all the way to fairy

Chapter 943 Already Longevity

She looked at Wei Lin and said: "Since you have embarked on this path, you will always fight, no matter the fairy or demon clan, just fight more and conquer those who are not convinced."

Wei Lin manipulated the fairy boat to fly with all his strength, and asked casually, "Is it the same for you?"

"Of course! Not only me, but most of the talents on the Qingyun list are like this."

The fairy boat was as fast as lightning, and within a few words, it had already entered the top of the Qingyu defense zone. Shao Haoyue scanned the entire battlefield, trying to find out the commander of the Chinese army.

"Master! Be careful!"

Wei Lin suddenly let out a cry, swiped his blue long sword, and his whole body, like a light or a shadow, rushed to a place on the battlefield.


Isn't Wei Lin the founder of the Lantau School?Didn't it mean that he and Huahua were the first to ascend from the Lantau School?
Shaohaoyue was puzzled, and looked in the direction of Wei Linfei's flight. The imposing figure of Zhantian Xianjun dragged his huge sword, and beat the five demon generals back steadily.

Being besieged by five enemies of the same level not only won't lose the wind, but also beat the enemy to their left and right. Looking at the entire star tower, few people can have such a record.

As expected of a person who claims to split the world with one sword, he has two brushes.

Behind Zhantian, the air twisted and fluctuated slightly, and moved with Zhantian's movement, always keeping behind Zhantian.

That's the nightingale.

She is good at assassination. Since the battle, she has taken advantage of the chaotic situation of the battlefield and seized the opportunity to kill many powerful demons. Even if the opportunity is right, the strong in the ancient demon realm will be killed by one blow.

The demons' hatred for her is still higher than Zhantian. Facing Zhantian, at least it is an honorable death in battle.

At this time, a point of dark purple flashed rapidly, heading towards Nightingale, and in an instant it was behind Nightingale. The point of dark purple expanded rapidly, and it turned into a huge and unparalleled arrow.

Trolls, Soul Eater Arrows!

Hearing Wei Lin's voice, Nightingale's heart shuddered, her body surged with celestial power, she condensed her shield, and moved to dodge at the same time.

In the next second, a terrifying aura exploded, making people jump in fear, the space collapsed, and she was forced out from the hidden state, revealing her figure.

The shattered space left her nowhere to move, and the terrifying aura made her body tremble involuntarily, and she froze for a moment.

It was this moment of stagnation, the incomparable force of the blow pierced through her body, and she flew backwards like a kite with a broken string.

However, the giant arrow did not pass through her body. After the shaft entered her body, the arrow stopped abruptly, and the majestic devilish energy surged out and exploded suddenly.

A few magnolia flowers formed in front of Nightingale, supporting her body, and within an instant, the magnolia shattered.

More magnolia flowers appeared, either supporting Nightingale's body, or landing on the arrow, dispelling the attack of the giant arrow.

The rain of flowers is like a waterfall, lingering with nightingales and giant arrows.

In the flower rain that filled the sky, a colorless blue smoke meandered past, drifting towards Nightingale, and halfway through, a white fan appeared, blocking the way.

The fan swayed lightly, only to hear a pop, and the 'green smoke' formed into a ball, shot straight backwards, and after sliding for a certain distance, it showed a tall and thin figure.

Knocking away the man who made up the sword, Master Jianzhu recalled the white fan and continued to fight with the opponent.

Finally, Hua Yu unleashed the offensive of the giant arrow, and Lan Qing caught Nightingale and flew to a safe place behind.

At this time, Wei Lin also arrived. Looking at Nightingale, who was almost torn apart by the giant arrow and split in half, his heart suddenly sank. He knew the power of the giant arrow very well. It was enough to kill all internal organs, flesh and blood. The muscles and bones are all twisted into powder.

Without caring about checking Yeying's injuries, he quickly fed the Nine Turns Xuanyuan Pill to Yeying, and it contained spirit in his palm, ready to help her dissolve the medicine.

Lan Qing reached out her hand to stop him, and said, "My magnolia moisturizer is soft and docile, full of vitality, I'll come."

Wei Lin withdrew his hand, and then began to check on Nightingale's injury, his heart sank again.

Nightingale's injury was exactly the same as Jun Yushan's, and there was a lot of porridge in her body.

Although Nightingale's cultivation level was higher than Jun Yushan's, but the enemy who shot this arrow had a cultivation level higher than that of the demon general who chased and killed Jun Yushan's brother back then, Wei Lin was at a loss.

"She's your uncle?!" Shaohaoyue was astonished. As the well-known killer of Qiuxi Building, Yeying knew a little bit. When did she have a senior brother or sister, and even became Wei Lin's master!

Wei Lin suppressed the heaviness in his heart, nodded, and said: "She is from the same family as Senior Qing Luo."

"So that's how it is." Shaohaoyue suddenly realized, and secretly thought that Qingluo's sect had good luck, and in the same generation, the two Ascension to the Star Tower had extraordinary aptitude.

Lan Qing looked at her, then at Wei Lin, her eyes flickered, she raised her hand to place a restraint, and begged: "Yuedian, can you save her?

We Qingyu only have four Daluo Jinxians, each of whom is indispensable, Ruge is the best at hiding, without her protecting the city lord, how can we go out and fight with confidence. "

"Senior Lan Qing."

Wei Lin was displeased, Ye Ying naturally valued her and would try his best to treat her, but he absolutely could not accept that others would take advantage of Ah Li's concern for him to force her to act.

Shaohaoyue naturally heard Lan Qing's deep meaning, but she didn't feel offended, she just said: "Didn't Wei Lin give her the Nine-Turn Xuanyuan Pill?"

"Nine-turn Xuanyuan Pill..." Lan Qing was startled, "You mean that the Nine-turn Xuanyuan Pill will be effective?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly widened her eyes and looked down. As the Nine Turns Xuanyuan Pill melted, the vitality in Nightingale's body burst out, and it was so rich that it was unbelievable.

Wei Lin was also stunned, that was not the case when Jun Yushan wore the Nine-Turn Xuanyuan Pill that day.

"Because Ruge is the Daluo Jinxian, the fairy body is not comparable to the fairyland?" Lan Qing guessed.

Shaohaoyue blinked, but did not answer.

Seeing her expression, Wei Lin knew it wasn't the reason. After thinking about it, he asked via voice transmission: "Brother Jun was hit by a giant arrow that day, and I gave him the Nine-Turn Xuanyuan Pill, but it didn't have any effect. Why does it work?"

Shaohaoyue pursed her lips and replied after a while: "Because Nightingale came up by flying."

Wei Lin became more and more puzzled, did the pill still come off the plate?

What's so special about people who ascended?

The vitality of heaven's punishment absorbed after surviving the thunderstorm before ascension was hidden in the body, and the medicinal power of the nine-turn Xuanyuan pill was stimulated?
No, compared with Xingque's elixir medicine Lingzhi, the vitality of Heaven's Punishment is just ordinary. The local immortals have taken countless natural treasures since childhood, especially the children of everyone, who started to lay the foundation in the mother's body. How does the fairy race compare.

Shaohaoyue glanced at him, and sound transmission reminded: "Have you noticed that the immortals you ascended from the lower realms generally practice faster."

"It's a discovery..." Wei Lin paused, suddenly thinking of something.

It is generally accepted that the further the cultivation base is, the longer it will take to advance.

However, no matter when he ascended from Canglan to Qingxuan, or from Qingxuan to Xingzhu now, the speed of cultivation in the first period of time was faster than that in the later stage of the next realm.

It took him decades to go from the late stage of Yuanying to the perfect ascension, but after ascension to Qingxuan, it only took seven or eight months from the early stage of refining the void to the middle stage of refining the void, and it was almost the same from Qingxuan to Xingque.

In fact, the later stage of cultivation takes longer, this point of view is based on the more aura needed to break through the realm.

However, regardless of the perception of the mind, the speed of cultivation is not only related to the amount of aura needed, but also related to the richness and quality of the aura.

When you really think about it, this situation can be explained.

Before ascension, the cultivation base has reached the highest stage of that plane, and the aura needed is actually very close to or has exceeded the limit of that world, so the speed is naturally slow.

Ascending to a new plane, the cultivation base is at the lowest stage, and the spiritual energy is far more concentrated than required for cultivation, so the speed is naturally rapid.

The strange thing is that the local immortals of Xingque, since they entered the Tao, their cultivation speed is very slow. Even the geniuses on the Qingyun list, the initial cultivation speed is extremely slow, and the fastest one will take nearly a thousand years.

Those with poor aptitude may not even be able to break through the Immortal Realm in their entire life, and the cultivation level of the Lower Realm is reflected.

Of course, compared with their long lives, thousands of years are nothing, and he thought so before.

Now that I think about it, this is not normal.

Qingxuan's local monks can practice fast after entering the Tao. For example, Nightingale, who is a rare ethereal fairy body, has crossed a big realm and broken through the fusion state in just over a year after she started practicing.

There are many treasures of heaven and earth in Xingque, and the aristocratic faction spans several epochs. The secret skills of the martial arts far surpass the lower realm, and the speed of absorbing immortal energy is not comparable to the lower realm martial arts.

What's more, what the Xingque Immortal Clan absorbs through cultivation is the immortal energy with enhanced essence, not spiritual energy.

But in this case, the cultivation speed of the native immortals is still far behind the Ascension Immortals!
"So, it's not that my cultivation speed is too monstrous, but that your local immortals have a problem with their cultivation speed!"

Thoughts raced through his mind, and an answer came out immediately.

Why do the high-ranking native immortals strictly restrict the ascending immortals without foundation, and are even more vigilant about their suppression than the demons?

Just afraid.

With the development momentum of the Ascending Immortal Clan, if there is no restriction on the merits of faith, sooner or later it will be replaced by the Immortal Alliance.

"We are more adapted to this star tower than you!"

"Needless to put it so tactfully, you are the real immortals, and we are just monks born in the stars."

Having already decided to say it, Shaohaoyue simply pointed it out, "Cultivators practice Taoism and seek longevity. In fact, when you ascended, you already lived forever.

Nightingale is a body of immortality, as long as the body is not completely reduced to dust, it can be saved. "

Wei Lin was shocked, he almost couldn't control his expression, their lifetime pursuit had already been achieved!
At this time, Nightingale's eyelashes trembled, and with a painful cry, she opened her eyes.

"Ruge, how do you feel?" Lan Qing was pleasantly surprised.

Nightingale nodded with difficulty, and she was also very puzzled. There was a precedent for Jun Yushan. After being shot by the arrow, she thought that she would have to confess here today, but now, although her internal organs are all broken, her body is full of vitality.

Lan Qing understood her question, and immediately said: "You are the Daluo Jinxian, so you are naturally different from the little fairy in the Earth Fairyland."

"Stop sticking around, go back to heal your injuries." Shaohaoyue waved, summoned an immortal soldier, and pointed to Nightingale, "Take her back to the camp to recuperate."

Then he said to Nightingale: "Go back and practice your own kung fu, sort out your immortal power, and reshape your body."

Nightingale also knew that she was only saving her life temporarily and was not out of danger, so she hurriedly said, "Yes, thank you for your advice."

After arranging the nightingale, Wei Lin looked at Immortal Lan Qing and asked about the situation of the battle. Suddenly, a shout came from not far away: "Wei Lin is there! Capture the thief first, capture the king, and take him down!"

What is the situation in Qingyu? How could the demons who have fought for so long not know that without Wei Lin's core cohesion, it would be a mess, and no matter how many middle and high-level immortals were, it would be useless.

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