out of cage

Chapter 105 Chapter 4.01

Chapter 105 Chapter 4.01 Temporarily Unable to Return

The first time and space mission is over, the energy bombs of the naval guns fired, the ground armor forces raided, and the intrigue in the Shenzhou court, and the huge waves that are about to set off from west to east, everything can be temporarily put down.

when separated from the body.Wei Keng was surprised by the current state and felt that this was not death. (Wei Keng: It wasn't like this last time.)
Wei Keng: Death, that is a feeling of helplessness that cannot persist in the world, I have this ~, in short, it is definitely not what the preacher said, thinking, perception, a big leap, and ascending to heaven.

In the Shenzhou plane, with the destruction of the carbon-based body, the senses of vision, hearing, smell, cold and heat have disappeared.

But the super perception, which was not the main perception originally, has expanded thousands of times.

But just to expand the perception, the sense of superpower grabbing the world's matter also disappears as the consciousness leaves the body.In this world, you can see it yourself, but you can't take it!

System: 'The current consciousness carrier is temporarily transferred to the material state of meson.This state will back up your complete mind and consciousness in this world.After confirming that the backup is complete, the jump will begin. '

Wei Keng first saw Qiongdao under his feet, which was the place where he died in battle.

Then the perception came to every place he had touched in this plane.

1: In Banzhou headquarters, various combat interfaces are still flashing, and the staff members are still busy working, but their expressions are a little absent-minded.

2: On the plateau, the train that Wei Keng used to take is still full of people. The cadres selected by Xialian from the rear are still supporting the construction of the southern region according to the mobilization order.

3: In the underground base in Kunlun, under the blue light, groups of trains are passing through the tunnel.

4: Western Regions, a greenhouse farm where I picked cucumbers myself.This season seems to have stopped growing cucumbers and replaced them with cantaloupe.Also, the airflow exchanger on the top of the greenhouse has been updated.The melons below are growing neatly among the vine leaves.

5: Xijing, the big house where I used to live has now become a meritorious senior club.Some old men are reading books and newspapers, drinking tea.

6: Of course, Wei Keng also saw his body. The technicians of Shenzhou, uh, seem to be the department under Bai Kun's command, and now they are digging up his body and sealing it in a liquid helium tank.

Wei Keng couldn't help being a little funny: "Isn't it enough to burn it? Why do you keep it? I'm not a Buddha. I can explode relics."


I probably looked at the world again for a while.Wei Keng gradually got bored with this kind of game perspective.

Wei Keng confirmed the space teleportation point on his body, and prepared to leave this world.

At this time, the more than 40 persons in charge of this area named "Shizhenzi Area" on the Space-Time Administration were a little stunned after confirming that "Wei Keng has finished observing the world".Then it was a little disappointing.

It is now 2683 years in the main world
The space-time department has fully developed the "time shock sub-region".

In this time and space, when the traveler, especially the initial traveler, leaves this plane by discarding the carbon-based body without knowing anything, the state of Jie Hongzi will continue to proliferate.

As the proliferation process continues, as long as it remains stable, then, under the supply of the main world's space-time administration, it will develop in the direction of omniscience and omnipotence.

In the first stage, perception will cover every place you have been to.

The second stage: Perception extends to places on this planet that I want to go but have not been.For example, every magical corner of the continents, the Great Rift Valley in East Africa, the Yellowstone crater, and the depths of the ocean.

The third stage: further spread to places where the carbon-based body cannot go, under the ocean ten thousand meters, deep in the mantle.

The fourth stage: In theory, some people can achieve infinite spread in breadth and depth, look at the endless solar tides on the sun, and understand a little antimatter ejection when the nuclear reaction hydrogen fusion in the neighboring planet next door.

The above stages correspond to the level of the traverser. Only the higher the traverser, the more able to maintain the stability of their expansion in this state of endless perception.

The first stage is for the people, the second stage is for the scholars, the third stage is for the Qing level, and the fourth stage!
According to the current time and space administration, go deep into certain planes, refer to the top-level consciousness existences (gods) entrenched in those planes, and then benchmark the possible level of the traversers on your own side, tentatively set as the king level.


Having said that, the reason why the Space-Time Management Bureau has attracted the attention of at least 20 minister-level bosses is to see what level this guy can reach this novice mission that has been delayed for more than half a century!

In the plane of Pandora, Master Wei Keng's strength is definitely above the level of Zhongqing.

Putting aside the factors that Pandora and Wei Keng are currently compatible.

Even on the current plane of China, Wei Keng's performance is absolutely outstanding.

In the planning of the big battle, thousands of kilometers in length and width, and the enemy's calculation!And even a series of strategic exchanges.

Thoughts can do this, so now that the "heroic soul" is alive, at least he can overlook the planet and count the dust in space.

But what about the result?
Mr. Wei is very honest. He took a look at the toilet real estate (train) where he squatted, and then left, which is called "no nostalgia".

This confused the people of the Space-Time Administration.


In the bubble hall of time and space, the consciousness of Shangqing did not leave, and kept communicating.

Bai Hengqian made a guess: "Perhaps, his thinking was injured in the later stage of this plane?" The high-ranking supervisor hesitated.

Luo Hongxing: "Call out the meson fluctuation data." (This is scale data, and the specific information in Wei Keng's consciousness cannot be observed by the outside world.)
Sure enough, Luo Hongxing pointed to the last piece of consciousness fluctuation data when Wei Keng left, and opened up the last scene of Wei Keng in the plane.

In the scene, Wei Keng is carrying Lily's super energy wave abruptly, the carbon-based thinking is blurred by the beating, and he still draws his sword to move forward.

Luo Hongxing stood up, carefully staring at the data collected by the system for Wei Keng.

Various hormones in Wei Keng's body, including the adrenal gland, soared abnormally!

At this time, other Shangqing also saw this data segment, and a senior minister murmured: "What is this doing? Didn't you tell him that he can return? Why did he bring it in like this?"

Indeed, in the moment before Wei Keng's return, during the process, most of the microscopic physical phenomena of consciousness stayed in the carbon-based body.

Jumping with enthusiasm, accompanied by the quantum phenomenon in the carbon tube of neuron consciousness, which almost exploded to a peak.

And as the carbon-based body suddenly collapsed, the consciousness will naturally be affected.Therefore, although the mind is preserved, the state of Jie Hongzi's "soul" is much more indifferent.

[Wei Keng: "If you didn't survive, hey, if you can't survive, you can't survive. It's a gamble, look at it. So, what's so interesting in this world, walk around, since you're not dead, then eat potato chips, Open the soda."]

In the communication space of the space bubble.

Gu Daozhen (Shangqing): "I suggest that the mission of Sergeant Wei Keng be stopped immediately. As a reserve force temporarily recruited in the First World War, he has not undergone complete training and lacks the correct determination of the meaning of shuttle. Not clear about self-positioning."

Bai Hengqian: "I don't agree with the termination. Although this mission was an accident, Sergeant Wei Keng still ended the novice mission in a sergeant-level state. According to the rules, it was a success."

Immediately, several Shangqing frowned. This is not a question of whether to graduate or not. Graduating as a non-commissioned officer means that Wei Keng's own state of consciousness is strong enough, but the novice mission has a death mentality. In other missions, it is simply self-destructive train.

Bai Hengqian: "We have made a decision. For his next mission, on this plane, he has enough time to determine what kind of mentality he should maintain on the road to becoming powerful."

After all, Bai Hengqian opened the plane where Wei Keng will conduct an in-depth test,

The shorthand for this plane is a sword.


Here, in the space-time hall where the task was handed in, Wei Keng was like a student waiting for the announcement after the exam.Waiting for the comprehensive evaluation of the novice task.

In the end, the system popped up the word "sergeant grade", and Wei Keng let out a sigh of relief, feeling very lucky to be [-] years old.Then I figured out how to relax by squatting in my lair in the main world.

However, at this time, the system called Wei Keng back.

System: "Wei Keng, your business is not over yet."

Wei Keng shuddered, and his spirit tensed up again: "Didn't you pass the test?"

System: "Yes, your mission is over, please accept the information property."

Wei Keng was surprised. After this task is over, will there be property?
Of course, time travel will generate property, otherwise, how can the time traveler be encouraged to explore?
During this exploration, Wei Keng collected a complete set of China's basic industries.

These industries can operate in the space bubble of the plane, so that when equipment is needed like in the Pandora plane, there is no need for supervisors like Bai Linglu to send things.Instead, it is directly forged by the system of its own space bubble, and then sent.Of course, the things sent must conform to the physical rules of the target plane.

For example, the Apocalypse Tank, a steel monster that needs the black technology of the Tesla reactor to drive, cannot be activated in many planes.Of course, you can also find alternative energy sources on the plane.The tank's transmission mechanism still works on most planes.

After reading it, Wei Keng became somewhat clear, and held back his drowsiness: "After getting the materials, we also need space bubble to provide a place to operate the real thing. Do I have space bubble?"

Wei Keng does exist, and it's not too small!
As a recruiter who obeyed orders and participated in the first plane war, he steadfastly settled in Pandora, a high-risk plane, with outstanding military exploits.

After the end of the First Plane War, the Time and Space Administration gave Wei Keng a large space of 1000 kilometers in length, width and height, in which [-] million tons of material could be guaranteed to operate.The ability to simulate eighteen spatio-temporal zone rules.

[The entire command and conquer plane area, each plane still has slight differences, and some planes are suitable for playing antimatter.And this collection of slightly different planes is a space-time area rule. 】

Those non-commissioned officers who were promoted after the First World War had never heard of such a large space.

What they desire most now is to achieve a "five-star" (the highest level) space, that is, a cubic kilometer, operate [-] tons of matter, and be able to fully adapt to the simulation capabilities of a space-time zone.

The mission that Bai Linglu planned for Wei Keng was carried out according to the mode with the highest rate of return.


In addition to the space bubbles given by the public, there are also space bubbles created by the traversers themselves.
The space bubble is equivalent to a space information storage area.

The reward space bubble given by the Space-Time Administration is the "small world" built for the traversers after the Dyson ring has undergone a large-scale verification.

The space-time travelers who participated in the last war took advantage of the resources they mastered during the time-traveling process to create workshop-level space bubbles, that is, to use the high-energy particles in the center of the earth as the nibs for engraving dimensions to print out some smaller space bubbles.

Compared with the small world built by the Space-Time Administration with the Dyson ring, the space bubbles created by Shangqing are only workshop-level.But still quite rare,
Wei Qiang has this technology, and if he has it, Wei Keng also has it. Wei Keng owns the ownership of the center of the earth production tools and related technologies.

In return for "promoting Wei Qixian", Wei Qiang transferred a cubic kilometer space bubble to Wei Keng.This is the best of the three five-star spaces he has constructed so far.

The value of this space bubble is hard currency in contemporary times.It is to be able to hire thousands of warrior-level traversers to reach a certain plane and fight a war.

Now, the Second Plane War seems to be about to start.In all the popular time and space, the intensity of confrontation among the emerging generation of time-travelers has long surpassed that of the previous war of planes.

It's just that the two major forces currently claim that they have not yet fully mobilized.There is also a final 'peace effort' (final mutual intimidation).


In the space hall, Wei Keng stared blankly at the time on the screen.

Wei Keng: "It's been 2683 years?"

These days, eating potato chips is no longer popular in the main world.For contemporary young people, due to the rapid development of the technology of conscious thinking and sensing information, the World Wide Web system that simulates the rules of each plane makes them even more obsessed.

But now, all kinds of adventure games in other worlds on the World Wide Web directly use the miniature space bubbles that can carry the physical rules of other worlds as the basis for their operation.

The game world prepared by these ultra-small space bubbles linked by the World Wide Web has basically no difference in perception compared with the real alien plane, and has a high safety factor, and there will be no death due to loss of consciousness.

But all the maintenance of the space bubble, that is, the release of the entropy accumulated in the space bubble, must be operated by the traversers who have been to the target plane.

Traveling between planes is an extremely high-paying profession in the contemporary era.

A contemporary explorer of planes is equivalent to the captain of an airliner in the 21st century!No no, more advanced!The traverser itself is a live oil well.

Throughout the 27th century, as I boarded the plane to enter the training camp, and then transferred to a different world, it came to an end in a jiffy.

Wei Keng whispered: "I haven't savored that era, it has passed, time travel is really a piece of shit!"

After a few minutes, Wei Keng raised his head and said, "System, I'm back."

The system paused and did not respond for a few seconds.

Wei Keng repeated it again.

It seems that the system has replaced someone to answer the call.
Qin Xiaohan: "Sergeant Wei Keng, your current state is not suitable for returning."

Wei Keng: "Why isn't it suitable? Well, you probably lost my body stored in the main world, right?"

Qin Xiaohan: "You can rest assured that in the main world, medical technology has been updated. There is no need to cryopreserve the traverser, but to maintain it dynamically. The memory and thinking information from the plane is continuously input into the carbon-based body. Up to now, You have backed up eight bodies."

Wei Keng: "Then why?"

Qin Xiaohan: "Your current state of consciousness is not the best, and needs to be adjusted again."


There is a theory at this stage, that is, the time traveler returned by the Space-Time Administration is a time traveler in a narrow sense on some timelines. In a broad sense, the thoughts of time travelers on countless timelines cannot be recorded. What is the state of consciousness in these thoughts? look?
According to this theory, returning to consciousness is not all consciousness, but the self that can be observed by the specific memory thinking returned by the traverser himself from a certain task timeline in the space bubble where the Space-Time Administration Bureau is located,
On the unobservable timeline of the plane, the consciousness of the traverser may be in another state.

[Now the supervisors: I think that Wei Keng definitely has other states of consciousness in the mission time and space of the Shenzhou plane!It's just because the current "opening method" has selected the current timeline (returning method). "]

In short, the consciousness of the traveler who wanders in time and space has also dispersed in time and space.

Now in the Space-Time Management Bureau, it is determined that the returned Wei Keng is in a state of "damaged in high dimensions", but as long as he does not return to the main world, it is like the "cat box" has not been opened, and the main world is still uncertain.

As "still traveling", there is still the possibility of change.

But once he goes back with the current "downturn" state, it may have a predetermined impact on himself in the carbon-based state of the main world.

If a traveler returns to the main world after his consciousness is damaged, he will live as if he was destined by fate, and he will no longer have a youthful heart.Therefore, it is impossible to undergo brain cell regeneration surgery.

In regenerative surgery, consciousness must be strong.Maintain the ability to remain open to receiving information (learning), ensuring mental metabolism.

The life technology in the second half of the 27th century, as long as the consciousness has vitality, technology can make the body alive.

 I wrote this chapter, and I can understand it, but I don’t know if readers can understand it.

  I usually want to write a chapter, and then put it away for a week, and after forgetting about it, I will see if it is easy to understand.

(End of this chapter)

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