all the way to fairy

Chapter 945 Slap

After Shaohaoyue dealt with most of the Youmojing elites surrounding him, he took aim at the two Youmojing who were fighting with Lan Qingchan.

For enemies whose cultivation level is one level higher than hers, it is safer to use Huanshiling, or the knife obtained from the lower realm, but in this way, her identity will be exposed.

Although she didn't cover up her whereabouts when she came here, and she already knows almost everything she needs to know, but as long as she doesn't blatantly act in the name of Shao Haoyue, she doesn't have to admit it later.

Besides, she had just impeached Song Ziyong, and she expected to receive his counterattack in the near future. If she exposed her identity at this time, she would not be able to open her eyes and talk nonsense later.

Without using these two weapons, which one is suitable for other collections of fairy artifacts?

She was thinking about it when she suddenly found a hand protruding from Wei Lin's side. His skinny fingers clenched into a fist slowly and awkwardly. With this clenching, the fist gradually crystallized, like ten thousand years of ice, crystal clear And hard.

Transparent Shattering Fist!
One of the top ten clans of the Demon Clan, the Lezheng Clan's unique skill!
This old man from the Lezheng family is the supreme commander of the magic army of this side, and he is also the one with the highest cultivation level. In the previous battles, he has never made a move, and only dispatched and commanded the central army.

It's not that Zhantian and the others never thought that he would attack Wei Lin, but it's useless to think about it. Now the high-level demon clan's combat power is far greater than that of the Qingyu fairy clan. Barely dragging down the high-level combat power of the Demon Race, they were unable to rescue them at all.

"City Lord!"

"City Lord!"

"City Lord!"

Everyone was anxious, and many soldiers rushed to the rescue even though they were injured.

At the moment when the old man's fist crystallized, Wei Lin found that the punch had disappeared from his perception, and even the oppressive feeling brought by the front of the fist was gone, as if there was no danger at all.

However, it is still difficult to mobilize the immortal power in his body.

Wei Lin was horrified that under such ironclad facts, his dangerous intuition could be deceived!

He tried his best to retreat violently and activate the crocodile silk. At the same time, he swung the Mo Li sword faster in his hand, protecting his whole body with a steady stream of sharp sword intent.

The crystal-like fist appeared again, and it had reached an inch in front of his nose!

His sword intent was not blocked at all, nor was he aware of it!
Wei Lin thumped in his heart, feeling that he had overlooked some crucial point, but at this moment the fist had already arrived, and he had no time to think about what he had overlooked.

The speed of the punch seemed to be slow and fast, Wei Lin had used his body skills to the extreme, but he still couldn't dodge the fist, and he didn't even pull away a little distance, almost instantly, the fist touched his nose.

At this critical moment, a white, tender and slender hand suddenly appeared and slapped the crystal fist. Wei Lin's crystal fist, which Wei Lin couldn't avoid no matter what, was easily slapped away by it, and after a few feet to the right, it shattered .

At the same time, a crisp 'pop' sound resounded throughout the battlefield.

This 'pop' is not very loud. The fierce battle on the battlefield, the roar of the collision of spells, the clang of weapons, the shouts of killing, the screams, etc., are all louder than it, but the entire battlefield, everyone He heard the 'snap' clearly, and couldn't help but be attracted by it.

Crystal's fist tilted, and the icy cold feeling around his body disappeared, and Wei Lin's immortal power was no longer restricted. His figure was like electricity, and he immediately moved away from that position.

After confirming that he was out of danger, he raised his eyes to check the situation, and saw not far from his previous position, an old man with white hair and chicken skin staggered out, with blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

Wei Lin felt something, looked at Shaohaoyue, she raised her right hand and tilted to the left, as if she had just slapped her.

As if to verify his conjecture, before the old man could stand still, Shao Haoyue slapped him backhand again.



The old man let out a scream and was whipped around in circles like a spinning top.

The old man's body was full of devilish energy, and after a while, he finally stabilized his figure. At this moment, he no longer had the demeanor of a general in the army, his temple hair was disheveled, his seven orifices were bleeding, and his withered yellow face turned pale.

When Wei Lin suddenly recalled Cang Lan, she beat the little witch Lan Yi to death in the air, and blurted out: "Tathagata palm!"

He finally understood what he had overlooked earlier. The punch of the old man seemed to shatter the sky and break the sky and rocks. In fact, it was not an attack of magic energy, but an attack of the soul. , is an act of confusion.

"God's Palm of Tathagata?" Shaohao Yao repeated in a low voice, her eyes lit up, "This Weifeng will be called God's Palm of Tathagata from now on!"

At this time, the old man of the Lezheng clan finally resisted the pain of his soul, and he recovered his senses and exclaimed in shock: "Hold the cloud palm! Feng clan! You are a member of the Feng clan!"

He paused, his eyes fell on Wei Lin, thinking of a recent ridiculous rumor, he said in disbelief: "Shao Haoyue? Are you Shao Haoyue?!"

As soon as this remark came out, the battlefield was silent.

Immediately it boiled.

"Yue Palace?"

"Impossible, how could Yuedian come here at this time!"

"You're stupid, of course it's because of our city lord. Our city lord went to Linshui City and fascinated Yuedian... What are you doing covering my mouth?"

"You don't want to die, Yuedian is still there!"

"Maybe I made a mistake, Yue Dian cares most about his subordinates, and he will not abolish the public for personal reasons."

"I can assure you that it is Yuedian. It is rumored that Yuedian likes to slap people the most. Back then, I was a soldier and was in charge of the security work of the Cangxuan Spring Banquet. I saw His Highness slap the Thirteenth Miss of the Shen family twice at the door. Ouch, that crispness is exactly the same as before!"

"The Shen family? Which Shen family?"

"Who else is the Shen family who is qualified to associate with Yuedian?"

"I'll go. I remember that Ms. Shen Shisan has good qualifications. She made a mistake in the test before and was engaged to a general of the Gale Army, but it was canceled a few years ago..."

Shaohaoyue's five senses were keen, and after hearing most of the soldiers' arguments, she immediately felt a little regretful, so many arrogant things were exposed, Wei Lin would not think that she was violent and bloodthirsty.

She glanced at the veteran who was talking vividly, and wanted to rush over, sew his mouth shut with a needle, and spread gossip, what to do with so many details.

"Shaohaoyue! How could you do this?" Xu Shi never refuted, but the old Lezheng thought she was tacitly acquiescing, and was startled and scared at once.

Shaohaoyue was depressed, and when he heard the old man's words, he immediately had a channel to vent his depression.

If the old man hadn't shamelessly come out to attack Wei Lin, she wouldn't have used the Cloud Palm, let alone be recognized and talked about her previous arrogance.

She raised her hand and slapped it over, "You are old and old, and you still come here to bully the juniors, I will let you show off your power! I will let you show off your power..."

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