all the way to fairy

Chapter 810 Review?

Chapter 810 Review?

The door is wide open, standing on the street outside the door, you can hear the clear snoring inside.

Entering the room, there is a brand-new recliner in the backlight on the right side. A young man is lying on it, sleeping on his back. There is a suspicious dry water stain at the corner of his slanted mouth.

In front of the reclining chair is an ordinary wooden table, on which there is a small square board with a lustrous texture, which is similar to the crystal ball used to register the Immortal Certificate in the Feisheng Temple.

Next to the reclining chair, there is a simple notice board, which says the registration process. You can engrave the code into the registration card with Xianli, pay a registration fee of Shuiyun Coin, and you can leave with the killer token.

Wei Lin was so shocked that he didn't know what to say, he was so casual that there was nothing to do with the clerk during the whole process, if he set up a magic circle at the entrance of the store, he didn't even need the clerk to guard it.

Still, it suits him.

He raised his hand, and used celestial power to engrave the word "Feng Jue" on the registration card. The registration card that had been standing still flickered, and the code gradually disappeared. A crack opened in the middle, and a piece of jade the size of a fingernail spit out.

It's really like a registered fairy certificate!

Wei Lin secretly sighed, tried to inject immortal power into the small jade piece, but there was no movement, no information was displayed like a fairy certificate, this is to protect the killer's identity information from being leaked.

In other words, unless there are distinctive features when doing tasks, they will not be recognized.

Wei Lin was very satisfied, put a Shuiyun coin on the table, walked out of the registration point of Qiuxi Building, turned to the restaurant in the city, he had to understand the current situation.

Teahouses and restaurants are always good places to get news, and soon he learned from the chats of the drinkers that there are more than a dozen forces on the surface, including the Song family, who live in the flat under the banner of recruiting him. In Lucheng, the Song family even sent people to live in the cave that Mu Yan leased, and went in and out with her.

Wei Lin's eyes turned cold, these people didn't care about their faces for the sake of shame.

Of course, he thought about this situation, and discussed how to deal with it. Right now, just follow the plan and go to Xianmeng to register for the Qingyu faction.

The management of Ninefold Star Palace is very strict. The establishment of each faction needs to be registered with the Immortal League, and only after obtaining permission can it recruit talents and lay down a territory.

Sometimes, Wei Lin feels that Xingque is not like a fairyland, but like a country of mortals.

Registration is the most dangerous step. Under the competition of many forces, the forces who dare to openly play the banner of solicitation are all the backbone of the Xianmeng. Registering with the Xianmeng is almost equivalent to going to their lair.

I'm afraid that after he finished his registration, as soon as he walked out of the Xianmeng registration office, there would be private troops from various parties waiting for him outside.

There are countless forces, large and small, in the Immortal League. The local immortals have families and sects from birth, and most of the ascended immortals in the lower realm are recruited by various forces. Although the registration office looks very decent, it is empty. popularity.

Wei Lin waited and watched outside for three days, but he didn't see a single person go in to register. In fact, in many years, no new power would be born, and Jiu Chong Xing Que had already been divided up by big and small powers.

Although daytime and darkness made no difference to the immortals, Wei Lin waited until it was dark before entering the Xianmeng registration office.

This is a government institution. Although it is so idle that it is almost deserted, the hall is decent. The hollow stone building is grand and magnificent, and all kinds of magic circles and utensils are available.

There were two deacons, one in white and one in blue, both of them looked like young people. The young man in white had a gentle temperament and sat on a chair. When he saw him come in, he pointed to the chair opposite the table and signaled him to sit down.

The man in green was standing behind the young man in white, obviously a subordinate, when Wei Lin came in, his eyes flashed with surprise very quickly.

As soon as Wei Lin took his seat, the man in white asked quietly: "What type of organization do you want to create?"


Xingque's forces can be divided into three types in general, sects, families, and task organizations. The first two require the subordinates to have a sense of belonging, have clear boundaries, and also need to undertake the task of resisting the demons, and enjoy the corresponding rights Also a lot.

The latter is just a platform, such as Qiuxi Tower, which is a typical mission organization. The killers under it only rely on Qiuxi Tower to receive tasks to earn meritorious service, and Qiuxi Tower draws a small amount of remuneration from the completed transactions, and does not require killers Be faithful and conscientious.

Of course, these organizations are at a lower level. They have no right to speak in the Xianmeng and never participate in the affairs of the Xianmeng. Their founders don't even need to register their real names in the Xianmeng.

"The founder of the sect has the strictest censorship." The young man in white explained lightly.

Wei Lin nodded, expressing his understanding, but secretly vigilant in his heart. He was not afraid of asking questions like Xin, but he was afraid that the registration office would take the opportunity to pry into the secrets.

"At what age do you enter Taoism, and what are your skills?"

Wei Lin's tense heartstrings loosened a little. It turns out that the so-called review is to ask about experience, "Nine years old, Yinling Jue."

The man looked surprised, "The low-level low-level low-level skills?"

Wei Lin nodded, "I was born in an ordinary country, and I had an accident on the way to the school, and I was stranded on an island. My Taoist companion and I got the spirit guide formula on the island, and we felt the spirit into the body by ourselves."

"Taoist?!" A surprised voice sounded above his head, Wei Lin raised his eyes, and met the unbelievable eyes of the man in Tsing Yi.

He was a little strange, but he couldn't tell what was strange.

"What happened later, did you become a casual cultivator? Or did you join a sect?" The faint voice of the young man in white rang out again.

The weirdness in Wei Lin's heart disappeared, and he replied subconsciously: "There was an accident, and I was caught in a killing organization."

"You have quite a lot of accidents." The man in white murmured, and continued to ask, "What kind of killer organization?"

Without any hesitation, Wei Lin told Canye Pavilion what he did, "Canye Pavilion, the high-level members are the remnants of the witchcraft organization that was exterminated. They intend to take revenge on the righteous way and use poison to control us killers..."

Time passed slowly, the sky gradually brightened, and the sun rose, moved across the sky, and fell to the horizon.

For a whole day and night, Wei Lin talked about all his experiences from introducing Qi into the body to ascending to the star tower. The young man in white finally nodded and handed him a jade plaque: "After the review, you can create a sect."

On the jade plate, there are three big gold characters - Qingyu School.

"You are excellent. You have prevented many evil troubles and protected countless common people. You must be commended." The white-clothed youth pondered for a moment, slightly hooked his fingertips, and the ring that Wei Lin kept Yuan Fei's relics alone flew out of his fairy mansion.

The ring was opened, and Yuan Fei's nine Qionghua hidden weapons, Qingsiluopa, and a jade pendant made of unknown material floated above the table.

The young man in white stretched out his hand and brushed it over several utensils. The demonic energy on Qionghua, Luopa, and Najie disappeared completely. The jade pendant was still cold and exuded strong demonic energy, but there was a black to shiny spot. Crystal grains are precipitated from it.

(End of this chapter)

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