out of cage

Chapter 157 Chapter 5.03 Entering the Yangtze River Basin

Chapter 157 Chapter 5.03 Entering the Yangtze River Basin
On November 143, 11 of the Pandora Era, when everything was dying, the individuals sent by Wei Keng followed Zeng Lin to the north.

This individual was code-named "True Xinzheng". After Zeng Lin set off from the checkpoint in the northern part of Shaoguang City, he rode a mechanical beast all the way north through southern Jiangxi.Along the way, there is a large barren area occupied by traditional genetic communities.

This mountainous area fully reflects the eerie ecology of Pandora.

There are wolves that walk upright. The difference from the werewolves in the old literature is that the two hands of this thing are crayfish pincers.

There is a constant temperature system and a puppy with an ant's head.

And willows, which secrete mucus comparable to rat boards.

Fortunately, there are a lot of ammunition prepared, and the mechanical vehicles are full of power, and Zeng Lin is also familiar with this area, otherwise the team would really be unable to move forward.

"Zhen Xinzheng" rode the mechanical wolf and passed through the [-]-kilometer wild area in southern Jiangxi smoothly. ——For this area, the Weikeng cluster has only one evaluation, which is underburned.

Passing through the barbaric area in southern Jiangxi, you will encounter a human city-state in the central area of ​​Jiangxi.

Wei Keng jumped off a cart that looked like a tractor, and wanted to buy some local products here, but he was struck with five steel coins before he even took two steps. There is an additional tax to get off the bus.

Wei Keng argued: "I just go to the toilet!" The guards: "Those who use the toilet have to pay health tax."

Fortunately, Zeng Lin was very familiar with the nobles here, and after showing his badge, he made a rescue for Wei Keng.

When meeting with the city lord of the place at night, the nobles here heard about the changes in the Pearl River district in the south, and they were very sad about the changes in Zeng Lin's home.

As the origin of the accident, "True Xinzheng" did not intervene.


After the trade team going north mortgaged the carrying machinery to the city-state in the central Jiangxi region, they replaced it with a beast cart and continued northward.

Immediately after that, four military checkpoints were passed.

The construction of these military checkpoints is very magnificent, and they are all thick reinforced concrete buildings.Such a fortification group with a height of 40 meters and a stretch of dozens of kilometers made Wei Keng take a second look.

Zeng Lin introduced to Wei Keng that this was before the outbreak of the biological madness, when the human regime was still functioning, the railway was mobilized, a large amount of cement and steel bars were mobilized, and the central Jiangxi fortress area was built to isolate the genetic community in the southern mountainous area and the Yangtze River gene in the north. Genetic crossover between communities.

Although 70.00% of it was disabled later, with the re-emergence of the human city-state of the Yangtze River, it was reactivated here, and a large number of elite trainers were stationed in turn.

Even if this fortress group is only a military facility built for small-scale battles, the effect of separating the ecology of the two places is obvious

The river in the north is a water system environment, and the survival of the fittest in genes maintains the biological characteristics of high biological restoration of the water system, resistance to hunger and hunger, and the ability to hibernate in the soil.

The creatures in the southern mountains are small in size, but they are explosive and maintain a certain degree of true social communication ability.

Once the biological genes of the two regions are exchanged, a community with the dominant genes of the two regions will be born.Moreover, such gene groups will maintain their migratory characteristics, which in turn will pose a greater threat to the city-state clusters in the Yangtze River Basin.

Therefore, although the city-state alliance in the Yangtze River Basin took over this line of defense, although it cost money, it guaranteed the safe development of human city-states in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in the north.

Zhenxin was looking at the mottled city wall, the stalactites growing out of the raindrops, and determined that this was a very old building.

Wei Keng group inexplicably said with emotion: "The Great Wall was built in the south?"


Walking out of the military checkpoint, the city walls on both sides of the road quickly changed from high to short, and then disappeared.Since then, it has been a road with the standard width of the Yangtze River city-state group.

This road network is obviously much more prosperous. After walking for ten kilometers, I saw more than thirty pack animals covered with straw mats coming.

Afterwards, the southern caravan that followed Zeng Lin had already delivered the goods and began to separate from the two.They transported the goods here and settled down, and further north, it was no longer a place for them to trade.

After the Great Destruction, commerce is a geographical monopoly, and some goods can only be shipped to this region!

On the other hand, Zeng Lin and Wei Keng changed their means of transportation in a city-state area on the ruins of Jiujiang, and began to take a steamboat to head towards Jianye, the holy place of human lighthouse in the south.

Zeng Lin showed a gold medal, and the steamboat ticket inspector had scratched it.

Wei Keng looked at it curiously.Zeng Lin's gold medal is equivalent to a card, with a large number of small grids of about one millimeter arranged inside. If you scratch it, it is equivalent to paying a sum of money in the public transportation system of the Yangtze River or the post station system.

Although primitive, it shows that the economic system in this area is unified.

On the steamship, there are also electric lights and even a refrigerated warehouse, which makes the Wei Keng group can't help admiring the ability of the civilization system in the north to maintain part of the old civilization era.

System: "The water transport capacity of the Yangtze River is very strong, which is the ability to maintain a large city with a population of 60 in the classical era. At present, the human settlement group centered on Jianye still has a population of more than 500 million. This population base allows its Maintain key technologies such as gas turbines and high-voltage power transformation. It will take more than 40 years before it will weaken."

Zhen Xinzheng: "Well, after 40 years of decline?"

The system opened the data, which was discovered by other traversers on this timeline, the future fate of the human city-state forces.


After entering the main road of the Yangtze River, Zhenxin saw the misty river, and could not see the other side at a glance.As far as the eye can see, within the visible range of thousands of meters, tens of millions of tons of river water is surging eastward in a unified and mighty manner (the flow of the Yangtze River is about [-] cubic meters per second).In nature, such an orderly and grand phenomenon will convey a heroic association to those who see it.

Zhenxin, as an individual, went deep into the Jianghuai area of ​​Pandora world alone, feeling like walking on the edge of a cliff.This is a long-lost feeling after the Pandora plane entered the group.

At noon the alarm bells sounded from the bow,

Zhenxin was standing on the side of the boat, looking around, after a while, he found the surging fins on the river, and couldn't help picking up the binoculars.A few seconds later, Wei Keng was sure that it was a finless porpoise, but it didn't seem to be completely true. How can a finless porpoise be six meters long, and the nozzle on its head is the trunk of an elephant!

The system called up the information to Wei Keng Kepu: This is a new species group dominated by finless porpoise genes.After human civilization experienced a round of collapse, Pandora Field provided a gene exchange network for species all over the world, so that many species that were under the pressure of human beings in the past suddenly became sunny.

The terrestrial freshwater ecological niche can originally provide the birth of species exceeding three meters.That is to say, humans, a terrestrial species, invented the tool of fishing nets, took food deep into the freshwater ecological niche unprecedentedly, and the killing efficiency completely abused the evolution of all deep-water species, only then did the top of the freshwater ecological niche suddenly become decadent.

After the sudden collapse of human civilization, the bottom layer of fresh water suddenly became rich. There was no net of extinct households, and there was no supercavitating propeller of a [-]-ton giant ship.

It took 100 years for this species of finless porpoise to become a dominant creature in this area under the blessing of Pandora Field, and its internal skeleton has also begun to strengthen. It can be like a mudskipper during the rainy season from mid-June to early July Under the blessing of the heavy rain, he jumped from one water body to another.

In front of Wei Keng, the system listed four main directions in the process of biological mutation of the finless porpoise:
One is an eel-shaped lake species;

One is a completely streamlined, high-speed type in the form of water droplets;

There is also an old Yinbi that is as flat as a turbot and sticks to the shore to play raids;
The last one completely gave up speed, and the two pairs of forelimbs specialized into thin and long nets, which seemed to have little combat effectiveness?Well, direct discharge.

Wei Keng Consciousness Group: "Life is really hard work in order to survive."

But a few seconds later, he suddenly asked back: "By the way, there are Chinese alligators in the Yangtze River. How is it now?"

The system switched patterns.

Wei Keng looked at the scale of the existing physical fitness of the alligator gene on the scale, and asked in amazement: "Why is it still shrinking? Well, this~"

Later, after seeing a migration map, he understood.

Unlike pre-Pandora ecosystems, where genes depended on the migration of species.

In the era of the Pandora field, genes must be kept in a sufficient amount in an area in order to be stably preserved.There will never be a situation where a small group of foreign species will suddenly reproduce indefinitely after landing, and wipe out the native species. In other words, the concept of invasive species does not exist.

Now in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, when the finless porpoise occupies the main genetic position of large species in this type of environment, the alligator is squeezed out, either shrinking in size and giving up the ecological niche of large species, or finding its own in the genetic communities in the south and north. position.When the gecko went.

The alligator's gene for maintaining large size has just been wiped out in the past few years.They are the dragons of the Dongting community a few years ago, but now Dongting Lake has been replaced by Yucheng genes.

When Wei Keng came last time, he set fire to the mountain and caused the first ecological disaster, forcing the Guangdong genetic community to move northward.As a result, the genetic community of Dongting Lake swelled after the outbreak, and then went south, was beaten up by Wei Keng, and returned to the north again.

In the end, Yucheng picked up a bargain, and now the large-scale ecological niche of Dongting Lake has been occupied by otters.

In this era, although human beings are no longer strong, the extinction of biological communities with huge genetic differences continues.

The only difference is that the number of human beings is also constantly decreasing.


When Wei Keng wanted to see the finless porpoise further,
The crew warned Wei Keng and asked him to return to the steamship.As Wei Keng retreated, layers of rolling metal doors were pulled down, forming layers of armor. (In the 21st century, when various shops were closed for Chinese New Year, the layer of metal shutters was pulled down.)
Zeng Lin entered the captain's cabin on the uppermost floor of the steamship with Zhen Xin.The appearance of the crew members as if they were facing a big enemy made Zhen Xinzheng a little curious.

In Wei Keng's impression, the flopping things in the water are cute creatures that are friendly to humans, just like killer whales.How exactly are they threatening the humans on board now, are they jumping up and biting people?There are railings, how can I jump up.

2 minutes later,

The finless porpoise leaped out of the water. Before Wei Keng could appreciate its heroic posture, the ten-meter-long guy seemed to grin, and then swung it up with his elephant's trunk.

With a bang, a projectile bombarded directly.

Zhen Xin was looking at the slammed rolling shutter door and the sputtered gravel powder, the corners of his mouth twitched.

These guys with elephant trunks on top of their heads are not only trying to smash the door, they want to smash the windows on the top of the ship, but the windows of the ship have pulled down the tough barbed wire from the top to the bottom, and the pebbles hit a depression on the net, and they snapped. Rolled onto the deck.

Wei Keng's awareness group immediately cursed: "These finless porpoises are as annoying as the macaques on Mount Emei."

At this time, the system belatedly explained: "This is an aggressive finless porpoise, and it has evolved stone-throwing skills. Although it is mainly based on the gene of the artiodactyl finless porpoise, its teeth are fused with the genes of sharks, which can multiply infinitely." This allows them to use their teeth to grind some pebbles of about [-] grams, and use the nasal nozzles to shoot projectiles to attack.

The ejection speed of the projectile can reach 33m/s, and with its swimming speed blessing, the projectile speed can often reach 50m/s.

This is simply the power of a small catapult.And they are used to smashing the creatures on the boat and the shore into the water, and then share the food.

After being attacked,

The finless porpoise in Zhen Xinzheng's eyes is not so cute.He evaluated it in his heart: "A deformity with a strange nose."

Then, he added a sentence even more cynical: "When the autumn wind hits the eighth day of the eighth month, my fried fish will be full of blossoms."


The finless porpoise that came to make trouble circled the ship twice.Seeing that all the people hid in the cabin, they seemed very dissatisfied, and tried to block the door and arrest people.

However, a few minutes later, as the mechanical flying dragon roared from the sky and circled above the river, these finless porpoises ran away like rats.

Zeng Lin raised his head and said, "The down attack system, the Osprey patrolling the river, is specially used to protect the safety of the waterway."

As soon as the voice fell, a series of small bombs fell from the sky.

With the splashing of a large amount of water curtain, there seemed to be blood streaks floating on the surface of the river, but then disappeared with the tumbling of the river surface.

The electric shock mechanical beast that Zeng Lin was going to activate was retracted into the container in the cabin.


Five minutes later, when the ship continued to drive down the river, Zhen Xinzheng saw a tall tower towering in the water mist on the bank, and there were many old-age cranes (steel cranes for repairing houses) around the tower.

The shadow in the air, the same as the previous cruising Osprey, fell on this tower, grabbed the mechanical lever, and then turned into the tower.

Since then, Wei Keng has an intuitive understanding of the entire public system of the Yangtze River system.

Roads, river transportation, post stations, patrols, and a series of public departments protect the transportation network.The city-states in the entire Yangtze River region have good governance capabilities.

Wei Keng: "According to the information given by the system, although it is still an aristocratic system, it is obviously much better than the fragmented small city-states in Guangdong."

However, in the following plot (explored by multiple timelines), such a system will weaken after 40 years, killing millions of human beings?Could it be the plot directed by Luo Hongxing's time traveler?
Bai Linglu personally gave the answer: "No, before you crossed for the first time, when this plane was still unknown and in a state of terror, those dozens of explorers discovered that the human city-state would have a huge The story of decline. This great decline will even lead to the extinction of the human forces in the Yangtze River Basin. After your arrival and the formation of human settlements in the Pearl District, although the danger of extinction is gone, the story of the great decline cannot be changed.”

Wei Keng: "What is the reason for the great decline?"

Bai Linglu: "Apostle!"

Wei Keng: "Apostle?"

Bai Linglu smiled mysteriously: "Roughly speaking, you will also be defined as an apostle."

(End of this chapter)

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