Chapter 937
After contemplating for a moment, Shaohaoyue laid out a piece of paper and picked up a pen, wrote down the report eloquently, sealed it neatly, and handed it to Lian Yang: "I will hand it over in two days."

As she spoke, she stood up and walked out, "Next, I will leave the affairs of the theater to you."

"Your Highness, what are you doing?" Lian Yang was a little confused.

"Of course I'm going to support Wei Lin." Before the words finished, her person had disappeared, leaving Lian Yang and Xi Ying looking at each other.

After a long time, Xi Ying said in a daze, "Your Highness will be criticized for leaving his post without permission, right?"

Lian Yang's eyes flickered, and he said in a low voice: "It's okay, Your Highness went deep into the Demon Realm to disable the two main forces of Desperate Nightmare and Scarlet Thorn. In this battle of returning to the ruins, our Phoenix Clan's first contribution has been stabilized."
The setting sun is like blood, dyeing half of the sky red.

The faint sound of the flute, like weeping and complaining, came with the wind, and the red clouds in the sky were also stained with sorrow, bleak and desolate.

Hearing the sound of the music, the Qingyu soldiers stopped their movements in unison. Many soldiers took out their musical instruments and joined in the music. Soldiers who are not good at musical instruments and have limited mobility lowered their heads and stood still, silently listening to the familiar song. A sad evocation.

This is a very common sight. There are continuous battles. Whenever there is a small victory and there is a chance to breathe, the soldiers will play the soul song to attract the souls of the dead comrades to return to their homeland.

Of course, this is just a spiritual sustenance of the living.

As an immortal, one transcends reincarnation, possesses endless life, and loses the chance to be reincarnated. After the death of an immortal, the soul dies, how can the soul be brought back.

In the sad and solemn music, Wei Lin stopped playing, looked up at the sky, and said silently: Brother Jun, have a good journey.

After coming to Xingque, he has seen too many deaths. Whether he was a soldier in the third battalion of the Jun family at first, or later became the killer of Qiuxi Building, many people died every day.

At those times, he was also uncomfortable, but this time, he was particularly sad.

Jun Yushan is different from those people, they are friends who don't know each other, they are like-minded confidants, and they are brothers who live together and die together.

At the time of Canglan, it was difficult for him to have friends because of his position. For so many years, apart from Mu Yananran, Ji Ruochen and Jingxu were the only friends among his peers.

When he arrived at Qingxuan, he was no longer a child of the evil sect that everyone shouted and beaten. However, they had gone through the world at that time, and they had long lost the innocence and sharpness of their youth, and the monks were suspicious and indifferent.

After all, Jun Yushan was his only congenial friend.

Now, the only congenial friend is gone.

When he was indulging in mourning, he suddenly found that the sound of a flute was very close, so close that it was right beside him.

Wei Lin's heart suddenly rose, and he held his breath subconsciously. None of the Nightingales and others standing near him used flutes.

He turned his head slowly and mechanically, and saw a woman in light blue standing beside him, even standing shoulder to shoulder with him, her fingers as white as green onions were glistening, holding a leaf flute slowly. play.

Wei Lin's eyes fell on the leaf flute, and he froze slightly. This is... a leaf flute?

The thought flashed, and the woman's ordinary face shattered, revealing a familiar face.

Wei Lin's tense body relaxed, and his heart dropped to the ground.

Really want to be scared to death by her.

But at this point in time, how could she appear here?

Feeling his gaze, Shaohaoyue was surprised again that she was recognized!

She used the concealing technique, how did he recognize her?
She moved the flute away, stopped playing the lull, tilted her head to meet Shang Weilin's gaze, and said softly, "My condolences."

The two words were soft and soft, but like a thunderclap, they exploded in the ears of Nightingale and the others. They all turned their heads to look, and were instantly horrified.

When did Wei Lin have another stranger by his side? !

Although there is no status requirement in the army when commemorating the dead, soldiers can stand wherever they want, but Wei Lin's safety is of paramount importance, even at such a moment, the four of them separated into four directions to protect Wei Lin.

However, under the eyes of the four great Luo Jinxians, a stranger came to Wei Lin's side, and they didn't notice it until the other party spoke.

If the other party has malicious intentions, Wei Lin may be...

Apart from the four of them, Nightingale, several Qingyu high-level officials also noticed Shaohaoyue, a strange woman, and were also in a cold sweat.

With just a glance, these people withdrew from the state of horror and leaned over calmly, especially the three of them, Nightingale and Zhantian, who separated in all directions and blocked all the way out of Shaohaoyue.

Wei Lin stretched out his hand to pull Shaohaoyue behind him, and raised his hand to signal them not to act rashly.

He did this move so naturally, as if he had done it countless times before, and it had been integrated into his instinct.

Shaohaoyue was stunned, staring blankly at the hand that was still on her wrist. She had always been the one who stood in front of everyone when danger came. For the first time, someone pulled her behind.

Double images appeared in her vision, and the world became blurred. Only the cool touch on her wrist was so real, which gave her an unusually reassuring feeling.

Nightingale and the others were also confused by Wei Lin's actions, and began to suspect that they were too sensitive. The woman might be from their Lantau. After all, the current Lantau Army has the most Taiyi Jinxian.

Wei Lin gestured that nothing was wrong, and pulled Shaohaoyue towards the handsome tent. After entering it, he asked, "Why are you here?"

Shaohaoyue still looked at his hand and didn't answer.

It wasn't until this moment that Wei Lin realized that he had been pulling her all the time, and saw Nightingale and several senior executives following in suspiciously.

Wei Lin quickly let go of Shao Haoyue's hand, and confessed vaguely: "I'm in a hurry, please forgive me for the offense."


Shaohaoyue touched her wrist, it seemed that there was still a slight coolness there, for some reason, she suddenly felt a little disappointed in her heart.

Wei Lin glanced at Nightingale and the others, feeling a little helpless. These people were worried about his safety. Since Dao Ancestral Realm Da Neng's assassination that day, they had always kept at least one Da Luo Jinxian by his side. At this moment, he also It's not good to let them go.

Looking at Shaohaoyue who was wandering in the sky, he asked again: "I don't know what is the important thing for the fairy to come here?"

Since he knew that Shaohaoyue had used the concealment technique, he would not reveal her identity, lest he unintentionally spoil her affairs.

Shaohaoyue was not afraid of being known by Nightingale and the others. She rubbed her wrist, raised her eyes and said, "You don't like the gift I gave you. I want to ask you what you like. I will give it to you."

Wei Lin: "..."

As soon as these words came out, Nightingale and the others naturally understood Shaohaoyue's identity, and the Concealing Face Technique no longer worked on them.

They seemed to have seen a ghost, obviously shocked by the reason why Shaohaoyue came to Qingyu at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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