing at the door?"

Oh yes, business matters!
Yunli shook her head, shook off those regrets, and raised her voice to call Mu Yananran next door.

The matter of Ning Wujue is full of weirdness, so it needs to be discussed carefully.

After listening to their narration, the three of Wei Lin couldn't regain their senses for a long time. They had seen Ning Wujue's layout and planning as early as in Jiuliyuan, and they never expected that they still underestimated him.

In the past, I only thought that he was cooperating with the 'demon' on the surface, but secretly made the other party a target to attract the attention of experienced monks, which was too cunning.

Now it seems that it is more than just cunning, the demon monk Hui Neng is simply his best tool man, being used time and time again.

The question is, for what purpose?
From the dialogue between the two families, it is not difficult to find that he was once the overlord of the Qingxuan star field, and with his talent and scheming, it is not known whether he will dominate Qingxuan in the future.

Why not hesitate to destroy the foundation, but also enter Jiuliyuan?
After a while, Wei Lin said: "Shaohao Luo once said that Jiuliyuan is an independent small world. Could his goal be Jiuliyuan, the secret realm itself?"

Yunli frowned and said "huh", "An independent small world is indeed attractive enough, but there is no need to enter it?"

If he becomes the strongest in Qingxuan, he can always find a way to take Jiuliyuan for his own use, so he doesn't have to become an evil cultivator and go in himself.

Moreover, the success rate of refining Jiuliyuan with the profound power of the cultivation base is higher than that of the little monk.

In addition, the doubts about Ning Wujue are not limited to this point. At the beginning, they guessed that he might have a way to reincarnate with his memory.

After discussing for a long time, Yunli's head was bald, and she still had no clue.

She simply said: "The easiest way is to find his reincarnation and kill him, no matter what schemes he has, he will not be able to break through."

Wei Lin spread his hands, "Then here comes the question, where can I find him?"

He had a feeling that even if he really found Ning Wujue's reincarnation, it might not be an easy matter to kill him.

This person is really thoughtful, since he dared to make a contract with Ah Li that day, he also noticed the loopholes in the contract after thinking about it.

Perhaps, except for the fact that he was not sure about Ah Li, he was not afraid of the others at all.

He exhaled, and concluded: "Okay, let's ignore this matter for the time being, the most important thing is to improve our own strength."

Yunli sighed lightly, that was the only way to go.

"Unfortunately, the ferocious corpse was absorbed by Huanshiling, you can't use it to refine your body."

Wei Lin waved his hand: "It's okay, it's just a matter of pie in the sky, it's good to get some benefits, there's no rush for body training."

"You're still open-minded!" Yunli's depression was swept away, and she also felt that she was too impatient, so she ignored this matter and they got something for nothing.

It is the Lu family who should be crying now.

The Lu family, who was missed by her, didn't know that the cooked duck flew away at this time, and they were still chasing the Lu family with all their might.

When Lu Yang finally stopped the Lu family's spirit ship, fought hard with Lu Jun for many days, killed the Lu family and turned back, met the Lu family who chased them out, he immediately lost his mood.

This group of trash is really embarrassing to the formation mages, they can't even stop a group of Dharma cultivators who are comparable to them.

Fortunately, he cooperated with Lu Jun to assassinate Lu Hongwen, who had the highest cultivation level, otherwise, he would really be buried here today.

After a while, when I met Lu's family and heard what happened after they left, Lu Yang felt cold and broke!

He personally commanded the siege of the giant void beast, and finally killed it at the expense of dozens of people's lives.

He is very clear about the serious injury, it is impossible to live at all, even if it is really not dead, it only has its last breath left, how dangerous it can be.

Now I just hope that Hide is really not dead, not what he guessed.

He immediately drove the spirit boat to the great whirlpool, saw the empty void, Lu Yang's mind buzzed, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

The worst result happened, Hide was intercepted.

The other party also heard the biggest secret of the Lu family.

"Run away." Someone said softly, with lingering fear in his tone.

His words brought Lu Yang back to his senses from the dizziness, and a burst of anger rushed straight to his forehead. He turned around and kicked hard.

"Run away! Idiot! A bunch of idiots!"

The formation mage was kicked into a daze, facing the exposed Lu Yang, he didn't dare to call out his grievances, and only conveyed his grievances with his eyes.

Seeing that they still didn't know what was wrong, Lu Yang was angry and sad. After tens of thousands of years of lingering, the clan members have been inferior to each other. They have long since lost the arrogance and courage of Mo Yuntian's top ten families.

Weak and timid, he didn't even check, and was easily deceived by others. With such a junior, can the Lu family really regain its former glory?

The Lu family who are dogs for Zhengdao are more ruthless than them.

Lu Jun supported the shaking Lu Yang, and said, "Patriarch calm down! In such a short time, he can't run far. I'll try to track Mo Yunjian."

Yes, there is Mo Yunjian!
Lu Yang was angry and hopeful again. In this boundless void, they were looking for Mo Yun's arrows to track down the hideous place.

Whoever it is, this person must be found!

The old ancestor's lifespan has come to an end, if she doesn't have this Void Giant Beast Pill in exchange for a life-enhancing spiritual item, she may not be able to last long.

Once the old ancestor dies, the Lu family will completely become a piece of fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered. In the days to come, even the Lu family may be worse.

Unfortunately, he was destined to be disappointed.

No matter how Lu Jun used his perception, Mo Yunjian was not tracked down, not only that, but there was no trace left on the spot.

There was fear in Lu Yang's eyes. Lu Jun's Moyun Arrow is also called the Life-seeking Arrow. As long as it is still in the same world, he will definitely feel the breath of Moyun Arrow.

How long has passed, and the other party is no longer in the void. With this speed, there are only a few superpowers who are known for their speed.

Being cut off by Da Neng during the Transcendence Tribulation Period, there is no need to think about revenge.

Now, it's not that they pursue the question of the other party's interception, but the question of whether the other party will let them go.

(End of this chapter)

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