out of cage

Chapter 128 Chapter 4.22 Parallel Roads

Chapter 128 Chapter 4.22 Parallel Roads
In the year 1160 of the star calendar, it has been 20 years since Wei Keng joined the Kaiyun City Power Station. He is known as a good guy in the city's power substation system.

When I returned home, I tore off another page of the calendar from the wall. The one-year-old calendar had been torn to only a thin layer.But there was no problem, Master Wei made ten more calendars.

When these calendars are torn out, the next step is prepared. (In the space bubble, Qin Xiaohan tore up all the copied calendars to relieve the pressure.)
Before leaving, Wei Keng left behind a workbook. In the cracks of the workbook, the frequency of each city's link space energy is marked (similar to a WiFi password, you can get energy when you connect it)

The system interface popped up, Qin Xiaohan: "Who are you writing this for?"

Wei Keng: "It's written for lucky people. By the way, don't you arrange for a protagonist to find this cheat book?"

Qin Xiaohan said: "It will be arranged. Are you already in the third stage?"

Wei Keng's current sword array system has reached the third stage. Fifteen days ago, Wei Keng completed the master weapon system that integrated the 3984 style.Compared with Xingze Sword Master's system, there are [-] moves less, but Guizang moves account for one-third, and star-pointing moves account for one-half. The speed at which the array unfolds and retracts is far stronger than any sword master recorded in this plane.

Compared with the sword array of most sword masters who pursue power and increase coverage, Wei Keng's first priority is to move freely, which is in line with the concept of mobile warfare.

Facing the supervisor's question, Wei Keng knew that he couldn't avoid it, so he hesitated again and again: "Tell me, do I really want to raise my sword against this other world?"

After a few seconds, Qin Xiaohan replied, "You have at least three reasons.

1: Mission related to history.

2: It is about the outcome of the space-time battle.

3: It is about your promotion in the space-time system.

And, I'm surprised that at this point, there are not many that can pose a substantial threat to you. You seem to be more worried than when you first came. "

Wei Keng paused his hands slightly, and said in a daze, "Have you ever heard a saying that you can kill yourself with a sharp weapon in your body." Speaking of this, Wei Keng shook his head and muttered: "If I go crazy, can I kill you?" Can't you control it?"

Since arriving in this world, his personality has not changed. Wei Keng is already familiar with the current environment and himself.Just like the immortals don't want to grow old, Wei Keng doesn't want to change his appearance.

'Thunderbolt Pata' Wei Keng couldn't help flashing the scene of "flame burning in front of his eyes" in his mind.Wei Keng collected his mind and quickly got rid of these distracting thoughts.I've been getting more and more out of control lately.

Wei Keng can no longer sort out his thoughts, because the time and space he is in is beginning to develop towards the scale of 17 beams.

And at the same time, the space-time center of the great river system is projecting a large number of systems to this space-time area,
The genius with the Heavenly Dao system and the genius with the Temple system have met each other, and the battle between them makes almost every timeline split into two directions.It directly led to the so-called confrontation of old enemies, which increased the intensity of confrontation in each timeline.

However, these superstructure confrontations seem to be getting higher and higher.The more he fought, the more it went beyond Wei Keng's attention span.

As Wei Keng is doing more and more basic work, the timeline is full, and there is no time for the current plan to go back and forth to clean up the chaos. ——Wei Keng: "It's like in the 21st century, I can't just put down my wrench, computer, pen, gauge and other work kits, and go to the open-air concert stage to chase stars, right?"


On the axis timeline where Wei Keng is now, Wei Keng just feels more and more poverty in the mortal world. In the past few years, the power station in Kaiyun City has gone from bad to worse, and the facilities in the power station are getting older and older. Not being replenished with new equipment for a long time.

It seems that Wei Keng has been able to use the parts eliminated in the repair room in recent years to complete the maintenance. The above thinks that there is still "surplus", and it seems that it can be delayed.Not only on equipment, but also on personnel.

It stands to reason that when working overtime, the higher-ups will always provide some welfare guarantees, meat, cotton cloth, and reward bicycles, watches and other things.None of these.

Although many people in Kaiyun City have speculated that there will be big troubles sooner or later if this continues, no one thinks that the responsibility for the problem lies with themselves. Even the top-level structure believes that as long as the opponent can be solved, the problem can be alleviated. Hold on for a while.

Because ah~ hasn't it been going on for so long?

Just after Wei Keng completed his own sword array system, Dang Xing Li was 1165 years old.

Compared with the situation where Tianze Sect's inheritance department and academy department could sit down and talk about it 20 years ago, it is now incompatible in the middle level.

The reason was that four years ago, a genius swordsman from the academy school attacked several sword halls from the inheritance school.

If you stand in the position of a supervisor, you can understand with your naked eyes that this genius is a host of the Heavenly Dao system.But Wei Keng really didn't know, Bai Linglu's suggestion was to keep Wei Keng from knowing.Even though Qin Xiaohan knew about this plan, he didn't know that it came from Bai Linglu.

The Tianze Sword Party's solution to this "genius" is to send it to the starry sky battlefield and let him pat his ass and leave, but the mess he left behind has caused the inheritance department and academy series on the ground to fall into more serious internal friction middle.


December 12th is already the last period of this year.

When Wei Keng returned home from get off work again, the factory building was blocked by rotorcraft, and the three swordsmen arrived here to start the so-called "official business".

Wei Keng took out his ID card and scanned it on the machine. After confirming that he belonged to a skilled worker, he was immediately marked by the swordsman above.At the same time, after the work notebook in their hands was snatched and turned over a few times, they pushed Wei Keng onto the car with the words 'recruitment' on the electronic screen.

Wei Keng paused: "Where is this going? I still have work tomorrow."

The interrogator handed back Wei Keng's notebook, ignored the bribe Wei Keng had smuggled over, cast a perfunctory look at him, threw it in front of Wei Keng, and said, "Come with us." Without any explanation, he put a mechanical collar on Wei Keng and viciously Threat said: Go to the designated location to report, don't think about running away, there is a positioning system in your collar, once you deviate from the direction, we will take a floating airship and give you a shot.


The helicopter quickly left with the technicians found in Kaiyun City.

Six or 10 minutes later, another group of people arrived by train, led by five swordsmen. When they took out the call-up order, they found that they were all in vain. The key technical personnel had already been picked away by the inheritance department. up.

And hundreds of kilometers away, Wei Keng, who was escorted to the ice field in the northern area, saw the scene of "the second wave of people coming to snatch people" through the scanning of the empty twist, and turned the mechanical collar to open the system boringly: "Qin, intelligence!"

On the interface, Qin Xiaohan seemed to be checking something, but he also replied at the same time: "There has been a small change in the upper structure, and there have been many accidents in the central power substation system of the axis area this year, and there has been a gap. The two factions of Tianze want their own People vying for positions."

With a click, Wei Keng snapped off the mechanical ring with his restless hands.Then quickly spliced ​​them together again, and the melting force mobilized by the space welded the fractured place.

This mechanical ring is not that bad, it can directly send out a lethal electric shock when it encounters resistance, but who told it to put it on now is Master Wei.

Wei Keng thought for a full 2 ​​minutes, took a deep breath and said, "Then let's go along."

Qin Xiaohan, who was planning the escape route, was a little surprised and asked, "Aren't you going to hide?"

Wei Keng stared at the accompanying fighter plane in the distance, and silently took a deep breath and said, "Perhaps the most dangerous place is the safest place." For every accumulation, he would be forced to change places by the master swordsmen of the world, Wei Keng was a little bored, and then became a little numb.

[In Kaiyun City, four months after Wei Keng left, there was a major power outage.The electricity in the entire area could not be restored for a month. Because the area was transferred by the inheritance faction and the academic faction, both sides were shirking.In the end, dozens of managers of the work area were dispatched to the asteroid battlefield, and a large number of redundant personnel in the city were sent to the Ocean Mining Area. On the desk of the upper echelons of the Tianze faction, the matter was considered closed. 】


When the airship carrying the laborers arrived at the axis area, what caught the eye was a ray of light pouring down from the sky.The entire ray of light is several kilometers in diameter, and there are circles of water-like ripples in the beam of light, slowly floating upwards, as if the sea water here is like a galaxy rewinding into the sea of ​​stars.

Of course, Wei Keng had already speculated and observed this scene in the space field, and now that Wei Keng is under the ground, the star mantle energy network built around this optical axis is even more spectacular.Therefore, outside the window, I just looked at it in a daze for a while, keeping in line with the other workers.

Skilled workers dug from various cities are first put down in the storage space on the edge of the city, waiting for further arrangements.

The next day, in the building on the edge of the sky axis, Wei Keng, who was classified as a maintenance worker, was sitting on a bench waiting.

Suddenly an electronic voice sounded in the hall: "Hey, who is Ming Keng?"

Wei Keng raised his hand, followed the projection cursor that appeared in front of him, and turned into the registration room.

At this time, Wei Keng could clearly sense the conversation between the two sword masters on the main building 600 meters away from his area.

1: "The people below, haven't caught enough people yet?"

2: "How can it be possible to catch enough? The targets set above are too high. It is said that every town is now strictly arresting foreigners."

1: "Where are these people going?"

2: "Implant the electric punishment system, train for three months, and enter the military post and mining post. How should I put it, the loss of the ocean area is getting bigger and bigger."


Wei Keng, who was originally sitting on a chair, had hostility in his eyes!I can't wait to smash them to death with something.So I searched privately and found that there seemed to be a "brick" in the sky.

As Master Wei's murderous intent suddenly rose, the blue tail flame at the bottom of a warship that was originally docked at a height of [-] meters suddenly turned into an unstable bright yellow flame.Altitude descent started.

If you can look carefully, around this huge battleship, a large number of electronic cloud probabilistically distributed jump doors open, absorbing energy directly.

The swordsman sitting in charge of the battleship immediately became excited, and he jumped and flashed the battleship with red alarms in various systems.

The crew members in the cabin were left at a loss.

Unlike on Earth, where the captain is the last to disembark, the swordsmen who control the public large-scale system in this world have the right to go first.

And at this moment,
Below the city, the hostility in Wei Keng's eyes dimmed, he gave up disturbing the ship, that is, he gave up the idea of ​​smashing the building with this "brick", and his face was replaced by helplessness.

Wei Keng murmured: "Qin Xiaohan, do you think there is really a possibility of changes in this plane?"

Wei Keng saw from the system information that this is a world where personal power dominates.Even if a group of High Immortals were stabbed down with a sword, another group of High Immortals would emerge.

Qin Xiaohan seemed to be paying attention to a certain project, and when he heard Wei Keng's words, Yingda said, "As long as you think about it, then it's naturally possible."

At this time, on the interface Qin Xiaohan looked at was a motion picture of halo fluctuations, which was a simulated picture of consciousness flickering. At this time, Wei Keng's consciousness had just suddenly reached a peak.


In the dimension, the space-time command center of the Great River System, the Kongtu theater department, and more than a dozen monitors are also looking at the same data.

Li Ximeng looked at the data that Qin Xiaohan had just passed through from below, and slowly said to Bai Linglu beside him: "After the analysis of our causal calculation system, your suggestion is effective."

Bai Linglu, who had just rushed over from the Pandora plane, had a calm expression on his face, but behind his back, he was holding the fingers of his right hand in his left hand, and then he was holding the fingers of his left hand with his right hand.If you look closely at Bai Linglu, you can notice that from the corner of her eye, she is looking at Wei Keng's state of consciousness on the side interface, and there is a trace of worry and expectation in her eyes. (Chapter 5.32)
Li Ximeng: "Pandora plane, have you finished the linkage report?"

Bai Linglu: "It's done, but only my personal signature. My team doesn't know about such a plan yet."

Li Ximeng stared at Bai Linglu in a daze.

Bai Linglu: "Sergeant Wei Keng has more than 17 time clusters in the plane of empty twisting. Now he has returned to the plane of Pandora. Although the scale is small, he has already completed several milestones in the plane of Pandora. Achievement, my team over there is a two-dimensional start."

Li Ximeng temporarily ended the conversation, but turned to ask about the current situation in the empty twisting plane: "Now, should he enter the fighting state?"

Bai Linglu: "Belongs to the eve of the eruption. The last time he left the Pandora plane, he was also on the eve of the eruption. I think his current state is just in sync with the Pandora plane."

At this moment, Le Shuangjiang, the supervisor who was responsible for counting the number of timelines behind the two, seemed to be uncomfortable with Bai Linglu's avoidance of the important, and said bluntly.

Le Shuangjiang: "Your Excellency Bai Linglu, your idea is very creative, but separating the simultaneous consciousness and completing the tasks of two planes is the authority only allowed by the superior. It is now a state of war, please abide by the rules. "

Bai Linglu not only did not show weakness, but emphasized: "Now is a state of war, and combat power needs to be considered comprehensively. Excuse me, what is the state of the timeline spanning 17 now? Le Yushi, you should give this "participated in the first The pioneer of the Second Plane War has "enough confidence."

Le Shuangjiang looked at her old partner, but Li Ximeng turned her head and said to her, "I will make the decision on this matter, and you can do your own thing."

Le Shuangjiang looked at Li Ximeng, sighed, and left with the other monitors.

After Le Shuangjiang left, there were only two people left standing in the monitoring space bubble of the empty war zone.And this place has been turned into a highly confidential decision-making space.

Li Ximeng: "The task of synchronizing the two planes is officially started now, but you have to guarantee the responsibility of the Pandora plane!"

Bai Linglu: "Yes, the timeline of the Pandora mission can be divided into stages. First, the empty twisting plane is the main one. When the empty twisting plane is completely over, it will be transferred to the Pandora plane immediately."


On the Axis timeline, the star calendar is January 1166, 1.

Tianzepai North Axis Regional Comprehensive Power Plant.The electromagnetic waves dissipated here make it impossible to see a plant or a flying insect in the entire ceramic city.The quietness is breathtaking.The staff who came to take over the shift wore thick anti-radiation suits and walked from far to near.

"pat, pat..."

Wei Keng, who was changing into new work clothes, suddenly paused slightly.It's not that the person who takes over the shift is a dead fish face,
It was the transfer order from the main plane at this time, requiring him to separate part of his consciousness and prepare to transfer to the Pandora plane.How to transfer?It said, "Wei Keng doesn't have to worry about this, just confirm it and "take a nap" in the Pandora space bubble, and the consciousness will naturally split." Of course, Wei Keng must be informed of this part of the military order.

Furthermore, it is my own Pandora plane space bubble, which is now temporarily requisitioned as a transfer station on the main plane, and the information capacity of the space will be expanded by forty times during the war, and will be returned after the battle.

Wei Keng suddenly felt that a large amount of information was injected into the Pandora space bubble, and his upper limit of HP became stronger.

After bouncing around a few times, Wei Keng felt that he was full of energy.Then I got a reminder from the system: just now, my mind was copied, and with part of my consciousness, I transferred to the plane of Pandora.

(End of this chapter)

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