out of cage

Chapter 1016 Chapter 2224 Cut 3 Corpses

Chapter 1016 Chapter 22.24 Cut Three Corpses

Wei Keng came to Yushan Academy again. At this time, according to the age of ordinary people, Wei Keng should be over fifty years old.

As a result, Wei Keng also casually turned his skin brown, his hair became dry and gray, and the paper talisman turned into a servant who drove and delivered goods, looking like a successful businessman.

As a businessman, Master Wei donated to Yushan Academy again this year.Without him, Master Wei has become more and more prosperous in the business groups in the mortal world, and many managers are already in the second and third generations.

Master Wei is not used to Confucianism cultivators, but for Confucianism cultivators "opening the book is beneficial" is to learn as much as possible.

For example, in ancient times, Master Wei could not get used to Japan and the United States, but every year he pays attention to the theory of novelties in the Dynamite Awards, and at the same time, he also watches Japanese manga and anime, because he knows the opponent's situation, so he knows how to play.

System: What's more, if you want to dig a system, you must understand a system.

Those theories of Confucianism can only be qualified for dialectics if they have been read and studied.

For example, Wei Keng, in various mortal guilds in Qiongdi, arranged for a hundred years of educating people in this way. He did not completely confront Confucianism, but instead encouraged children to read Confucian classics before school.

Of course, after being enlightened, young people in the vault will then go to various guilds to learn professional skills.

Some will practice martial arts (sports), while others will practice Taoism (science and technology).

Oh, it is possible to cultivate without a spiritual root.At present, on all the roads of Qiongdi, the wooden oxen and horses and other mechanical puppets in the caravan are all accumulated technology in the past few decades.

Wei Keng often said a word in Qiongdi: "One who cultivates the Tao is not necessarily an immortal, and one who cultivates the immortal does not necessarily have to be free and easy. To determine the laws of all things is to be the Tao. To be sure that what you do is driven by your own nature and in line with the endless Tao. For cultivation."

Right now Wei Keng still has some ordinary status in the mortal world, such as right now.

Wei Keng said compassionately: The kindness I forged in the past has to have a beginning and an end.System (translation): Bah, back then I was determined to fight for the third generation, and I will not give up until the end!
After parting with Wei Keng in this life, Taifu began to practice Confucianism again, entered a school, went deep into the court all the way, and his cultivation gradually reached the realm of fake alchemy, but recently he committed a crime.

A graceful and graceful beauty, as if she was a love in a previous life, came to his perspective, and she knew everything about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.She knows Taifu's ambitions and thoughts, and she can always add fragrance to his red sleeves inadvertently.

In recent years, after Master Wei Keng visited Yushan Academy again, he also met Taifu who revisited the same old place.

Wei Keng, who was waiting in the chamber of commerce, came to Taifu's hometown of Xianyou, and when he saw his classmate and friend in the courtyard introducing this confidante to him, he took a breath of air.

This white-clothed woman is definitely not a human being. If there is any aura exuding, she is definitely a monster!And under my own pupil technique, this human form has been refined for more than half, only the tail needs to be covered with illusion, which belongs to the fox demon in the alchemy stage.

This white-clothed female fox, named Qiu Surong, made a million blessings and said: "I have seen you before, Mr. Wei, Mr. Tai often mentioned you to my concubine, what I saw today, you are indeed a gentleman's friend."

Taifu stared straight at Wei Keng, and quickly interjected: "Beauty is like jade, brother Wei, you can't take away people's love."

Wei Keng was stunned, but after a moment, he felt a little embarrassed.Because the way I looked at this vixen just now was really blatant.

Wei Keng: "Brother Taiwan's wife is naturally beautiful, and my brother is already old, but he still seems to be dazzled."

Speaking of a little banshee in the Dandan period, Wei Keng is not afraid at all.Even if it is the transformation stage, it can be won.

It's just that she is here in Taifu?What is the purpose. ——Wei Keng's troublemaker: Don't tell me it's love at first sight, how come I can't meet?What kind of innocence does a thousand-year-old fairy pretend to be?
Wei Keng was thinking about whether this would be a disaster or a blessing for Taifu.I added a little "Dinghun San" to the tea for the guests. This medicine is to ensure that Taifu's spirit is clear. After the soldiers are reincarnated, they can be easily found by friends and protect them. Of course, another auxiliary function is to restrain the charm.

Of course, when Wei Keng drugged Taifu, he was still fighting the fox Jing Mimi. Now Master Wei wanted to step on the fox's tail for fun, to see if he could step on one tail and make the other tails explode.

Because of Wei Keng's obviously malicious appearance, the fox demon in the alchemy stage took the lead, and a mental bombardment directly rushed towards Wei Keng.

Wei Keng walked slowly in front of Taifu, and then tried his best to block the aftermath, and at hand, he already had a means to strangle the fox demon at any time, as long as he arranged the space teleportation circle under Taifu's feet, he slid away , that's all, let Taifu unknowingly stay away from the scene.

With the silent aura, the fox demon woman's eyes froze, and she realized something instantly.

Wei Keng glanced at her lightly, and the silent shock made her whole body petrified. The difference in realm was so great that Wei Keng directly sealed her spirit before she could use her cards.

The celestial fox banshee realized that she couldn't be this husband's friend, so she immediately returned to her old profession and began to become pitiful.

Wei Keng heard the voice of the fox girl's spiritual consciousness: "Senior is the protector from Wanjuanmen? The little girl is polite, and the concubine and Tai Jun have the source of the previous life. I hope the senior will be fulfilled."

Wei Keng, who was fed a mouthful of dog food, looked at Taifu.

This guy is going through all kinds of disasters now!
In the technique of Three Lives and Three Worlds, a large amount of cause and effect is thrown into this life of a mortal, and let the mortal solve it in this life.

For example: "The world of mortals kills and robs", such as offending the court dignitaries for the sake of the common people, and being suppressed and killed under the joint efforts of everyone.To repay the lack of courage that I failed to speak up for.

Of course, there will be "love in the world of mortals" and nostalgic women who can't stop and continue their love, but when they come, they feel affection in their hearts.

...The law of Three Lives Three Worlds, the more Wei Keng understands, the more he despises it...

Wei Keng: "This shit is a coward. Now he has the greatest ability (Yuanying stage body) not to solve the problem, and finds a "temporary worker" (Taifu) to fool the problem. This shit is a Confucian official Ah. System?"

System: "What is it?"

Wei Keng: "In the past, what regrets did 'I' have?" referring to the life I just came to.That is, the life before the death of the consciousness in the current system.

The system knew who it was asking and what it was asking: "Well, I don't have any regrets. If there is something I really want to do, it should be the Great Harmony of the World." The system originally sighed.

Wei Keng nodded: "Okay, then come to him, the world will be in harmony!"

The system is silent.

Wei Keng: "You have to be responsible. I always joke with you. I always feel that I have no bottom. I always feel that I am not suitable for taking on big responsibilities. But now, I know that everything is not done for others. If I don't, no one else will do it." , if I don’t do it, I will become the “wisher” in the past, and let the future me continue to bear it!”

At this time, Wei Keng in the system can represent the past; "now" is his own values ​​at this time, and "future" is his unshakable vision! ——When the "I am now" is determined to undertake the task of carrying forward the past and ushering in the future, then the "I" of the "past, present, and future" will reach the same.

Wei Keng: 1 years is too long, seize the day

Now Wei Keng sees things like Sansheng III, which cuts himself off to prove the Tao, just like watching Zhao'an in the Water Margin!It is a betrayal of the past and an abandonment of the future.

Wei Keng sees being constantly swayed in his life, and he resolutely refuses to follow the Tao!If you want to go, prove it with your strength!

Why use force to prove the truth!That is, human willpower changes nature!An inch today, a foot tomorrow.Foolish Old Man moves mountains, but never changes his ambitions, and shakes the universe for ten thousand generations and millions of generations.

At this time, Taifu was talking and laughing happily with his old friend. After a stick of incense, he found that except for the burning of incense, what he saw from that old friend was not "the age is gone, the hero is late". In the dark, he felt it. This old friend who is over fifty years old, his pupils seem to be burning with flames, and he has a more sense of direction than himself.

...Wei Keng sighed with emotion at the experience of Taifu at this time: why are you playing around, and why are you dying? …

Qiu Surong is actually not a demon cultivator in the alchemy stage, but she is a fox demon in the transformation stage, a mortal woman split by a ray of affection, of course, after infused with the blood of the sky fox, after the demon refinement, she is a demon, This time I came here to continue our relationship.

When she saw the monk Wei Keng.For the first time, he thought that he was about to be torn apart by the saints, and was ready to do it directly, but when he discovered Wei Keng's method, he immediately activated his mind and prepared to outsmart him.

She couldn't see Wei Keng's state, it was because Wei Keng had always been "minimalist".That is to face an opponent whose level is far lower than his own. It is to lower the mana as much as possible and use operations to make up for it.

For example, use a step that matches the wavelength of the aura (it can be called the awesome name of Huanyoubu), give priority to Taifu in front of him, and after activating the ultra-long-distance teleportation symbol, as long as there is a disagreement, the console assistant will evacuate. Rong was caught off guard.

Since Su Rong couldn't judge the realm, she could only make a misjudgment. Wei Keng might be that person's disciple.To stop love.

As everyone knows, Wei Keng, a conservative, is always worried that he will overturn his car, especially when he just gave Taifu's "Three Lives Three Worlds Technique" some private goods
Wei Keng's habit of "squatting down" to work makes Master Wei often unable to be judged by others. (The same is true of the gods who were trapped in multiple planes)

For example, Qiu Surong is now choosing the route of "too smart to do all the tricks".

Qiu Surong really regarded Wei Keng as a bookworm of the Wanjuanmen, and began to act emotionally and rationally, and complained bitterly: "My husband's soul has hidden dangers, and the sect has not yet solved this problem!"

Wei Keng: "You mean, this is the bottleneck of my brother's alchemy now? Then how to make up for the soul?"

A strange color flashed across Qiu Surong's expression.Then he gave Wei Keng a herbal message of "Tianwancao", followed by a place called "Qingqiu".

Wei Keng stared at the information on the spirit grass, and immediately found this kind of spirit grass three hundred miles away. ——This is not a "endless grass"!In other words, the herbal information in the fox's hand and the herbal medicine did not match at all.

The system quickly gave out the effect of this spirit herb pharmacopoeia, and Wei Keng instantly understood what the forces behind Qiu Surong were planning.

...When a person enters Qingqiu, a thread of love is deeply locked. …

But then Wei Keng paused, and in the courtyard, as if he knew nothing, he began to discuss with Taifu the anecdotes he had seen over the years.

While talking, Wei Keng took out a box, and said to Taifu: "There is a strange thing, I just found it, I wanted to find a destined person, but when I saw it today, this thing is just suitable for a beauty."

Wei Keng took out a piece of jasper.Taifu paused, and said to Wei Keng: "Brother Wei, a gentleman regards virtue as beauty."

Wei Keng interrupted: "This is not for you, a gentleman, but for your family."

Taifu couldn't see this gem clearly, but Qiu Surong's eyes flashed, and there were five top-quality spirit stones in this gem, and the dense spiritual energy was restrained in it.

Wei Keng stared at the banshee, and responded with his spiritual sense: "Your Excellency, there is a difference between a shemale and a monster. This is my next family fortune. Please go back. I haven't seen anything today."

Wei Keng: Since the other party believes that he is a disciple of the sect, then he will pretend to be a tiger.

Qiu Surong glanced at the spirit stone with a complicated expression, but then she looked at Wei Keng faintly, pushed away the spirit stones, and said with Tai Fufu, "Uncle Wei, my husband and wife are like a perfect jade. If it doesn't fit, please take it back."

(End of this chapter)

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