out of cage

Chapter 1081 Chapter 2313 Traveler, hard to give up

Chapter 1081 Chapter 23.13 Traveler, hard to give up
In Xia Yizong, in the fairyland-like holy land, Wei Keng met his client.

A man and a woman, the woman is like a fairy in the world, but there is a certain degree of vibration in the energy around her, obviously the consciousness field may usher in the vitality calamity at any time, but it is suppressed.

And that man!His eyes looked at Wei Keng, he was in a fit state.

He said to the disciple leading the way: "Bring Xingyue fruit to Fellow Daoist Wei!"

The disciples were surprised when they heard this, because this fruit is conceived by the rare spiritual root in the world, and a batch is bred every ten thousand years, and a batch is only [-] pieces, which cannot be enjoyed by close friends who are not masters.

But then the female cultivator at the side bowed to Wei Keng Yingying: "I have seen you, senior." It made the disciple who brought Wei Keng realize something.

The elder of the Xiayi Sect said to Wei Keng: "The realm of fellow Taoist is the Great Consummation of God Transformation! Huh? You are still a cultivator of Ascension!"

Regarding the situation of the ascension cultivator, since the particles come from the transition in the lower realm, there is a ray of transition energy, which is very pure, and the cultivator in the distraction stage can perceive it.

Wei Keng said: "Fellow Daoist, you are being polite. The undisciplined people from remote mountains and remote areas are not worth mentioning."

Elder: "Fellow Daoist is too modest, your cultivation base and realm, even in the Great Cave Heaven, can suppress one side!"

This sect investigated Wei Keng's information before, suddenly appeared, and then sold low-level pills, and joined the market peacefully. They are very good at various skills, all of which are the characteristics of a rising monk. ——And now that this answer has been confirmed, it is confirmed that Wei Keng has passed the threshold of distraction. Such a promotion is obviously a talent with excellent wisdom roots, and is a talent that all forces in the world of cultivating immortals need to win over.

...For Wei Keng, the authority brought by his cultivation is fleeting, not as interesting as the laws contained in the sand in his hands...

The Immortal Hime of the Zongmen came dragging the plate, and Wei Keng looked at the spiritual fruit in front of him, um, those halos were bred inside.

System: Keluzi is the main one, and the seventh energy level is high-energy, which is the main energy structure, and the auxiliary energy structure includes at least 6 energy of Ximingzi, 4 energy of Sixuanzi, ... of course there are millions of Sixuanzi (Zhu Jidan main body), and other relatively low-energy physical quantities, these relative low-energy physical quantities make this thing look like a fruit.

For Wei Keng at this time, various physical quantities can be remotely sensed from the scale of quasar material debris (continent).Therefore, in the process of alchemy, these "large-scale physical quantities" are collapsed and turned into high-energy core structures.

Others have to wait for time to make alchemy. Wei Keng saw the arrival of large-scale physical quantities through remote sensing, and squatted at this timing through "forecasting" to ignite-"catalyze" the alchemy furnace in the formation to complete the alchemy process.

The data analysis system at Wei Keng's high school can not only deduce the pill formula, but also deduce and analyze the spiritual land required by various spiritual roots, the growth conditions of the weather, and the effect on the cultivators.

For example, the "spiritual fruit" served at the moment can stabilize the lifespan (increase the lifespan of the exhaustion of the particles where the consciousness is located), and can refine mana.

Wei Keng couldn't help analyzing this spiritual fruit in depth at this time: under natural conditions, the spiritual root that produces this kind of spiritual fruit also takes a long time to generate these energy structures (particles).

Wei Keng was confident that he could synthesize such a "spiritual fruit" elixir by himself, but the synthesized product was still a little bit far from the coordination of various natural physical quantities.

Note: With Wei Keng's current synthesis technology, although the basic theory is different from that of traditional alchemists, the actual operation process is still the refinement of alchemy steps.Similar to modern medicine, in theory, it is no longer a general overview of the balance of various elements of the body, such as yin and yang and five elements, but a data-based analysis of the body, but when it comes to decoctions and various stimulation therapies, it is no different from traditional Chinese medicine.

Wei Keng glanced at this thing, not knowing how to eat it for the time being.Looking at the two fruit givers, he exhaled and said, "This treasure is expensive, I will taste it slowly after thinking about it."

The elder smiled and said: "Fellow Daoist, you may not know that this kind of spiritual treasure can only be effective if taken near the spiritual root. But if you take it out, it may get twice the result with half the effort."

System: "This area has a special field, and it will indeed have some special effects when fused here." But even so, Wei Keng still didn't want to just eat it up so easily.

Wei Keng looked at the elder and couldn't help shaking his head: "There is an old saying in Xiajia Town, that a pig's head eats fresh fruit and doesn't know what it tastes like."

Wei Keng's self-deprecating words clearly showed that the expressions of these two immortal cultivators were abnormal!
Wei Keng was stunned for a moment, and then continued to smile: "It seems that fellow Taoists are offended, I have been cultivating immortals for so many years, and I still can't get rid of the vulgarity."

The female cultivator paused and said: "Dare to ask you, is that pig that eats fresh fruit called Bajie?"

The atmosphere froze immediately.

Wei Keng stood up: "Who is Wu Neng's senior brother!"

The elder stared at Wei Keng, the corner of his mouth twitched in doubt and said in an extremely serious tone: "Wukong."

Wei Keng stood up abruptly, stepped forward and asked, "Tell me about popular songs!"

The elder looked very vicissitudes and recalled the long past, and then sang a little: "Love you walking in a dark alley alone," Wei Keng followed up and sang "The way I love you without kneeling,"

The disciple of the elder at the side was baffled by the sudden appearance of the elder and the guest, but was quickly avoided by the teacher with a smile and waved her hand.

Wei Keng stood and walked to the edge of the cliff: "Heh, hahaha", clutching his belly, he laughed in a trance for a while, and then finished singing: "I love you, I have persisted in despair, and I refused to cry."

These two monks are not the traversers projected after the Great Traversing Era in the 27th century, but the consciousness projection (soul penetration) from the 21st century.Wei Keng determined that the two of them belonged to natural traversers.

System: Of course, it is not ruled out that they are monks from the side plane. After the 28th century, the main world sent a "dimension chip" to the side plane. Consciousness reached the alien plane.

When the fellows saw the fellows, there were tears in their eyes. When the earthlings hold the system and advance all the way to the end in the world of cultivating immortals, it is by no means as simple as reading a novel. When you see the end, you can close the chapters.Rather trapped here, into a solitude where time seems infinite, but finite.

Futian and Fengqi, when these two traveled through time, it seemed to be the beginning of the 21st century.

As for Wei Keng, in his memory now, he is a little confused about the 21st century, but he still remembers the atmosphere at that time.

Wei Keng thought for a while, and concealed the fact that he came from the post-27th century in order not to arouse the fluctuations in the Dao heart of these two fellow villagers.

Wei Keng did not mention the great traversal era, the achievements of comprehensive technological exploration of dimensions.

Because in this lonely extraterritorial universe, saying these things is just showing off one's superiority, which is annoying.

After Futian deployed heavy restrictions, Wei Keng and the elder exchanged crossing information.

Talked a lot, a lot.Even chatting about the systems that both carry.Futian and Fengqi claimed this as "the welfare of travelers".

The "system" they carry is a complete data analysis system.Wei Keng immediately judged that this was the first generation system of the time-traveling era.

So Wei Keng described his system as similar to theirs.This is a "middleman" habit, not to be special with others.

...Wei Keng: Even if you eat candy, don't say it, just know it.Others can't share the sweetness...

Of course, there are still differences between Wei Keng and these two traversers in terms of worldview, and this difference is mainly due to differences in "scientific cognition".

As for humanistic sentiments, the world is cold and cold, and thousands of years of experience in the world are not childish.

Only the world outlook, the habit of exploring the world, is formed from childhood to the entire youth learning period, forming a basic thinking mode.This is not something that can be perfected after struggling in society the day after tomorrow.

Wei Keng is a graduate student, and these two are high school students who time travel.

"As for why they traveled through time, I don't know." The system secretly speculated: I'm afraid they both died for love.

After the reminiscence is completed, it returns to business.

Wei Keng looked at this old friend and said: "I don't agree to let my sister-in-law be relieved. This is a longer torment. If you reincarnate again, you can't bypass the dangers, and there will be more dangers."

After listening to Wei Keng's speculation about the nature of this world, Fu Tian also fell into a long silence.

He looked at Wei Keng: "As you said, the chaos at this time is the beginning of the Big Bang, and all the advancements of life are the process of engraving the particles of the future universe. But if there is no one you care about, this way can be found." It doesn't make any sense either. If Ling'er succeeds, I'll accompany her down, if she fails, I'll make up my mind and immediately enter the robbery stage."

The female cultivator was very moved: "Husband, don't do this, Ling'er hopes that you can continue to walk to the top of this fairy road."

Wei Keng, who was fed a mouthful of dog food, took a deep breath: "There is no top. Compared with the earth, the life here is very powerful, but it is still life, and the original rules here cannot be challenged."

Wei Keng pointed to a more powerful direction, and said slowly: "Compared to that! We are still insignificant. Madam should think about the meaning of her own life, um, what she wants in her long life. , what about next time?"

The female cultivator looked at Wei Keng and bowed gracefully: "Thank you fellow Taoist for your advice."

She also knew that Wei Keng was trying to help them cut off their obsession.May then say:
"If it was 2000 years ago, I would definitely try to hit the body, but now~" she sighed
After a cultivator has reached the realm of transforming gods, whether he can break through further is like some old people on the earth who know that the end is approaching in their twilight years.

When the monk's original willpower cannot continue to walk, forcibly touching the realm is tantamount to death.Wei Keng looked at this female cultivator and said no more, yes, she can't do it now!
…Cultivators in the cultivation world are composed of a series of strings. If there is no strong foundation point in these string groups, they will become looser and looser...

Alive, the continuation of memory and thinking are only related conditions, the core is the need for willpower to promote change.

Just like after the 27th century in the main world, in human regeneration surgery, memory can be temporarily stored in the chip. Whether the old brain tissue can record the knowledge in the newly generated brain cell tissue with a firm learning attitude is a matter of judgment. Significant sign of regeneration.

And now from the distraction period to the fit state, the situation is similar.

Consciousness will change from an old carrier to a newer carrier, expanding from the body into the "field" centered on oneself.This is a process from chrysalis to butterfly.

How to renew my ignorant self resolutely by transferring my old thoughts to a new blank.This requires determination, comparable to the last year of the college entrance examination, and the overall planning and strengthening of memory for three years of knowledge points, dozens of times.

...In the pastoral generation, the traversers are strictly selected in terms of will.And it is a crime for junior high school students and high school students to time travel without developing their worldview...

Of course, different people have different determinations to describe.

From the great to the simple, after Wei Keng had seen the Holy Great Wall, his direction of inclination had already been set, that is, even a mortal body could carry the will of "God".In fact, with Wei Keng's continuous positive accumulation, it is impossible for him to be a mortal. If he is still suppressed to become a mortal, it is because other existences are restraining him, so he must do it!Fight even if you are weak.

Among mortals, the "determination" of Wei Keng, who considers himself a villain, can be summed up very simply: to live, to live in the direction of more possibilities, to live dignifiedly, when some people make themselves kneel and crawl to a desperate situation, they might as well stand up Give him a knife.

You don't need a noble status, and you don't need powerful talents other than the appearance of a middle-aged man.Determine what you want, and do it plainly.

Therefore, whether it is the regenerative surgery in the main world or the crossing of the realm of fusion now, it is not a problem for Wei Keng.

Being able to stay calmly in the "longevity" of the cultivation world without forgetting one's original heart, can also turn into tens of billions of hard-working selves in the Jue Ling area, and spend a fulfilling life one by one.

Wei Keng: Every time you can achieve the set goal, life has meaning, longevity has a mission of longevity, and being a mortal has mortal meaning.I want to step beyond the horizon of sentient beings here.The heart is light and flying.

But compared to Wei Keng, this female cultivator, Feng Qi, couldn't describe her heart in words.

She is more than 10 years old.Together with my lover, I challenged monsters during the Qi training period, fought against dozens of plundering monks during the foundation establishment period, and challenged a secret realm during the Jindan period, and jumped out of the hands of Yuanying Laomo with great luck.I have experienced all kinds of fairy grasses, various opportunities, and good luck again and again.

Then fly up together, be happy together, and continue the thrilling and exciting life.But now!Facing this vast and long life, I want to record all of them so that I can continue to maintain myself. Obviously, there are too many and it is too difficult.

Now I want to go from distraction to integration, abandon the old and build the new.She can't do it?She couldn't pull out the happiness of the past, so she was stuck here.

...In this fairy mountain, the flowers bloom and fall, and the scenery is different every hundred years for thousands of years. How can I remember them all! …

Wei Keng finally decided to make alchemy for her.When looking at the aura-filled Xiuxian Mountain Gate from the top of the mountain.

Wei Keng silently read a sentence from his memory: "The most precious thing for a person is life. Life belongs to a person only once. A person's life should be like this. When the time spent is long enough and needs to be summed up, one should not be confused In Wuwei's memory of low-level fun, I should be able to see that I have devoted enough energy to things that I have considered valuable so far."

The fellow who just met, but found out that he is not a comrade, but Wei Keng, who has been studying the world in Tukangzhong. It is inevitable that his Taoism will fluctuate. It can be said that he has encountered a catastrophe!
The elixir that had just been refined was dripping and spinning in the formation above the elixir furnace, forming a whirlpool of spiritual energy in a radius of tens of miles.

Wei Keng: There is no never-ending banquet in the world. When you keep going, you are destined to leave the bustle and bustle.If I return to the main world this time, it seems like this will be the case.

The main world is still obsessed with developing this kind of plane as an economic zone.The spirit of advancing civilization is getting weaker and weaker.

In the future, is it true that one day, he will also cut off his connection with the main world?

…Standing by the stone pond and looking at the fish in the pond, I feel that I am also a fish in the pond...

Because he still had a little nostalgia for the main world, Wei Keng inexplicably devoted all his attention to the traveler who came with him.

Wei Keng: For Feng Qi's reincarnation, I will do it with all my strength.

Wei Keng not only concocted alchemy for her, but also tested her primordial spirit, and measured energy fluctuations in multiple directions in the Cailiu Realm.Therefore, on the day when the elixir is completed, there is still the best time and place to take the elixir.

Fifteen years later, in the Xiayi Sect, a rainbow light shone across the sky and the earth. This Bing Jie Pill was used in the turbulent aura fluctuations.

But in Thunder, as Feng Qi stored a large amount of his past memories in this elixir, wisps of memories filled with unwillingness to practice Taoism welled up in his heart.She found that she still couldn't let go.

In a trance, all my obsessions entered into the elixir, but in the end Feng Qi still left a ray of authenticity. At this time, when the aura disaster was at its head, Feng Qi, who stayed in the distracted body, suddenly found that he still wanted to live. go down.

This ray of authenticity, operating the magic weapon, began to usher in the tribulation of vitality.As she circulated her mana, suddenly infinite spiritual power surged from the earth formation, echoing her, allowing her to regenerate her old power and give birth to new power.

The tribulation has begun!

In the collision of the color of the sky and the earth, and the collapse of thousands of kilometers of space, everything subsided in the end.Feng Qi's spiritual power still exists.

After Futian watched the catastrophe from the sidelines, after seeing the result, he turned his head stiffly to Wei Keng and asked, "Wei Keng, where is my wife?" up.

Wei Keng said leisurely: "I changed the Bingjie Pill a little bit, and judging from the effect, it's pretty good."

Fu Tian: This is it?He saw Feng Qi's red figure, which was different from the past, and then a blue smoke shadow appeared, which was faintly visible, which touched him a bit.

Wei Keng looked at this "old man", and finally said in a faintly persuasive tone: Bingjie can be transferred to obsession to enter the next life, this pill transfers obsession, but retains the authenticity, this is the corpse-killing pill. ——The subtext is that the elixir can pass this calamity, but just like cheating in an exam, one's own strength is not enough, and in the end he is still trapped, and he has to face the world and find a direction to work hard.

System: These two lack missions, and their consciousness no longer has the motivation to escape from this plane.

 To be able to meet these two first-generation systems, and to choose a traverser, is the cause and effect of the interference of the universe.

(End of this chapter)

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