out of cage

Chapter 1093 Chapter 2318 Meeting with incompatibility

Wei Keng Group, who is walking on the road of "double cultivation of life and life", has clearly set the goal of becoming a mortal after a hundred years of age.

Right now, it is too early for this Weixiu individual kidnapped by Xuanxiu to be forced to start practicing at the age of 20, but the individual who should be robbed must be in charge of the family early. …

On the first day of Wei Jian's practice, he read books, practiced fixed body technique, and then practiced profound energy.

Sleep well.

On the second day, I continued to read books and practice the fixed body technique, and I was still honest.

The third day, the fourth day, the fifth day, the sixth day, it was still the same.

Wei Keng: In the steel forest full of thousand-meter-tall buildings everywhere, the neon lights are so dazzling, all kinds of melodious sounds are so enchanting, I can keep poverty, and cultivate my body and mind in a shabby room, this is a great kindness!

In fact, I was sure that I couldn’t masturbate anymore, and all my time was under control, and I didn’t want to be chased away. I wanted to work abroad after a long absence.

A week later, Xuanxiu said, "Your progress in cultivation is very good, but you seem to have forgotten a very important point. Martial arts training is not only about training your body, but also training your will!"

Wei Keng took a look at Xuanxiu and stayed together for a full week. He was always hidden in energy fluctuations, and he didn't even know her height, shortness, fatness, or thinness. Now he began to "mentally force" himself to do this and that.

This Xuanxiu is holding a poster. On the poster, it is the Zhenwu Conference being held in the city. In the words of this wanted criminal master: As her disciple, you must step up your cultivation and meet the world's masters for a while. .

For example, the one ranked number one is from a military family, with an iron and blood shield!It can resist the shooting of ancient bed crossbows.

For another example, the two female masters ranked sixth and seventh are called "Qingyao Shuangbi". mention), turning mysterious energy into sword silk, can be hard or soft

Wei Keng glanced at the challenge list given by Master Cheap, no, he didn't even need to look carefully to know how "bright" this road is.

Because of the overwhelming bombardment of poster information in the past two days, those rewards are even more eye-catching. You can go to the world of Xuanxiu, and the battle robes and elixir are special offerings of the upper class with a price of tens of millions.

Facing the aggressive general of the master who didn't know what he was thinking, Wei Keng quickly retracted his head and shouted: "I am willing to devote myself to hard work." Before the master continued to nod, Wei Keng: I am not aggressive in my life.

After a lot of calculations and experiments, the Wei Keng group of "Xuanqi World Cultivation" has already concluded the most suitable paths.

Just because he knows what the best strategy looks like, Master Wei has long since lost interest in advancing on this bloody road of a lone brave man.

When he learned that Wei Keng was not interested in the mysterious world, and lacked enthusiasm for competing for the seat of the hero of the world, the cheap master was stunned for 20 seconds, and then snorted coldly, as if the person in front of him was a rotten tree.

And Wei Keng, a rotten wood, couldn't hear the old master's sarcasm, and continued to be silly, asking for the elixir to assist in cultivation, obviously with the appearance of: If you can prostitute for nothing, then why work hard.

In fact, Wei Keng understands better than anyone else that this mysterious energy revives the urination of the upper layer of the world.

Elixirs, vestments, and rare quotas have all been confirmed by the circle!After two or three hundred years of such conservative development, the upper and lower channels are almost blocked.

Wei Keng never compares, so he has to pay a little thought and expectation, and finally his thoughts are shattered and sad.

However, this Xuanxiu from the mysterious world seemed unable to bear Wei Keng's laziness.

So, two months later, Wei Keng had an extra junior!This junior practiced desperately, and as a training partner, he was beaten again and again, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.And Wei Keng, who was continued to be coldly and violently despised by Master Xuanxiu, thought deeply: "I am so right not to participate in this kind of competition! This is a lot of hard work, and it is not suitable for ordinary people like me."

Three months later, under the transformation of his master, Wei Keng finally punched Donghengmen in the Zhenwu Competition and kicked the final training academy. His whole body was shaken by arrogance. The royal sister and female president in the movie.

In the end, he exploded in the finals and forced the disciple of the military family to retire. The two sides cherish each other!It was a complete success.

The younger brother was working hard on the stage, and Wei Keng was applauding in the audience. At least on this stage, Master Wei felt ashamed of his younger brother.It is difficult for the self-made people to project all their energy on such a stage.In other words, Wei Keng was not so easy to get on top of.

During this process, the master had been hiding in the jade pendant on the younger brother's body, which made the government inspection department, after repeatedly investigating the identity of Wei Keng and the younger brother, not find the existence of Xuanxiu.After the investigation was fruitless, he left angrily.

As for the Xuanxiu cultivation base of this body, Wei Keng and that junior also announced in unison that this was a personal adventure.

That cheap junior brother said it was: in his sleep, he picked up a Xuanxiu technique in a huge mountain gate.

Master Wei is very honest, claiming that when he went to the toilet one day, he picked up a toilet paper and recorded it... (System: It means that the person who teaches the exercises is giving toilet paper.)
Wei Keng was passively introduced to the exercises by Xuanxiu, while the younger brother actively learned the exercises under the lure.

Wei Keng is under control. Master Xuanxiu has spent a lot of spiritual power to control Wei Keng, and he has no chance to control the second person, so he can only use lures for the younger brother.

…Wei Keng: Let’s just say, twisted melons are not sweet, so why twist me? …

Just after this match ended, Wei Keng thought that with his mediocre appearance, his path with that madman would gradually drift apart, and they would eventually part ways.

At home, Uncle Wei Keng began to clean the floor, change the Spring Festival couplets, and celebrate the new year happily. The master of the mysterious world appeared again and issued a new order: "Get ready and follow me to the mysterious world."

Wei Keng's expression was stiff, and he quickly said, "I don't have a quota?"

The Xuanxiu quickly gave the reason: that junior has obtained a quota to enter the Xuanjie, this quota is to enter the famous martial arts academy in the Xuanjie, and when entering the academy, you can bring ten people into the Xuanjie .

Naturally, the old Empress wanted to return to the Mysterious Realm, and of course, the honest disciple couldn't stay in this Mortal Realm, and had to take his chickens and dogs with him to ascend to heaven.

Just laying down, Wei Keng, who was about to have a vacation, couldn't help but burst into tears: he could still think of himself. (She still doesn't let herself go)
This Xuanxiu stated his purpose: "After entering the Xuanjie, take care of the business for me." - Wei Keng also knows that this female master's surname is "Jing" and her dharma name is "Gu Yu"

After a long time, Master Wei saw Master Xuanxiu leaving (fuck off), picked up the broom in his hand, and slammed it on the ground.Quite distraught.

The system is objective: the cause and effect of the upper bound is becoming more and more difficult to avoid. (end of this chapter)

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