out of cage

Chapter 122 Chapter 4.16 The Age of Swords

Chapter 122 Chapter 4.16 The Age of Swords
In 1118 of the star calendar, Zetian Sword Sect.

Wuzhuang Peak, here one on the left and one on the right, the two peaks are more than 500 meters apart from each other. On the two peaks, modern architectural methods make pavilions extend out of the cliffs like reaching out hands.The mountain peak is very wide, so dozens of pavilions are widely separated, and these pavilions also have a short-term suspension function, which can change the docking position on the mountain peak.

Now this group of heaven's favored children just scattered between the pavilions on the two hills in twos and threes, watching the twinkling between the peaks.

This flickering swordsman is Song Dian.

It has been more than 30 years since we left Longyin Town. The former boy has now become a mature swordsman officer. Due to the genetic surgery technology of the interstellar era, he still looks like a young man. Now he is preparing to become an inner disciple The new swordsmen practice tactics.

The flashing point stopped on the right side of the mountain, Song Dian: "Let's stop here today." He put away the lightsaber.

Hundreds of meters away, the young student flattered and said: "Senior, your swordsmanship is not far from that of Senior Jia, and not far from Senior Sister Qi." .So speak loudly and unscrupulously.So then there was a second sound, and a third sound of appreciation.The swordsmen here are all in the same class, and if they praise each other within the restriction, that is how to be human.

Song Dian smiled, of course he knew that the juniors were saving face for him, and after they benefited from it, they had to clarify.

Song Dian shook his head: "Senior Luo and Senior Sister Qi's swords have reached the level of sword qi. It has been 17 years since I entered the rank of swordsman, and I have not fully touched the threshold of sword masters. I am far behind them .”

Song Dian looked up at the more high-end class, but at this time he didn't notice that on the short mountain 6000 meters behind him, on the long elevator for ordinary people to work up the mountain, there was a person he might be familiar with. Look around.

Of course, at this time, between the main peak and the short peak in the distance, the clouds in the mountains were misty, and the person on the elevator was quickly covered by white barriers again.


On the Tianze Sword School escalator, Wei Keng also opened his eyes wide to see the magnificent scene here.

After wandering under the mountain for 15 years, he finally joined the Tianze Sword Sect in a peaceful state.

As for the method of mixing in? ——I just came to the foot of the Tianze Sword Sect 15 years ago, and those who beat up the green skins one by one changed their ways. There were a few younger brothers and sisters in the family who were funded by Wei Keng and taught mathematics, physics and chemistry at the same time. Three of them Successfully passed the assessment and became a swordsman, and then one of them became a swordsman.

Therefore, one person attained the Tao and ascended to heaven, and Wei Keng, the cook, was also recruited to be a cook in the sect during the recruitment of Tianze Sword Sect.

After entering the volley corridor after Wuzhuang Peak, Wei Keng held the "novice sword" as if he was playing tricks.

But in fact, this sword can be ranked among the top ten in the entire Wuzhuang Peak. After the space blade is activated, it can easily cut through dozens of restrictions.


In the space bubble, Qin Xiaohan, who once again endured more than ten years of boring time watching vegetables, returned to the appearance of complaining about trivial matters after marriage.

Qin Xiaohan's opinion on Wei Keng's behavior that he only joined the Tianze faction now: "Does it mean that you are late? Or is it that you strictly implement the planning process?" Part of it is joy, and the rest is full of helplessness.

Because not to mention that Wei Keng has no shortage of inheritance, Wei Keng has accumulated the amount of twisting space such as "Sword Intent" for ten years.

Moreover, this kind of "empty twisting" is not the conventional hoarding of "accumulating sand into a tower".It is the progressive accumulation of exponential growth like the Industrial Revolution.

Master Wei Keng used China's manufacturing capabilities to model the physical field, and made three changes in the "empty twist" hoarding model.

Just relying on the "empty twisting meaning" that can be generated within a day now.The information enthalpy released by the burning of 57 tons of coal in space can be instantly moved to the atmosphere or rocks within a range of [-] kilometers.

This kind of empty twisting can now directly melt through the sword master's protective layer!

Such an intention of empty twisting is not considered sword intent.Sword Intent is a specially processed empty twist meaning, which is more destructive, but has a lot of single functions.

It can be described like this: smelting, chemical industry, grain, turning into cars, high-rise buildings, popcorn, instant noodles, the gross national product of this variety of life is equivalent to empty twisting.And for the sake of war, turning into tanks, aircraft, artillery, and combat supplies, this kind of destruction of the occupation mode, that is the sword intent.

This world swordsman road system is equivalent to a country maintaining a state of complete war for the sake of war all the time.Accumulating a little bit of empty twisting intention is completely transformed into the most efficient sword intention to "destroy".

Based on the principle of peaceful development, Wei Keng does both cooking and arming, and there is more room for related technology upgrades, so the intention of condensed twisting tends to be functional.

For example, smoothing the "heat enthalpy" bulge of the space, or freezing an entire area, allowing its energy to radiate toward the universe, reducing it to absolute zero.From the perspective of killing efficiency, these abilities are not as effective as sword intent.but!Wei Keng is closer to the essence of this plane, namely: the essence of the phenomenon of consciousness fluctuating in space.

In the past 15 years, the system has not talked too much, because Wei Keng is the route of the first generation of traversers (Wei's parents' generation) before the first plane war.


Wei Keng has been alone in this plane for 15 years on this main timeline.But it's not just that in terms of parallel time and space.

With the start of the plane war, at the suggestion of a supervisor named Bai, the Space-Time Administration agreed to the expansion plan for Wei Keng, that is, more than 8000 timelines have evolved in the other three timelines .These timelines alone entered the Tianze faction no less than a thousand times.

Earlier, the Space-Time Administration gave Wei Keng an order for the three timelines that he could evacuate when encountering uncontrollable risks.To be on the safe side, non-commissioned officer-level traversers were also arranged to enter each of the expanded timelines to provide cover for Wei Keng on these expanded timelines.

But later, Wei Keng on these timelines used his strength to prove that his consciousness can safely hold on to these timelines.

Moreover, when the follow-up traversers intervene, the "very stable" situation is still maintained in the more plot lines that are generated.

"Very stable" here means that although the consciousness is divided into thousands by various timelines, Wei Keng can still explore in the plane constantly. (Although this exploration is slow.)
Such a mainstay!Wei Keng, who was not in Jinshan, made the Dahe Civilization Time and Space Group decide to station troops here to fight.

Therefore, after 2687 in the main world, when the plane war reached incandescence,

On the Space-Twisting Plane, the time cluster area occupied by Wei Keng has become the most powerful defensive wall of the "space-time military stronghold" of the Dahe Civilization Department's Space-Time Administration in this area.


This "front-row consul"-level traveler selected the timeline to clean up the observable space-time travelers of the Great River System one by one.However, after restarting the plane, he found that he had only completed a single timeline task, and still hadn't caught the source of the time zone where the great river traverser was in the empty twisting plane.

The travelers sent by the great river system still have the advantages of time and space backup and rebirth at an earlier point in time. (Because Wei Keng is further upstream.)
In addition to being able to hold on firmly in time and space, Wei Keng also assumed the responsibility of a logistics officer with the authority of Shangqing in this time and space area.

Because Wei Keng's self-developed will will be sent to other traversers every once in a while as "combat preparation materials", so that the traversers over there can "explode seeds" on the decisive timeline.

The Time and Space Management Bureau has sent out meritorious service information many times, promising that after the war, Wei Keng will have first-class military exploits in the time-space twisting zone!

Therefore, Qin Xiaohan no longer said anything about some of Wei Keng's "too slow actions". After all, Wei Keng's greatest contribution is "as long as he can stabilize" the entire time flow.


Going back to the current timeline, Song Dian, who was teaching young disciples in the sword arena, didn't pay attention to the passerby he had met in the distance.

Wei Keng was very proud of seeing this old man today, and he also felt relieved.

Master Wei leaned on the restraint, and looked down at what seemed to be the long transport dragons in the mechanical tunnels in the natural mountain through the "empty twist" perspective.

Wei Keng: "System, I have entered the Tianze Sword Sect according to the original plan. The next stage is to attack the upper combat forces."

The system (Qin Xiaohan) asked feebly: "How long are you going to prepare for the next stage!"

Wei Keng: "If it is the level of Jianjun, it should take 20 years. Do you have any suggestions?"

System: "There is no suggestion, your idea is unique."

Wei Keng: "Uh, many traversers have traveled through the eighteen planets in this world. There should be something similar for me to learn from?"

System: "Your method is unique."

Wei Keng scratched the back of his neck and stopped asking.

He raised his hand and began to play with his gadgets. Batches of particles jumped out of the space. These particles were the space twisting micro-coordinate system specially developed by Wei Keng.

Compared with spirit weapons, the difficulty of making these particles is not much different, and they are also easier to destroy in battle.But Master Wei's current production capacity is enough.

With the assistance of this kind of "particle swarm", Wei Keng has been able to achieve the state of spatialization of the body (monarch level).

Now that Wei Keng has entered the space, from the external perspective, it is like a line slowly penetrating into the restriction, and when it is fully entered, it flickers and disappears from the original place.

In the dimension bubble, Qin Xiaohan shook his head helplessly: "20 years later? Only plan to reach the king level? Oh, as long as you can't 100% suppress the sword kings, you don't admit that you have mastered the king level technology (sarcasm)?"

After traveling for so many years, Qin Xiaohan's ears have become familiar with the word "technology". Master Wei never talked about realm and strength, but only about technology and resources.This is also when you are at war.


The star calendar is 1123.

It has been 42 years since he traveled to this world, and it has been five years since Wei Keng came to Tianze Pai Wuzhuang Peak.After understanding some of the manufacturing processes that should be understood.

Master Wei Keng changed his identities again. First, he divided up the restaurant. The group of men who had already married and established businesses were a little bit reluctant, but also a little happy, because the huge storefront was finally free to play.

And Wei Keng's departure this time is not really leaving the Tianze faction, but is precisely preparing to formally enter the Tianze faction.After leaving the original Wuzhuang Peak, we turned to the foot of Jueming Peak 200 meters away.

After the metabolism of the face was completed and a layer of dead skin was torn off, Wei Keng returned to his 20-year-old appearance.At the foot of Jueming Peak, he changed into a false identity that was prepared somewhere five years ago——Jian Xing.Count from here on.


In Cassia City, the annual swordsman recruitment meeting started.

The population of the Tianze area is increasing, and more and more security guards are needed. At the same time, there are more and more educations for teenagers.There's also outer space exploration, and asteroid interior passages.Everyone needs people.Once a certain person had no confidence, so he avoided it. Now, he finally began to take the initiative to understand the world.

At the competition, swordsmen have already taken their positions, including young swordsmen who are keen to greet strangers, and cold swordsmen who have gone through many competitions and are confident in their own skills.

of course,

There is also Wei Keng's wonderful work of "looking for future long-term partners".

The long run here?It is decades later, even one or two hundred years later.

Right at the scene where the competition was queuing up, Wei Keng was recording the essentials of swordsmanship with a notebook: "Speed ​​must be fast, observation must be accurate, sword light must be light, and try not to cross in front of the opponent when it is not necessary, so that the opponent can see it." Do not let the opponent see the 'light blade' in the line."

How much each swordsman can understand and pay attention to these commonplace things is different.

Wei Keng's standard is: "Everything must be done."

But in this world, swordsman-level existences can only do one or two of them completely, which becomes a "specialty".


"No. 18, Jianxing. No. 36, Su Shaowei."

After confirming that his name was called, Wei Keng put down his notebook and appeared on the stage in a blink of an eye, facing the swordsman opponent who had already ejected the light blade.Wei Keng paused for a moment and felt that there were at least three irregularities in his movements.

Five tenths of a second later, as Wei Keng flashed three times (these were pressing speeds just a little faster on the opposite side), the sword light pierced through the opponent's energy hilt.

The judges raised the first grade, and Wei Keng passed the test, and he was regarded as an outer disciple of the Tianze Sect.


Six days later, the contest was over.

As a finalist, Wei Keng took a floating spaceship to the outer mountain peaks.

After going up the mountain, a set of space jumping clothes and a lightsaber were distributed, and after the electronic projection guided the allocated housing inside the mountain, everything was settled.

Lying on a crooked tree on the top of the mountain, Wei Keng looked at the mountains and the starry sky in the distance, opened the ephemeris on the system to read the 1000-year history for a while, and leisurely drew out his sword. rise.

Wei Keng stared at the sword, and said solemnly: "Is the sword the only combat weapon in this world?"

System: "It can't be said to be the only one, but no more effective weapon has been found."

Wei Keng: "Actually, the world's productivity is insufficient." Wei Keng's eyes showed a direction at this moment.

A few seconds later, the system: "In this world, change is difficult!"

Wei Keng: "If the productivity is higher, the advantages of the current swordsman system may not be maintained, but it is precisely the current swordsman system that keeps the productivity very stable at the current level."

There was a flash of light on the restraint in the mountain peak, Wei Keng left quickly and jumped back to his room, but before going back, he set the tone for his system (Qin Xiaohan).

In this area, which is obviously the plane of the interstellar era, it is time for the single path of the swordsman to encounter some era changes.


During the sword competition during the day, no one noticed that the tiny needles around Wei Keng, like peach hairs, were flickering and moving along with Wei Keng.Because the amount of flickering is too rare, no one can see it. These needles are arranged in groups of six, geometrically arranged in a snowflake pattern, and spread within five meters. After encountering people, they will naturally circle around like charged dust encountering electrostatic repulsion. open.

This is a new system, Wei Keng code-named it "Ambush Technique", and it is not suitable for this era, so Wei Keng still has not spread it on a large scale.

Narrator: The first generation is a cook; the second generation is a doctor and lawyer based in the middle; the third generation is beginning to master the means of production.Wei Keng's action thinking is actually very oriental.It's just that the main world is 600 years earlier, and the orientals have long since had no experience of living in foreign lands.

(End of this chapter)

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