all the way to fairy

Chapter 733 Solicitation

As time went by, both sides were exhausted, and many people's immortal strength and physical strength were exhausted, and both immortals and devils started the drug-taking mode.

Wei Lin was no exception. These elixirs were all prepared by Mu Yan in the lower realm. Due to the limitation of materials, their effects were not very obvious.

The other monks who had just ascended were even more miserable. They didn't know the situation in the fairy world and were not well prepared, so they could only support it hard. In the later stage, everyone had to cooperate to defend against the enemy.

Just when everyone was exhausted, they finally waited to change defenses.

Back behind the front line, many people were so tired that they collapsed on the spot and fell asleep.

Battalion Commander Zhang Duo forced himself to be exhausted, and signaled Wei Lin and his party to go over: "Come here, I'll check the merits, and those who have five points can choose to leave."

Wei Lin quickly transferred five points to Mu Yan, while Ai Si approached Yufu and took her to the side to seek cooperation. I don't know how they talked about it. When they came back, Ai Si's fairy certificate had added five points of merit.

After some inspection, among the 13 people, only three are not enough, and the difference is not much. One has four points of merit, and two have three points of merit.

Of the remaining ten people, Mu Yan and Ai Si were dug out, and half of them exceeded by a large margin, especially Wei Lin, who was far ahead with 350 and two points of merit, followed by Yufu, with 130 and seven points of merit.

Zhang Duo was shocked, as expected they fought up from the lower realms step by step, their feats were not comparable to many veteran immortal soldiers.

After obtaining the residence qualification, you can earn meritorious service in other ways, not limited to killing demons.

For half a month, Wei Lin was silent, and asked: "Can I go back to the training camp to rest before joining the battle?"

"As long as you are willing to join my family's private army, in addition to the meritorious service of beheading the demons themselves, you can also receive a salary from my family every month."

When they are strong and have a deeper understanding of Xing Que, then they will not be too passive.

Now, he very much hopes that Wei Lin can stay in their war zone, and hopes that the conditions offered by Elder Jun will impress him.

Now, their strength is low, so of course they can't refuse directly, if the opponent is small-minded and intends to target them, they will have nothing to do, and can only use dragging tactics.

In the human race, except for the four major families of Shen, Song, Qi, and Zhao, the other aristocratic families and sects are divided into upper, middle, and lower ranks. According to the different fairylands where the family is located, they belong to the four major families.

However, he still likes to be his own master, besides, they want to rebuild the Lantau faction in Xingque, so naturally they cannot rely on other forces.

Wei Lin responded with a smile, turned around and walked towards the commanding tent, he was very clear about Elder Jun's purpose, to recruit them.

A group of people returned to the rookie training camp at the rear, Wei Lin was resuming the game after the battle, when the door ban rang.

The implication is that in the following days, he will stay in this line of defense to participate in the battle.

"Of course." Facing him, Zhang Duo's tone was much softer unconsciously. There was no sneak attack by the Shadow Sparrow in this battle, and the casualty rate of the soldiers was much lower.

The receiving task is not difficult, it is [-] points of merit, [-] points for me, [-] points for Lao Fang, and [-] points for each of us. "

If you need any resources in your future cultivation, if the Jun family has it, you can get it at a price lower than the market price, and if the Jun family doesn't have it, help find it. "

For those who are new to Xingque, it is hard not to be tempted.

He got up and went out, opened the restraint, and it was Zhu Yu who came, he was a little surprised, Zhu Yu is actually an important foreign steward of Jun's family, who is full-time to drive the fairy boat.

Suppressing the surprise in his heart, he looked at the ten people with enough meritorious service: "The last time the fairy boat flew to the mainland of Xingque, it will leave in half a month. During this period, you can stay in the rookie training camp first. Can."

It was not the first time for Jun Tianming to do the job of recruiting people, and it was the first time he encountered this kind of reaction. He was stunned for a moment and forgot to speak.

The Jun family's family is located in the Cangxuan Immortal Territory, which belongs to a low-rank family. The defense area they are in is precisely the responsibility of the Jun family.

Wei Lin gave him another reassurance: "There is a saying in the world that is good, if you are familiar with it, you are not a stranger. If you are a newcomer and unfamiliar with the place of life, it is always good to be able to fight with familiar people."

It's understandable for those who come out of the lower world to be cautious.

To be honest, the Jun family is very sincere, with generous rewards and reasonable conditions, even taking into account the squeeze they are worried about.

This condition is not unreasonable, and Yufu who had no intention could not help but ask: "The condition is only to join the Jun family?"

Jun Tianming smiled slightly, confident in his mind: "To be precise, it is to stay in my Jun's private army, as long as a certain rate of battle is guaranteed every year.

After exchanging simple greetings, Zhu Yuhuang shook his fairy certificate, and said, "It was thanks to you last time, and you deserve a share of the merits of that mission."


Zhu Yufei made a quick trick and transferred the four points of merit: "Don't be polite to us, you deserve it. You just came to Xingque, and you have to buy everything. It's the time when you lack merit.

Of course, Yufu couldn't let go of Wei Lin's probationary period, so she immediately politely said that she would think about it again.

Yufu smiled softly: "Friend Wei Xian, I invite you first."

Said, looked at Yufu, and asked gently: "Where is this little friend?"

Zhang Duo smiled, pointed at the command tent, and said to Wei Lin and Yu Fu, "By the way, Elder Jun has something to talk to you about, so hurry up, it's a good thing."

Jun Tianming readily agreed, anyway, they will fight the enemy together with Jun's private army during this period, there is plenty of time.

Sure enough, as soon as they entered the command tent, the elder surnamed Jun skipped all the greetings and temptations, went straight to the point, extended an invitation to them, and set out generous conditions.

"Divide my merits?" Wei Lin was surprised, he had experienced many battles for loot in the lower realms, and he was not used to suddenly meeting someone who shared his merits.

Of course, if the Jun family is in danger, you have to help, and other extra tasks will be paid separately.

Thinking of his ease on the battlefield, Jun Tianming didn't press hard, he nodded with a smile: "Alright, understanding is for both sides, you should also take this opportunity to get to know our Jun family well."

Wei Lin smiled, his heart was moved, but he still had concerns, and wanted to refer to his opinion.

But he is mainly responsible for picking up and guiding people who have ascended, and he will be called temporarily only in emergencies.

After deliberating for a moment, Wei Lin proudly said: "I think I deserve better conditions, why don't Elder Jun wait a bit longer, if the Jun family wants to recruit someone, they must know the strength of the target."

Wei Lin looked at the four additional points of meritorious deeds on the certificate of immortals, thoughtfully. It seems that Xingque is indeed very different from the lower realm, and the way of doing things needs to be adjusted slightly.

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey, and convey my thanks to Fang Xianyou for me."

Tianyu Mountain, a small building in the language of the mountain.

"Your Highness, the Seventh Highness is here."

Kong Qing's voice came from outside, and Shao Haoyue got up, "Please."

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