all the way to fairy

Chapter 867 Poisoning

After arranging the two major events, Shaohaoyue asked about the situation in Yuecheng, "Where is Yan Qi, is there anything unusual?"

Lian Yang shook his head, "It's still the same, I have been refining alchemy in Qingtong Courtyard, and I have made great progress. Most of the yellow-rank elixir in Xingque can be refined, and I am learning Xuan-rank recently."

Shaohaoyue was thoughtful, "Check and find out if there are any special spirit plant elixir in Nvluoyan and its vicinity."

Lian Yang was taken aback, then panicked, if the target of that formation was really his Highness, he would have to find a way to lure her there.

It is an excellent excuse to specialize in alchemy and need a certain kind of spiritual plant medicine.

If they hadn't discovered that the demons were forming an formation, even if they had doubts about Yan Qi's identity, they might have fallen for it.

The people behind the scenes are really scheming, no matter whether they believe in Yan Qi's identity or not, as long as Yan Qi shows up with that face, his plan will most likely be successful!

The array arranged was in the hinterland of the Demon Realm, and the New Moon Army couldn't reach it. If there were not some scattered immortals who accidentally intercepted a few pieces of Shadow Moon Iron, they really wouldn't have been able to find it.

The devils are not careless. The materials they transported are divided into batches and mixed into other goods. The patterns on the shadow moon iron have also been cut into fine pieces. They were able to find this clue because of too much luck. .
After several days of flying, Jun’s fairy boat finally arrived at its destination. As soon as it landed, Jun Yushan jumped up and pulled Mu Yan away without caring about the greetings. , Mu Xiaomei, you must save him."

She hadn't seen anyone, and she didn't know the specific illness, so Mu Yan dared to accept it easily. This time Jun Yushan invited her over, it was purely a dead horse as a living horse doctor, there was no way.

Jun Yuqiu's poor health was brought out of his mother's womb, so many panaceas and natural treasures were taken, but they were completely useless. Mu Yan didn't think her medical skills would be of much use.

Just a few steps away, a gentle voice sounded, "Young Master Jun, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Jun Yushan turned his head and looked, his face turned green. The one who stopped him was the top boss of the Jun family, Zhou Shaoan, the Friday son of the Zhou family, and in the fairy boat, there were many princes and ladies in brocade clothes and elegant clothes. They are all respectable families and sects in Cangxuan Immortal Territory.

I don't know, I thought they were some kind of sightseeing tour group.

Why are these people so lingering? Wei Lin has been disappearing for several years, so why not stop.

Jun Yushan was very annoyed, but the Jun family was just a low-grade family, and he couldn't afford to offend these people, so he could only suppress the anxiety in his heart, squeeze out a smile and greet them.

After exchanging a few hasty greetings, Jun Yushan hurriedly bid them farewell: "My brother's life is hanging by a thread, so I'm going to take a step first, I'm sorry."

At this time, Ling Yiming, the youngest son of the Ling Xiao faction, reached out to stop them. He waved his folding fan and smiled kindly and easygoingly: "I only know that Fairy Mu is excellent in alchemy, but I don't want to be proficient in medicine. I am interested in learning medicine, can I go and have a look?"

Jun Yushan's face turned from green to black. Spiritual doctors are different from pills. They need to examine the patient's body. For practitioners, the body is a secret. If it is not a last resort, they will not ask spiritual doctors to treat them. How can they bring people to watch.

No matter how poor the Jun family is, it is still a low-rank family. How can others casually check the health of the heirs of the Jun family. These people don't think much of the Jun family.

Mu Yan frowned, "The way of medicine is broad and profound. If Mr. Ling wants to learn, he can study the classics of doctors first. If you don't have the foundation, you won't be able to understand it."

Seeing that Jun Yushan was on the verge of eruption, Miss Fang Shier came out to smooth things over, she first glared at Ling Yiming, "You really think highly of yourself, just your rubbish alchemy technique, and you still want both alchemy and medicine, I think reincarnation More feasible!"

Then, he said to Jun Yushan: "Don't pay attention to him, your brother's condition is serious, go quickly."

The Fang family and the Ling Xiao faction are related by marriage, Miss Fang Twelve is Ling Yiming's cousin, although Ling Yiming is unhappy, it is not easy to refute her meaning, so he can only shut up angrily.

No matter how hard Jun Yushan responds, he will not fight for power at this time, so he rushes to the inn with Mu Yan.

Jun Yuqiu was injured in the battle with the demons on the battlefield. In order to save time, after writing to Mu Yan, Jun Yushan took him on the road and chose a small town between Pinglu City and the battlefield as a meeting point. .

Seeing the patient, Mu Yan was stunned for a moment. Practitioners are different from ordinary people. Even if they are seriously injured or sick, they look good on the surface, but Jun Yuqiu is so thin that only a handful of bones remain.

Jun Yushan saw the astonishment in her eyes, and said worriedly: "This time, the illness is severe, and the elder brother lost consciousness again, and it will be like this in a few days."

Mu Yan stepped forward and took the pulse first. The pulse was so weak that it was almost nonexistent. She glanced at Jun Yushan and said, "I want to use my celestial power to investigate."

Jun Yushan nodded. Now that he has reached the point of asking a spiritual doctor to help, it is inevitable to check the situation in his body.

Mu Yan separated out a ray of immortal power and spiritual thoughts, penetrated into Jun Yuqiu's body, and checked his extraordinary meridians and viscera little by little.

For a moment, her brows turned up in surprise, and Jun Yu Shan, who had been observing her expression, hurriedly asked, "How is it?"

Mu Yan didn't answer, and controlled her spiritual power to walk around Jun Yuqiu's internal organs, her expression became uncertain, and she looked suspiciously at Jun Yushan from time to time.

This made Jun Yushan even more nervous, and unconsciously held his breath, staring at her carefully, for fear of missing a single expression on her face.

After a while, Mu Yan finally finished her investigation, and said with a complicated expression: "Your elder brother is not seriously ill, he is poisoned."

"Poisoned?" Jun Yushan cried out, but there was not much surprise in his voice, and there was a hint of guilt, which made Mu Yan even more suspicious.

The descendants of the Jun family's direct branch are not mature, and have been passed down for several generations in one line. In desperation, the Jun family, in Jun Yushan's generation, followed the example of the Feng family and selected outstanding children from the whole family to rank together.

Jun Yushan, the third son of Jun, is the second in line heir of the Jun family. If something happens to Jun Yuqiu, the next head of the Jun family will be Jun Yushan.

However, it is Jun Yushan who has friendship with them, and Mu Yan will not stand up for Jun Yuqiu.

In addition, doubts are doubts. As a doctor, she told the truth: "His heart vessels and internal organs are darker in color, showing signs of hardening, and his bones are weaker than normal people. He should have been poisoned from the mother's womb. At that time, the poison Weaker, it didn't kill him right away.

Later, you nourished him with all kinds of natural materials and earthly treasures, which slowed down the erosion of poison on his body, and barely maintained his balance. He must have suffered a serious injury later on. "

Jun Yushan nodded bitterly, "500 years ago, my eldest brother was ambushed by the demon general Yanyuan and almost died."

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