As long as the low-level immortals have the ability, they can obtain enough cultivation resources.

In Xingque, the main conflict is the battle between immortals and demons. Within the immortal clan, especially the low-level immortal clan, there are much fewer cases of ruthless fighting against each other than in the lower realm.

After Yufu, the majestic male cultivator also stopped refining the fairy water to thank Mu Yan, and then the four of them each occupied a corner of the Ascension Immortal Pond to transform the immortal energy.

Soon, Wei Lin had transformed all the vitality in his body into immortal power, and according to what Mu Yan said, he continued to refine the Immortal Water.

The celestial power in the body increased rapidly, and soon reached the limit. Unlike the overflow when breaking through the realm, the body swelled to the point of bursting, the meridians were pulled, and the pain was painful, as if it would break in the next second.

He didn't intend to give up at all, and continued to refine Shengxianshui with a stubborn belief.

Only at this time did he realize the benefits of the Jade Blood Ganoderma lucidum.

Due to the stretching of Jade Blood Ganoderma lucidum, his meridian dantian has always been wider and larger than that of ordinary monks. Among the same rank, his cultivation base is naturally deeper.

At this time, another benefit of Jade Blood Ganoderma lucidum was revealed, the meridians and dantian were full of toughness, and the tolerance limit was far beyond that of ordinary people.

Half an hour later, the male cultivator couldn't hold on first and left the Immortal Immortal Pond, and the female cultivator named Yufu only lasted half a cup of tea longer than him.

Wei Lin nodded, "Let's go."

"Where are we going?" As soon as the two boarded the fairy boat, Yufu pulled Mu Yan and asked, obviously treating her as a native guide.

He couldn't help but feel that it is indeed a treasure of heaven and earth that was included in the blood lineage of the Feng Clan, and it is indeed miraculous.

Different plane environments have different world rules. They have just ascended and have not yet adapted to the world rules of Xingque. If they hadn't converted all the energy in their bodies into immortal power, it would be difficult for them to walk.

Sex: Male
Date of Birth (Ascension): Xingque Calendar******
Dao industry: sword repair

At this time, the combination of Shengxianshui and Jade Blood Ganoderma lucidum is a virtuous circle and complements each other.

"Name, Taoism." An old, hoarse voice sounded.

Wei Lin suppressed his joy and continued to refine until the potency of the Jade Blood Ganoderma lucidum was completely absorbed, and the meridians reached their limit again, so he stopped.

is blood!

After being stunned for a moment, Wei Lin was overjoyed. It turned out that the medicinal power that had been incorporated into the inner walls of the meridians had not been fully absorbed.

Seeing that he still didn't intend to accept his merits, Mu Yan was secretly anxious, and didn't want to interrupt rashly.

The one on the right has a handsome face and flowing clothes, while on the left is a tall, strong man with broad shoulders and broad back.

Looking soft and weak, he looked like he hadn't suffered much, but he persisted for a whole hour!
These years, Wei Lin practiced like his life, and treated himself very harshly.Naturally, he would not let go of this opportunity to improve his potential easily.

Just as he was about to finish his work, a wave of warmth and coolness suddenly rose in his body. Looking inside, some bloody essence oozes out of the Dantian meridian that has reached its limit.

Mu Yan knew this very well. To prevent accidents, she didn't go out, but helped him protect the law by the pool.

He's at his limit.

Is this all right?

Wei Lin took the card, turned around and walked out of the hall suspiciously, he looked at the jade-colored card in his hand, there were a few lines of small characters on it:
serial number:******
Name: Wei Lin

The two cards flashed with light, and quickly regained their composure, flying towards the two of them.

The brawny man stroked his bald head, which was barren, and said loudly, "Where are you going? Of course it's a training camp for newcomers. With your current strength, do you still want to go directly to the battlefield of immortals and demons?"

"Mu Yan, Danxiu."

It hurts so much, the whole body seems to be torn and reshaped. Even though they have been practicing for many years, they have experienced all kinds of storms and waves, so it is unbearable at this time.

"Congratulations to the head!" Mu Yan admired, the benefits of Immortal Pond are self-evident, but the pain in the process is also huge, the longer you stay, the harder it is to bear.

The two of them stepped out of the Ascendant Immortal Pond and went to the reception hall. A white-haired old woman was lying on a rocking chair, her eyes closed, and she was rocking slowly.

At this time, five hours have passed since the first entry into the pool.

The highest record before her death was that of Goddess Ye Nian, the founder of the Goddess Palace. It lasted seven hours. I don't know if anyone broke this record later.

Wei Lin glanced at the old woman who was still closed and seemed to be asleep, and replied, "Wei Lin, Jianxiu."

At this moment, Wei Lin's consciousness is blurred, and he feels that the meridian is about to fall apart. He has some regrets, has he reached the limit...

Mu Yan's expression changed slightly, and soon he noticed a thin mist of blood oozing from his pores, and after a while, the seven orifices were bleeding at the same time.

As time passed, the pool water around Wei Lin's body turned a faint red color, and he could still smell a faint fishy smell.

When the two approached, the crystal ball lit up, giving off a milky white halo, and two cards flew out, floating in front of them.

Mu Yan actually didn't know much about the human race, but she knew about this question, and was about to answer when two guides flew out of the hall.

In the past 500 years, the Qingyu School has not only spread its reputation far and wide in the Canglan world, becoming the top sect, but also in the Qingxuan Star Field, with the fame of several of them, they have shocked Qingxuan.

Wei Lin's footsteps paused, and he cautiously stepped out of the reception hall. Sure enough, the next second, he felt his body inexplicably heavy, as if he had returned to the mortal period, and he was no longer light and buoyant with the power of transcending tribulation, and his strength was overflowing.

Race: Terran

Under the nourishment of these unknown liquids, the activity of the meridians that have been stretched to the limit is greatly increased, and it is full of elasticity, and it is no problem to persist for another hour.

This is... Jade Blood Ganoderma lucidum?

Wei Lin was silent for a moment, then said: "Now there are only three of us in Xingque, let's change our name."

"Fairy Demon Battlefield?"

Seeing them, Yufu waved away.

Merit: Zero
He tried to input celestial power, a figure appeared, it was himself, and then he heard four words indifferently: "Wei Lin, sword cultivator."

As for Xingque, they also plan to copy the history of growth in Qingxuan, slowly absorb talents, and then build Qingyu.

Unexpectedly, it was Mu Yan.

Mu Yan thought for a while and said, "Brother Wei."

This is the Ninefold Star Que's Immortal Certificate, one for everyone, and its main function is to record meritorious deeds for exchange for resources, promotion, supplemented by identity verification, and population control.
Outside the hall, a fairy boat was parked, and there were about ten people standing on it, including the two Yufu who came out earlier than them.

On the table in front of him was a stack of jade cards shaped like jade slips and a milky white crystal ball.

"Okay." The old voice sounded again.


Everyone was stunned, isn't this the fairy world, isn't it a place to eat wind and drink dew, and seek longevity? How come there are demons?

The bald-headed man stared wide-eyed: "They all ascended from the middle-level plane, so you haven't heard of demons, have you?"

"I've heard of it, but it's a legendary thing, and I don't know if it's true or not. I heard that where the demons passed by, all the lives were burnt and everything was wiped out."

At the critical moment, the strong man bared his teeth and smiled: "Here, as long as you think about it, you can see demons every day."

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