all the way to fairy

Chapter 905 Temple Meeting

After calming down, Wu Bi put away his contempt and began to take this battle seriously, treating Wei Lin as an opponent.

Once again, he saw the flexible formation of Qingyu City, and also found that this group of immortals who had ascended from the lower realms was surprisingly cunning.

Relying on formations, talismans, and poisons, they waged guerrilla warfare against the demon army, turning Qingyu City into a meat grinder.

When night fell, several news shocked the fairy clan. First, the young master of the abyss, Xun Xia, pretended to be Shao Haoyue of the Feng clan, and Gou Lei, the young master of Jiuli, beheaded many young Cangxuan talents in Danling City. Song Zi fled with serious injuries. is still missing;
Second, most of the defense area of ​​Cangxuan Immortal Territory has fallen; most of the territory on the sideline has fallen into the hands of demons;

Thirdly, Wei Lin appeared in Qingyu City as the city lord, and he is already a fairyland cultivation base, and according to his own admission, he already has a plane world.

The fairy clan was in an uproar, shocked by the courage and ferocity of the demon clan, but also felt that Wei Lin was more courageous than the demon clan, knowing that all forces were looking for him, he dared to show up boldly.

Immediately, people discovered that many Ascension Immortals rushed to the front line under the banner of regaining lost ground, their enthusiasm was higher than the high rewards of the Fairy Demon War.

After hearing the news, Nightingale found Mu Yan immediately, and asked anxiously and nervously, "Boy Wei really owns the plane world?"

"It should be, he went to the lower realm a few days ago."

Nightingale became excited, Wei Lin's posture was to take advantage of this battle to strengthen himself, to gain a foothold in the stars, and to make the Immortal League suffer.

The Ascending Immortals obviously also saw this clearly, and understood that this was Wei Lin's invitation in disguise, and rushed to Qingyu City to help, and cast their votes.

And they couldn't refuse.

Although there were many Ascension Immortals coming, Mu Yan was still a little worried, and bowed to Nightingale, "The demons came suddenly, Qingyu City will run out of ammunition and food sooner or later, and weapons are nothing more than medicines for healing. I would like to ask for your help to send a batch of elixir;

In addition, people's hearts are different, among the people who went to help, it is inevitable that some people have bad intentions, so I kindly ask the seniors to go to the town. "

Wei Lin is a talented evildoer, and Nightingale values ​​him very much. When he grows up, maybe he can really change the situation where the Immortal League restricts the lower realm to ascend to cultivation base.

She is willing to sit in Qingyu City, but the problem is that now the Zhou family, Fang family, Ling Xiao faction and other forces are paying more and more attention to Mu Yan, wishing to eat and live with her and follow her around the clock.

It is conceivable that as Wei Lin grows stronger later, when the Xianmeng has nothing to do with him, it will inevitably hit Mu Yan.

And she had promised to protect Mu Yan.

"Don't worry, their goal is Senior Brother Wei. As long as Senior Brother Wei is well, they won't dare to do anything to me." Mu Yan comforted her softly, but her mood drifted away involuntarily.

This morning, upon receiving the news that the defense zone had fallen, Lou Yuru immediately led people back to her family, ready to go to the front line, but when she left Liyuan City, she was assassinated by several waves of people in succession.

Thinking of Zhou Shaoan and Fang Rongrong who had accidents one after another, perhaps the public guessed rightly that their accidents were indeed because of her, but the person behind the scenes was not Senior Brother Wei, but Yueyue.

Now that Yueyue has discovered her, she will naturally leave someone to protect her.

After sending Nightingale away, Mu Yan went about her business as usual. It was time to make alchemy and go out, as if the attention of various forces did not exist.

At this moment, the gate of the Immortal Alliance Temple in the center of Liyuan City, which had not been opened for a long time, was slowly opened, and a tall young man with a resolute face stepped into the hall.

The moment he walked in, the gate of the palace was closed again, and a huge and exquisite palace was suspended above the high dome, fully illuminating the round conference table below.

It was an ordinary round table, it was difficult to associate it with the magnificent and solemn hall, however, it was indeed placed in the center of the hall.

This is a tradition inherited from ancient times. When Goddess Ye Nian led four families and four clans to crusade against the demons, it was at such a round table that events recorded in history were decided one by one.

In order to commemorate the goddess and ancestors, such a simple round conference table is placed in the conference halls of the temples of the nine fairylands of the Xianmeng.

The tall slender young man walked to the round table and sat down. After a while, seven phantoms appeared beside the table. Behind them were different scenes. Some were resplendent palaces, some were quiet green forests, some were casual residences, and some were study rooms with piles of official documents...

But no matter what kind of scene, as they sit down and stare at the illusory figure, the scene behind them will disappear into nothingness, as if walking into reality from illusion.

As soon as he sat down, the tall slender young man in front looked at the handsome young man with disheveled black hair opposite him, "Brother Feng, I need an explanation, that's not your daughter, why didn't you remind me?"

Feng Jun raised his eyebrows lightly, "Brother Song's words are interesting, why, you juniors of the Song family have to report their whereabouts anytime and anywhere?"

The Patriarch of the Song family choked. What each family wants is to be a family member, not a puppet. In order to cultivate successors, they will gradually let go when they participate in family affairs.

In fact, as the first heirs of each family successively promoted to Daluo Jinxian, most of the family affairs have been handed over to the juniors.

Feng Jun's eyes sharpened, and he said with deep meaning: "The whereabouts of my seventeenth family are still unknown."

During his speech, his eyes slowly wandered over the faces of the seven people, sizing up and exploring, and finally said slowly but firmly: "This time, no matter who it is, the Feng Clan will hunt down to the end!"

His voice was not very high-pitched, and the speed of his speech was gentle, but it was full of murderous intent. The exquisite and ornate palace lantern above his head flashed sharply, and there was a crisp clicking sound, and the light dimmed.

There was a short silence in the room, and the eyes of several people flickered, quietly conveying information, and finally everyone looked at Patriarch Song with cryptic inquiry.

The Patriarch of the Song family was about to vomit blood. Did these people’s brains live on the dogs? The Song family would do such a stupid thing to calculate Shao Haoyue at the cost of the future patriarch’s serious injury and the loss of most of the defense area in the fairyland. ?

"Hmph, when my son is found, this hatred will definitely be reported back." After finding the word "find", he specially emphasized it, reminding this group of sick guys that the whereabouts of the number one member of the Song family is still unknown.

"Cough cough," the beautiful woman on his right coughed twice, making muddy mud, "The two nephews are both extremely talented and have experienced many battles. It seems that they were only stumbled for a while, and nothing serious will happen."

The head of the Shen family wanted to smooth things over, so Feng Jun and the head of the Song family naturally wanted to give her this face. Of course, the most important thing is that Song Ziyue and Shao Haoyue's soul lamps are fine, and nothing really happened.

The two snorted lightly, indicating that the matter has been temporarily exposed.

The Patriarch of the Shen family turned solemn, "Now, let's talk about this Wei Lin."

To explain, the people chosen by the destiny are collectively called the people of the destiny, the men are called the sons of the destiny, and the women are called the daughters of the destiny

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