out of cage

Chapter 136 Chapter 4.30 Hierarchy Shuffle, Spacetime Equations

Chapter 136 Chapter 4.30 Hierarchy Shuffle, Spacetime Equations
Empty Twisted Plane, Axis Timeline, Purple Jupiter, Energy Production Area.

The success of the social change presided over by Wei Keng means that more people share the fruits of technological progress, and a considerable number of people can get rid of restrictive labor, and can further learn and obtain broader development opportunities.

In 1176, a gadget became popular.

In the underground manufacturing factory in the center of the axis area, as the ring-by-ring spatial ripples are displaced along the sword axis, the streamlined production line set up in the axis area factory extracts the fluctuations replaced layer by layer, plugging into a superfluid mechanical magnetic ring, trapping space energy within.This space ring is a consumable, but it can allow the target to warp to the target area with very few restrictions.

With the mass production of this gadget, first of all, the young children in the axis area have benefited greatly. For these children around the age of 13, the elimination rate in the old era was 90.00%.

But now 50.00% of them have been empowered by the magnetic field, and within the first week on the public testing ground in the axis area, they use the jump ring to assist the entry into the space, and then step into the swordsman standard.

But also because of the popularity of this object, there are too many people flashing, so it has to be legislated that people without a swordsman license are not allowed to flash in public aisle areas, so as to avoid space fusion collision accidents.


Technically speaking, the production difficulty of the warping ring is not higher than that of the space ring, and the energy needed at the moment is not affordable by ordinary families, so this small thing did not fall into the eyes of the swordsmen at the beginning.

But the high-level swordsmen are not keenly aware that this "energy-consuming" low-level gadget, if everyone can afford it due to the improvement of social productivity, it will no longer be a luxury for low-level apprentices, and the output will increase tenfold. After a hundred times, or even a thousand times, and the technology has further developed, what kind of future will there be?
Or maybe, the swordsmen are "too lazy to think about" the scene where their own realm has now become "the posture of a middle-aged man".

1175, summer, daytime period

There are 36 inner ring areas, [-] middle ring areas, and [-] outer ring areas in the axis area. As the power rainbow network over these cities becomes more and more dense, the total power generation will increase steadily within two years .

After Wei Keng got the right to revise the industrial standards here, as well as the decision-making power to set the technology, for the first time, a production system of technical items other than the lightsaber appeared.

Compared with the high-tech refining tools such as Yungangxing's "battle incarnation".The technology chain conquered by Wei Keng has the low-level attribute of "benefiting the public".

This is similar to the porcelain kiln and steel furnace in the early days of the industrial revolution in the main world. At that time, it was difficult to compare the technical difficulty of the two products.However, porcelain kilns accommodate experienced senior workers, while steel plants and downstream manufacturing systems can accommodate quantitative workers.

This means that the former position is a craftsman handed down from generation to generation, while the latter is a worker who is generally recruited every year, but the threshold for academic qualifications is raised year by year.

Wei Keng also reverse-engineered the battle avatar whose leg was chopped off by himself back then. His comment on this is: the more the technology develops, the more it will test the individual's ingenuity.It is not difficult for travelers carrying digital systems, but it is difficult for ordinary people.

And now Wei Keng is going to roll out this cross-age technology production line. Each station is not difficult for ordinary people in this era, but it is difficult for people who have traveled to this world!
Avatars, spirit weapons, and more than one traverser can be produced on the empty twisting plane, because it only needs to maintain a small-scale organization of production on the upper level.However, it is almost impossible to gather the conditions required to maintain an extensive production chain at the middle and lower levels on the timeline of the arrival of past travelers.Even if it is assembled, it is interrupted by accidents of history.

Now that Wei Keng has been preparing for hundreds of years, he has finally met the conditions on hundreds of thousands of timelines.


The star calendar is at the beginning of 1176.

The small space equipment developed by the New Technology Department of the Axis Zone has been provided to the battlefield in outer space, and the effect is very good. The Tianze faction is increasing the order quantity.

In the city clusters of the Axis, the lights began to flicker.Restaurants prepared by nutrition science have also begun to harvest leeks from "families who have just had savings".

As for the 67 space transition training grounds built in the axis area, and the 480 five new schools are also full.

When food and clothing are satisfied, no, even when food and clothing are still a little short, human beings are tirelessly pursuing social class promotion.

Beginning in the pre-Qin period, even if wages were not paid for war, the family even had to subsidize some money.A large group of Qin people at the civilian and official levels are still eager to join the army, because they can be knighted and can be at the forefront of the distribution system.And in the 21st century, the reason why the hukou in Kyoto allows a large number of doctoral talents to give up the high salaries in other places is not to allow the next generation to enjoy better educational resources, so that the class will not fall?

This is a fanaticism in oriental society.If this fanaticism cannot be satisfied, it will turn into numbness, and if it can be satisfied, then a flourishing world will form.

Of course, such a large-scale class promotion requires the organizers to have sufficient capital.The current capital of the Axis Production Organization is adequate.The upper echelons of the Tianze faction have given enough attention to the current development of the axis area.

However, as the instigator of the change, Wei Keng made a budget ahead of schedule and considered the situation of insufficient capital.

The axis area is now continuously producing products and handing them over to the upper echelon of Tianze. It seems that the upper echelon of Tianze can now tolerate the emergence of a large number of new "warp masters" in the axis area to replace the conflicting faction struggles with new blood.

But a son is a son after all.The owner's so-called "I'd rather pass on my family property to outsiders than to pass on to you a piece of trash" is bullshit.

What will happen when these civilians in the axis area who have reached the level of swordsman find that the accumulation of industrial production in this area cannot be further opened up by the upper layers?

Wei Keng's social inference: a large number of middle and high-level production managers tend to turn to foreigners.No, it's the sword masters who tend to flatter the Tian Ze sect, relying on the capital they have accumulated in managing the middle and lower production in the axis area, to scramble to kneel down to the schoolmasters and aristocratic families of the Tian Ze sect in exchange for becoming swordsmen , the stepping stone of the sword master.

The study of international relations in the ancient times of the main world: productivity can be exchanged for capital through commerce, but this exchanged capital has an upper limit.The old party that occupies the dominant position will never allow it. You use your hard work to replace their domineering position.

Wei Keng believes that the current exchange of productive forces in the axis area is rapidly approaching the upper limit that the axis area can tolerate with its established status in the Tianze faction.

What should I do if I exceed the upper limit?How to ensure that the new forces continue to cohere instead of scrambling to fall to the old forces?
Master Wei has always prepared a little extra. The photon guards who can suppress the sword master and the further advanced system of formation and ambush have already been prepared.

As long as the number of starters of the new path increases, we will further pry out the monopoly of the aristocratic families and school lords.It will be too late when the schoolboys and aristocratic families realize that they want to counterattack.

...across planes...

Pandora plane, space supervision area.

Bai Linglu had just received new information. Ever since Wei Keng encountered the Jianye incident, he cried out in consciousness, and now there is an unusual and deep consciousness touch in Hengyang.

Bai Linglu looked at Wei Keng's salute and bow at the ruins of the nuclear power plant, and sighed in silence for a few seconds: "I still sigh when I see it, let alone a straight man."—As a supervisor, he has always asked for calmness in the scene on the plane.Bai Linglu was brought into the mood by Wei Keng, and only then did he experience it.

Bai Linglu sent a reminder to Qin Xiaohan in the air twisting plane: "Attention, the recent transformation of Sergeant Wei Keng will be reversed before."

Actually, there is no need for Bai Linglu to prompt.

Qin Xiaohan has also discovered the situation on the empty twisting plane. On the axial timeline, Wei Keng suddenly stood at the front desk and started a big explosion of subjective initiative that was completely different from before.

And on a large number of derivative timelines, similar phenomena also appear.

Originally, the Great River System was planning to send a large number of traversers to advance history, but now?Wei Keng, who had always been willing to be the background line, suddenly moved?

Previously, it was planning for storms, but now it seems that the earth's crust is moving and a tsunami is starting.

...returning to the war zone on the space twisting plane...

Axis timeline, Tianqu star area, on planet Al-Si 344.

On this pitted asteroid with a diameter of [-] kilometers, eight warships are circling here. There is no roar of naval guns between each other, but the gang battles flickering in space are fought back and forth.

In the shadow of the small crater, a figure suddenly appeared here. This swordsman's name is Mo Wen, and he is the lucky one who owns the heaven system.

The first ten years of his life were very smooth, and after picking up the system, he had a very happy promotion, leaving a lot of mortals behind.But now he has to start rolling in
In this asteroid skirmish, after confirming that his four battle avatars had been severely damaged at the beginning, he personally carried out the forward combat under the prompt of the system, and finally determined that the opponent was his old enemy.

Mo Wen didn't know what kind of grievances there were between the "Day of Heaven System" and the "Heaven System".It's just that the reward exchange for "killing the opponent" is set very high in his own system.

In the outer area of ​​the asteroid, in the light shelter provided by the subordinates of several photon guardians,

The commander who has fought since then, Vortex, is concentrating on the current encounter.

On his system interface, the holders of the "Paradise System" are also marked with reward points that can be obtained after being killed.But compared to the heavenly system, which blindly raises reward points for stimulation.Vortex's system has a series of plans to increase the winning rate.

Long before this battle, the swordsman team led by Kuoguang used a large number of jumping rings produced by the Tianze faction axis area, and at the same time ordered a sufficient amount of "real sword material needle" ammunition, and they played in almost an instant. Out of fire coverage.

No, the team led by Mo Wen just now was almost completely wiped out, and the combat incarnation was completely defeated by the leap of the formation.

About five hours later, the battle was over, and Mo Wen alone activated the secret technique with serious consequences, and jumped out of the battlefield.

Before fleeing, Mo Wen seized a part of the warp ring and the warp needle, and immediately got a new task: to investigate the production of this simple space warp on Purple Jupiter.

It's just that he wants to investigate, but he has to face the stumbling block of his old enemy.

Vortex has already locked his warping feature on the starry sky battlefield.And entangled him in pursuit.Mo Wen has no time to take up this task in a short time
And Mo Wen missed the present, and the Mediterranean space-time forces behind him had no chance.The sudden industrial revolution on Purple Jupiter is different every day.

Perhaps this is a good thing for Mo Wen. In other timelines, those who went to investigate have disappeared. As for why?
Master Wei, who is lying in the midst of all living beings, encounters the lucky ones with the heaven system. He usually knocks them out first, then directly takes away the "heaven system", and then replaces them with the "heaven system" by his own space management department.

Now on the space battlefield, Tuo Guang regretted watching the other party escape with a trace of blood, and he swung his sword heavily.He made a promise that he would kill the opponent in future encounters.Then, under the prompt of the system, he began to give back to the rear the gains and losses of the battle since then.

After confirming the great effect of the warping needle in this actual battle in outer space.

In May 1176 on Purple Jupiter, manufacturers in the Purple Jupiter axis area began to carry out new technology breakthroughs in this direction, allowing the jump needle to perform three to four jumps, that is, after the first time the enemy was not locked, the second lock again.

Wei Keng still had reserves of this technology for a long time, and quietly distributed the relevant sub-technologies to the databases of various regions. The new jump needle was quickly mass-produced by the craftsman group in the entire axis area.

In this way, the new technologies seen on the battlefield will undergo earth-shaking changes within a few months.

This is a head-on blow to the Mediterranean crossing forces who are approaching the timeline and want to play side-by-side, trying to be reborn a few months ago.


In the scientific research area of ​​the purple wood star axis area, in the weapon testing ground.

With regard to the firepower system in the age of transition, Wei Keng's ideas and technical tests are no longer a day or two.After the first generation of test products came out decades ago, we have been constantly considering how to reduce the process cost.

At this time, in a specific equipment area, within an area of ​​fifteen cubic meters, a needle is flashing rapidly. By combining the multiple stages of hundreds of such needles in the previous experiment, statistical points are combined, and each stage can be found The probability of constitutes a locked network.Once a foreign target enters the area, the needle will use the maximum probability mode to hit the target under algorithm optimization.

Of course, the jumping needle was not the focus of Wei Keng's attention.This thing has long been a mature product, and now the flashy demonstration is just a normal military pass rate inspection process.

And Wei Keng was looking at the needles restrained in a special space bubble in his hand. ——The warp bombs in the weapons testing ground on the side are equivalent to "bullets", but the one that Mr. Wei sees now is equivalent to "atomic energy physics in the twentieth century"

The space bubble in Wei Keng's hand has the ability to maintain an extreme physical environment, which is actually stronger than any laboratory in the Tianze faction.

Now, because of the lack of the marked phenomena to show, it is hard to see what happened to the needle of this space bubble.

But after Wei Keng injected carbon dioxide and water vapor, the needle rusted in just a few seconds.

It’s not that the acidity is strong enough, but the time flow in the space bubble is too fast.

It is even more obvious after putting in a pocket watch. The pointer on the dial rotates quickly, and the weak mechanical energy inside is quickly consumed.In just 1 minute outside, 139 hours have passed inside.


On this empty twisted plane, Wei Keng extracted the neighbors of space, the standard quantity of time.


Wei Keng turned on the system and started the process of publishing scientific theories: "In the stellar ecliptic synchronization test station, for the detection of new experiments, every time the space is compressed, when the compression reaches a extreme point, part of the space will disappear, but there will be an extra space. Time. The conversion formula between space and time is a relationship of the sixth power."

These constants were measured by Wei Keng at the beginning of the fourth phase of the project after completing the third phase of the project, and now a visible test has been carried out.

At this time, Wei Keng can no longer be described with the level of sword master of the plane.Because the technical system has completely overflowed.

When fundamental science breaks through, the old standard concepts are meaningless.

In the space bubble, Qin Xiaohan, who put on formal clothes and a badge, opened multiple interfaces.From the perspectives of many colleagues, Rong Aodi and Wei Keng have a high-quality dialogue between the high-level inspector and the main-level traverser
Qin Xiaohan: "In most observable planes, mass and energy are not separated, and there is also a transformation relationship between time and space. Congratulations, you have successfully verified this in the empty twisting plane."

Wei Keng: "Verification?"

Qin Xiaohan: "The previous traveler made similar guesses about the physical rules here, but that doesn't count. Only you have tested this relationship through experiments."

After pondering for a few seconds, Wei Keng said honestly: "This, it can be exchanged for a lot of time and space reward points."

Master Wei's sudden pettyness made Qin Xiaohan, who was holding his head up, quickly raise his voice and said: "Of course, this is not a question of reward points. It is the first time to measure a key physical phenomenon in a far plane. It is the highest feat of shuttle."

Then, feeling that it wasn't enough, Qin Xiaohan added: "It's your highest achievement since traveling." This sentence is obviously aimed at the ongoing parallel mission on the Pandora plane.

Wei Keng nodded, and said silently in his heart: "In this plane, I have done some personnel work."


The space twist plane, the name is space twist, not time twist, which means that it is very difficult to transform time through space.

The amount of space twisted to the sixth power to turn out time is very small.And this sixth power is multiplied by the quality correlation number.

If the planet is used as the unit, then the space corresponding to the unit time of the rotation of the planet’s material unit time does not seem feasible. For example, the earth rotates such a large area of ​​​​0.465 kilometers in one second, and it can only be changed for one second.

However, if the mass is large enough in a small enough space, for example, during the rotation of a star’s high-density core, the time variation caused by the spatial variation of matter is extracted, then the transformation amount is very considerable.

The fourth stage that Wei Keng originally envisioned in the third technical stage originally planned to develop in three directions.

That is, in terms of space, 1: increase or decrease in the amount of space; 2: increase or decrease in the amount of energy (state); 3: increase or decrease in the quality coefficient.But after the equation came out, and now that the stellar experiment is completed, all the concepts are turned upside down.

This is just like on the earth, where physicists originally tried to study the transmutation of matter, that is, the transformation of elements such as "copper turns into gold".

Finally, the mass-energy equation was verified!The economic value of nuclear energy far exceeds the value of gold and silver that alchemists thought hundreds of years ago.


In Qin Xiaohan's place, Wei Keng's formula was completed, making it possible to implement a plan that was previously unthinkable.

That is to trace the origin of this plane!From which star sea civilization did the eighteen administrative planets that make up the empty twisted world come from?
This is what the two major time and space forces in the main world sent a large number of "experienced" investigators to figure out after the end of the First Plane War.

Qin Xiaohan: "Looking at it now, this is not a question of searching for clues, but a question of scientific research."


In the year 1178 of the star calendar, due to the continuous increase in the power of the axis area for three consecutive years, the sword intent inserted into the earth's axis is shining three points (Wei Keng's control network in the center of the earth is even more brilliant)

Xingze Sword Master paid a little attention, and took out a spiritual weapon from the inventory of the Tongtian Sword Furnace, and let Yicheng send someone to hand it over.

This signal meant that Xingze Sword Master did not allow the struggle between the inheritance and the academic departments to spread to the axis area, which was equivalent to giving Wei Keng a gold medal of exoneration.And Yi Chengmeng was also very interesting, asking Song Dian to hand over this spiritual weapon.

On Wuzhuang Peak, Song Dian took over the task with a straight face.But nothing can be done.

However, three days later, when he arrived at the axis area by flying machine and saw Wei Keng again, the humiliation was not as expected.

Wei Keng took the sword calmly and with disciple etiquette.Even this sword didn't excite Wei Keng any more.

"There is no setback like a storm", but Song Dian feels that he has fallen behind more thoroughly.

Just when Song Dian was about to leave, Wei Pan called him: "Teacher Song, I still have a sword here, and I should be able to exchange another sword with you."

Song Dianzheng was puzzled when he saw Wei Keng pulling out a very "normal" but unusual sword for him.The long memory suddenly opened.He raised his head to look at Wei Keng, and the childhood memory finally emerged.

Song Dian: "You are?"

Wei Keng, who is still pretending to be an old friend: "The concept passed down 100 years ago, when the sword was changed, the friendship between gentlemen was as light as water. We have no grievances."

(End of this chapter)

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