all the way to fairy

Chapter 916 Industry

Chapter 916 Industry
Shen Canghao suddenly changed color, such a growth rate, it is hard not to be suspicious.

He let out his breath slowly, stared into the attendant's eyes, and asked in a deep voice: "Who are the people who took refuge in him?"

"Zhantian and Ruge, two Da Luo Jinxians, led nearly a hundred Taiyi Jinxians. In addition, behind the battle line, Lan Qing and Jian Zhu led the rest of the Ascension Immortal Clan to act together with the large force."

Shen Canghao's eyes froze. In Xingque's Ascension Immortal Clan, there are only six Da Luo Jinxians. In other words, except for Lian Yang and Bai Xi, all of them have taken refuge in Wei Lin.

This is true of Daluo Jinxian, let alone those who have been trapped in the late stage of Taiyi Jinxian for a long time because they have no merit.

What is troublesome is that after a long time, the number of Ascending Immortals in this realm is the largest, even much larger than the number of Earth Fairyland and Heavenly Fairyland.

If the Qingyu faction really gained a firm foothold, then Wei Lin's power would even exceed the power he, the young master of the Shen family, currently controls.

After all, they don't have so many Taiyi Golden Immortals under their command.

Thinking of this, Shen Canghao turned and walked out, "Order the team to set off immediately. In addition, send a message to Yuyan and the others to immediately lead the team to Cangxuan."

The attendant was slightly startled, "Not waiting for the Song family..."

Before he finished speaking, Shen Canghao interrupted: "No need, do it right away!"

With the momentum of Qingyu City, if the Song family waits for a response, a large area of ​​lost land will fall into the hands of the Qingyu faction.
After a few days of recuperation, Shaohaoyue's injuries were almost healed, but the demons still didn't come after them, and the two realized that something was wrong.

After leaving the cave, within the range of consciousness, there is not a single demon clan, and there is no sign of the demon soldiers who have a card for a hundred miles and a whistle for a thousand miles.

"Did something happen to the demons?" Shaohaoyue touched his chin, thinking about the information about the demons, "Could it be that the layout of the Cangxuan Immortal Territory didn't work out?"

The four great demon sects teamed up and carefully planned to ambush her. Now it is a critical moment, why did they suddenly give up chasing her?
This situation is really too weird, Shaohaoyue looked at the map, chose a small town, and prepared to venture into the city to find out the news.

Seeing clearly the city she chose, Shaohao Yao's eyebrows twitched, "Is it too risky?"

The city that Shaohaoyue chose, although it is only a small one, has an excellent location, very close to Mengxuejian, on the edge of the Fire Wasteland and the peaks, and behind the peaks is Mengxuejian.

It can be said that this small town is the southwest gateway of Mengxuejian.

Such a city must be tightly guarded. Right now, the chain spells are still in effect, and if they enter the city, it is tantamount to being sent to the door.

Shaohaoyue glanced at the other nearby cities, "This city is the least valued nearby, and the others are far away from Mengxuejian."

Seeing that Shaohaoyao was still worried, she comforted her and said, "Don't worry, this is a small town with mediocre protection and no teleportation array. If you are discovered, you can escape safely."

In terms of fighting, Shaohao Yao was not good at it, so she didn't say anything more when she saw her persistence. The two of them walked around the majestic peaks, and at the end of their field of vision, a small town soon appeared.

This is a rather crude small town. The environment of the Fire Wasteland is also extremely harsh for the demons. Few people come to it. Naturally, the small town on the edge cannot develop. If it is not because this is the gateway to Mengxuejian, this A small town would never exist.

Perhaps it was too crude, the demons thought that Shaohaoyue and others would not come here at all, the small town was completely undefended, and after handing over two magic crystals, Shaohaoyue and others entered the city smoothly.

In terms of inquiring about news, teahouses and restaurants are good choices. After entering the city, Shaohaoyue was about to enter the nearest teahouse when he suddenly caught a glimpse of an upside-down crescent scratch on the pillar at the entrance of the restaurant in the distance. contact password.

There is Huang Wei in the restaurant!
Shaohaoyue was overjoyed, turned around and entered the restaurant.

The restaurant is not big, but there are quite a lot of people, especially the lobby on the first floor, where there are people drinking, playing games, and flirting.

Looking at the aisle in front of which no one was struggling to pass, Shaohaoyue frowned, she stretched out her hand and pushed, and the big man beside the aisle, who was punching passionately, fell to the table with a bang, and moved obliquely forward together with the table.

The distance between tables was already narrow, and this table quickly bumped into other tables, causing everyone to be thrown off their feet.

"Which bastard dares to push me?" The big man stood up in embarrassment, turned around and shouted angrily, and the other people who were affected also shouted.

Shaohao Yao was dumbfounded, and couldn't help but transmit the voice: "We are here to inquire about the news."

"Those who can come to this kind of place are not good people. They are only suspicious. Moreover, this is a demon realm, not a place to be polite." The old god Shaohaoyue was walking along the aisle that was pushed out.

The yelling of the demons gradually died down, and the big man just muttered a few words after being pushed. He thought he was unlucky, so he moved the table back and continued to play games and drink.

A young attendant came up to greet him and said enthusiastically, "What do you two want to drink?"

During the movement, he flipped his thumb tactfully, revealing an upside-down crescent mark on the side. Shaohaoyue's heart moved, and he said, "Any recommendations?"

The attendant was even more enthusiastic, "Have something strong enough? Our restaurant's signature Doomsday Twilight, His Royal Highness Hou Yu praised it very much!"

Shaohaoyue readily agreed, "Okay, this is it."

The attendant smiled and narrowed his eyes, "Follow me, two!"

The attendants led them into a private room, and made a few hand gestures to a hideous and evil figure. The blood flowed in the picture, revealing a passage on the ground.

At this time, the attendant accepted the enthusiasm of attracting customers, and said calmly: "Master Deacon is inside, please."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left the private room, closed the door intimately, and activated the restriction that came with the private room.

Sir Deacon?

Shaohaoyue was astonished, walking through the passage, the inside seemed to have a different style, the bright windows of the jade building, the small leaves of incense, every painting and grass, every table and chair were all exquisite and elegant.

The man was leaning by the window, and the luminous pearl was shining, adding some warmth to the exquisite mask on his face.

Seeing him, Shaohaoyue couldn't bear it anymore and asked, "Is this also your property?"

The Huangwei chuckled, and said modestly: "There is no way, Mengxuejian is too strictly searched, so we can only drive here."

The corner of Shaohaoyue's mouth twitched, he could only do it, this small town is the gateway to Mengxuejian.

Huang Wei shrugged his shoulders and collected his expression: "Okay, let's get down to business, Gui Tu is dead."

"Ah?" Shaohaoyue was dumbfounded, "You did it?"

"If I did it, the demons would have been chasing me long ago. It's the blood demons." Huang Wei took out a portrait and pointed to the white-clothed girl on the portrait, "Why did you think she was the most likely resurrected demon?" Emperor?"

(End of this chapter)

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