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C1079C2311 In the catastrophe, there are chapters!

Chapter 1079 Chapter 23.11 During the catastrophe, there are back and forth!

After the ancient ring belt experienced the first "robbery", Wei Keng had a firm grip on the quasar world's causal counterattack, and decided to start further testing (fighting back) in the aura area and profound energy area.

First of all, on the Xuanqi Continent, Wei Keng found Jiang Mingle. At this time, he was already a Martial Venerable, with circles of "Dao Rings" rising from his back, which was the characteristic of his martial arts that could control the laws.

Of course, there is no shortage of beauties around him, there are authentic fairies, and there are also enchanting saintesses from the Demon Sect.When Wei Keng looked for him, he avoided these "beautiful women", and he was wearing an ordinary attendant.

In Ming Le's palace, when Wei Keng handed over the Xiantian Lingbao to him again, this traveler from the civilization era paused: "I want you to keep it for you again."

Wei Keng: "Yes, there are many more in the future."

Ming Le paused, sighed and said, "Although I don't think there are too many of these treasures, my luck is not enough to keep them for a long time."

Wei Keng: Then you should find a place to seal this (Lingbao), and wait for someone who is destined to pick it up.

Mingle: Well, the situation in Gupan seems to be in full swing.

Wei Keng: Yes, it is an orderly progress.

The two looked at each other without speaking for 3 minutes.

Then they said at the same time, Wei Keng: "You?" Ming Le: "Maybe" as soon as the words came out, they looked at each other and signaled each other to speak first.

Ming Le: "Perhaps, your path is right, but I can't walk it."

Wei Keng let out a sigh of relief and said, "Has your determination to return to the Dao been shaken by "He Dao"?"

Ming Le: "As the cultivation base increases day by day, the more memories awakened, the more terrifying the Tao in it will be."

After a long time, Wei Keng seemed to be persuading, but in fact, he made his attitude clear again: "Follow the steps, if you patronize fear, you can't do anything, and now it's not a question of whether you can do it! It's how to do it .”

Ming Le nodded, but this nod was just to stop persuading Wei Keng. Wei Keng chose a different path from him, so he tried his best to prove the way!

…Wei Keng avoids a lot of low-level causes and effects, but confronts a fundamental cause and effect head-on...

Wei Keng has been conducting experiments and measurements in various realms of cultivation, as well as in the Xuanqi Continent, and has summed up a large number of mathematical formula models.

Ascension platform?That thing has been made out!

Wei Keng successfully mastered the data of the leap, and the string structure where Wei Keng's consciousness is located will be destroyed because of the high energy level, and the balance will be destroyed, and it will leap towards the spiritual world!
For a monk who wants to advance to the Upper Realm after the Transformation Stage, the position of appearing in the Upper Realm is random for him. The Spirit Transformation cultivator needs to ensure that the direction of the "high-energy structure" where his consciousness is located is clear when he transitions!

On the basis of this, master Wei Keng can make a more accurate estimate.

Wei Keng was able to calculate perfectly the total number of "spiritual worlds" that each "mortal realm, spiritual energy, and immortality realm" could ascend to the "spiritual realm" within a given period of time (one Yuanying Shouyuan period).

Wei Keng's plan is: if he does not ascend now, but if he wants to ascend, he will prepare a sufficient amount to suddenly approach the spirit world, fairy world, and even the avenue area in the quasar.

Now Wei Keng in various Xiuxian continents can ascend to the spirit world on a large scale at any time.

And Wei Keng of Xiuxuan Continent can also reach the outer "God Realm", and go to the center of the star prototype to make a quantum leap.

Wei Keng was not in a hurry to do this!If you can do it but don't do it, it means that there is no "inevitable chance of winning".

Right now, the karma between the ancient pan and the true spirit in the inner circle has just begun.

The first millennium of the ancient pan calendar is coming to an end, and Wei Keng is intensively planning for the next millennium.

The entire ring-shaped civilization area of ​​Gupan is a 360-degree circle, and it may be less than one percent at present.Next, expand from 3 degrees to about 20 degrees.

With only 3 degrees, Wei Keng encountered two innate spirit treasures. What if it was 20 degrees?Relying on the foundation provided by the civilization on the ancient disk, Wei Keng is now rolling out the ultimate strategy in various cultivation worlds.In the world of mortal cultivating immortals, it is already as stable as Mount Tai.

Wei Keng plans to use the Inner Continent of the Innate Lingbao as the base point to form a "remote sensing system" to monitor all the signs of the true spirit in the next thousand years of Gupan.

For example, in the spirit world, Wei Keng sent one or two vanguards to settle in the spirit world area and inquire about news.

(End of this chapter)

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