out of cage

Chapter 1045 Chapter 2239 The Change of the Demon Court

Chapter 1045 Chapter 22.39 The Change of the Demon Court
The Hezheng area, once the capital of the Great Liang Dynasty, has now been set up as a demon court by the demon kings.On the once majestic pavilions and pavilions, there are all kinds of ferocious animal statues.

In the square, graceful witches only wear a piece of wisps, dancing coquettish dances.

King Yu, King Fox, and King Eagle, these three big monsters in the Dzogchen stage of transformation, now divide the throne into three parts, and the other big monsters in the transformation stage below the throne are also divided into three groups.

Shocking Wing had recovered his cultivation at this time, and the nose was now made of metal, apparently re-refining the bird's beak with a refining technique.At this time, his eyes were shining red.

In all previous monster catastrophes, monsters will have great benefits.For example, the transformation into the Great Perfection is an opportunity to be promoted to the Heavenly Demon (Transformation God) and ascend to the upper realm. (Wei Keng confirmed that this was a fake. Once promoted to Huashen, Ascension is not the upper realm, but being taken away in the Heart Demon Tribulation)

After his beak was cut off by Hu Menghong, he was in a human form and was recuperating all the time. Most of the demon robbery had been consumed, and he missed this opportunity.So he's pretty restless right now.

At this time, human martial arts appeared in the sky, and they began to feed on monsters and feed on wars, which made it jump up.

"To attack, to enter the dome, to destroy the greatest power of the human race," was Jing Ji's opinion.

Compared to Eagle King's aggressiveness, Fox King is relatively flexible. He agrees with Eagle King's opinion, but at the same time, he also emphasizes the difficulty: the Qingqiu Monster Clan also guards the entrance of Fengdu into the Yang Realm, and cannot act without authorization.

As for King Yu, who is now the most powerful, he is groping his long teeth and weighing the pros and cons. At this time, the entire Yaozu royal court is actually his territory.

And now in the world, he has also expanded his influence to various human warlords, and began to support and support the local clan leaders of the human race.

King Yu used the spiritual victory method to explain why the demons ignored the rise of Qiongdi: Originally, the group of demons didn't want to fight with Qiongdi here, in the era of the Great Liang Dynasty.

Nor is the Vault an area of ​​abundance.Belonging to the fringe area of ​​the dynasty, he, the king of Yu, has already occupied the most core state capital of the human race, and he has no regard for this land.

For a long time, no one in the demon king's court dared to mention the matter of being a concubine (Huan Menghong).

Any goblin who mentions this shocking wing will be furious.Already four or five small monsters of the Yaodan level accidentally talked about this matter in private, and were swallowed whole by Jing Zhenyi.

But now, the battle drum of Qiongdi Wuxiu is approaching, and there is no room for the demons to continue to argue about the friends and foes of the "Yumenghong Lingyao lineage".

Twenty-eight years after Tianxian, the human army went out of Qiguan many times, continuously broke through the demon city, and beheaded the transformation period under King Yu's command. Sword array defense.

After thinking about it, King Yu was about to give a speech.

A white light suddenly flew over from the demon king's court, King Yu's expression changed drastically when he saw that the white light belonged to his own clan.

Especially seeing that the nose of this same family was cut off, the ivory was pulled out, and it turned into a pig's face. The demon element on its body was rioting, so that all the demons within a few kilometers could feel it.

After listening to this clan's narration, the king of Yu changed into his real body, his long nose pierced the hall, and he let out a violent elephant cry!Feeling the prelude to the fury, many monsters in the Demon King's Court also stepped away one after another, only to see that this huge mad elephant turned into a foot comparable to tens of feet, and suddenly stepped on the ground. Layers of houses collapsed like a nuclear shock wave, and a large number of little monsters were buried under the ground, and the ground was shaken for hundreds of miles!
The reason why this big demon king was so angry was very simple. His pet was practicing water on the banks of the Qin River, but he was murdered.

Narrator: At that time, this presumptuous elephant monster relied on its [-]-foot-high monster body to create huge waves in the Qin River. It laughed at the sight of humans being submerged like ant nests on both sides of the river. The Gaode system of Gang Formation is locked.Then again, the Human Martial Arts Monster Hunting Team specially traveled five thousand kilometers to catch this lowly and arrogant guy.

The human martial arts cultivator came out at night and rushed to the demon territory, and squatted on this stupid elephant that came to play in the water again. After shooting hundreds of spears, the giant elephant was dying.The human Wuxiu who was rushed here skinned and peeled the meat alive.

Narrator: Mr. Wei cooks such a precious ingredient as xiangba himself.

It is not easy for the Dixiang family to reproduce offspring, and the offspring were killed by the human race, which distorted the soul of King Yu.

In particular, the human monk cut off the trunk and pulled out the teeth of one of Dixiang's demons, which was vicious to the entire Dixiang family.

King Yu was furious, and at this time in the demon king's court, a pig demon at the demon core stage, watching the shock erupt in the palace, was crushed to the ground and knelt down together with other demons, its eyes flickered with,

It is the wild boar demon who was killed by Wei Keng in the battle of Haoranmen back then, and was overflowing with true spirits.

At this time, it was finally restored to the demon core after being repaired by various secret methods.

Of course it doesn't dare to show up now, once it shows up, not to mention that righteousness will kill it, even those monsters will take the opportunity to take a chance from him.

Seeing the way the roaring elephant trampled on the palace, Wu Wu could only curse "stupid" in his heart.But the aura in its eyes flickered for a while, and then it was also immersed in animal desire, and took the opportunity to push aside the creeping female demon.

(End of this chapter)

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