all the way to fairy

Chapter 921 Two Butterflies

Chapter 921 Two Butterflies
Unexpectedly, the two children who were isolated from the world took the truth described in the book seriously and insisted on practicing it.

Kong Qing bowed his head and pleaded guilty: "It's my subordinate who neglected his duty and didn't consider everything thoroughly."

Jiuxi put the scriptbook in his hand on top of the neatly stacked books, "Everything is life."

These books are not entirely scripts, but more of the teaching plans and handouts of Siling College. In terms of books, Xiao Shiqi learned the same set as others.

But only the two of them believed in the truth.

If you really want to blame them, you have to blame them for their pious appearance. The textbooks for educating the juniors write one set of high-sounding principles, but they actually practice another set.

After leaving Fengming Hall, Shao Haoyue didn't stay any longer, but immediately turned around. As soon as he left the city, he found a group of soldiers outside the Teleportation Hall.

Looking up, apart from the teleportation hall, there are small groups of soldiers flying over from time to time in the high clouds, distant mountains, and forests.

This posture is clearly searching for something closely.

Taking a closer look, the chasing team led by Su Liao, Changyu's fairy servant, is in the middle of it. It is not difficult to see from the armor accessories of the others that they are from her second sister's house.

With such a big posture, what did those two fairyland fairies do?
A flash of doubt flashed in Shaohaoyue's heart, and in the blink of an eye, she suddenly caught a glimpse of Changyu coming out of the teleportation hall, and she was even more surprised, the two fairies from the fairyland had to work so hard for Changyu to do it herself!

The moment she looked over, Changyu also spotted her, was stunned for a moment, and quickly came up to her, "Xiaoxian Changyu, see Yuedian."

Shaohaoyue glanced slowly at the search team who turned around and saluted one after another, raised his eyebrows and asked slowly: "Is my Yuzu going to perish?"

Suzaku City is the holy city of the entire Yu Clan, and it is also the gateway to the core territory of the Feng Clan—the Zhuque Divine Continent. Not to mention a small princess mansion, even Shao Haoyue, the younger generation of the Feng Clan, wants to block the teleportation hall. , but also proceed with caution.

A thin layer of sweat dripped from Changyu's forehead, and he repeatedly complained: "Xiaoxian has acted inappropriately, please forgive me from Yuedian, and Xiaoxian will definitely go to the penalty hall to receive the punishment."

Changyu is from Shaohaoying. Although Shaohaoyue was curious, he didn't intend to ask about the other family's affairs. He glanced around and walked straight to the teleportation hall.

Chang Yu was also very savvy, so he followed up personally and opened the formation that surrounded the hall. At this moment, accompanied by space fluctuations, two figures appeared and shot towards the hall like lightning.

The speed was as fast as light and lightning, and it reached the teleportation array in the hall in an instant, but it stopped there.

Shaohaoyue raised his hand and grabbed it in vain. The light flashed around the two of them, but they still couldn't break free. They were pulled out of the teleportation array bit by bit, and fell heavily to the ground.

Among them, the one in white hurriedly stood up, and in the middle of standing up, several blades were placed on her neck. dyed blood.

"Thank you Yuedian for your help," Chang Yu hurried over, "Because the two little shrimps delayed the trip of Yuedian, the little fairy deserves death."

"Yue Palace?!"

The man caught by the blade suddenly raised his head to look at Shaohao Yue, his eyes burst out with a strong light of hope, and he shouted hastily: "Yue Dian Mingjian, we are not spies, everything is their crime, please do it for us!" We call the shots!"

The speaker had a delicate and ethereal beauty, and his voice was clear and moving, but it was a real male voice. Only then did Shao Haoyue realize that he was a man, and he had made a mistake earlier.

Looking again, the young man is a moonlight phoenix-tailed butterfly known for its ethereal dreams. No wonder it is so beautiful that it is indistinguishable between male and female. Then look at the man in purple next to him. This is a woman who has evolved into a king butterfly.

"A spy?" Shaohao Yue frowned, looking at Chang Yu, "What's going on?"

"They have been promoted in recent years and have been working in the scout battalion led by Xiaoxian. One is the space-attributed Dreaming Emperor Butterfly, and the other is the Moonlight Phoenix-tailed Butterfly, which is good at speed and stealth. They are both natural candidates for scouting.

Xiaoxian transferred them to his side to serve as attendants, and was ready to personally guide them. He didn't want the two of them to spy on the military situation and spread rumors about the demon clan.

"You're talking nonsense!" Before Chang Yu could finish speaking, the boy interrupted angrily, "We didn't spy on the military situation, let alone collude with the demons."

He looked at Shaohaoyue and explained anxiously: "Both Dodo and I wanted to join the Crescent Army, but we didn't agree to their recruitment from the beginning, and we wanted to leave after we got the residence qualification.

At that time, the decisive battle broke out in the Yueqing area, and the chief paid us a lot of merit to hire us to stay in the war zone, and then leave after the incident in the Yueqing area.

Unexpectedly, after returning to Xingque, they would not let us go, and even slandered us as spies! "

Shaohaoyue's eyes flickered, and her orange eyes became deeper and deeper, like a bottomless vortex, but her voice softened, "Did you know each other in the lower realm? Why do you want to join the New Moon Army?"

The boy's eyes gradually became dull, and he shook his head, "No, Dodo and I met in the Yueqing world. I ascended a few months earlier than her. Dodo said that the Crescent Army is very good. She only joins the Crescent Army. I don't have anything in particular to go to." Yes, I just want to be with her."

"That's it." Shaohaoyue's voice became softer, and he continued to ask. Confused, although there were more details, the boy's answer did not change, and they did not collude with the demons.

The orange light in Shaohaoyue's eyes dissipated, and she looked at Changyu with a half-smile, "He didn't lie, so you are the one who lied."

Hearing her words, the young man's eyes quickly flashed a trace of bewilderment, and he responded pleasantly: "Yuedian Mingjian, we are really not spies!"

Chang Yu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly lowered his face, turned his head and asked his attendant Su Liao, "What's going on?"

Su Liao's expression changed a few times, and he plopped down on his knees, "My lord, please forgive me."

According to Su Liao, he accidentally discovered that the Moonlight Phoenixtail butterfly possessed the most precious treasure, Bibodhi. One couldn't hold back his greed and wanted to keep it for himself, so he slandered the two butterflies for having an affair with the demons.

Shaohaoyue glanced at Changyu, then looked at Su Liao, "Now that the truth is revealed, you can kill yourself."

Su Liao was startled by this punishment, and hurriedly begged for mercy: "Yue Dian, please forgive me, Yue Dian, please forgive me, Xiao Xian was only temporarily deceived by lard."

Chang Yu also begged for mercy, "For the sake of not causing any irreversible consequences, please forgive this stupid thing, Xiaoxian will definitely teach him a good lesson later."

Hearing this, the young Pteris butterfly's face was sullen, and he wanted to refute immediately. Concerned about his status as a long fish, he finally closed his mouth unwillingly and said nothing.

Shaohao Yue's eyes turned cold, "I don't want to repeat it."

Chang Yu clenched his fists, let out his breath for a long while, and said in a deep voice, "Su Liao, the prince has committed the same crime as the common people, not to mention you and me. Since you can't keep your heart and become greedy, then execute yourself."

"Young master." Su Liao whispered incredulously, begging to no avail, and finally with a sense of unwillingness to break his soul.

Shaohaoyue stared at the walking corpse, the coldness in his eyes became more and more intense, "Get out of here."

After Changyu saluted and left with her subordinates, she looked at the captain of the city guard, "Send them to my residence, ask the immortal doctor to treat them, and send them to Yuecheng after their injuries are recovered."


After explaining, Shaohaoyue did not delay, and immediately returned to Yuecheng through the teleportation array. She called Lian Yang, "Send someone to watch Changyu, and focus on finding out why he targeted the Yingmenghuang butterfly."

She didn't believe a single punctuation mark in the explanation of Changyu's master and servant. If Changyu had no ghosts in his heart, even if the two butterflies died because of Su Liao, he would insist on interceding for him.

They were just two little butterflies in the fairyland, but they were still flying up from the lower realms. They had no background and no strong combat power. If they died, they would die.

He would order Su Liao to die, but he wanted to cut through the mess quickly, so that she would not let it go.

The Yingmengling butterfly is a rare space attribute, no matter how fast the young Phoenix-tailed butterfly is, it is impossible for it to be faster than the teleporting Yingmenghuangdi.

In this case, the one who was seriously injured was the Yingmeng Emperor Butterfly, which meant something self-evident.
"City Lord, there is news from Senior Zhantian and Senior Ruge that the strong demons on their side have not played for a few days. Your guess is correct, the offensive of the demons has slowed down a lot."

Yufu swept away the dullness of the past and reported happily.

After many days of hard fighting, the soldiers are all exhausted, and now they can finally find a little respite.

Wei Lin frowned in thought. With the support from various forces in the Immortal Alliance, most of the occupied war zones were recovered, but the pressure on their Qingyu was increasing day by day.

The Demon Clan also saw the plan of the Immortal Clan. The offensive was extremely fierce these days. If it wasn't for the beginning of the war, the formation masters would not stop consolidating the formation, and there was an improved Qiluoxing formation, which absorbed the energy of the dead's flesh and blood as the driving force. Qingyu has long since fallen.

Now that the demons' offensive is slowing down, it must not be the reinforcements of the immortals. Is there something happening inside the demons?

After pondering for a moment, he said: "The old rule is to order the soldiers to take turns to rest. It is not time to relax yet."

Yufu took the order and left.

A few days later, the offensive of the demon clan became more and more obvious slowly. Many high-level officials hadn't played for a long time. Corner soldiers.

He raised his eyes to look at the camp of the demon army, and he was even more puzzled. The strong demon army hadn't fought for seven days. What kind of big event could distract them from such a big battle?

At this time, a chill suddenly rose from Wei Lin's back, and the alarm bells rang in his heart. He didn't even have time to think about it. Relying on his instinct, he suddenly accelerated, using his footwork to the extreme, and moved quickly in a small area.

In the next second, a vast and fierce saber intent struck, drowning him in an instant.

This knife was too fast and abrupt, there was no warning before the swing, and it had already reached Wei Lin's back after the swing, and there was no time to dodge.

This knife is too huge, when it is swung out, it is like thunder, as if endless waves are rushing in, drowning in an instant.

His well-trained fighting instinct allowed Wei Lin to react immediately, while using his footwork, he moved quickly, looking for every possible weak point of the offensive under Tao Tao's intention.

At the same time, majestic immortal power was poured into Mo Lijian and Jiaoxiao respectively, and the gray mist was mobilized to form a three-layer defense.

(End of this chapter)

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