out of cage

Chapter 119 Chapter 4.14 Attacks in the Regular Plot - Intervention

Chapter 119 Chapter 4.14 Attacks in the Regular Plot - Intervention

Purple Jupiter was attacked globally, and as the upper middle class of the planet, those sword masters who held the power of the city also encountered this situation suddenly.

The reaction of these high sitters in Oak City made someone who was watching sigh: "The ordinary people are too good, and the height may not be good!"

As the top of the Oak Building in the center of the city, in front of the round table of white jade in Phnom Penh, six sword masters are "comparing every penny" for the resource allocation of Oak City's annual offerings. The swordsmen behind each sword master are also standing with arms folded. The sharp eyes help the sword master's defense in the battle.

When the fight started that day, the meeting in Oak City was discussing a stalemate, and all parties stared at each other.

Suddenly, the city trembled and smoke rose from many buildings.The stagnant atmosphere at the meeting was broken.

The sword masters present were surprised inside, but their attention hadn't shifted to the outside for a while.Because it is suspected that the opponent at the negotiating table is acting as a monster to make things happen.

City Lord Meng first connected the city's security team, then he asked everyone for leave and left in a hurry.

The remaining sword masters were speechless after a few seconds.They also left the negotiating table separately, as if the chaos outside gave enough atmosphere.Let them fly out of the two sides of the building and line up separately, as if they would have to go through two moves if they disagreed.So far, these sword masters have not realized the seriousness of the chaos at this time, thinking that the small storm outside is just a trouble to the swordsmen, and they are not threatened by themselves as sword masters.


Twenty kilometers away, the spaceship controlled by the Yunsteel Starman deployed the space shield, and at the same time, a huge electromagnetic launch tube was emitted from the lower part of the spaceship.

Liu Yangyue, who had completely removed her clothes, was lying in a control cabin, and the operating perspective provided by the control cabin showed the chaotic scenes in various areas of the city.And in the center of the tallest oak tower, flashing swordsmen.

With the complete immersion in the control system, Liu Yangyue merged with the perception of the battle avatar. In this battle avatar, there are tens of millions of space shock chips, which are expensive to build and can completely train dozens of sword masters.

The electromagnetic cannon on the belly of the 50-meter spaceship was lifted up. With the flickering and swishing, the white light from the gun barrel directly made people unable to see the ballistic trajectory. The strong leap energy allowed the combat incarnation to directly reach the 900-meter-high Oak Building top area.


Xi Kan was staring at the situation in front of him with his sword in his hand, trying to judge whether the other sects really wanted to fight.

Suddenly, he felt a warning sign, and immediately began to flash. After he left the threat range, he saw a hole with a width of one meter cut across six floors (30 meters high and low) in the middle of the entire building.

At the moment when the space was cut, many swordsmen in the building were crushed by the explosion of the space. Only then did all the swordsmen realize that things were going wrong.

They looked at the combat incarnation that came to the top of the building after the explosion.

The face is like an angel, the arms are as smooth as jade, and the four-meter-long wings tremble like phantoms under the light. The twisting space power is released from the wings of the wings, and a space protection layer is built around it.

"Monarch!" Xi Kan, who had lost his junior brother, was filled with horror, and his grief was temporarily pushed aside.

He was ready to flee immediately.But it felt like he was locked into this battle avatar.The glowing light feathers on the wings seemed to have turned into a blade aimed at him in space.


But at this moment, under the city, Wei Keng, who was carrying an anti-tank gun, confirmed with the most ordinary muttering voice: "This is the end."

Pull the trigger with your finger, and the bullet flies out of the muzzle, navigating through thousands of lines issued by hundreds of positioning buildings around.The bullet followed a 6000-meter semi-arc trajectory steadily, made three leaps, and reached the pair of twinkling wings.

In precise calculation, when the bullet arrives, the frequency overlaps with the flickering of the wings in space, and the bullet will be perfectly embedded in the flickering wings.

On the side of the Oak City Building, Xi Kan, who was fleeing in a panic, felt the pressure suddenly disappear, and the thousands of space sharp edges aimed at him instantly canceled the focus lock.A large exploding area appeared on the gorgeous space wings at the beginning.

Xi Kan: "Is this a malfunction on the other side?"

Liu Yangyue in the cockpit was also stunned. In the absolutely invincible space bubble protection, even the wings that could not be cut by hundreds of cracks from real swords just broke through the defense.

On a technical level: the probability of each feather flashing once on the wings of this false swordsman is [-] in [-].A swordsman would never be able to grasp the [-]/[-]th interval.But someone has reached this point in terms of technology, perception, and warhead control, and the accuracy of space and time scales.

But before she could think about it, a bullet came from another angle.After flashing urgently, she suddenly found that the bullet flashed with her.That is to say, where she was going to flash, the thing flashed ahead of time like a trip rope.

It is true that the overlapping space pinnae of this false sword master are space bubbles that cannot be cut by the sword master's space blade hundreds of times stronger.

But Wei Keng didn't attack her directly, he didn't attack her armor with space destructive power, but just projected matter on the coordinates a moment before it flickered.This substance is just a warhead of less than ten grams.If the opponent cannot avoid the "stumbling block in the space", he will be caught and fall heavily.

After all, Liu Yangyue's battle avatar is not a real "Sword Sovereign", perception is his weakness.

The "angel" who was originally standing firmly in the void, pacing in the space with tall silver boots, was made unnatural by the flickering flashes that came and went.


In the jungle of buildings, Wei Keng, who was constantly switching positions and shifting sniper points, paid close attention to every move of that battle avatar.

After encountering his own sniping, the combat incarnation is still chasing and killing the sword master.If the battle avatar is allowed to chase and kill these sword masters, the building will be cut off, and the destructive force will crash into seven or eight surrounding buildings, causing tens of thousands of casualties.

Wei Keng's calculation: After this battle, I will definitely run away, because I can't explain my origin clearly, but after I disappear, the strength of the planet's local forces to search for me depends on the losses suffered by Oak City.If three or four sword masters die, then several sects will search for him all over the world in rage, but if no sword master dies, these sects may be much weaker in searching for him.


Wei Keng stared at the battle avatar, sighed and said sadly: "If you let me, an ordinary person who accidentally got involved, share the blame for you, I can only feed you now. .”

Wei Keng adjusted the city coordinate system faster, and transferred to another stronghold within a few tenths of a second.

This stronghold is where they fight and face each other on the timeline.

In the shop, the boss and the customers were frightened by the sudden appearance of Wei Keng, but Wei Keng didn't speak, and directly threw them a lot of money, and then sent them to the shopping mall next door through the space warp.

After clearing the field, he took out the prepared weapons from the wall - a big three-meter-long gun, and fired bullets the size of "non-stick rubber tubes". Push it into the barrel and match the space torque.

Master Wei took the gun, raised his foot to stabilize it on the wall, and then fired it, all in one second.

Wei Keng hit the battle avatar three kilometers away!
(End of this chapter)

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