out of cage

Chapter 146 Chapter 4.40 Different Reasons, Same Principles

Chapter 146 Chapter 4.40 Different Reasons, Same Principles

The contradiction between "historical accident" and "historical inevitability" has reached its final climax in the time flow of the empty twisting plane.But on the axial timeline, everything is a very orthodox development, and there is no fierce battle expected to happen in the space-time center of the dimension.

The one sent by the Mediterranean Space-Time Center and Wei Keng are doing their own things.

The two had no tacit understanding, but both agreed to the development of "Christmas Eve War".

The star calendar is 1211.

The new space fighters and the corresponding new institutions are currently only developing in these fringe regions of the brown dwarf region.However, the contradictions in the interstellar railroad have permeated among various planets/influences
The starry sky revolutionary army gradually began to control the waterway, turning these node forces like space cities into isolated islands.At the same time, the people of the space city who were instigated to rebel continued to flee to the base area, and like a huge wave, they gradually eroded the remaining soil of the isolated island.

The sword masters stationed on the various asteroids who had enjoyed peace and tranquility finally felt the imminent crisis.As a last resort, they finally took their attention away from the beauty and the sword, and at the same time passed on the power and strength, and broke off a small piece to inspire the hearts of those they had forgotten for a long time.


Thus, in these space cities occupied by the old forces, such a trend appeared

A series of swordsmanship competitions aimed at recruiting talents and expanding the army began.

A girl in a transparent space protective suit with only her privates covered holds a promotional sign and floats back and forth in the public titanium alloy low-gravity area square, announcing the third prize.

Reward 1: Superior residential area, Reward 2: A set of swordsmanship heritage, Reward 3: High-level lightsaber.Oh, and possibly the favor of the castellan's daughter.

The so-called, women, grades, money, all the interests of the masters are placed in front of ordinary swordsmen in the space city, calling them to come forward.

As a result, people who usually rely on various means to make a living in Yingzang Space City began to sign up.

Oh, and it's not entirely voluntary either, the means of a diverse space city is also diverse
Some of the named gangs faced the official swordsman group who came directly to them, and had to send personnel to sign up.

The war forced the upper echelons of the space city to enter the blind areas of the ruling area, rummaging for available talents from these scum piles.

It was like prying open an ant hole, the smoke, the smell of alcohol, and the broken simulated robot bartending lady were dug out.

After the recruited swordsman signed up, he reported his name, age, and hometown, and put on an electronic monitoring ring.

In Tianling City, the lights of the city were much dimmer than ten years ago.

The Starry Sky Revolutionary Army was secretly sent out, and Michael Lena, who was conducting intelligence gathering, was also recruited.Well, as an outsider, I was sold by my business partners.

On the same day, I was escorted to the dormitory. Obviously, the dormitory is divided into three, six, and nine grades. The low-level dormitory is just a concrete house, while the high-level dormitory has 24-hour power supply, bathrooms, and Internet. Under the cold face of the instructor, These selected students immediately eyed each other against each other.

Those who are capable will naturally live in the upper house, and of course they will also enter the eyes of the above. If there is not too much manpower to control the expanding team, you must learn to catch important people.It's like a flock of chickens, the one that can grab the most is also the fattest.

Michaelena scanned the people he saw, frowned, and confirmed in a low voice: "There is no him here!"

Although she doesn't know Wei Keng's personality type, she can be sure that a high-level time traveler will never commit the seven major problems of "arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony and lust"

In this chaotic group of mercenaries, Michaelena, with light blonde hair and a proud figure, would have attracted a lot of attention. Some guys who wanted to do whatever they wanted came forward to strike up a conversation.Of course, the result can be imagined.Their "swords" were broken.

As a top traverser, she is currently at the late sword master level and will be promoted to sword master at any time.

Now, after breaking away from the organizational constraints of the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army, and appearing on the side of the old forces, there is no restriction, and it simply manifests in this plane openly.


In fact, before reaching this plane, Michaelie knew that his space-time military group could not win at all. In this war, the governance center of the Mediterranean system would also be finished.

However, what if the military center of the Mediterranean plane is finished?
This may be a disaster for low-level traversers. The various support systems that originally belonged to this plane will drop sharply. If you join the victor as the defeated party, you must accumulate again.

However, for the traversers who have completed their original accumulation!The defeat of one's own space-time group is nothing.

Michaelena, she is already in a space-time area, a traveler who has completed the stable existence of her own life, and is immortal.Moreover, no one can challenge the natal space-time area, and there is its own gravitational well in the main world.

The situation after the Second Plane War, even the formal unification of the earth system power completed by a certain space-time administration, still has to be faced, regardless of the rapidly increasing voice of high-end traversers from the east and the west.

What?The Space-Time Administration can still control the gravity well!The high-end traversers on the earth want to jump back, so they directly pull out the network cable and block it on the alien plane.

Oh, this is the old calendar, technology has advanced in the 28th century.

In the main world Michaelena has just completed the experiment, communicated the time and space where his life is entrenched with a new gravitational well of Io, whether he can return to the main world and is no longer controlled by the earth,

The high-level traversers of the Mediterranean system headed by Michael Lena commented on Wei: "The high-level traversers in the East are now a little behind the progress of cutting-edge technology, but this war of planes will also be the last one. Completely obey the orders of time and space centralization."

It's the eve of the dawn of a new era

Therefore, on this trip, Michael Lena's position: "The only important thing about this trip now is to meet the powerful people who deserve attention in this war zone."

Michaelena looked at the starry sky, in the direction of the eighteen administrative stars, and said to the air: "You can indeed play the god of destiny in this plane, but fate cannot get out of this plane."

At this time, she linked her own space field into the core of this ancient space city, and her space power was like the umbilical cord connected to a baby.

And this is the gift she is going to give.


With a large number of intelligence frontline personnel, intelligence was sent.The Starry Sky Revolutionary Army is also hurrying up to prepare for the battle.

Here, Wei Keng is chewing artificial meat after obtaining the diploma certificate of junior photon guard.This is my own contribution point in exchange for figuring out a technical detail on the light energy collection board on the brown dwarf planet.

These artificial meats have the taste of shrimp. After all, they are produced by the cells of aquatic organisms under high-oxygen and zero-gravity electrical stimulation.Master Wei gave it a four-star praise, and one point was deducted mainly because there was no pepper, and the sour tomato sauce did not meet his taste.Of course, this is also a helpless thing, spices such as pepper consume too much water.

With a sound of "tick", Master Wei saw the system prompting that Michaelena was in Tianling City.There was a problem with the monitoring, and he finally turned his attention a little bit.

Regarding Michael Lena's side, Wei Keng paid attention, but it was limited to paying attention.

To be honest, Wei Keng always felt that such an enemy was strange for this blond, tall western traveler looking around there.

Wei Keng: "I admit that Lao Tzu's face control may make me soft-hearted. However, she did not trigger my taboo! This is very, very good."

Indifference, double standards, trampling, negligence, greed, overdraft, harem...

As long as the other party commits a crime, Wei Keng will feel bad.

From Wei Keng's observation, she also seemed to have a moral bottom line. (Michaelena obeys the precepts)

Therefore, Wei Keng's Three Views do not allow him to do the following things.

If you do whatever you want because you are strong enough, that is disregard!
If you make a critical definition just because the culture of the Great River System where you belong is the upper hand, and because she is the enemy, it is a double standard.

If you stand in the eyes of thousands of people, do not promote due responsibility, and only use it for personal interest, it is negligence.

And in order to show one's own ability, to show off one's strength to prove one's own superiority over others is to be greedy for vanity.

If you don't understand the awe of her side, and deliberately rush to prove that you don't need to understand, it is trampling.

If you feel that one of her "resources" is excellent, and try to take it for your own benefit by any means, that is overdrawing your firm reason in other aspects!
If you are interested in sex and try to hold her heart with the love of the opposite sex, that is the harem.

So in the case of Michaelena
Wei Keng turned on the system and delivered to Qin Xiaohan: "I have a lot of things to do, please help me look after them, I have to focus on the historical process."


After grilling the shrimp noodles, Wei Keng left the place as if rushing to the market. It's 1211, and the big battle is coming.

Five light years away, the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army, the Jifeng Army, is currently the largest force in the Revolutionary Army.

This is a 5-strong army, of which 700 are fighters who are against the swordsman, and the rest of the support staff are all swordsmen.

Among their commanders, the last 23 mid-level space controllers (opposite sword masters)

And the two of them, Ji Guang and Feng Zheng, are Wei Keng's students, and they must be the top geniuses of this era.

The birth of a top talent in the new era satisfies two points!

1: A solid foundation has been laid under systematic education.

In this regard, it was the class led by Wei Keng. The middle-aged Wei Keng had accumulated a large amount of basic teaching data on hundreds of thousands of timelines, and trained them according to the labels.

2: In the educational environment, there is a competitive atmosphere between classmates and peers.They are all open-minded, regardless of rankings.but the real level.

For example, in the initial class led by Wei Keng in the Valley of the Wind, in less than four years, they all reached the level of junior space controllers.

After joining Starry Sky Revolution, they formed their own algorithm research teams during the struggle, and naturally reached the level of intermediate space controllers (sword masters).And the potential can still support them to go further.


The fleet of the Jifeng Army is temporarily stationed in the star field of the 98th area, and the fleet composed of forty warships is quietly parked in the open space.The surrounding star curtain remains unchanged, like an eternal light source.

And each battleship is actually connected by a line of light channels. The personnel on the battleship communicate with each other, exchange and learn from each other during the war.
An optical network is being deployed within the reserved area of ​​forty kilometers between the two largest battleships.On the optical net is the geometry of rotation.After these geometric bodies change to a certain extent, they jump to another coordinate system.

Just like playing Go, two chess players perform complex calculations on this optical network.And every additional step increases the difficulty of the calculation.

Jiguang and Fengzheng, sitting on their own warships, are engaged in this space chess contest

Today's game was played with some caution, perhaps similar to the current position of their legion.

The space encirclement and suppression legions in the major interstellar regions have all noticed their side.It has been a few days since the main forces of the surrounding forces have been detected. Obviously, the other party should be united
In the end, all the light was lost.

He confronted Feng Zhengzheng: "To attack an opponent at the level of a sword king, you and I must die to win the game!"

Fengzheng shook his head: "Maybe it's two dead." Then he clicked on another revolutionary army team on the star map: "Our two opponents, and then—"

"Then you both die in peace, leaving an uncertain result." A voice bubbled away from their respective spaces.

"Teacher!" (double voice)

The two said in unison in surprise.

Wei Keng: "Don't call me like you've found a life-saving straw. I can't get away on Purple Jupiter, and I won't come to help you. The battle is still fought by you. Yes, just as responsible as before."

Indeed, the transportation of materials and revolutionaries on the purple Jupiter toward the direction of the brown dwarf is already a more and more acute problem in the contemporary top layer.All the sects are watching closely.If it weren't for Wei Keng, the sword master, who personally testified, the power on the Purple Jupiter would have long ago been unable to resist giving the Valley of the Wind, the source of chaos in the Star Sea.

Feng Zheng smiled wryly: "Teacher, stop joking, you will die."

Wei Keng did not soften his heart in the slightest: "Everyone will die, die for unjust plunder, and die for the fundamental interests of survival and development. The latter is better."

The two are silent

Wei Keng: "Of course, if someone stands up and talks without back pain, and uses justice to force you to deliver it, you can give him a big mouth."

The two raised their heads and looked at Wei Keng with strange expressions.

Wei Keng pointed to his heart: "Responsible, sacrifice for the just battle" pointed to his brain: "And use your brain to avoid unnecessary sacrifices, the two do not conflict in many cases."

Wei Keng clicked on their map: "You just said, um, you want to kill a swordsman? What is such a strategic gain?"

Jiguang: "Make sure our base is safe."

Wei Keng: "Very well, think of this! So what is the most important thing in the base area?"

In less than a second, the clever brain reacted

Fengzheng: "It's a human being."

Wei Keng: "Yes, people. With the supply of industrial productivity on Purple Jupiter, we can still support you to rebuild multiple interstellar bases! It is impossible for Mr. Jian to find you bases one by one. Then, in terms of people, our side What are your core strengths?"

Ji Guang: "Mobilization power," and then added: "We must give full play to the mobilization power of all personnel to turn this war into an overall war."

Wei Keng: "In addition to mobilization, what about organization?"

Looking at the two confused children, Wei Keng slowly said: "You guys, you have reached your limit. Every time you want to be a hero, you have to think about whether you have left your teammates for too long, is it because you look down on those who are higher than yourself? Low-level people, so the responsibility for winning was not allocated well."

Wei Keng: "In the next stage, everyone will unite. In order to win! We must take the collective as a unit and think about winning or losing."

Wei Keng threw out the millennium plan for brown dwarf personnel and production facilities—that is, to fight sports in a weak situation.

Ji Guang nodded: "Teacher, I understand, we will obey your command."

Wei Keng shook his head: "No, I have assigned the responsibility for the victory to you, and you two will be in charge of organizing and coordinating the starry sky central command. I will not show up in front of other people, and the final decision on all subsequent actions lies with you. "


In the end, Wei Keng scratched his head and thought that there was another business to do, which was to assign tasks for their personal skill development (commonly known as: cultivation base growth).

As the hexagonal space folds opened, a 60-meter, silver-white prism with a large number of spatial axis treasures jumped out!

This is the treasure forged 60 years ago after the completion of the third phase of the Tianze Sword Formation. It was the perfect saber Wei Keng thought about at that time.

Later, it was decided to start a struggle in the starry sky, and it was planned to be used as a token.It is used to connect the various parts of the revolutionary army and the chief officers of the base areas to go to the scene to carry out combat missions, and to coordinate in the next Star Sea battle.

After thinking about it, it should have some practicability, and making something like a "leading stick" is too low-grade, so I loaded a lot of surveying and mapping systems and intelligent judgment programs.It is used to assist the Sword Master to increase the "Empty Twisting Intent", which is the pure version of the Sword Intent.

For such a crucial thing, Wei Keng originally planned to name it according to the year and month number, but in the end he couldn't survive the system's forced labeling: Qingping Sword
under the stars.A large number of translucent, watermark-like spatial interfaces popped up around the treasure vessel. In front of these interfaces, you can see a three-dimensional perspective, just like the small world opened by the map of mountains, rivers and society.And if space technicians step in, they will get detailed values ​​just like entering a three-dimensional game world.

Wei Keng said to the two disciples who were about to arrive at Jianjun: "There is a high-level space control (Jianjun) technology verification system above, and your calculation system and operation are still not ready, so I will give you this now, where you don't know, click here. Strive for graduation in six years! Of course, it’s okay, comrades who you think are feasible, after review, can also use this test and practice.”

These two students are curious babies like children stepping on a puddle, stretching their hands and feet into the interface, and using their hands to touch the proofreading field like water waves in the interface.

After hearing Wei Keng's words, he couldn't help being taken aback, Ji Guang: "Teacher, you mean us?"

Wei Keng: "You are smarter than me. As long as you work hard and put your heart into practice, you will definitely be able to walk the path that I have. The current reform is to allow more people to walk on the road."

(End of this chapter)

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