out of cage

Chapter 1103 Chapter 2401 Dimension axis

Chapter 1103 Chapter 24.01 Dimension axis

"In the beginning of ancient times, who preached it?" Wei Keng hummed a happy ditty, and the electromagnetic spectrum has a unique timbre in the field of black holes.

When Wei Keng returned to the dark plane, he was excited to talk to his "object" on the plane about his current achievements.

In the big black hole of creation, Qingsu stared at Wei Keng coming out of the dark energy fluctuations. From her perspective, Wei Keng just went in and then turned back, but this kind of turning around in the black hole seemed too chic.when she wants to ask.

Wei Keng said to her, "Oh, long time no see."

Qingsu also noticed a huge change in Wei Keng's dark energy system, realized something, and responded cautiously: "Today's sun hasn't set yet."

Wei Keng nodded, and looked at the depths of the black hole, the senior Ming Le who was still slowly crawling out.

While setting up the Daoyin coordinates, Wei Keng greeted Qingsu and explained that he just had a "journey to the great black hole of creation": "For me, the time that has just passed is very fulfilling."

Wei Keng smiled, raised his hand to condense the message into a space bubble, and then sent it towards her.

Those who stopped and waited outside the black hole paused lightly, but did not dodge. As an eighth-level dark energy user, she is at the star level, and this small space bubble has no lethality.

The two of them are like a boy and a girl at a banquet in the field, the boy digs shrimps from the ridge of the field, and the girl waits far away with a bucket.

Wei Keng sent her the coordinates of Ming Le, and seeing her changing expression, he smiled triumphantly.

The logic in Wei Keng's mind: This kind of experiment of returning after traveling through the black hole, it is not enough for him to claim success by himself. The experiment needs to be reproducible, so letting her watch Mingle's return is a perfect "heaven" Ask" action.

Qingsu also accepted the message sent back by Wei Keng, with complicated thoughts. After a few seconds, she faced the black hole and stared there.

Prior to this, in her plane travel plan, she was not absolutely sure of going back and forth.

Wei Keng did what she dared not do.This complicated her mind. ——It is the first time to interpret this little man from a perspective other than "ability".

Wei Keng can go back and forth between two planes, which has two advantages compared to lightness and speed.

The first advantage: Wei Keng's consciousness is in a strong and huge state, and in the dark plane, it has shown great transformative power at this stage.This has enormous visibility into disturbances in space-time.Although Qingsuyi is now an eighth-level dark energy, her era has passed, and it is impossible to stick to the direction of "self" on the alien plane if she performs dimension tunneling when her consciousness is declining.

The second advantage: Wei Keng originally had the consciousness of the time travel system, and even had the target plane data (quasar plane), which made Wei Keng have the ability to "know the world, develop the era" "Psychological preparation, this can also be a huge cost in maintaining the direction of the dimension.

Wei Keng was so successful, so he naturally "squeaked" a bit, after seeing Qing Su and nodded silently.

At this moment, Wei Keng was very satisfied, because he really beat her. (Men are competitive in exploration)
Wei Keng gave her the coordinates of the dimensional axis leading to the big black hole, and her next plan would only be useful after "Ming Le" came out.

Qingsu looked at Wei Keng and frowned and said, "You are more confident than me."

Wei Keng was in a good mood at this time, and continued to introduce Dimension's entrepreneurial experience: "Shuttle technology, accumulated on Dimension film, is similar to [-]D model information recorded on [-]D drawings, but the essence of shuttle is willpower!

To form low-dimensional information into high-dimensional information in a dimension, if there is not enough willpower, a large amount of technology accumulated on the plane film is like a hand-made blueprint. Even if it is assembled in a factory with conditions, the combination cannot be completed. "

Note: Wei Keng's return this time means that the standard has reached the late stage of the 4th stage of traceability. At this time, he is chatting with those powerful people who have also tunneled through the successful timeline in the dark plane next door, and is packing the local time and space civilization of those dark planes. Tickets will help them cultivate "little aunt coolness" (light speed and so on).

Now, listen lightly and carefully.It was not at all clear that Wei Keng had stereotyped her as a "little sister".

Wei Keng said leisurely: "Traveling can't be regarded as escaping from the original plane. If there is no willpower to complete things on the original plane, why can the projection be completed on the alien plane?"

Wei Keng was explaining his "view of time and space" with Qingsu, and he was also describing his situation with the time and space monitors.

Wei Keng looked at the "economic planes" in the physical world of quasars in the dimension.

Feeling: "Now the current traversers in the main world have fallen into technology-only theory. The accumulation of technology in low dimensions is indeed helpful, and a large number of primary consciousnesses are shuttled.

But if you want to go further in the dimension exploration, the "subjective force of consciousness" must meet the standard, because the more advanced the technology, the more possibilities there are, and how to find the most likely direction depends on oneself. "

Wei Keng talked to Qin Xiaohan emphatically, because it didn't make any sense with Qin Tianfang.

The purpose of Wei Keng, a troublemaker, to "persuade" people with very shallow relationships was never to "teach" outsiders.It's a vaccination: I have already reminded you of what I will do next.

Wei Keng set up a "dimension axis" on the original plane, which means that he really needs to establish another center.

In the supervisor's space, Kong Chuanxia is doing a report, and she will present all of Wei Keng's "complaints" to Qin Tianfang. …

In the Great Black Hole of Creation, there was another eighth-level dark energy user who also communicated with Wei Keng. (Due to the fact that there are few people tunneling through dimensions on the dark plane, dimensional resources are abundant and tend to be shared by primitive societies.)
This "good fortune" also received Wei Keng's data transmission, and also locked Wei Keng's dimension axis.

When Wei Keng floated away, he was in the fairy palace in the inner layer of the great black hole of creation.

His disciple Xianzun still didn't know, but this time, the level was different, and he still asked: "Master, do you just let this outsider go?"

Wei Keng's light spear from the outside world has ended the energy injection, but formed an eternal "axis" in the dark black hole, which is a ruler left here.

The immortals in the great black hole of creation are graded according to the degree of folding and condensation of accumulated matter, not the dark energy system.

Of course, the seventh level of dark energy means that in the great black hole of creation, mastering a ray of Taoism has 100% potential to become an immortal.

The eighth level of dark energy represents that you have mastered the "rules" in the great black hole of creation, and you belong to a sage of harmony. All saints are ants. Saints don't compete with you for level data values, and you can directly master the modifier.

"Tao" is the "rule of matter", which is different from that on the quasar plane, where many great powers compete for the limited "Tao".

Here in the Great Black Hole of Creation, the "Tao" has always been surplus, because the end point of the Dao is to "tunnel" into other worlds.

After generations of watchmen of the Great Black Hole of Creation have stabilized the rules in the Great Black Hole of Creation, they have readily transferred the responsibility of "harmony" to the other party.

For example, Light Speed ​​also comes to the Great Black Hole of Creation, and Good Fortune is very happy, because she wants to shuttle through the Great Black Hole of Creation, and has to line up behind him to leave. (Master Wei forcibly cuts the queue, and then comes out to babble about "spoilers" after the queue is over, very unqualified)

However, these original immortals born from the great black hole of creation and accustomed to the "superimposed matter" system do not understand all this.Their vision is too small, and they still don't know the meaning of "harmony".

So after Wei Keng swiped in, and then swiped out again, he felt offended.

Good Fortune looked at the six disciples, and knew what they were thinking.He asked without sadness or joy: "Why do you want to stop?"

The Northern Immortal Venerable faced his master's obvious admonishment tone, and bravely stood up and said: "It is said that in the Xinghai outside world, Daoist Qingsu Yi and Qiduo have known each other for a long time. So—"

What he means is that Wei Keng is a "white glove" of lightness and speed, and he is here to usurp the orthodoxy of the great black hole of creation.

Note: The entire Arctic spray area is now the hardest-hit area rebelled by the traceability force.This Arctic Immortal Venerable is also a planetary suzerain of the Arctic Jet Zone, and obviously brought the interests of the Star Sea into the world of the Great Black Hole of Creation.

Immediately afterwards, the other three immortals also spoke.Basically, it is in favor, forcing Wei Keng to stay in the big black hole of creation.They thought in their hearts: "You can't be ruled in the star sea, and now you can't be ruled in the big black hole of creation?"

After reading the various reasons given by the planet lords, Good Fortune shook his head in his heart: Taxi Kaiduo is in Xinghai, and he can provoke all his (Northern Immortal Venerable) disciples, which shows that the real world has been turned upside down.

Since Wei Keng shared the information of dimension traversing at the same time, Good Fortune also knew what "Tasi Kairudder" was doing on the side of the quasar.

As the consciousness of carrying out the mission of "breaking the cage on the plane", if you can't break the rules and regulations in your own plane and trace the source of "possibility", you will be trapped to death if you go to another plane, and you will stop working sooner or later.

The great consciousness of "breaking the rules and regulations" is out of control.

That is to say, only if there is an existence on the original plane that can create a world-shaking future, can it be possible to open up the world on the alien plane.

The "immortals" who are obsessed with the accumulation of superimposed matter (mana) in these big black holes of creation have only one "harmony" as the strongest goal in their eyes for hundreds of millions of years, so they can't help but start to "attach" to a single strong, and It is impossible to understand the development outside the "judgment system".But after reaching the end of the road, he sighed with emotion that "heaven sticks to one pattern"

As a judge, you require everyone below you to conform to your own wishes, but being a "judged" is another matter.

In the words of Tu Kang: Just like some young people in ancient times hated the troubles brought to them by bear children, but also lamented the lack of breakthrough and enterprising people around them, who were vigorous and masculine!
Good luck looked at these disciples of his own, and said his evaluation leisurely: "Tasi Qiduo, now he is no longer a seventh-level dark energy, and now I also feel that it is necessary to keep him. After all, he is now far away from the star level. Very close!"

As soon as Good Fortune said a word, the entire Asgard was quiet.

After a long time, the Arctic Immortal asked: "Master, you mean that Qi Ruo has the ability to harmonize the way."

Good luck said leisurely: "He has completed his proof in the moment he stayed in the black hole."

Narrator: Time passes quickly inside the great black hole of creation, one year inside and one day outside.If we really want to leave Wei Keng in the great black hole of creation, the Northern Immortal Venerable will soon face a huge pit.Even the star sea world outside has to face the huge pit.

The Northern Immortal was obviously shocked, but at the same time he couldn't accept such a result in his heart, so he continued to ask: Master, what basis do you have?
Creation took a look at him, waved his hands to screen them off, and said nothing more.

In the Arctic Immortal Venerable, the palace of good fortune disappears and is invisible. He doesn't know the eighth-level dark energy of the great black hole of creation. Now he is not interested in the magnificence of the world of the "inner drum" of the black hole fire, and began to study the tunneling data axis.Both Qingsuyi and Haohua tried to leave their own marks on Wei Keng's optical axis.

...summer insects don't speak ice...

Wei Keng came out of the big black hole of creation, stood in the void, and was about to connect to his headquarters. At this time, Zhen Xun (level [-] of the space-time system) swished and came behind Wei Keng.

When he was about to approach, he was blocked by Wei Kengge. During this block, a trace of surprise appeared in Zhen Xun's eyes.

Zhenxun felt that Wei Keng's dark energy is not only the emergence of the seventh level, but also the space-time dark energy is different from before. He (Wei Keng) obviously made a major breakthrough in the creation of the big black hole.

In order to verify the conjecture, Zhen Xun started to test (flirt) with multiple timelines in Wei Keng's time and space.

On every timeline, Wei Keng was asked.This includes serious inquiries. "Academic Theoretical Questions of Dimensional Shuttle" and some boring "Why do you act alone without bringing yourself".

She has a dignified appearance, but also has the audacity to deliberately tease Wei Keng. (It seems to have different attitudes towards npc in the infinite archive.)
Obviously, Wei Keng pointed out her mischief during the conversation!Pat her on the head on the first timeline, and ask her to change her position on the second timeline.

In some borderline timelines, Wei Keng: "Hey, hey, it's all gone. There is also the taste of clothes, and your legs are long. White silk looks better than black silk."

(End of this chapter)

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