Chapter 953
After Shao Haoyue and Shao Haoyue left and the ban in the house was reactivated, Qiuye finally couldn't help but ask: "Sir, your original deal with Yue Palace was not to let the entire Xingque know that Song Zizhuo paid for Master Lingzhou's life. What?"

It's a bit difficult to kill Song Zi, but there are ways, such as Qiu Xilou offering a reward.

If it wasn't for the purpose of venting this bad temper, why would you use such a precious trading opportunity here?
Nan Mi watched Shao Haoyue and Shao Haoyue leaving, and said in a calm tone: "As Shao Haoyue said, the children carefully cultivated by the big family will not be people who ignore the overall situation. Song Zizhuang is not the one, and she, Shao Haoyue, is not the same, and she is not. How could he try to deal with Song Zizhuang for Wei Lin?"

Qiuye was surprised: "Didn't you say before that Yuedian's attack on Song Zizhuo was in retaliation for the Ye Yu murder incident?"

"It seems so, but there may be another reason." A familiar female voice sounded from behind, accompanied by fluctuations in fairy power.

"Auntie! Why are you here?"

Qiuye turned around and was surprised to see the visitor. The last time Qiaoyun secretly sought an alliance with Wei Lin, he was reprimanded by the Holy Lady and never saw her again.

Qiuye guessed that she was thinking about things in the palace, but she didn't expect to see her here!
Qiao Yun did not answer, but stepped forward to reply: "Sir, your guess is correct. The Feng Clan has indeed started targeting the Song family a long time ago."

Nan Mi narrowed his eyes slightly and sneered: "As expected of the Feng Clan, which is known for its unity, it has kept the secret well enough that not a single bit of news has been revealed in these years."

Qiuye was confused. What were they talking about?What is the Phoenix Clan hiding?

She looked at the two of them and saw Qiaoyun frightened with disbelief: "Sir, could we have guessed wrong? Yuedian is a phoenix, how can she be the daughter of destiny?"

Qiuye was shocked and his eyes widened suddenly: Yuedian is the daughter of destiny? !
How can it be?

The Phoenix Clan is also top-notch among the eight pillars of the Immortal Alliance. How could the Daughter of Destiny come from the Phoenix Clan?
Those chosen by destiny have to reshuffle the various forces, and most of the power and interests are in the hands of the established forces. If you want to redistribute power and interests, the first ones to deal with are these established forces.

If the destined person comes from a big family, there is no need to shuffle the cards. The current situation is the best for the Phoenix Clan.

This point can be confirmed by the previous Sons of Destiny and Daughters of Destiny. Whether it is the successful Goddess Ye Nian or those who died in the Immortal Alliance's targeting, they all came from the small world at the bottom.

"I really hope this is fake." Nan Mi glanced at the two people who refused to believe it. As a result, by mistake, when he looked at the street again, he had lost sight of Shao Haoyue and Shao Haoyue.

She did not insist on finding the two of them, but simply withdrew her gaze, tilted her head and asked, "Do you know where Shao Haoyue's last reincarnation was?"

For nearly ten thousand years, Qiaoyun has been handling the internal affairs of the Goddess Palace in Xingque. She didn't know these details, but Qiuye knew about it. She blinked her eyes, still puzzled, and answered with some confusion, "The realm of mountains and seas. "

"Mountain and Sea Realm? Ancestral Land!" As soon as she finished speaking, Qiaoyun suddenly shook and cried out.

Qiuye was simply shocked by her big reaction, "Ancestral land? What ancestral land?"

After a while, Qiao Yun calmed down his emotions, and when he saw Qiu Ye's confused face, he couldn't help but explain: "The mountain and sea realm, also known as the ancestral land or the land of China, is the birthplace of all creatures in the wild.

There are many tyrannical creatures in the primitive world, and many are warlike. They fight every day. The most classic one is the war between the dragon, phoenix and unicorn tribes, which involves countless racial forces. In the end, almost all the primitive creatures are fighting.

The plane was torn apart and spiritual energy was gradually lacking. Later, the three clans woke up and joined forces to seal the Demon Emperor Chujun, but it was too late, and the mountain and sea realm was already damaged.All the powerful people gathered together and simply abandoned the damaged mountain and sea realm, moved away the place where the fairy spirit was the strongest, and transformed it into a nine-layer star tower. The mountain and sea realm without the gods has become more and more defeated. So far, it has no spiritual energy at all and has become a The world of ordinary mortals, so the world of mountains and seas is also called the land abandoned by gods. "

Knowing the origin history of Xingque for the first time, Qiuye was shocked, but still puzzled, "What does this have to do with Yuedian being the daughter of destiny?"

"It is said that the reason why the prehistoric race is naturally powerful is because they absorb certain substances or Taoist charms unique to the prehistoric world during their growth.

The decline of all the tribes in the prehistoric times, with the exception of the Dragon and Phoenix tribes, is related to this.

After abandoning the Mountain and Sea Realm and coming to Star Palace, all the tribes lost the source of Daoyun. However, the Dragon and Phoenix tribes had the holy land left by their ancestors - the Eye of the Blue Dragon and the Eternal Volcano, and they still had the source of Daoyun. "

"The Qilin clan also has a holy land, Qilin Cliff." Qiuye couldn't help but retort.

"The Qilin clan is only in decline as a race, not because of its bloodline."

Qiuye thought about it. There are very few people in the Qilin tribe, but they are indeed strong. However, they are mostly reclusive and have a gentle temperament. They rarely take action. It is not good to know which of the mythical beasts such as Qilin and White Tiger Xuanwu are stronger and weaker. judge.

After explaining, Qiaoyun continued: "Canglan Continent is just a small world, and there is no prehistoric Taoism. The Shanhai Realm is located in a remote place, and it is very far away from both Yueqing Realm and Canglan Continent.

Logically speaking, the fragments of the injured and lost soul of Yuedian cannot be in the realm of mountains and seas.

Therefore, her last reincarnation in the world of mountains and seas was not because of the soul fragment, but to absorb the ancient Tao Yun!

She was not seriously injured, but her soul was scattered. The more than 3 years of reincarnation in the Eastern Continent were not healing, but gathering her soul!

She is resurrected from the dead! "

Qiaoyun's words became faster and faster, and his pitch became higher and higher. Qiuye was shocked and dazed. It took her a while to understand the shocking news. She subconsciously looked at Nanmi and blurted out: "Isn't that the master who was sent to Yue Palace?" Cheated?"

After the words came out, she realized what she had said, and she was immediately annoyed: She has such a mouth, why can't she speak with her brain?
Nan Mi didn't care about the inappropriateness of her words, and admitted frankly: "I underestimated her."

She had no contact with Shao Haoyue before, and her impressions of her were mostly based on public rumors and some of Shao Haoyue's famous things.

In those things, Shao Haoyue was impulsive and reckless. Unknowingly, Nan Mi and the public had a straight-forward impression of Shao Haoyue.

When she discovered that Shao Haoyue's reincarnation was in the realm of mountains and seas, she didn't think much about it, thinking it was just a coincidence.

Seeing that Nan Mi didn't care, Qiuye felt relieved and said doubtfully: "This only proves that Yuedian's resurrection from the dead has nothing to do with her being the daughter of destiny."

Qiao Yun nodded and looked at Nan Mi: "Sir, I also think it is too forced to conclude that Yue Dian is the daughter of destiny based on this. Although immortals rarely come back from the dead, she is a phoenix, and rebirth from nirvana is not impossible. .”

(End of this chapter)

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