Chapter 929
Shaohao Yao suppressed her jokes, "That's good."

Bai Leling raised his head and looked in the direction of the turret, "Instead of worrying about me, you might as well worry about your sister. With her personality, if she really falls in love with Wei Lin, it's not certain what she will do."

Blocked by the trees in the courtyard, they couldn't see anything from this angle, but with their eyesight, it was easy to cross these obstacles.

Shaohao Yao's eyes moved slightly, and soon returned to her usual icy color, "We, the Feng Clan, will be responsible for her affairs to the end."

The Feng Clan has always been strong externally and does not allow other forces to intervene. Bai Leling deliberately ridiculed a few words, mentioning the great loss the Feng Clan suffered in the Liu family back then, and caring about the friendship between the two for many years, he finally did not sarcasm.

After confirming the attitude of the White Tiger Clan, the next two are really relaxed and casual reminiscences.

In Linshui City, many people were paying attention to the two people on the turret, especially Song Zicheng's face was the most ugly.

A relative looked at his expression, and asked tentatively: "My lord, do we want to give up Wei Lin?"

"Inappropriate!" Before Song Zi could express his opinion, another follower immediately raised his voice to veto, "Just give up like this, and the dead will think that our young master is afraid of Shaohaoyue!"

The first follower who spoke disagreed: "It's a small matter of face, but a big matter of liking. Now that Cangxuan has suffered a lot of injuries, we will face the Feng family..."

He didn't elaborate on the latter words, but said: "My lord, when the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman benefits."

"Your words are changing the concept secretly. Wei Lin is not Shaohaoyue. How could the Feng family start a war with our Song family for an outsider..."

"This matter needs to be discussed in the long run..."

Song Zi stared at the two people on the turret for a long time, before he raised his hand to stop the dispute among his followers, "Needless to say, Xiaoxiao, I must get it!"

He made a final decision, and no matter how much he disagreed with, he could only follow suit.

At this time, the door rang, and another relative came quickly, "My lord, someone left this letter in our courtyard."

"Trust?" Song Zicheng was surprised. Now that all parties are gathering forces, it is normal to communicate in private. What is worthy of the other party to use the most primitive way to send news?
It was said to be a letter, but in fact it was only one page, the most common paper in Xingque, and there was no decoration on it, only a little smell of the guard remained.

Of course, it is impossible to submit this kind of letter directly to Song Zicheng. In order to prevent someone from sending black hands through the letter, the subordinates will check it before submitting it to Song Zicheng. The smell is contaminated during this period.

Song Ziyong took it and opened it, his expression suddenly changed, "Order, the blockade of Liyuan City and its surrounding areas will continue, and it will be loose and dark. After you find Mu Yan, you don't need to take action for the time being, just block it!"

The guards in the house saw the content on the paper, and couldn't help but change their colors. They said yes and went to do it immediately.

There is only one sentence on the paper: Mu Yan is Xiaohuaxian.

It has been a while since Yuancheng was sealed off, but no trace of Mu Yan has been found, and the battle here is tight again, the Song family intends to lift the blockade.

After all, it's just a fellow apprentice, and they wouldn't take risks for it. It's a bit of a dream to use her to force Wei Lin to hand over the shark.

But Shaohaoyue is different, she can do anything for Xiaohuaxian!

Gotta send the order back ASAP!
As for who is delivering the message, what is the purpose, and even verifying the authenticity of the message are all things that need to be considered later.

The waning moon was sinking to the west, the morning light was faint, and a whitish white appeared in the sky.

Below, people came out one after another, heading towards yesterday's small building.

Shaohaoyue stood up and said, "It's about to start, let's go."

The two flew down from the turret and walked slowly. Along the way, people kept giving Shaohao Yue salutes and making way.

Looking at the small building that was getting closer, Shao Haoyue thought about comforting Wei Lin again, she turned her head and found that Wei Lin was walking beside her, not behind the one that people usually choose.

She was stunned for a moment, was he used to not staying behind others, or did he do it on purpose?
It's not bad to have someone walking side by side.

Wei Lin was very keen, and soon noticed her gaze, and turned his eyes to look over. Shaohaoyue privately thought that he didn't need to be comforted in this state, so he smiled, turned his head and continued on his way.

When they arrived at the entrance of the small building, a voice came from among the people who were avoiding courteously: "Yuedian, are you okay? What happened, how dare the devil pretend to be you?"

The crowd was quiet for a moment, and all eyes were on the speaker, who was a pretty girl.She also realized that something was wrong, and her face was full of annoyance.

Facing Shaohaoyue's eyes, it was even more embarrassing, so he bit the bullet and stammered to explain: "Xiao, Xiaoxian looks now, no, no..."

Shao Haoyue nodded slightly to signal: "Thank you for your concern, it's all right now."

She naturally saw that the young girl was not spying on her whereabouts, but out of concern. She was just a little surprised that there were strangers who had nothing to do with her safety.

Wei Lin wanted to ask this question a long time ago, but now he has no position to care about it, so he can only keep silent.

At this time, someone suggested that he couldn't help pricking up his ears, but Shaohaoyue didn't say much, and stepped in.

Wei Lin suppressed the worries in his heart and followed, and when he entered the door, he heard someone behind him whispering: "You don't want to die!"

"...The little flower fairy that was rumored earlier was a spy of the demon clan...Yue Palace was tricked...fallen into the demon realm...chasing and killing...such a shameful thing..."

A few intermittent sentences have already explained the whole story. Wei Lin's heart ached when he heard it, and he couldn't help but look at the people around him. Being chased into the enemy's rear, is such a dangerous thing really all right?
When everyone arrived, the meeting officially began. Shen Canghao, the No. 1 successor of the Shen family, spoke on behalf of the four families and four clans.

He looked around and said in a loud voice: "The content of today's meeting must be clear to all of you, this is the first battle for the number of places in the market.

This raid by the demon clan caused the death of many immortal friends in Cangxuan, and we are at a disadvantage. In the end, how many places our immortal clan can get depends on the joint efforts of all the lords here! "

Everyone here is very aware of the importance of returning to the ruins, and they all express their opinions immediately, and the division of war zones will be smoother later.

Everyone is a battle-tested veteran. This kind of defense zone allocation has been experienced countless times. Who is the ally who can cooperate? Everyone is very clear.

The entire meeting, except for the routine quarrel in the defense area, was very harmonious, and the news that had been circulated before seemed to be just speculation.

No one raised an issue against Wei Lin, and it was normal for the senior officials of the four families to mention Wei Lin, as if he was just an ordinary general in the defense area, and the fort defense area assigned by the Qingyu faction was also very ordinary, not a dangerous place .

People who didn't know the inside story suddenly looked at Shaohaoyue, and as soon as the meeting ended, some people whispered.

"As expected of Yue Dian, even Song Zicheng had to avoid it because of his sharp edge."

"Song Ziyong is just putting on airs. He only knows how to show prestige to us small families and sects. When he meets the other three families and four families, he will immediately wither away..."

Amid all kinds of discussions, everyone set sail one after another, heading for their respective theaters.

On the Qingyu fairy boat, Wei Lin stood silently on the deck. Since he boarded the fairy boat, he has been standing there like a sculpture.

Lord Zhantian closed the porthole, and said to Nightingale: "You are his uncle, and you have a personal relationship with him, please go over and ask."

Xianjun Lan Qing also said: "If you don't ask clearly about this matter, I'm afraid you won't feel at ease."

Nightingale had no objection, she was indeed equally worried about this issue.

The gathering of the Feisheng immortal clan to help Qingyu grow its reputation and honor is not to give Wei Lin a step up from the Feng clan.

But her so-called Uncle Master is more of a title and doesn't have much weight, so she won't have an advantage in finding Wei Lin's answer.

She went to the deck, stood beside Wei Lin, and also looked to the southwest—the direction of the defense zone assigned by the Yu clan.

"As one of the eight pillars of the Immortal Alliance, the Feng Clan is one of the biggest beneficiaries of our Feisheng Clan. I am afraid that Yuedian's friendship..."

"Senior." She was interrupted by Wei Lin before she finished speaking, and he glanced at the cabin where Lord Zhantian was. His voice was unhurried, but strangely firm, reaching the ears of everyone on board. .

"You are not members of my Qingyu sect. I don't need your consent to how I act or who I associate with. Our agreement is in the plane world. As long as Qingyu succeeds in gaining a foothold in the star tower, I will help you obtain the lower realm qualification."

Nightingale was stunned, and once again had a new understanding of this cheap nephew. It turned out that he had anticipated what might happen now from the very beginning.

He was stronger and more assertive than they thought.

(End of this chapter)

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