all the way to fairy

Chapter 941 Charges

Song Zizheng smiled angrily, such a business-like attitude, such an upright inspector.

There was sarcasm on his lips, and he asked sharply: "So, I have to trouble Fairy a lot?"

When the last word fell, the killing intent seemed to have substance, rushing towards her face, the young inspector fell into an ice cellar, and in an instant, she was like a mortal woman in the vast ice field, the biting cold made her freeze instantly, blinking her eyes , I can't even move my fingers.

Previously, Song Zicheng's murderous intent was not directed at her, but the murderous intent leaked out of anger, Zhuo Yanjun was not very afraid.

But this time, the killing intent was completely directed at her, and she truly felt how terrifying Song Ziyao was. He could take her life with just one thought.

However, this impeachment is very important to the General Supervision Department. If you can seize the opportunity, you may be able to win some power, at least regain a certain degree of control over the lower-level Supervision Department.

The big shots want to use their inspector general to fight, and their inspector general should also receive some remuneration.

Zhuo Yanjun stabilized his mind, tried his best to activate the exercises, bit by bit expelled the cold killing intent that invaded his limbs, and finally recovered a little mobility.

She raised her eyes with difficulty and stared at Song Zicheng: "Young Master Song, you are polite, it is our duty to find out the truth, and the Supervision Director will not wrong anyone."

She spoke a word very slowly, but apart from the initial difficulty, she became very fluent later on, without difficulty, but with a different kind of seriousness.

Song Ziyong was a little surprised, looked her up and down, snorted lightly, and said, "I have some skills."

At this moment, his anger had been vented and he had calmed down.

This kind of trivial matter can neither hurt the tendons nor move the bones, Shaohaoyue's actions are purely to disgust him.

It seems that they still underestimated how much she valued Wei Lin, and resorted to such shameless tricks, even disregarding the face of the Feng family.

Song Zicheng squinted his eyes, recalled the news he had received a while ago, and decided to go back in disgust.

He looked at Zhuo Yanjun with a half-smile, and said: "Then I will entrust your company with my innocence."

As he said that, he paused, restraining the sarcasm on his face a little bit, "Besides, I got the news that Shao Haoyue left the C[-] defense area, how should the crime of leaving without authorization be punished?"

Zhuo Yanjun took out a jade slip with a straight face and entered it, "We have received your accusation, and we will investigate it as soon as possible and give you an answer."

Song Zicheng's eyes flickered, and he said to the guard standing beside him, "Arrange someone to cooperate with the Supervision Department's inquiries."

The personal guard agreed, turned his head and said stiffly to Mr. Zhuo Yan: "Come with me."

To his bad attitude, Zhuo Yanjun didn't dare to say anything, and after a salute, he left.

Watching her go away, Song Ziyong smiled playfully, "It seems that the inspector general also has his own ideas."

The guards who stayed in the house were stunned for a moment, quickly reacted, and hurriedly said: "Then we have to..."

Before he could finish speaking, Song Ziyao said, "No need, they're just a few clowns."

After a pause, he said again: "It's always a disaster to keep those few members of the Supervision Department, let's get rid of them."

Now that Shaohaoyue has accused him, the people from the General Supervision Department will definitely not let go of those directly related supervisors.

Although they wouldn't dare to confess him even if they had ten guts, but now the Supervisory Directorate is like a cat smelling fish, and if he wants to make a big fuss about this matter, it's safer to kill him.
The scorching sun is like a fire, scorching the earth.

Even though the soldiers were protected from cold and heat, they couldn't help feeling a little irritable when they saw the strong light reflected by the sun on the exposed sandstone.

"What are you pushing, my uncle will go by himself!"

In the orderly fortress, an impatient shout suddenly sounded.

A group of people dressed in dark black Supervision Department costumes came out of the camp. There were five people on the outside, with three dark gold stripes on their shoulders.

The one who yelled was the bearded man in the middle, who was cursing with impatience on his face.

Hearing Li Yao, many people looked over and suddenly showed strange expressions.

The ones in the middle with no patterns on their shoulders belonged to the Supervision Department, which they avoided, while the ones with gold patterns on their shoulders belonged to the General Supervision Department.

The General Supervision Department is only the superintendent of the Supervision Department in name, but it is actually a Qingshui yamen, which is completely different from the lower-level Supervision Department who holds real power.

This point can be seen from the confident attitude of the three detained.

Sensing the strange gazes from the people around him, a tender-faced young man in the General Supervisory Department puffed out his chest, pushed the bearded man majestically, and shouted: "Be honest, let's go!"

The big man rolled his eyelids, trembled exaggeratedly, squeezed his throat and shouted: "Oh, the official rank is crushing people to death, this is not a crime yet..."

The crowd roared with laughter. The tender-faced man obviously didn't have much experience. He blushed from the laughter and stammered, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

At this time, a surprised female voice sounded, "Huaining!"

The tender-faced man turned his head and saw that the woman was wearing a full suit of silver armor, holding a sword in her hand, her eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and she seemed to be able to see through all the secrets of people.

After being stared at by her, the majesty of the man's strong surveillance disappeared completely. He shrank his neck and called out in a low voice: "Second sister."

The woman strode over, looked at the three unruly inspectors, and then at the inspectors at the chief inspectorate. She immediately understood a little bit, her eyes sharpened, and she looked at the inspectors at the chief inspectorate with sullen anger on her face.

After a while, she withdrew her scrutiny, glanced at her younger brother out of the corner of her eye, and said, "Come here!"

Ye Huaining swallowed, and nervously followed her to the side.

After restraining her for a while, the female general asked, "Who did you offend recently?"

"No." Ye Huaining waved his hands again and again, "This time, it is Yuedian who accuses these people from the Supervision Department of watching the fall of Jun's defense area. They don't rescue or report. They are suspected of colluding with the demon clan. We were ordered before."

"Naive!" The female general hated iron for being weak, "No matter how you say it, Yuedian is a high-ranking member of the Immortal League. Can you still count on her to support you?"

After reprimanding, she said earnestly: "How many times have I told you, stay at the headquarters, don't meddle with other people, what prestige are you bragging about.

Do you know that there is a saying that it is easier to invite the gods than to send them away, and now you have a good time catching them, and the Supervision Department will give you small shoes to wear when you turn around. "

Looking at her younger brother, the female general is very disturbed. This younger brother is not very talented, but he is very simple. He likes to show off, and he is not smart. In the yamen.

I thought that in such a place, no one would use him as a gunman, but unexpectedly, now he was sent to escort people from the Supervision Department.

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