out of cage

Chapter 160 Chapter 5.06 Ganjiang, a new chapter point

Chapter 160 Chapter 5.06 Gan River, New Node
After the "true Xinzheng" individual Beihang, and the incidents such as the adjustment person being discriminated against.

The Northern Line Railway was opened in the unified logging area, but the northward movement plan in the plan was postponed, and the restoration of the other two railways was planned.

145 years ago, within two years, the main strategic direction of the unified logging area was adjusted to internal production and education.

The reason is simple, when areas of the organization that are determined to have been recovered are problematic, the focus will naturally shift internally.

In the past two years, a large number of adjusters will return to society.Consensus kneading and win-win construction of different groups of people is the most difficult task in the war of unification.

In diplomacy, the unified logging area began to try to contact the largest old human forces in the north.

As a uniting party, peaceful absorption is of course the best, but it is too peaceful, and if it is not cleaned up, it is easy to call back a group of masters when it is incorporated into a new area, usually taking the benefits of the family, and conflicts arise. But he emphasized his own exceptionalism.

On the other hand, if we blindly use force to attack and forcibly annex, there will still be regional differences in order within the unified logging area.

For example: while the unified logging area was rising, the people in the early Ji'an City area had the advantage of having a first-class household registration in the external area.If you continue to attack aggressively, the newly joined city-states will become new peripheral areas.This is not a censorship.


In the first half of the 145th year of the Pandora calendar, the commanding army under heavy consideration, while attacking the uninhabited areas in southern Jiangxi, tried to establish a relatively relaxed contact with the old northern city-state forces.

Moderate for humans, but brutal for genetic communities.

124 aircraft were dispatched to patrol the area in turn, including logistics, and 7000 people settled in.Of course, the main force is still the 3000-6000 Wei Keng cluster.

Sweep all the frantic ecological circles in the area, and it's not an ordinary sweep!It's a one pot stew.

In order to prevent the reoccurrence of a large number of local gene groups moving out and causing turmoil in other regions during the first Cantonese war.

When this military operation started, Wei Keng's three regiments directly penetrated into several points in the northern part of southern Jiangxi, blocking the route for the gene groups in this area to escape north.

This reduced the impact of our own recovery on the city-states in the Yangtze River Basin.

Then there is Wei Keng's 2000-person ground cluster, which will contain all node clusters in the area within half a year.

With the support of air power, the efficiency of the ground march is very high.

It can also be said that when the air power is guided by the ground corps, the destruction efficiency is also very high.


Wei Keng dropped [-] bombs.

60.00% is 30.00kg, [-]% is [-]kg, and the rest is almost [-]kg.Of course, in order to conduct experiments, I also smashed several [-]-kilogram cloud bombs with gliding wings.

90.00% of the bombs with five or more have exerted the maximum destruction effect.

The biggest destructive effect is almost the same as that of the densely populated area on the playground that was bombed during the inter-class exercises.

The specific targets were probably the herds of water-drawing beasts gathered in the water source area, and the fleeing swarms that were driven to the col area by Wei Keng.

Even if it is a 50kg-class aerial bomb, the charge is [-]kg, and there are a lot of steel ball fragments.It can also incapacitate large creatures weighing less than [-] kilograms and weighing more than [-] kilograms within a range of [-] meters.


And after the bombing, within 5 minutes, Wei Keng's ground group came over to harvest.

There is no time for the gene community to devour each other and recuperate after being bombed.

Although the overall war was fought for half a year, it only took one month to truly destroy the large animal groups in the entire area.

For the remaining months, Wei Keng and the forest plants in the area "discussed how to understand the fact that humans control the area."

The characteristic of life in the Pandora plane area is the connection between animals and plants: for example, when the animal community in this area needs it, it will make the plants in the forest area secrete water mist or hallucinogenic spores.

Master Wei Keng's method of 'correcting' all these is very rude.

After all the old fauna were dried up, when Master Wei was surveying and mapping various terrains in southern Jiangxi, he felt that any mountain was not pleasing to the eye, so he took advantage of the dry weather to dry it up.

After several months of continuous burning, the rest of the forest is in the eyes of Mr. Shunwei.

As the path that Wei Keng stepped on began to extend, even the roadside grass beside the pond "knew" to keep the mosquito repellent gene that Wei Keng had sprinkled. If the mosquitoes bit Master Wei Keng, there would be thunder and fire.

In this way, half a year passed and the battle was over.The commanding army took down the southern part of Jiangxi, which is a piece of land with a radius of two to three hundred kilometers and a total area of ​​about [-] kilometers.

The unified cutting area resumed the operation of Ganzhou, an important city, and at the same time continued northward along the Ganshui River, preparing to open up a communication line with the central Ganzhou city-state.

[Gandi, as a whole, is a trumpet-shaped basin, with a large opening facing Poyang Lake, and the trumpet tip to the south. The Gan River flows northward from this tip, and finally flows into the Yangtze River in the Jiujiang area.Wei Keng is occupying the tip of the horn]


Such an offensive situation, due to the blockade of the entire war zone by the commanding army, did not cause any major disturbance to the outside world.

Therefore, starting in 145, even though the volume of goods imported by the Cantonese caravan began to increase significantly, the human city-state forces in central Ganzhou, which were already close to the sphere of influence of the unified army, had not yet realized that the gene group that was vigilant in the south had disappeared.

The reason comes from the cognition of the old theory.

Now the center of civilization in this area is the human city-state group with Jianye City as the core.

Scholars of the city-states now insist on the theory that humans had no control over the ecoregions of the vast hilly jungle regions.

Because even if the node organisms of the gene community are successfully eliminated, as long as the human beings cannot occupy the carbon-based energy flow of the ecological region in this area, there will still be node organisms born.

However, Wei Keng is now rebuilding his occupation of the ecological zone!
In the 145th year of Pandora, after the trade between the unified logging area and the north began, a large amount of salt and pig iron were transported to the Yangtze River Basin.

In order to balance trade, the economic department has increased expenditure on the project of "immigration of genetically infected persons" in traditional city-state areas.

Please note that the official documents of the unified logging area insist on the word "immigration", and every caravan is supervised by cadres, and the word "purchase" is not recognized.

The one who bought, the one who moved.The difference of one word will cause a huge difference in the mentality of the people in one's own group to the newcomers.North America has been a negative example in history.

When the unified logging area contacted, a considerable part of the work team sent by the Zhuxin District was mild genetically infected people after adjustment.The main person in charge is Zeng Jiakan.

They have shown a good demonstration effect in their business contacts with the north.

A large number of mild genetically infected people came to the registration point to register by themselves, and after receiving the "relocation fee" of [-] steel pennies, they went south excitedly.

A large number of moderately and severely infected people were sent by businessmen to "receive resettlement fees."


Wei Keng: "The difficulty of integration lies in establishing a fair and win-win system that can absorb those who integrate."

The battle in southern Jiangxi was not large in scale, and not many materials were used. Such a small battle can be fought dozens of times with the resources of the unified cutting area.

But this battle is of great significance!

This is to digest the people who will be most difficult to integrate into your own system in the future.At the same time, it also began to build a new model of effective management of the place.

In southern Jiangxi, in the area that Wei Keng struck down, the abundant energy accumulated in a large number of vacant ecological niches indeed gave birth to new gene node organisms.

So much so that the commanding army still maintains an armed regiment of more than 1000 people in this area, destroying newly born node creatures at any time.

However, in this newly restored area, with the restoration of the pre-destruction railroad and road system, a large number of plantations have emerged along the route.

A large number of adjusters who have just finished adjustment and some young people in the city formed a production team and were arranged to work here.

The production team began to utilize the resources of the entire area.

Huge mushroom umbrella-shaped biological power stations were built along with these settlements.Grids have also been delineated on the mountain, and the production team will regularly cut down some of the grids.

Before the Pandora era, agricultural production required land, and crops on the land relied on a larger area to receive sunlight for growth.

But it was different after the Pandora era.Life energy can be transferred through radiative conduction effect.

After the successful construction of the mushroom-shaped dissipation tower, bamboo and other plants felled from the mountain were crushed and put into the biogas digester for reaction.The decomposers turn part of the energy into methane for power generation, and the other part of life energy is scattered towards hundreds of acres of nearby land.

This makes it possible for the crops in a small area of ​​farmland to actually be supplied with bioenergy from the entire mountain.

Crops produce seeds almost as quickly as strawberries grow white hairs.

The largest plantation can grow corn and other crops once a month, and the small plantation is close to the radiation intensity safety standard line of the power tower, allowing the whole process of grain crops from germination to earing in only [-] days.

Of course, such crazy growth consumes a huge amount of water in the entire area.Directly relying on the water tower to draw water from the river without stopping.

So when the battle in southern Jiangxi ended, the natural gene community nodes in the ecological world of this area were actually replaced by these man-made nodes.

When agriculture can be as centralized as industry, it also creates a plundering effect on the surrounding area.A plantation consumes the biological output of two or three mountains.

Large areas of mountainous areas are regularly felled by plantation workers.

There is really a large creature of ten kilograms on the mountain, and there is no way out.

Occasional bamboo rat-like plant-eating mammals were captured. ——The fat ones were roasted by Wei Keng, and the thin ones were sent to be sterilized and fed to the cats.

The armed forces of the commanding army stationed here mainly rely on these large rodents to supplement meat.

From the perspective of people on the Jueming Plane, the upper reaches of the Ganshui River are transforming into a state-owned grain production area in the Great Northern Wilderness.

As for the devolved person, if he has assets such as agricultural production land, is he an adjuster?This question will become less important over time.

[Unified logging area.Land is defined as an individual's lifelong use right, which cannot be transferred at will. The transferee must have been engaged in agricultural production in the agricultural production area for five years, and have passed the undergraduate level of the unified examination of the logging area. ——In short, it can be transferred to the son, but the son must be able to farm and must be admitted to university. 】


The angle of view came to the north, in May of 145 Pandora,
Really new, has arrived in Jianye for seventeen months.

In the intermediate battle beast adjustment laboratory provided by the school, on the experimental platform, a battle beast is being assembled and repaired, and the beast is filled with nutrient solution pipes.

The body part is a mechanical structure, and parts are being installed.

Wei Keng, code-named Zhenxinzheng, is screwing the beast. On the left side of it is a rotating platform similar to a hotel table. The grids on the circular platform are filled with parts and tools. As long as the operator turns , you can get some tools.

Wei Keng in Jianye City behaved like a wealthy landowner in the countryside.

In the past few years, Wei Keng has no shortage of "steel coins".

And there is no shortage of war beasts on hand. For example, the war beast assembled now is a big cat.This is the individual that began to grow in size during the battle in southern Gansu.consigned by the caravan

Before the transformation of this war beast, its empty weight had already reached [-] kilograms, its body length was [-] meters, not counting its tail, and its shoulder height was [-] meters.

And good character, and loyal!Unfaithful big cats can't get food from Wei Keng Group.

After this individual arrived in Jianye City, he also maintained absolute obedience to Zhen Xinzheng, who was also an individual of Wei Keng.The gene radiation of the Wei Keng cluster has already left a master-servant concept on it.Before the transformation, life has been highly obedient to Wei Keng, and the perspective and perception can be shared by Wei Keng.

This big cat, with its advantages of agility, can weigh up to one ton after transformation. The ribs and skull will be loaded with armor, and the claws and wrists will be loaded with ax blades.The biological tissue of the tail will be elongated and mechanized, reaching a length of three meters.On the one hand, it maintains the balance of the jump, and on the other hand, it is convenient to throw out the flying blade to counterattack the air targets within 20 meters.

Of course, after the transformation, the food intake will increase by four times, and what they eat is not meat, but oily and high-sugar foods.

This is an agile unit that can resist from the front.

Wei Keng didn't load any fancy cannons on it, and Wei Keng himself took a gun to make a precise hit.


Now after Weikeng is installed, open the system's dynamic perspective,
In the system modeling, the situation of this mechanical beast is simulated, and some of the red situations have been largely eliminated now.

These red conditions include unbalanced movement during exercise, and increased friction between muscles and machinery during large sprints, resulting in injury.

The characteristic of high agility is the most difficult characteristic of mechanical beasts. Most of the beasts have only three to four agility attributes, which is probably only at the level of mechanical dogs in the 21st century.When the sensitivity value reaches 4, it is the sensitivity of some deformed dogs bred by humans such as corgis and bullies.As for wild cats and tigers, the sensitivity value is eight.At present, the top sensitivity value of mechanical beasts is at the level of seven or eight.

After all, it is loaded with a large number of non-living structures, which bring about natural imbalances.

As for Wei Keng, even though he has the convenience of system computing, it still takes a lot of brain cells to design independently.

So much so that this small and medium-sized mechanical beast made Wei Keng sigh: I really don't have the talent to be a trainer.

Of course, the system (Bai Linglu) immediately denied it: "The word talent can be used on other people, but your condition, whether you succeed in something or not, mostly has nothing to do with talent,"

Now the tasks on the Pandora plane and the empty twisting plane are synchronized.

Master Wei's accumulation in the empty twisting plane has reached the level of sword master, so Wei Keng said he has no talent?

The supervisor Bai Linglu muttered to himself, "It's because you don't want to and don't work hard because you can't make a breakthrough on the mechanical fusion beast now."


Now, with the successful design of this war beast with a sensitivity of nine, a durability (blood volume) of 4.1, and an attack power of 2.9.

The system congratulated Wei Keng on this small achievement, and gave a prompt: "You can start the adventure."

After washing his hands, Wei Keng, who was stroking the big cat's chin, asked back, "What am I going to do?"

However, at the same time, on the system side, the taskbar popped up.

Wei Keng looked at the above, took a deep breath, and immediately sneered: "Xiaobai, what you do is too good."

Facing Wei Keng's sudden call of her name, Bai Linglu appeared on the interface, and she knew that Wei Keng liked her, and now it was Hei Changzhi.

Bai Linglu waved his hand subtly: "It's not a trick, it's just a coincidence that you can make disturbance choices about what is about to happen."

The corner of Wei Keng's mouth twitched: "It's impossible for me to join in the fun."

Bai Linglu deliberately half-covered and said: "But below, among these local characters, an incident involving the "apostle confrontation" happened."

(End of this chapter)

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