all the way to fairy

Chapter 847 Fairy Demon Battlefield

Skylark blinked his eyes, very novel: "The Nine Great Medicines of Heaven and Earth, Chaos Qinglian?"

"Nine kinds of miracle medicines that are naturally raised, regardless of race and cultivation level, even mortals and beasts can take it."

"Is it so miraculous?" Yunque was stunned. These days, she followed the fairy sister and saw many novel things, and there was nothing more novel.

In the Demon Realm, she had heard of many cases of people exploding and dying from taking high-level spirit grasses, but there was such a magical spirit plant that even mortals and beasts could take it!
She couldn't help but yearn for it, it would be great if she could also have the nine wonder medicines of the world, but the thought was only for a moment, and she felt that she was wishful thinking.

What's more, with her strength, if you have her, you can't keep it, and you will bring yourself a disaster.

Xuan Er, she thought of another point, raised her eyes and said expectantly: "Such a powerful medicine can be taken by mortal beasts. Sister, does this mean that we mortal beasts can also become very powerful demon cultivators?"

Looking at those eyes, which were shining like stars, seemed to be flowing with all the light of hope, so full of vitality, tenacious and upward, Shao Haoyue's heart was hit by something.She nodded, softly but firmly said: "Of course!
Peacocks know, they are all mortal birds just like you Skylarks, and there is a peacock that ascended in the star tower, and his current cultivation is the highest Dao Ancestor Realm! "

She patted Yunque on the shoulder, "Your ancestors were destined to embark on the immortal journey, and they also obtained exercises for you, which have been passed down to this day, which shows that you are also destined for immortality. Be firm in the Dao and work hard, and one day, you can also Fly to become a fairy."

Skylark's eyes became brighter, and the stars in his eyes floated and shone brightly.

Shaohaoyue secretly sighed that the ancestor of the skylark was also a strange bird, and monsters and beasts were inherited through blood, but the skylark clan was an ordinary bird and could not be inherited by blood.

Her family's ancestors bought cultivation techniques, and bought transformation pills for the younger generations, and raised and educated the chicks like ordinary people, which ensured that this faint inheritance has continued to this day.

A few days later, Shen Canghao returned and brought back news that the devilish energy had indeed been introduced into the fairy-and-devil battlefield, but the devilish energy in the fairy-and-devil battlefield was not strong, much weaker than the record.

This is obviously not right. Although many places polluted by the magic energy created by the Bai family are limited in scope, the amount accumulated over tens of thousands of years is also very considerable.

What's more, in the history of Qingxuan, almost half of the Qingxuan Star Region suffered disaster that time by the demon monk Huineng, and the devilish energy created can be imagined.

The devilish energy gathered in the battlefield of immortals and demons must have been absorbed by something!

Shaohaoyue frowned, "The Bai Family Demon Cultivator lures people into demons to create demonic energy, and the demonic battlefield is also full of demonic energy. Could it be that those demons back then deliberately created a war between immortals and demons in the lower realm? They created so many demonic demons. Is qi to be cultivated?"

Shen Canghao's eyes were piercing, "In any case, the battlefield of immortals and demons is an important place, and we have to focus on investigating next."

This time his main goal was to confirm whether the place where the devil energy gathered was the battlefield of immortals and demons, so he only checked around the periphery.

Shaohaoyue nodded, "The place polluted by demonic energy is almost cleaned up. We can leave after several large-scale pollution spots are cleaned up."

After a pause, he continued, "Bai Zheng is dead."


She talked about Bai Zheng's case in detail, and finally guessed: "That day in Baihua Mountain, Bai Zheng's words had the meaning of bringing the Bai family into the pit. I suspect that he is the one who used the chaotic green lotus to pull the skylark's consciousness. He's giving us hints."

"It's possible." Shen Canghao pondered, "Bai Zheng's body is not fake, and he didn't really die, so they have two bodies, and their souls are connected."

Shao Haoyue nodded, if Bai Zheng is not dead, this is the only answer.

Two bodies, two different souls, are clearly two people, but they cannot appear at the same time. The connection of souls is the most likely answer.

While fleeing desperately, he borrowed Skylark to give them a reminder, explaining that there is a difference between the two souls, which is too big to be reconciled.

Thinking about this clearly, Shao Haoyue was not in a hurry.

One of the souls obviously wants to ask them for help, or to use their power to achieve something, and if he wants something, he will definitely find them again.

Bai Zheng should be the soul that favors them, for three reasons.First, Bai Zheng is the weakest of the two, and the weaker side is more likely to seek foreign aid;
Second, the dead body belonged to Bai Zheng, and Bai Huashan Shikeng Bai's family was also Bai Zheng;
Third, Eryu is more like the soul related to Baixi, and the possibility of being biased towards them is very slim.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it has been more than half a month. Several large-scale demonic pollution places in Qingxuan have been cleaned up, leaving only a few small areas. After the two left a few talismans, they went to the battlefield of immortals and demons.

The battlefield of immortals and demons is located in the void, which is the place where the decisive battle of the Great War was held. Several star fields, millions of monks fought here. , all kinds of desires are mixed and extremely dangerous.

Considering that he would not return in a short time, Shaohaoyue simply put Skylark into the Huanshi Ling and set aside a separate place for her to practice.

As soon as she entered the battlefield, she felt an extremely tyrannical aura pressing down on her head, violent and heavy, as if she wanted to tear everything to pieces.

She operated the exercises, and the misty light floated around her body, and the pressure suddenly lightened, but while walking, she felt pressure of different sizes from time to time.

Not far away, I saw some monks standing with sluggish eyes, and some monks with hideous faces shouting and beating...

Those monks from Qingxuan who came to the immortal and demon battlefield to experience and seek opportunities, and those who can come here to find opportunities, are all crazy people.

The two Shaohao and Yue were like smoke, and they quickly passed by them, came to the inner circle, and were about to enter, when a crutch was leaning on the side, the hunched old woman stopped them, drooping her eyelids, hoarsely reminded: "Going forward is the inner circle, and the fairy envoys from the upper realm are in danger of dying if they enter."

Shaohaoyue didn't stop on his feet, only nodded slightly at her, and stepped into the inner circle.

The old woman was surprised, and a trace of doubt flashed in her cloudy eyes. Holding on to her crutches, she recalled for a while, then shook her head and murmured in a low voice: "It seems that my old woman has stayed in the ruins for too long, and there will be more time to cross the catastrophe in the star field." It's really old to have fewer faces.

Today's juniors, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, they dare to enter the inner circle at the early stage of crossing the catastrophe, and dare to enter the inner circle during the Mahayana stage. "

The two Shaohaoyue who had just entered the inner circle stopped, looked at each other, and retreated, "Old man, did you see other people go in?"

The old woman raised her eyelids and found that she couldn't see their true faces clearly. She couldn't help being surprised, and her attitude improved a lot immediately.

"Isn't that right? A few years ago, a girl who was in the early stage of crossing the catastrophe broke in with a cold face. The old woman didn't listen to her calls; a few days ago, a young man in the Mahayana period also went in. I really don't know how he got here. of."

Shaohaoyue raised his hand, sketched Eryu's face in the air, and asked, "But this person? In the middle of the Mahayana period?"

The old woman waved her hand, "The young man is from head to toe, how can the old woman see what he looks like, his cultivation is indeed in the middle stage of Mahayana."

Shaohaoyue and the others already had guesses in their minds that the battlefield of immortals and demons became more dangerous as they entered the inner circle, and those who could reach the junction of the inner and outer circles were mostly in the late stage of the tribulation period and consummation.

It is most likely Eryu who can enter the inner circle with a mid-term Mahayana cultivation base!
"Thank you, old man." Shaohaoyue dismissed the portrait, thanked him, and entered the inner circle again.

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