Chapter 748

Mu Yan rented a cave in Pinglu City and became a peripheral alchemist of Jun's family, and the alchemy he made was sold to Jun's family first.

With the protection of Jun's family, the two shark slaves went there to be her company, it was safe and they could also help her.

Jun Yushan glanced at Zhang Duo and the others, and changed to sound transmission: "It's not that brothers don't help you, the Wang family is watching me closely right now, and the other courtyard in Liyuan City should have been under the close attention of the Wang family. As long as there is a little I contacted the signs at home, and they would all bring disaster to Jun's family!

After photographing Fenli Baiyutao, he had to wait until after the crisis before sending it to his elder brother. "

"Your Jun family doesn't have a top-secret contact method?" Wei Lin frowned. He is also a family, so there should be several confidential contact methods.

"Of course there is, but it's definitely not something I can know."

Wei Lin is silent, too, the family's top secrets have always been in the hands of the core executives, and Jun Yushan is just a descendant of a side branch. If it weren't for the failure of the first branch of the Jun family, he, the third son of the Jun family, could only do odd jobs and has no weight.

After thinking about it, he asked, "How can I contact the person in charge of Feimiao Pavilion?"

Jun Yushan was stunned, "You want to..."

Wei Lin smiled slightly, "Since it's inconvenient for us, let the seller deliver the goods to your door."

Jun Yushan's eyes lit up, what a good idea!
Behind Feimiao Pavilion is His Royal Highness Feng Qi, even if the Wang family had a hundred courage, they would not dare to follow the caravan of Feimiao Pavilion!

After he took the pink glass white jade peach, he could also entrust Miao Pavilion to bring it to his elder brother!

The two talked for a while, and transmitted voices for a while, making Zhang Duo and the others thoughtful.

The two people who had made an appointment that day returned to the city in a hurry, and called the third battalion to escort them under the pretext of escorting the pink glass white jade peaches that had not yet been auctioned.

But everyone is a genius, knowing that the more they know, the sooner they die, so they ignore it and pretend they don't know anything.

However, although they pretended not to know on the surface, they couldn't avoid guessing in their hearts, especially the solemn expressions of the two parties, showing signs of imminent disaster from time to time, and everyone was even more disturbed.

After thinking for a while, Wei Lin said via voice transmission: "This is not a long-term solution. The Wang family will definitely be able to find out the purpose of your coming to Feimiao Pavilion. If you don't send it to the eldest son for a long time, why don't you tell them that you have a problem?"

Jun Yushan's head started to hurt again, he took a deep breath, and said via voice transmission: "Take a step and take a look, first take a picture of the pink glass white jade peach."

After five main lots and one extra lot, finally came the pink glass white jade peach that Jun Yushan was thinking of.

Following Xingwei's movements, a round and plump fairy peach the size of an adult's fist flew out of the jade box, spinning slowly, and showing it to everyone in all directions.

Xiantao is white in green and red in white, pink and juicy, and the skin is as clear as glass, and the rich flesh inside can be clearly seen.

Xingwei smiled at the corner of her mouth, and her voice was as gentle as water: "Many distinguished guests must have recognized it, pink glass white jade peach, pure celestial power, excellent taste, can nourish the body and cure chronic diseases.

The most important thing is that this is the fruit of the ancient sacred tree, which contains a trace of the Dao of heaven and earth. If you are lucky enough to penetrate it, the Daluo Jinxian is right outside the door.The starting price is three hundred water clouds..."

"Three hundred and three!" Before Xingwei finished speaking, a male voice floated out, eager to bid.

"Three hundred and five." The woman's voice floated from the next door to Wei Lin and the others.

Jun Yushan cleared his throat, and quickly joined in: "Four hundred water cloud coins."

It is impossible to pick up a bargain for this kind of item, bid early, join the competition, and show the determination that is bound to win, so as to have a chance to push back other people.

"Four hundred and two." The woman next door added calmly.

Jun Yushan was about to speak, but was preempted by someone, "Four hundred and six."

"Four hundred and eight." It was the woman next door again, still adding twenty water cloud coins to the previous price.

"Five hundred and three water cloud coins." Other competitors joined in.


Wei Lin was amazed, the price was almost a thousand in ten minutes, and the competition was the fiercest today.

Jun Yushan also realized that something was wrong, as long as someone made a bid, the woman next door would always add [-] water cloud coins at the first time, and never failed, it was obvious that she was bound to win.

Besides her, the man who was the first to bid impatiently had his teeth gnashing in his voice. He was obviously reaching the limit, but he still didn't give up. He made bubbles from time to time, but the increase was small.

There are also seven or eight bidders who bid irregularly, and there is no emotion in their voices for the time being.

While he was struggling, the price continued to rise, reaching more than 2000 Shuiyun coins.

Wei Lin was stunned, and tilted his head to ask: "Could it be that Fenli Baiyutao can really comprehend the Dao of Heaven and Earth?"

It can be seen from the previous auction items that besides expounding on the functions of the items as usual, Fairy Xingwei also likes to inspire the buyer's fluke with some one-in-a-kind possibilities.

He thought that the so-called Great Dao of Heaven and Earth was just a gimmick, but now this posture seems real?
Jun Yushan smiled wryly, "Fenli Baiyutao does contain Dao rhyme, but it is very weak. It is impossible to comprehend the Tao of heaven and earth through this, but it is a Dao fruit after all, and its efficacy is far superior to ordinary fairy fruits.

Most importantly, it has a slight improvement effect on congenital diseases. "

Wei Lin suddenly realized that he had heard a saying that the human body constitutes a universe of its own, encompassing everything, and if it can be discovered completely, even a mortal can become immortal in one day.

Congenital insufficiency, the way of the human body is lacking, the powder glass white jade peach contains the rhyme of the way, presumably it is the way to make up for the way.

After a few words between the two, the price soared again by more than 1000. Now, only the woman in the private room next door and another lazy male fairy are left to bid.

The woman is as calm as before, and the man is as calm as ever, as lazy as if enjoying the scenery in his own back garden. The only thing in common is that they have a lot of confidence, far below their limit.

Jun Yushan was secretly anxious, the amount allocated to him by the family was only four thousand, including his own, barely enough for ten thousand Shuiyun coins.Looking at the posture of these two people, ten thousand is easy.

After thinking about it, he raised his voice: "Eight thousand!"

The audience was silent, and the woman next door was silent for the first time, and she was obviously stunned when she didn't increase the price in time.

After two breaths, a calm female voice came from the next door again, "Add twenty."

Jun Yushan gritted his teeth and bid: "Eight thousand and five!"

The scene was silent for a while, and the lazy male voice chuckled, "Interesting, Jiuqian."

"Nine thousand three!" Jun Yushan clenched his fists.

"Add twenty." The calm female voice sounded again, like a machine.

Wei Lin raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the next door, his heart moved, and he said, "Brother Jun, it doesn't look like this female fairy really wants to shoot, she might be raising the price on purpose."

"Deliberately raising the price..." Jun Yushan murmured, and said in a daze, "You mean, she might be the one who sent the auction?"

Wei Lin nodded, "That's right. Since it's the owner, maybe she still has some. If you can't get this one off, you can buy it from her privately."

(End of this chapter)

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