After a pause, she continued: "Do you know who is the least popular person in Luoshui City?"

Shao Haoyue shook her head, how could she know this.

"The boss of Cyclamen."

Shao Haoyue thought for a moment and said, "The largest restaurant in Luoshui City?"

"Yes, the boss, Chu Xiaoping, is a very ambitious woman. She hopes that Cyclamen will go one step further and become the only restaurant in Luoshui City."

Shao Haoyue expressed his understanding. The best way to do business is to have a monopoly. You can make money while lying down and you can price whatever you want. But what does this have to do with her becoming the most popular person in town?

Shaohao Yao smiled and continued: "For this reason, she has planned three shifts, the restaurant is open all day, and she also requires employees to put customers first, and the whole restaurant should work together to create the most homely restaurant;

However, her employees were uncooperative and focused on their own homes. They had to take leave for even the most important things, such as the child's seventh birthday, Ami coughing twice in the morning, Awu's feet sprained, and a relative killed a pig. So lively and lively...

The salary has been increased to five times that of ordinary restaurants, but the employees are still changing one after another, and it is almost impossible to recruit employees. "

Shao Haoyue was stunned for a moment and realized that it was still a different culture. I subconsciously compared the cultural standards of the patriarchal society to the matrilineal society, so I naturally didn't understand why Lin Dashan's wife refused to marry him because of the distance between two streets.

Just like Chu Xiaoping, the boss of Cyclamen, if she were in a patriarchal society, as long as she could provide a stable and reasonable salary, even if she could only barely satisfy the employee's family, she would not have to worry about attendance issues, and the employee's family would I would advise myself: work is important, don’t worry about things at home, work hard, work hard, don’t think about things all day long...

It's a pity that she was born in a matriarchal society where family and home are the most important thing.

For the people here, it’s just a job. If you lose it, you can find another one. But a child only has one seventh birthday. Ami’s illness is not a trivial matter, and Awu’s sprained foot is not something to be careless about...

Chu Xiaoping is seeking help from the authorities. People will probably think that she is being unreasonable. A good-natured person will patiently persuade her: if someone has nothing to do, ask other employees to take over. Family matters are important; if you encounter someone who is not good-natured, I'm afraid She will be punished directly for treating employees harshly and destroying the harmony of the family.

She understood the wife's rejection. She looked at the woman and continued to ask: "Where's Lin Dashan, why did he refuse to recruit someone to marry him?"

The woman looked at her twice strangely, with some doubts in her eyes. She turned her head to look at Shao Haoyao and asked tactfully: "Where did the two girls come from? You girl... seems a little... unreasonable."

As he said that, he glanced at Shao Haoyue's brain.

Shao Haoyue:......

Shao Haoyao pursed her lips, tried hard to hold back her smile, and spoke seriously: "My sister-in-law has fantastic ideas and always sees things from a different perspective than ordinary people."

The woman nodded, as if she understood. Her eyes towards Shao Haoyue became loving and sympathetic, and her voice was much softer: "The woman's marriage has temporarily solved the Dashan family's dilemma of not having a head, but in the end it is different. Those with roots are outsiders;

When this family lives together, there are times when their upper lip bumps into their lower lip, not to mention people with different roots. When Dashan is old, he still has two nephews to rely on. What will he do when these two nephews are old? "

Finally, he also concluded: "Outsiders coming to the door are the source of trouble for the family."

The corner of Shao Haoyue's mouth twitched, trying hard to ignore her caring eyes for the mentally retarded children, and asked instead: "Aren't you the old and the old and the young and the young?" "Give me a hand and give me some help. How can it be possible to be entrusted with birth, old age, sickness and death?" The woman looked at her with even more pity, as if she didn't expect her to be so mentally retarded as a normal person.

"As a family, with the same roots, no matter how big the conflict is, it doesn't matter. But outsiders can't necessarily tell. Who knows when the conflicts accumulated over the years will cause tragedy in the world."

Shao Haoyue lowered his eyes, so in this Datong social environment, people unconditionally trust their own blood relatives.

She felt a little sad and asked softly: "How does Lin Dashan want to solve this problem? There are three boys in his family. They can't have children, and they can't start their own business."

"Five generations ago, his family was originally the same family as the Lin family in the east of the city. At that time, there were a large number of people, and the family could not live apart. There were other people living in the neighbors, so it was impossible to expand, so he had no choice but to separate his family and live alone.

Lin Dashan wanted to adopt a girl from his ancestral family. He was temporarily in charge of the house these years. When the girl grew up, he took over the house, and he and his two nephews had a normal walking marriage.

There are many girls of the younger generation in the ancestral home in the east of the city, but no one in the family is willing to adopt them to the south of the city. Isn't this a stalemate? "

Although he understood their family-loving culture, it was difficult for Shao Haoyue to agree on the distance between the east of the city and the south of the city in a short period of time.

Shao Haoyue said casually: "Since there were so many people at the beginning, they had to be separated, and now his family is thin, wouldn't it be good for them to return to their ancestral home."

"What a great idea!" The woman's eyes lit up, she took Shao Haoyue's hand and patted it, "What a great idea, why are you so smart! Hey, I have to tell them quickly!"

After saying that, he turned around and ran to the elders' table under the big apricot tree, and informed the elders of the idea in a row.

Shao Haoyue stayed where she was, and she said it casually, did she really mean it? Can it be done?

The next second, she saw Lin Dashan nodding his head and looking expectantly at an old lady at the same table, "Asi, is that okay?"

The old lady nodded happily, "This is a good idea. The house at home is enough to live in now. Hey, we didn't think of it before."

Shao Haoyue was dumbfounded. It was still hard for her to understand the brain circuits of the people here. She hired a wife to come to the house alone, and was worried about conflicts. She wanted to integrate into the family of relatives a few generations ago, but she was not worried about conflicts.

Cultural concepts are really magical. They are not noticed on ordinary days, but they affect people all the time.

Jiuzhongxingque, Cangxuan Immortal Domain, Liyuan City.

Wei Lin flew down from the fairy boat and looked at the majestic city gate, feeling a little emotional. He didn't expect to enter the city openly and openly so soon.

"What are you doing standing here? Let's go quickly." Shao Haoluo rubbed his sleepy eyes, glanced at the long queue at the city gate, and said sarcastically: "Look at how little the Song family is, they still need to be inspected before entering the city. Hey, aren't they just bad seeds causing trouble? They just suppress them and try to prevent them before they happen. They don't have any seeds!"

Wei Lin's mouth twitched, ignoring his arrogant words, and said: "The Qingyun Ranking competition, don't you need to go back and take charge?"

There are very few members of the Feng Clan, especially the direct lineage of pure blood. The total number of generations of the Feng Clan is only a few thousand. However, the territory they rule is the same as that of the other four families and three clans. Therefore, the power of the direct lineage of the Feng Clan is greater than that of the other families. many.

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