Mentioning the old man, Ye Ying's mood unconsciously became depressed. At that time, she was still Bai Xi's Taoist companion, but when people mentioned Bai Xi, the most important person in Bai Xi's life was not her, but Qing, who was as famous as Bai Xi. emperor.

In this regard, she felt powerless, but there was nothing she could do.

In the beginning, she was also Qingxuan's famous genius. Although she was not as good as Baixi Qingluo, she was not far behind.

But after entering the Mahayana stage, her cultivation stagnated, unable to make a breakthrough, and she was slowly left far behind by them.

For Qing Luo, Nightingale was both jealous and looked up to.

"Later, the demons from the upper realm descended. In just a few months, the Qingxuan Starfield was reduced to purgatory. The upper realm sent immortal envoys, including Baixi and Qingluo.

That battle was extremely tragic, the star field collapsed, and our homeland, the Canglan Tianyu, was not spared and was reduced to a small world; three of the five immortal envoys fell, including Qingluo.

It was at that time that Bai Xi obtained Xiaoqian World, which laid the foundation for her future immortal journey and became the No.1 Ascension Immortal.

In order not to sever the inheritance of those families and sects that were destroyed in the war, before returning to the fairy world, Baixi set up a secret realm in Baidi Garden in Canglan, and kept the unique knowledge of those sects and families in it. It is also there, I heard that it is the core of the secret realm. "

Wei Lin was completely stunned. He had heard about the disaster in the Qingxuan Starfield in ancient times, but he never thought that the Ye Luo Lingkong Sword Art was created by the immortal envoy who quelled that disaster.

After a long time, he asked: "I'm a little puzzled. Since you are looking for a successor for Emperor Qing, why didn't Immortal Baixi leave a copy of the sword formula to the Bai family?"

"Do you think anyone can learn this sword art?" Nightingale said enviously in her tone. She is a living example. She has no talent, and she has practiced for so long, but she is only scratching the surface.

She sighed: "You have been practicing for a long time, so you must be very clear that this set of swordsmanship really shows its power starting from the fifth form of Wanshiqingliu. And to practice this form, you must comprehend the sword intent. Sword cultivation technique!
Strictly speaking, there are only five moves in Ye Luo's volleying sword art, and Wanshi Qingliu is the real first move. The first four moves are purely to ensure that before the practitioner comprehends the meaning of the sword, he can still have a powerful attack and live well.

Behind the sword formula, the core lies in the wind, which requires practitioners to comprehend the law of the wind, and the eighth form, West Wind Evening Photo, must master the law of the wind to practice it. "

Wei Lin:! ! !
He said why this trick was still futile, it turned out that he had to understand the law of wind.Judging from this requirement, Ye Luo's volleying sword art is a sword fairy's skill!
Wait, five styles?
The evergreen stream, the east wind turns into rain, the strong wind chases the sun, and the west wind shines at night, isn’t it the four styles?Where did the fifth form come from?
Seeming to see his doubts, Nightingale said: "The last stance is in the hands of Bai Xi. When you become a master of swordsmanship, you can go to him."

"Thank you for letting me know, senior!" Wei Lin was both surprised and delighted. The power of each move in the back of Ye Luo's volleying sword art is several times that of the previous moves. The current sword art is already very powerful, and there is still one more move.

However, this still didn't explain why Bai Xi didn't leave the sword formula to the Bai family.

On the contrary, just because Ye Luo Lingkong has high requirements and leaves it to a hermit family with a deep heritage, wouldn't it be easier to help Qingdi find a successor?
Facing his questioning, Nightingale said: "Qingluo doesn't like the way the Bai family behaves. If her successor is a descendant of the Bai family, Qingluo's spirit in heaven will not rest in peace."

"Just because of this?"

Wei Lin suspects that most people are selfish, and there are many people in the lower realm who destroy people's families for a high-grade kung fu. Immortal Baixi can resist and not leave such a high-grade sword formula to his family.

Nightingale was silent, and said softly after a while: "He told me this reason. I used to believe it firmly, but now, I'm not sure."

Wei Lin saw that she didn't want to say any more, so he stopped holding her.

After bidding farewell to Nightingale, he found a place to rest. Even if he replenished his immortal and physical strength from endless battles, he would inevitably be mentally exhausted.

At this time, in the ninth war zone, the arrival of reinforcements reversed the situation instantly, not only stabilizing the line of defense, but also forcing the magic army to retreat steadily.

Considering that the soldiers in the original defense zone had been fighting fiercely for many days, the newly appointed coach asked them to retire and rest.

A lower-ranking officer looked around and whispered, "Hey, where did that junior with outstanding swordsmanship go?"

"Yeah, man, a junior with such outstanding swordsmanship, you have to recommend him to the higher-ups."

"Who are you talking about?" A strange voice cut in, and the two chatting raised their heads. It turned out to be the new coach, Zhou Shaoyou, the fourth son of the Zhou family.

The two saluted quickly, and then replied respectfully: "A junior, I haven't had time to ask for his name, but he is beautiful with swordsmanship, and when he grows up, he must be a fierce general..."

The two praised Wei Lin fiercely, and Zhou Shaoyou immediately became interested: "Go find him and meet me."

People, of course, cannot be found, and the protagonists of their talks have returned to the seventh war zone.

Seeing the empty line of defense, Wei Lin was stunned, what's going on, where's the person?

After thinking about it, he went to the recruit training camp at the rear, which was also empty, but there were still a few people left behind.

He landed in the city, asked someone to ask, and saw an acquaintance from a distance, Zhu Yu, the envoy who brought them here at the beginning.

"Hey, a few days ago, the thirteenth lady of the Zhou family suddenly brought a large army to take over our seventh war zone, and caught the demon boys by surprise. Now the battle line has been pushed to the Yinliu fjord thousands of miles away."

Wei Lin wondered why it sounded like the Zhou family had known that the demon army was going to switch defenses.

Zhu Yu smiled brightly, "There is an order from above to attack in an all-round way, the battle of Yueqing Realm is coming to an end soon!
"By the way, you want to earn meritorious deeds. Now is a good time. The Immortal Alliance has offered high rewards. Now the meritorious service for killing demons is [-]% higher than usual, and you can also exchange them for magical artifacts in advance.

Lao Fang also went to the front line. Hey, unfortunately, I am not good at fighting, so going there is also a hindrance. "

After asking for some other information, Wei Lin pressed his doubts, bid farewell to Zhu Yu, and rushed to Silver Stream Fjord, but before he arrived, a familiar figure appeared in his field of vision.

"Senior Nightingale! Why..."

Before he could finish asking, Nightingale said, "The void has been blocked, and I can't get out now."

"Our fairy clan blocked it?"

"How do you know?" Nightingale was surprised.

Wei Lin was thoughtful, and it seemed that the Yueqing battle was really coming to an end, so he immediately told Nightingale the information he had learned from Zhu Yu.

Unable to get out, and with high meritorious service rewards, Nightingale immediately planned to join the battle.

Not long after, the two rushed to Yinliufjord, and saw smoke billowing from a distance, and the sound of fighting was earth-shattering.

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