all the way to fairy

Chapter 791 Ceremony

Chapter 791 Ceremony (2)

Everyone showed their original expressions. Luck is so mysterious that anything is possible.

From their point of view, it is normal to rely on luck to be on the list, and rely on strength, heh, who would believe it?
Many people are secretly calculating in their hearts, how much shit luck this is, and how many seriously injured strong men have been picked up, in order to accumulate meritorious service and be listed on the list.

"Luck is also a kind of strength." The bearded man looked eagerly, "My name is Cheng Xuan, the leader of the Wolf Smoke Legion, boy, are you interested in joining my Wolf Smoke Legion?"

Wei Lin sighed secretly, before the ceremony started, someone had already started recruiting.

The way he can think of is to deal with this group of people first, and register quickly after returning to the Xingque mainland, regardless of whether they have enough cultivation or not, whether they are polished commanders or not, first pull up the banner of the Qingyu faction.

The question is, how to deal with the current solicitation?

He was still pondering over his words when a voice came in, "Cheng Laosan, don't you dare to refuse you when you bully the juniors, right? After the ceremony, each faction put forward conditions, and he can accept whichever force he wants to accept." Where are you, what are you in a hurry for now?"

A charming female fairy also said: "Brother Cheng Xuan, you must behave yourself."

The crowd burst into laughter, and then began to talk about the upcoming military rewards. People around chatted with Wei Lin from time to time, or made insinuations about his background, or kindly gave him information about the science popularization ceremony.

The goal is very clear, brush up his favorability in advance to prepare for the subsequent solicitation.

Wei Lin heaved a sigh of relief for a while, with a proper smile on his lips, he concentrated on being a listener, and only answered a few simple questions when asked.

As time went by, more and more people came, especially the arrival of several Daluo Jinxians, which quieted down the chattering people.

After an unknown amount of time, Wei Lin heard Cheng Xuan's excited voice, "The higher-ups are here."

The high-ranking immortals in Yueqing Realm naturally refer to the talented juniors from four families and four clans. He looked up nervously, and a group of young men in brocade and neon clothes came into view.

Although the Yueqing Realm is a battlefield for the juniors, there are many elders in small forces like the Jun family who are helping them. Seeing these people, Wei Lin felt that the battlefield for the juniors was worthy of the name.

He quickly searched for the location of the Feng Clan, and locked on a familiar face, oval face, willow-leaf eyebrows, clear orange eyes, skin as white as jade, who was talking to Shaohao Luo next to him with his head tilted.

Unfortunately, that's not her.

Wei Lin's eyes moved, and he searched back and forth for the children of the Feng clan, but he couldn't find Shaohaoyue.

After the group of teenagers took their seats after a brief exchange of greetings, a seat was vacant in the area where the Feng clan was located.

She really didn't come.

Wei Lin's heart fell back to the bottom of the valley in an instant, a huge sense of loss overwhelmed him, and it was difficult to maintain a polite smile on his face. Fortunately, at this time, everyone's attention was on the senior officials of the Xianmeng in front, and no one noticed his expression. abnormal.

He let out his breath slowly, comforting himself silently, he didn't expect to reunite so early at first, it's just that the unexpected joy fell through.

A reunion is bound to come...

He was doing mental construction when he suddenly heard three thick and distant bells, and the venue was silent for a moment. At the same time, his heart trembled, as if boundless dignity fell.

Feeling something in Wei Lin's heart, he raised his eyes to look at the floating platform in the air, and at some point there was a young man in white clothes and gold decorations on it, with three thousand black hair untied, fluttering slightly, against the sky, like a god Incarnate.

Of course, to some extent, young people can indeed be called gods.

Is this Fengjun, the king of the Feng clan, and Ah Li's real father.

He was clearly standing there, but when he looked over, his field of vision was vast. If he closed his eyes, his appearance seemed to be engraved in the depths of his soul. He could not forget but could not describe his appearance.

Wei Lin's heart trembled, is this the Dao Ancestor Realm? It is indeed as vast as the deep sea, unfathomable!
When the lingering sound of the last bell dissipated, Feng Jun slowly opened his lips: "In ancient times, evil spirits raged, from the stars to the billions of small worlds, all were purgatory.

The ancestors killed the demons, established the immortal alliance, and saved the common people from the fire and water. For hundreds of millions of years, the immortal alliance has carried on the will of the ancestors and blocked the evil spirits in the stars, so that hundreds of millions of creatures can multiply and prosper.

In order to encourage the slaughter of demons and benefit the common people, our immortal clan has always made great military achievements.In this battle of the Yueqing Realm, all the immortal friends fought bloody battles, fought countless times, and finally won a complete victory.

There are some successors to the Xianmeng, and we are very relieved. Today, on behalf of the Xianmeng, I will reward those who have made meritorious deeds, and set an example for all the soldiers in the army! "

Although Wei Lin came to Xingque for a short period of time, he didn't have a strong sense of belonging, and he only respected the powerhouses of the Immortal League for their cultivation, but hearing this, he couldn't help feeling proud and happy, like Children are praised by their elders.

On the floating platform, Feng Jun's words continued, "It is said that once a general is successful, his bones will perish. Today we are waiting for glory. In fact, countless robes were exchanged for blood. Therefore, before awarding rewards, we sacrifice to the dead."

When he finished speaking, he raised his hand, and his large sleeves fluttered down, as if there were vast beings, singing devoutly, a white jade neon qin appeared in the air, the strings jumped automatically, and the faint sound of the qin flowed out, like weeping and complaining...

Wei Lin was stunned, this is "Soul-Inducing Song". In Jiuliyuan, Shaohao Luo once used this song to draw Zhu Ge's soul. Later, when Lu Jian failed to cross the robbery and his soul was scattered, A Li also used this song to attract Zhu Ge's soul. its soul.

He secretly glanced at the people nearby, all of them looked solemn and unsurprised, this procedure was completely within their expectations.

Apparently, inviting souls to offer sacrifices to the dead is a common mourning ceremony, just like comforting the dead with fine wine in the mortal army.

Suddenly, he somewhat understood why Ah Li, who had no talent for rhythm, could play accurately after listening to Shaohao Luo's soul-inducing song once.

When she was Shaohaoyue, she must have listened to it countless times, and even played it herself countless times.

How many times has she been through wars?

After the song was over, Feng Jun put away the white jade neon phoenix, and a huge light screen appeared beside him, on which appeared five bright characters——Military Merit Award List.

"The second military meritorious person, Shen Canghao from the Shen family, recorded first-class merit."

As soon as Feng Jun finished speaking, a young man in Tsing Yi was reflected on the light screen, with a straight nose, thin lips tightly pursed, and sword-like eyebrows slantingly flying into the strands of black hair hanging from the temples.

There was some commotion in the venue, and everyone looked at the vacant seat in the Feng Clan area in unison. Today's first honor should belong to her, but she didn't come.

Quite a few people looked regretful, Yue Dian's prestige, Xing Que admired her a lot, they thought they could get a glimpse of her demeanor today, but it's a pity.

The light screen flickered, and a jade medal flew towards Shen Canghao who was in the award seat.

The meritorious deeds of killing the demons will be automatically recorded in the fairy card. This jade card is a proof of extra rewards, which can be exchanged for corresponding items in the fairy alliance in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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