all the way to fairy

Chapter 871 Bugs

Chapter 871 Bugs
Above their heads, the pale blue sky was high, and the green leaves were like a cover.

"Wake up, miss, where are you from and where do you live?" Seeing her waking up, the round-faced woman in a coarse blue shirt asked kindly.

The woman sat up and looked around. She was located under a huge banyan tree. Behind the big banyan tree, a low, khaki-colored house could be vaguely seen. There were several aunts and children around her.

"Who are you?" The woman looked vigilant, and clasped her fingers vaguely, as if she wanted to grab something, but there was nothing.

She froze for a moment, a strangeness flashed across her heart, but she couldn't think of any strangeness.

The round-faced aunt smiled kindly: "Girl, don't be afraid, the heavy rain has stopped, we are here in Rongshu Village, did you come here by the flood?"

heavy rain?flood?
The woman opened her eyes, her mind was at a loss, what is the heavy rain?What flood?
"Second Sister Liu, you're asking this question. I'm confused by others, so let me ask." The slightly burly Mrs. Xu squeezed away the round-faced woman and stood in front of her, "Miss, what's your name and where are you from? "

"My name is..." The woman stopped, what was her name?

She thought about it carefully, but found that her mind was blank and she couldn't think of anything.

After the heavy rain, the roads in Rongshu Village were closed, and the villagers were busy rebuilding the collapsed houses, so they had no time to go outside to check the situation.

They wanted to inquire about the situation outside from the beautiful girl who had returned to the village, but they didn't want the girl to lose her memory and not even know who she was.

Time gurgled like flowing water, and half a month passed. Under the care of enthusiastic villagers, the amnesiac girl quickly integrated into the life of Rongshu Village, and even gave herself a new name, Luluo.

In half a month, it was enough for Luluo to get to know Rongshu Village. She was beautiful and literate, so she was very popular with the villagers. The Lin family was the master and lent her Lin Wenxuan's house to live in temporarily.

The girls in the village liked her even more and asked her to do everything with her.

No, early this morning, a few girls came to the mountain to collect firewood to prepare for the arrival of winter.

Seeing the girls wandering around the mountains with huge backpacks on their backs, they were so tired that they couldn't straighten up, Luluo was very puzzled, "Why do you want to collect firewood?"

Pointing to the tree beside her, she said: "Climb up the tree, cut off the big branches and drag them back. After being exposed to the sun for a summer, they will become dry firewood in winter. To pick up these small branches, no matter where they are burned, you have to search all over the mountains and plains. Tired to death."

Zhao Di said helplessly, "But we are not strong enough to chop."

Chuncao also said: "We have to wait for the grown-ups to chop firewood. My father will spend half a day chopping firewood after he finishes his work in the field."

"Half a day?" Luluo was stunned, "How long can I burn the firewood I cut in half a day?"

Chuncao let out a 'huh', "Two to three months, my father cuts it twice a year, and the rest of the time the firewood is almost gone, so I come to the mountain to pick it up."

Luluo was silent, Chuncao's age and strength were at stake here, and the firewood she collected was only enough to burn for two or three days. Collecting firewood is a long-term job for girls, and they are not the only long-term job.

"Your father is so kind. He also helped cut firewood. I picked up all the firewood in my house." Zhaodi looked at Chuncao enviously.

Luluo was puzzled, "Isn't your father very kind to you? Doesn't he chop wood for you?"

Among a bunch of patriarchal families in the village, Zhaodi's family is very different. Zhaodi's parents treat Zhaodi and her younger brother almost equally.

Zhao Di was stunned for a moment, and said: "There are so many things at home, my parents are too busy."

"I see." Luluo nodded, looked at the big tree beside her and said, "Let me try."

As she spoke, she hugged the tree trunk, using both hands and feet, and climbed up the tree in twos and threes, stunned a group of girls.

"Sister Luluo, you are amazing!"

Luluo felt nothing, and motioned to Zhaodi to hand her the hatchet, "Can't you climb trees?"

The girls all shook their heads, "No."

When they were young, they were told that girls should behave like girls, and things like climbing trees and fighting were not allowed.

Luluo took the hatchet from Zhaodi, gestured to a big branch a few times, and said, "Stay far away, I'm going to start."

The girls went to the other side of the branch, and with a click, the branch as thick as the forearm broke and fell to the ground.

The girls' jaws dropped again, "Sister Luluo, you have so much strength!"

All the girls were envious, especially Zhaodi, who looked forward to it: "If only I had the strength of Luluo, I don't have to carry water again and again when I wash clothes. Every time I wash clothes, I have to wash them." Take ten to wade in the water."

The girls agreed, and said: "It's better in summer, you can wash clothes by the river without carrying water."

Luluo stopped chopping firewood, and she looked at Zhaodi, and the weird feeling became more and more intense. Zhaodi's father was kind to Zhaodi, which was the consensus of the villagers, but he didn't feel sorry for his daughter doing heavy work at all.

For him, those things are just a matter of effort, which can make Zhaodi a lot easier, but he is unwilling to do it.

Does such a father really love Zhaodi?
There is also the name Zhaodi, which reveals a strong patriarchal flavor.

The second family in the village that loves their daughter the most is Zhang Dapeng's family. The first child in his family is a boy, and the incense has been passed down. He is not so hostile to the girl Niuniu who was born later.

His wife, Mrs. Xu, is tall and tall, and has a fierce face. In fact, she is quite straightforward and treats Niuniu well. Niuniu will have what her son Shuanzi has, it's just a matter of how much.

Compared with the Zhang family, Zhaodi, the family that loves girls the most in the village, seems to be a misnomer.

Luluo fell in love with Zhaodi, and soon learned an old story from the villagers that Zhaodi's family had an old grievance with Fan's family who lived at the end of the village.

Zhao Di was born at about the same time as Fan Jia and Fan Bei. Both families have pregnant women and are neighbors. They have very close contacts. People in the village often guess who will give birth to a boy and who will give birth to a girl.

From the perspective of the old people in the village, Zhao Di Niang is more likely to have a boy, and the Fan family is more like a girl. For this reason, Zhao Di's father is very embarrassing and often shows off to Fan's father.

Unexpectedly, when the two children were born, the genders were reversed, and Fan's father was proud. When his son was born, he specially carried him to Zhaodi's house to show off, spit on Zhaodi's father's face.

How could Zhaodi's father be so angry that he fought with Fan's father, almost causing the Fan family's child to fall to his death. Since then, the Fan family and Zhaodi's family have never been in touch with each other. They would rather take a few steps to borrow things on weekdays. Others borrow and do not communicate with each other.

Luluo is even more strange. Judging from this incident, Zhaodi's father doesn't like girls at all, and he was ridiculed by neighbors for giving birth to a girl. According to his temperament, he should have a grudge against Zhaodi. How could Zhaodi and the youngest son be treated equally?

She began to pay attention to Zhaodi's house, and with this attention, more strange things appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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