all the way to fairy

Chapter 969 Prestige

Chapter 969 Prestige

"I just can't stand this pretty face like you!" Xiao An squinted his eyes and looked Wei Lin up and down, "Apart from a face, what else do you have? Are you worthy of our Yuedian Palace? What a wishful thinking!"

Hearing this, the principals of the major forces headed by Miss Weiyang Du's family relaxed.

With only one face, could he kill Yuan Fei of the Tana Family, who was two realms higher than himself, with a cultivation level in the middle stage of the Earth Immortal Realm?

The heirs of the four families and clans, including Song Zizhuang, were frightened by Wei Lin's incredible level. How could he be so impressive?

This deacon is either a fanatical admirer of Yuedian, or an executor pushed out by a certain force who wants to attack Wei Lin.

No matter what the situation was, he simply wanted to embarrass Wei Lin.

It doesn't involve the quota of returning to the ruins, people are happy to watch the show. Moreover, Wei Lin's Qingyu sect has gathered almost all the ascended immortals in Xingque. They are not only a strong opponent in the competition for the quota of returning to the ruins, but also a fearful force.

Wei Lin smiled half-heartedly, "I don't deserve it, do you?"

"I am self-aware, unlike some people," Xiao An glanced sideways at Wei Lin, snorted heavily, turned sideways, and cupped his hands in the direction of Yuecheng, "Yuedian's status, naturally Only the top talents of the Immortal League can match it.”

Wei Lin nodded and asked, "Since it's only for me, why do other members of my Lantau faction also need to sign up?"


As soon as Xiao An opened his mouth, Wei Lin changed his slow speaking speed and interrupted quickly: "That's right, the Lingyu Sect belongs to me. If you don't like me, you naturally don't like my Lingyu Sect. No matter how much contribution my disciples made in the war, you don’t have to let us compete if you don’t like it.”

"I do not……"

"Our Qingyu faction first held on to the defense zone under the siege of numerous demonic armies and saved the last bit of face of the Cangxuan Immortal Realm; then we took the lead in the subsequent wars and made great achievements. You just rely on your personal likes and dislikes. Deprive us of the qualification to participate in the competition?" Nightingale took a step forward with anger in her eyes. Da Luo Jinxian's momentum forced Xiao An and other deacons to step back.

The Heaven-Slaying Immortal Lord stared wide-eyed. He raised his hand and summoned his heavy sword. The sword exploded violently. The crumbling deacons and the onlookers who were watching the show all flew out and fell to the ground hard: "Who am I looking at?" Dare you take my place?"

Yu Fu's voice was cold: "If you suppress the hero for no reason, who will dare to serve the Immortal Alliance in the future?"

"You must give us an explanation..."

For a time, the immortal people of Lantau were furious and asked for an explanation.

Xiao An fell to the ground and didn't get up. It wasn't that he couldn't, but that he didn't dare.

He felt that his heart was about to jump out of his chest. The Xingque Immortals and the soldiers were highly overlapped. Almost all of the people who came here to participate in the Qingyun Ranking Competition were soldiers. If the army really caused a mutiny, the master would kill him ten thousand times. Not enough to relieve hatred.

He, the one in charge, didn't even get up, and the other deacons didn't even show up. They closed their eyes and pretended to be dead.

Among the noisy people, a sharp voice overcame all the noise, "I know that he, Xiao An, a branch of the Xiao family in Meizhou, heard that he was favored by the third master Xiao five hundred years ago and is working with him."

"Third Young Master Xiao? Xiao Liangshu, the first heir to the Xiao family?"

"Yes, that's him!"

"Huo, let's put it this way, it is the Xiao family who wants to target our Qingyu..."

The anger of the Qingyu people turned to the Xiao family. This time they were not clamoring for an explanation from the Xianmeng, but wanted to fight with the Xiao family.

Xiao An was even more frightened. Lingyu, which gathered all the ascended untouchables from the lower world, was not a small force. It was an existence that even four families and four clans would look at with suspicion. In the midst of the crowd's excitement, a young man in white fell from the sky and slowly landed in the central open space. Someone soon recognized his identity and said, "Sir Young Master Xiao is here."

The Qianyu people calmed down and waited for him to give an explanation. Xiao An climbed up with his hands on his waist, lowered his head and called out in a low voice: "Master."

"What a shameful thing." Xiao Liangshu cursed, turned around and looked at Wei Lin, "What a powerful mouth, and a few words to arouse public outrage."

After a pause, he suddenly lowered his face and said in a cold tone: "But, do you really think that your above-mentioned tricks will be useful in Xingque? Will it chill the people of the ascended immortals? Ha!"

Xiao An looked at the crowd and finally turned around, realizing that he was indeed embarrassed.

They gathered on Lantau in an attempt to obtain the plane world. They were already on the opposite side of the local immortals in Xingque. How could the local immortals rebel with them?

The Immortal Alliance does not allow the ascended immortals to obtain the plane world, blocking their path to promotion. Their hearts have long been chilled.

The most serious consequence of this group of untouchables from the lower world is nothing more than a collective rebellion, but Xiao An alone cannot cause this.

Wei Lin raised his eyes and looked directly at Xiao Liangshu, "The rules of the Qingyun Ranking competition are set by Xingchen Pavilion. How come, the Xiao family can replace Xingchen Pavilion?"

Xingchen Pavilion is an organization under the Immortal Alliance that is responsible for divination and prediction. All its members are children of four families and four tribes. It can be said to be the core organization of the Immortal Alliance.

The ridicule in Xiao Liangshu's eyes became more and more intense, "It's the top line to blame again, don't you know any other tricks? My Xiao family is not the same as Xingchen Pavilion. In the words of you and other clever talkers, it is also related. , it is certain that you have bad intentions!”

Wei Lin sneered, "Do I have bad intentions? Is it my fault that your government prevented me from participating in the competition?"

"The one who is targeting you is Xiao An. Don't tear into my Xiao family because of your personal grudges with him..."

The other party was messing around, and Wei Lin's attacks were like hitting cotton. He was helpless. Xingque seemed to have more rules and order than the lower world, but its essence was the same-strength.

It's just that the lower realm is even more naked, and Xingque has even used the fig leaves of rules and power.

The so-called rules are things made by those at the top to manage those at the bottom. These rules and regulations can indeed achieve fairness and maintain order within a certain range, but when it comes to the powerful class who make the rules, these rules and regulations are nothing more than bullshit. It all depends on others. Open your mouth and say whatever you want.

To deal with an unreasonable person like Xiao Liangshu, we can only use greater power to suppress him.

"Tsk, tsk," a slightly sarcastic tut interrupted Xiao Liangshu's eloquent accusation.

The crowd parted automatically, and a young man in red clothes walked forward with his shoulders slumped and his eyes squinting. He held a piece of green grass in his mouth and smiled playfully.

Xiao Liangshu suddenly changed his expression: "Shao Haoluo! Why are you here?"

The rest of the onlookers couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Gui Yi, Song Zizhuang's personal guard upstairs, widened his eyes, full of disbelief. Xuan'er was very angry: "Shao Haoyue left, why is Shao Haoluo here again? Feng Clan really guard Lin Lin. Being a son-in-law? Take it so seriously."

Song Zizhuang also sighed. Plans can never keep up with changes. No matter how rigorous the plan is, there will be accidents.

"Sir, is Mu Yan still moving to the Xiao family's annex?"

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