"Fairy Yan Qi may have encountered a bottleneck recently. She has already refined more than a dozen batches of pills, and she is in a bad mood. No matter how much I persuade her, she won't stop. If this continues, I'm afraid she will go crazy."

Shaohao Yue's eyes moved, "What kind of pill is she refining recently? Is there any recipe for it?"

"Cyan Frost Pill." Xi Ying was a little puzzled, but still took out the pill formula and handed it to her.

Shaohaoyue glanced at the materials listed in the recipe, they were all common spiritual plants, and there was no need for special spiritual plants near Nvluoyan.

"Does she have any other pills she wants to refine?" she asked again.

Xi Ying shook her head, "Recently, Fairy Yan Qi only learned this kind of elixir. According to her usual performance, there should be no problem. Xuan Yuan Pill also failed."

Shaohaoyue frowned, she thought that Qingshuang Pill had some special features that ordinary people didn't know, even the Xuanyuan Pill that she had learned had failed, what did Yan Qi want to do?
Before she could think about the result, the illusion changed, she looked up, and after the village was almost rebuilt, a villager planned to go to the town to go to the market, but he had already reached the edge of the illusion.

Shaohaoyue suddenly felt dizzy, the market hadn't been built yet.

She had no choice but to transform into a fake small town market. This was a real illusion, but with the perspective of the villagers of Rongshu Village, nothing could be seen.

As soon as the problem here was solved, another villager was going to visit relatives in the next village, and Shaohaoyue suddenly felt dizzy. Going to the market would not have too much contact with the people in the market, and he could be fooled by any illusion.

But to visit relatives, the level of familiarity cannot be perfunctory, she can only use a little magic to make the villager sprain his feet, and stop his thoughts of visiting relatives.

It is necessary to transform all the activity areas of the villagers of Rongshu Village as soon as possible, first transform them, and then give them life.

After solving the two fantasy episodes, she took Xi Ying out of Ling Nei's world to find Yan Qi.

Seeing her, surprise flashed in Yan Qi's eyes, and Shaohao Yue apologized: "I'm too busy these days, I didn't come to see you, how are you doing, no one bullies you, right?"

Yan Qi's eyes warmed slightly, "It's right here in the City Lord's Mansion, who would bully me, it's too late for them to take care of me."

"That's good." Shaohaoyue sat down next to her, looked at her seriously, and then looked at the arrangement of objects in the house, "If you don't like it, you must mention it. You can't wrong yourself in your own home."

Yan Qi smiled, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

Shaohaoyue still had a worried expression on his face, "You didn't show your eyebrows just now, what happened? No one bullied you? Did someone gossip?"

In the last sentence, her tone was a bit murderous.

"No." Yan Qi quickly denied, lowering his eyes slightly, a little frustrated, "It's just that there has been a problem with alchemy recently, and it has been failing."

"Is it too difficult to refine the elixir?" Shaohao Yue frowned, "There are a few alchemists in Yuecheng Danpu who are not bad, but they are too young, I am afraid they are inexperienced, I asked the clan to send a few An experienced high-level alchemist is here."

With that said, he was about to instruct Xi Ying to do it.

"Don't, don't, don't." Yan Qi hurriedly stopped him, "I'm not very good at alchemy now, and the sixth-grade alchemists in the alchemy shop are enough to teach me."

After a pause, he said again: "It's not that refining the elixir is too difficult. A few days ago, Xuanyuan elixir, which is already very proficient, also had problems. It should be a problem with the state of mind."

Shaohaoyue was shocked, "Mood is a big deal, you can't be careless."

She thought for a while, then slapped the table and stood up, "Have you practiced alchemy for too long, let's go out for a walk and change our mood!"

A flash of joy flashed across Yan Qi's face, and Xuan'er shook his head hesitantly, "You are busy with military affairs, why don't you go shopping with me?"

Shaohaoyue's orange eyes were deep, and she pulled Yan Qi out, "It's okay, I just don't sleep, I can't finish the military affairs, you are more important."

She took Yan Qi for a stroll around the city, and when she came down from a few shops, she was keenly aware of Yan Qi's hints that she had already been there.

Shaohaoyue thought about it, so he simply took Yanqi and left Yuecheng.

Yan Qi was surprised, "Are we leaving Yuecheng?"

Shaohaoyue cheerfully said, "I have also encountered a bottleneck in my cultivation, let's go relax and relax, cultivation requires relaxation..."
After Mu Yan's meticulous treatment, Jun Yuqiu turned the corner and regained consciousness.

Knowing that Jun Yuqiu's original talent might compete with the core disciples of the four families, the senior members of the Jun family unanimously decided to cure Jun Yuqiu.

In the name of the Jun family, it was still very easy to obtain the lower realm warrant of the Immortal League. Not long after, two warrants came down.

Jun Yushan tried his best to fight for it, and he accompanied his elder brother to go down to the realm to find Ji Ruochen to detoxify.

Because the senior members of the Jun family attach great importance to Jun Yuqiu's safety, they think that there may be an inner ghost in the Jun family. Jun Yushan, the person who discovered Jun Yuqiu's poisoning and reported it to the family, is trustworthy, so Jun Yushan's request approved by the clan.

In the small town inn, Jun Yushan solemnly handed over the warrant and identity token to someone who looked exactly like him across the street: "Brother Wei, I'll leave the family to your faction."

Wei Lin took it with a serious expression, "Brother Jun, don't worry, I can't guarantee whether the eldest son's talent will return to its original state, but the poison of Qiandai's blood loss will definitely be cured!"

He looked at Mu Yan again, "Junior Sister Mu, take care of yourself, and go to Master Uncle if you have something to do." After a pause, he added vaguely, "If Uncle Master can't do something, go to them, safety is the most important thing."

Although Jun Yushan didn't understand who the 'they' he was talking about, he didn't ask the bottom line. He looked at his elder brother, and thousands of words came out of his mouth. At the end, he only said, "Brother is waiting for you to come back."

Jun Yuqiu looked at him complicatedly, and nodded slowly after a long time.

He is a smart person. He has seen Jun Yushan's weirdness in his eyes these years, and he vaguely guessed that when Jun Yushan talked with Mu Yan that day, although he was unconscious, he had a vague perception of his surroundings. , he vaguely listened to the general idea, and combined with his guesses, the truth has become clear.

After seeing off Wei Lin and Jun Yuqiu, Jun Yushan said to Mu Yan, "Where is Miss Mu going next? Back to Pinglu City?"

Mu Yan shook her head, "The once-in-[-]-year alchemy assessment is about to begin. I have been invited by Ms. Fang Twelve to go to Liyuan City to participate in the alchemist meeting, and gain a lot of experience."

"It's time to prepare well. Soon after the alchemy assessment, it's time to rank in the Qingyun list. If you perform well, you may be able to enter the Qingyun list."

Mu Yan smiled, her eyes were firm, "I must be on the Qingyun list!"

Jun Yushan was a little surprised. Mu Yan usually looked gentle without any sharp edges, but at this time, the firmness in her eyes was so hot and bright.

He thought, there is no ordinary person who can ascend step by step.

"Liyuan City is the main base of the Song family. Wouldn't it be good for you to go here? Every city in the Alchemist Association has them. How about going to another city?"

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