out of cage

Chapter 115 Chapter 4.11 The confrontation in time and space.

Chapter 115 Chapter 4.11 The confrontation in time and space.

In the Mediterranean system, on the Paradise Dimension operating platform, Anxite, who had just been recruited from the "Quantum Inventory Plane", was looking up information on the "Empty Twist Plane" in the halo.

This plane is called the holy sword system in Eastern culture.In Roman culture, the church system evolved.

Different cultures have different habits of detail.

The same is the space shuttle, the space combat habit of the Sanctuary series is not mainly to stab forward, but to let the horizontal cutting line from left to right flicker in the distance directly in front.

On the same plane, two characteristic historical lines have evolved, which seem to be uninterrupted, but according to recent research, the timeline has an obvious wave cycle effect.When the history line is divided into two, the separation is not complete, and wormholes are often formed between the two parallel history lines, allowing the consciousness of the two history lines to interact.

Where there is communication, there is conflict, and the highest form of conflict is war.


On the pure sky blue space platform with gentle waves, after Anxite finished his inquiry, several beams of light appeared around him, and the other six traversers also arrived.

Anxi Te: "The opponent's taxi level corresponds to our hero level, and the opponent has already occupied the target timeline. The order given to us by the command department is to penetrate the upstream of this timeline, and then pluralize the history line. Timeline dipped."

Mott: "Oh, plural dipping, that is to humiliate them (the East) there for hundreds of years, right?" The traveler with American mixed-race features in hair color and skin described his team's intentions in American slang. sabotage work.

[Narrator: The way to destroy a civilization is to deny its historical accumulation, and unscrupulously use another culture to represent science, rationality, or standards to shake the authority of local cultures to establish standards. This is destruction.For example: jumping to the Qin Dynasty, using a pure steel samurai sword to knock a bronze sword, proving that your weapon design is more reasonable, and then letting it discard its basic accumulation in bronze sword smelting, this is destruction. 】

Where there is frivolity, there is calmness.

Xue Lite (female): "This is a deathmatch mode, and when the first stage comes, our space-time support system is limited to the space of a city, and the shuttlers from the east are shopping. If you don't pay attention, You will be reduced to a captured node at the beginning of this war of planes, and you will not be able to get any rewards for combat achievements."

Anxi Te: "Xue Lite, how long will it take for the support of the public space-time system to spread to the outside world?"

Xue Lite: "One hundred days, we can stay in the space of that city for one hundred days before we can go to other cities. Of course, they are the same. But the upstream nodes of the other party can withdraw from the city."

Mott exaggerated: "Hey, that guy released the deathmatch mode and escaped in the first battle?"

Xue Lite: "In the art of war in the East, there is a word that soldiers never tire of deceit."


In Oak City, Wei Keng was wandering around the city in casual clothes. At this time, the real sword in his hand had begun to obtain antiques from the big tree.

This antique solid sword was brought back from Xi Kan by Wei Keng in the face of death.

Wei Keng recalled the way Xi Kan looked at him at that time: first he was surprised, then he was puzzled, and finally he smiled.Every change in the expression of the other party is a question of character. ——Wei Keng had to sigh: his skin is still not thick enough.

Why bring back a sword that was not designed for fighting?Because Wei Keng discovered that this real sword has a unique use.

It is a heavily segmented sword with a very short edge that can take up to 500+ strikes.It is a bit fancy in the battle, but it is a utility knife, and the space split blades it inspires are many and very standard.Carving quests can be performed in the city.


Wei Keng inlaid dots on the tiny glass gaps between the buildings.These points are very inconspicuous, but they can form dense symmetrical lines with the dense points of the opposite building.

And below the building, the crowd is still walking.In the building, the jet levitation vehicle has no feeling.Just like the swordsman contest that appeared in the upper class dozens of days ago, ordinary people here are still separated from the upper class in the world.

The plane war is about to start. In order to fight, Wei Keng can go bankrupt and is determined to put all the capital accumulated in the past on it.

Within two days, Wei Keng, like a woodpecker, beat all the materials that were going to be piled up on the building on the building.

It is nothing more than silicon-based and iron-based material nodes. Manufacturing small ones is much less technically difficult than manufacturing a large whole (real sword), and can be manufactured in batches using small magnetic field furnaces.

As for the excitation of each small point of space vibration, the distance is only 60 meters, and it is as difficult to be felt as the radiation on the earth.

However, in the environment of this hundreds of meters high city building, these deployment points intersect with each other, forming a base station perception network for Wei Keng.

After all, the number of empty twisting meanings separated from the body is still too small.


In the upcoming battle, Wei Keng has no interest in competing with the opponent in traditional fighting techniques. The traverser doesn't have a system to assist him these days!

The opponent will come with the template of the basic swordsman in this world, and because of the self-thinking experience and matching energy system of the empty twisted plane previously carried, the familiarity with the space will be promoted to a large stage within a few hours, and in a few hours. Be promoted to sword master within ten or even ten days.

In terms of experience, Wei Keng has never had an advantage, but he has a lot of resources.

With two high-level space bubbles, of course, they will directly kill each other with productivity.


Wei Keng: "System, people on our side, has the data system arrived?"

Qin Xiaohan: "The list has arrived."

After seeing it from Wei Keng's perspective——

Qiwen, sergeant, the third experience of the plane shuttle, the highest level of swordsman;
Yueping, sergeant, the second experience of traveling in the plane, the highest level of swordsman;
Ping Shadu, sergeant, the third experience of the plane shuttle, the highest level of swordsman;
Huang Sheng, sergeant, the fifth experience of plane travel, the highest level of swordsman.


Wei Keng paused and asked, "Are they all at the sword master level, and there is no higher level sword master level?"

The system immediately adjusted the data again.

Qiwen, sergeant, the 7th experience of traveling in the plane, the highest level of swordsman;
Yueping, sergeant, the 4th experience of traveling in the plane, the highest level of swordsman;
Ping Shadu, sergeant, the fifth experience in plane travel, the highest level Sword Master;
Huang Sheng, sergeant, the 7th experience in plane travel, the highest level sword master.

The subsequent shuttles are all explorers who have been in this plane for more than 20 or 30 years.

Qin Xiaohan: "Currently, the combat team's experience memory during the short-term mission, after the initial battle is over, it will be connected to the memory of the long-term stage. As for you——"

Wei Keng: "Understood, I'm a crystal tower, it's over if I get pushed. But, I don't understand, why switch?"

Qin Xiaohan explained with concern: "This is common sense in plane travel. The state that is most suitable for one plane may have difficulties in fusion in another plane, so it must be stored in memory!"


In many planes with high personal strength, a traverser is often introverted when he first arrives.However, after reaching the peak after several decades, I began to turn outward to maintain a kind of spiritual energy.

This kind of strong personality germinated from the self as the seed often matches the later self, but does not match the early stage.

Therefore, the traveler will save the personality of different periods in segments.

Wei Keng scratched his chin and asked, "Then, should I keep it?"

Qin Xiaohan still smiled, but gritted his teeth and said, "No, your egg fried rice has always been delicious!"

[Wei Keng is in this plane, his personality has not changed much.This may be the reason why Wei Keng's model of the Pandora plane mission is difficult to promote so far. It is necessary to keep the personality at a constant value. 】

This time, Wei Keng thought about what the inspector said seriously: "Compared to the latest trend of time travelers, I am indeed a bit old-fashioned."

Wei Keng leaned against a corner wall on the middle floor of the building, feeling the roar of the noisy wind here: "A lot of new things are born, and I feel a sense of anxiety about being outdated."


That night, with the deployment of the first batch of microcrystalline base station coordinates.

Wei Keng passed by the largest e-sports arena in the city, which is the place for information training of the entire network.The special holographic control and the ability to replace oneself in the magnetic field allow a large number of people who do not have the ability of swordsmen to experience the feeling of swordsman tactical training here.

In this consumption place, 1 yuan per minute, and some additional consumption will occur after a long time, which once made Wei Keng gasp: Damn, 40 yuan per hour.Wei Keng's first reaction was: I can't afford this thing.

But it is said that almost all novice traversers will have the experience here in the initial stage after arriving in the plane: using advanced space perception, gaining a wave of tactical experience here, and then getting a sum of money. (This is much faster than Wei Keng selling pancakes for ten consecutive years.)
Today Wei Keng gritted his teeth and walked in, and walked out an hour and a half later.

The face is a serious study, but the pockets are already empty.

Wei Keng talked to himself seriously to cover up his embarrassing path: Swordsman training in simulation, the range of movement is very large, and the sensitivity to various sensors is extremely high, so the price is expensive-these high-precision optical equipment, his own space factory needs Some production.

In the space bubble, Qin Xiaohan sneered.Wei Keng's attempt this time, after all, he still didn't get the feeling of other traversers.

Like this kind of virtual swordsman fighting place, other travelers can get familiar with it in a few minutes. Wei Keng maintains the shortcomings of social phobia in the 21st century. For K songs, banquets, and various lively circles, he expresses Out of such a cold physique.

Qin Xiaohan sat on the floor, stretched out his hand and wailed to the sky (exaggeration): "My God, who was in charge of the selection and assessment back then!"

After walking out of the e-sports arena, Wei Keng was still doing the calculations: "My consumption level has been passively increased. The Holy Light Fourteen (light saber energy bar) costs [-] per month, and the fencing venue and nutritious meals cost [-] per month. Hey, this person, the higher you go, the less money you have to spend."

At this time, the system interrupted Wei Keng's thoughts: "May I ask if you are going to contact and investigate the important plot characters below."

Wei Keng, who was still wringing his fingers before, looked at these plot tasks and wanted to make up his mind, but in the end he was intermittently depressed and gave up.

Since the Mediterranean Time and Space Administration is going to come to this plane, a little interference will induce some contradictions and create a situation to cover the traveler's entry.And because Wei Keng is upstream of this timeline, the space-time management system of the Dahe System has already deduced the next plot of Wei Keng's location.

There was chaos in the major cities of Purple Jupiter, and the false sword master from Yungang Star would carry out sabotage among multiple cities, trying to destroy the swordsman list recording system in these cities.And then create favorable conditions for some Yungang swordsmen who infiltrated Purple Jupiter in the next hundred years to enter the Martial Arts.

Liu Yangyue is the false sword master that Yun Gangxing will arrange in Oak City.

And as the system holder of the Mediterranean system, the horn mill star will transform in this battle, sneak into the cloud steel star in reverse, and join the opponent after going through hardships.

Wei Keng, who had just finished his fast food, received another battle intelligence from the Dahe Department, and looked at the two new plot characters on the list.

Wei Keng, who gave up once, no longer needs to find reasons for himself: "Forget it, let others get in touch."

Wei Keng, who originally just came and left this city lightly, built a very strong anti-intervention force in just a few days.

Wei Keng: What about the plot?The protagonist of the running water, I am the iron background board.


Fourteen hours later, the plane raid began.In an alley, a down-and-out young swordsman collapsed after drinking enough wine.

A few seconds later, with the flickering of space ripples, the swordsman's body was repaired, and Qiwen, the sergeant traveler from the Dahe civilization camp, arrived.

Qiwen (Sergeant Sergeant) shook his head after waking up, then opened the space sieve, and a glowing surface swept from his head to the soles of his feet.

Alcohol and bad chemicals were all screened out.

After carefully inspecting the body, he immediately reported to the system: "The spatial structure of the body needs to be sorted out, and it will take about three hours."

Wei Keng's communication appeared on the interface: "Do you need help, Jian? Activity funds? And information?"

Qiwen paused: "Sergeant Wei Keng, just provide intelligence support, and try to hide traces of your activities."

This sergeant has more experience than Wei Keng.

For an existence like Wei Keng who occupies the upper reaches of time and space, as long as the "hometown crystal" is not discovered, his side will be invincible.

Then the other three traversers also descended one after another, and they all responded to Wei Keng's question in the same way.Wei Keng's hot face was stuck to his cold butt.


The fifth day after the arrival of teammates.

Wei Keng was strolling on the street. In the past few days, none of the four teammates had contacted Wei Keng. Wei Keng wondered if it was because he didn't get in touch with the characters in the plot that he was considered unreliable by his team members.

Wei Keng: "Perhaps the more important reason~" Wei Keng looked at the rating given to him by the system.I am just a sergeant with no experience in cooperative missions, and this time I am supported by a team with rich experience in team battles.

Wei Keng pinched his cheeks and said to himself: "Well, I haven't integrated into the circle. My skin is still so fragile."


A few minutes later, Qiwen (captain): "Sergeant Wei Keng, display the positioning system of the East 33 area."

Wei Keng immediately became excited and entered the state: "Got it! What else should I do?"

Its text: "No, you can just stay hidden."

On the street in the East 33rd area.

With a sword on his back, Qiwen felt the space that Wei Keng had been promoting from the very beginning, exhaled, smiled and praised: "Good guy, no wonder you dare to open the deathmatch mode."

After this mission is over, the sergeant Qiwen is going to have a good discussion with Wei Keng about the possibility of future cooperation.

But now, he has to race against time to improve his strength.


Half an hour later, Qiwen put away his sword in mid-air.At the other end of the building, the No. [-] member of the Baixing Swordsman Group run by the White Orange Academy was taken away by his sword.

Since then, there has been a continuous sword fight between White Orange College and Oak College where Qiwen is located.

In terms of intelligence, the core of the White Orange Academy was sent by Yungangxing.This time, the origin of the war that the planet Yungang is now provoking comes from the natural consciousness shuttle phenomenon that appeared in the next timeline in the tide of time and space.

Some indigenous swordsman consciousness on that timeline came here 200 years ago, relying on the experience of one more life to become a sword master, causing some historical fluctuations on this timeline.

However, in the view of the main world space-time administration, the shuttle between these two timelines does not need to be taken care of.That timeline passes through, and some consciousness on my side also travels through.For example, the consciousness replaced by Qiwen is also replaced under the rules.There is nothing wrong with the communication between the two planes. When you travel to that timeline, you will also merge with that timeline.

This is the so-called science without borders in the 21st century.

but!But now that the deathmatch has begun, the kendo system of the White Orange Academy in Oak City is close to the empty twisting system of the historical line of the church controlled by the Mediterranean system.Then it is very likely that the Mediterranean-type traversers who came down this time will take advantage of it (Mediterranean-type traversers can throw away experience books to increase the favorability of the White Orange Academy)

This has to apply another sentence, the scientific and technological standards dominated by people have nationality!
(End of this chapter)

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