out of cage

Chapter 142 Chapter 4.36 The End of History

Chapter 142 Chapter 4.36 The End of History
In the middle and late stages of the Second Plane War, as the two major groups formed their own King/Caesar-level configurations, the Battle of the Space Twist Plane has completely become the most important decisive point.

The space-time center of the Mediterranean system in this theater is hurrying to discuss, and they want to make the last struggle.

And the Space-Time Center of the Great River System discusses one topic after another, because they are now addicted and want to catch more fish!

Apart from Bai Hengqian and Li Ximeng, the two high-ranking supervisors from Puhai District, Liu Xinxin from Chengdu Gravity Well District, Wang Lanbin from Central Plains District, and other 54 high-ranking supervisors in the Space-Twisting Plane Space-Time Center of the Space Twisting Plane were all present at this meeting.At the same time, this meeting also connected [-] Shangqing.

Shangqing from many gravitational well regions in East Asia came to participate in the discussion. This is the card of the strategic battle.

The current situation is as follows: with the first pawn freed up on the front line, you can randomly find other teammates for two-on-one, free two people, and then grow stronger like a snowball.

In the era of the Second Plane War, the two major space-time military groups have already ascertained the growth forms of the "King Class" and "Caesar Class" of both sides.

The verified form of a higher-level traverser is actually based on a plane of time and space, turning self-awareness into a god of that plane!So that it is immortal, and dominates the prosperity and development of the entire space-time region, expanding towards multiple timelines.

However, this is only unfolding under the physical rules of this plane. The king-level and Caesar-level projected awareness of areas with very different physical rules cannot exceed that of the Shangqing level!This is what disappointed the two major travel groups.

So now the battle zone that really involves a large number of traversers is actually the war zone of empty twisting.

As the first battle point of this plane war, it will start from the second plane war to the end of the war.

Wei Keng's clamor when he first came to the empty twisting plane caused the two sides to station troops on the empty twisting plane.

The subsequent historical changes made the historical line occupied by the Mediterranean system narrower and narrower, and they had to fight.And it gets bigger and bigger with the expansion of time and space.

The veteran monitors of the Great River System witnessed with their own eyes how Wei Keng, a guy who was not well-known in the first plane war, became a pivotal force in the second plane war.

As the upper hand, the Great River System Time and Space Administration discussed issues no less than those discussed by the Mediterranean Loser Group.

Wei Keng has now activated 150 million timelines.With so many timelines, even according to the minimum rate of exploration of [-]% of the timeline in the next group crossing of the Mediterranean system, they have successfully captured a large part of their power.

Just ah!When I have steamed buns, I want to eat buns, and when I have buns, I feel that dumplings are delicious.

The Time and Space Administration of the Great River System now has a strategic affluence, and has begun to actively interfere with the coordinate positioning of the Mediterranean plane through the delivery well, trying to catch a larger group in the war zone of the empty twisting plane.

But in Wei Keng's current state, how much energy does he have left?

This question was asked to Wei Keng himself through the system feedback mechanism, and Wei Keng himself answered: What about side effects?I don't think there is anything wrong.

But Wei Keng didn't feel any side effects, and in the eyes of the supervisors, it was already a side effect. (Qin Xiaohan: People who are drunk will say that they are not drunk, and those who are mentally ill will say that they are normal.)
With a golden finger, I can sell sesame seed cakes for decades, and I can work for seven or eight years to make authentic flavors of hot sauce.This kind of pure-hearted and ascetic idea of ​​lying down is Wei Keng's biggest problem.

Qin Xiaohan and Luo Hongxing both opposed further expansion.Even Bai Linglu objected.But Bai Hengqian supported her.

And Wei Keng's younger brother, Wei Qiang remained silent at this time!
Wei Qiang was in a state of entanglement: If it was him, he would have made a decision a long time ago, and that would be Chong!But if it's my brother, I'm not sure.

Sovereign level is of great significance, and it is the leader in the current space-time system.As for him, he absolutely supported his elder brother to achieve this step, which was definitely an achievement that would please his father.But for what Luo Hongxing said: there may be disadvantages, but there are still no clearly discovered disadvantages, Wei Qiang is also undecided.In case this worry is superfluous, it may delay the opportunity for his elder brother to soar into the sky, but if the disadvantage is true, then he cannot bear the price.

The closest person will not make decisions for them.

In the end, it was Bai Linglu who came up with the data!The current situation of the Pandora plane absolutely does not support infinite expansion, and it will have a serious impact if it is quadrupled.

In the end, the military center of the Space-Time Bureau of the Great River System decided to try to end the campaign before another 100 million timelines were added.

The end does not mean that Wei Keng stopped in this area, but that the speed of the timeline derived from the time travel was reduced to one percent of the current intensity and entered into peaceful development.

This is also the reasonable model verified by the other two Sovereign Levels in the Great River System when the plane unfolds.


Going back to the initial timeline, the spaceship was almost built, and the way for the new forces to rush to the deep space was paved. Wei Keng began to call out the situation map on the starry sky for research.

Purple Jupiter, Tianrou and other seven planets have formed an offensive and defensive alliance.

The three planets including Yungang Star have strengthened the agreement of joint military offensive, and the other eight planets are centrists.On the face of it, the Center has a better attitude towards the Allies.But according to intelligence, two of them have actually fallen to Yungang Star.

As for the reason, it is "high-end".

First, a sword master on Tianwei star, a staunch ally of Yungang star, and a female sword master on Baiju star were childhood sweethearts. In the early years, a space-time vortex was stimulated in an asteroid base outside a certain star system, so there was a period of time. Vigorous love.After the two become Sword Master together, they will definitely join forces.

Wei Keng shook his head emotionally at such a story.

I can't be envious. In the early years, I was selling egg-filled pancakes, so I definitely couldn't meet a girl with the potential of Sword Master.

In the mid-term, I measured a large number of parameters and worked hard to overcome the technology. During this period, I can't fall in love early.

As for teaching students now, it is possible to teach Sword Master in the future, but Wei Keng absolutely does not engage in teacher-student romance.Moreover, Wei Keng now tends to train male students.Because the advancement of history is fatal, and men can hit in the most difficult places.

Wei Keng took a look at the current forces in the starry sky. On his own timeline, what kind of "accidents" will he encounter when the new forces he leads enter space?
Master Wei clasped his hands and sighed softly: "In history, there are always twists and turns. This is incomparable."


Now, Wei Keng called up the system interface, and on a whim, took a look at "Duoguang", the lucky one who owns the system.

The first thing: he is going to be promoted to Sword Lord.

The second thing is that he combined with a female swordsman from Tianrouxing, and the Photon Guardian Corps under his command has gradually become a system with him as the core.

Wei Keng: "(Your) historical mission has been accomplished!"

Relying on the military power in hand, this kind of person ranks among the upper class, conducts exchanges including marriage, and joins his circle.Wei Keng has a very clear definition: "Blood-stained top wear."

The strength of the new army lies in that although it still obeys a certain officer, it is actually loyal to the future of the public!

When the object of allegiance of a new type of army is transformed into the personal ideals of a few people, then the cohesion will begin to decline, and the newly recruited personnel will no longer have the initial combat effectiveness.

The eddy light is no longer available, but Master Wei has sufficient backups for everything he does. Taking advantage of the current stage, the new production system in space has not returned to the old era, and the fiery hearts have not cooled down, so continue to inject new forces for change.

The revolution is to let people choose the most correct path among multiple choices.


Dang Xingqing, 1195, the seventh year when Wei Keng controlled the Valley of the Wind.Above the city, the flying saucer state is maintained all year round. The aircraft is suspended in a stable position to provide precise navigation.

In the star port on the ground, 48 large-scale engineering ships take off every month, and in outer space, a space jump ring with a diameter of three kilometers appears. A large amount of raw materials are like space printing, and the gleaming jump ring pulls out the structure , forming an organization on the framework of space transport warships.

Those personnel who did not obey the changes of the new era in the past also turned into a skilled space development team through collective training while building the fleet on the ground, and engaged in the most difficult brick work of this early construction.

As the subsequent large forces entered space, they were all allowed to return to the ground, or stay, or receive travel expenses to leave.

Of course, most of them stayed.


Tianze faction, the sword mound was opened again, and Xingze Jianzun stepped in.

Half an hour later, in the inheritance hall, Xingze watched the disciple he had chosen demonstrate his sword intent, stood silently, and after a few minutes, slowly said: "It seems that your understanding is limited to this."

Yi Chengmeng: "My disciple is dull, and the combination of sword styles left by the predecessors is complicated. It is already difficult for the disciple to understand, and it is really difficult to add more to the snake."

Xingze said slowly: "During the time you were in Jianzhong, many things happened outside."

Yi Chengmeng raised his head to look at the master, and said silently in his heart: "When your old man is practicing swords in Tongtian Sword Furnace, there will be many things in the sect every year." Of course he will not say these words.

Xingze said slowly: "Dang Xingli, 1174, Yixuhuang's death, and Wei Pan, you still remember."

Yi Chengmeng bowed his head: "Remember, this person is related to a major case in our faction. He disappeared inexplicably ten years ago, and then found his whereabouts in some city-states. This son has a purpose for my faction. One day, disciples will bring him to justice." to the law."

Xingze: "Seven years ago, someone saw him in the City of Wind Valley under the Cihong Sword Sect."

Yi Chengmeng: "The disciple is willing to go!"

Xingze: "Before you go over there, you can take a look at this first."

A few minutes later, Yi Chengmeng had a look of disbelief, after watching the Battle of the Valley of the Wind that has been talked about by sword masters throughout the continent for the past few years!

Of course, the sword masters on the mainland were only talking about sword master level battles, and the information Xingzhe gave included the sword formation composed of countless small modules deployed in outer space.

Xingze has seen this sword formation system like a chain of stars in outer space countless times over the years, and he has to admit that this is the most easy-to-understand Tianze sword formation system he has seen, and this way of simplifying the complexity, He can't do it.

Xingze Jianzun released the current projection map of the Nausicaa metropolis in front of Yi Chengmeng: "Find him (Wei Pan), and ask why he left?"

Yi accepted the order letter: "Yes."

Xingze's tone was still calm, but he asked Yi Chengmeng a key question: "If that person is willing to come back and inherit the sect's position, what would you think?"

Yi Chengmeng paused for a while, but still said without leaking: "The position of the sect is reserved for those who are capable. Disciples don't talk too much."

Xingze stared at Yi Chengmeng, watched him say the words against his will, and said slowly: "This is a lie, I don't want to hear it from today. You need to know one thing, the attainment of the Tianze Sword Formation behind Wei Pan, As a teacher, I am not sure. But after I confirmed the inheritance, that person did not express a single word of dissent! On the contrary~" Xing Ze raised his head and looked at the starry sky, "He has taught many disciples there."

Yi Cheng paused for a moment, and was immediately understood.

"This may be the sword master of the branch of the Tianze faction, the first preparation was to start a new one! This is because he got an excellent card, so he disdains the cards in the Tianze faction.

Yi Chengmeng recalled some information about the axis area back then, that year Wei Pan was imprisoned because Yi Xuhuang wanted to find someone to stand up to him.As for the person behind Wei Pan, it is obvious that a more gentle method can be used to solve the problem, but Yi Xuhuang was cut off with a single sword!He doesn't care about the master (Xingze Sword Master) who is connected by Xuhuang's blood.Because I didn't intend to go back to Tianze! "

After reprocessing the language, Yi explained his guess to Xingze.

Xingze nodded, meaning that Chengyu's intelligence was the reason why he accepted him back then and changed him to his surname to teach him carefully.It's just that, now, there is a lack of sharpness to move forward!
[What is Yi Chengmeng doing compared to a guy with an average appearance?doing what?All because of too many restraints, the mind is locked]

There is only one thing Xingze wants to give Yi Chengmeng the task: if he can beg that person to return to the sect, that would be great.If not, try to use the favor of the year (the favor that got Wei Pan out of the prison) to ask the sword master behind Wei Pan for some advice.

As for the matter of Yixuhuang, from that aspect, the two top members of the Tianze faction now have the right to pretend that this incident never happened!


Four days later, the Cihong Sword Faction, the suspended city at the apex of the South Magnetic Pole, is in the Dongtian-level space bubble whose coordinate system is stabilized by the powerful geomagnetic effect at the center.

Facing the communication inquiry from Xingze, Sword Master Ziling asked in surprise, "With the other branch of your sect?"——Knowing such news suddenly, Sword Master Ziling couldn't help but think a lot.

When Wei Keng took down a city in the south, the Cihong Sword Sect was always paying attention.

When it was determined that Wei Keng most likely wanted to borrow the productivity of the spaceships in the Valley of the Wind, the Cihong Sword School magnanimously turned the page.

As Sword Master, only one city is required?The Cihong Sword School is affordable.

The luck suppression effect brought by the new sword master going south is much higher than the income of a city.

For example, Qian Duan benefited a lot after that fight.If you can move around more, you will have more opportunities.

As for the matters within the Tianze Sword Sect?Why did Xingzhe let the Cihong Sword Sect know about it - this matter cannot be concealed.Keeping silent can only allow the side effects to continue to ferment.

According to the historical experience of the main world, it is impossible for the two factions of inheritance and academy to fight to this point, as Xingze thought, to become the loser to take a step back and stop.The loser will always spend the rest of his life provoking the authority of the winner, and only a thorough cleansing by the winner can end all of this.

But Sword Master Xingze couldn't make up his mind.

Yiqingshan, who couldn't see the situation clearly, knew that Yichengmeng was going to the Valley of the Wind, so he adopted the strategy of "whatever pot is left unopened and which pot to carry". The frequency of occurrence is increasing.

Now everyone in the world knows that Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind is related to the axis area of ​​the Tianze School, and the new space system technology of the Valley of the Wind inherits the axis area.That's why the inheritance faction started to make noise: "Back then, the space system inheritance in the axis area would not flow out if the meaning was not dead!" Such nonsense!
This seems to mean that the existence who has set up the spirit array in the Valley of the Wind now stole the inheritance from the Tianze Sect.

So Xingze had to use this method to clarify from the side that the inheritance of the Valley of the Wind and the main branch of the Tianze Sect are another branch that is juxtaposed.

Xingze's suggestion to Ziling is: the two factions jointly send disciples to seek advice.

As the two largest sects of Purple Jupiter, who can represent the landlord of Purple Jupiter, the one from the Valley of the Wind, there should be no reason to refuse, right?

(End of this chapter)

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