out of cage

Chapter 162 Chapter 5.08 Echoes between Introverts, Battle of the Apostles

Chapter 162 Chapter 5.08 Echoes between Introverts, Battle of the Apostles

In the dormitory in Jianye City, the relevant books and notes have been sorted out, and the luggage has also been packed.

After doing all this, someone who traveled to a foreign land leaned on the bed and began to think about the value of his own life.Only those who are idle can think, and the Wei Keng group will default to the fact that some of its individuals can be so idle.Of course, tacitly acquiescing to leisure does not mean allowing degeneration. It is okay to be in a daze, but it is not allowed to spend time on bad things~ that is not acceptable.

It should be a synchronous induction with the empty twisting plane.

Zhen Xinzheng (Wei Keng Individual) is now lamenting the relationship between people like himself and social development: as social resources tend to be concentrated, as ordinary people, there is less and less capital to participate in social cooperation.First energy, then health, and finally a life.

The memory can't help but return to the empty twisting plane, the society over there is like this now!

When the top group of swordsmen monopolized resources, as ordinary people, I disdain to use energy to participate in the human social cooperation system dominated by them.Don't waste your health and life.So in the end it became a full-scale confrontation.

Memories go back to the more distant previous life.

Why!I have been such a person for a long time.

Zhenxin turned over on the bed, buried his face in the quilt, and turned back when he was out of breath.

"However, I still yearn to be involved in society."

This Wei Keng individual who was wandering alone outside (Jianye), closed his eyes and reviewed a series of experiences after returning to this plane. Although it was only a short two years, he was affected by an inexplicable appeal.

As an individual, Wei Keng (Zhen Xinzheng) clasped his fingers on the bed board, and continued to babble about memories:

In 143, at that time, I had just returned to the plane of Pandora. At first, I had nothing to do with the strangers in the plane, but with the loud singing sounded from the pier, I quickly felt that "I should do something." something" mobilization.

The technology of the Pandora plane is not high, but the staff in the logging area are very responsible.

After confirming that it had arrived, I followed my own team and walked forward. The brigade I belonged to came to the pier to find the cadres and reported: "The expedition individual returned to the team on time. The No. 13 brigade should have 212 people, but there are actually 212 people."

At the same time, on the playground, in the team next door, a unified report was also made. Brigade No.14 should have 201 people, but there were actually 201 people.

For the next two days, the other ego individuals were brought into the post, but myself alone.

I, codenamed Zhenxinzheng, swore an oath in the auditorium to accept a difficult task.

Before leaving, I heard the last sentence, the voice from the rear staff, it was the accompanying observer in the caravan saying goodbye to himself: "Comrade Wei Keng, I am here on behalf of the organization to see you farewell, I wish you a smooth journey and a safe home in the future .”

Then the time pointer turns around and around.Time turned to the present.

This task of investigating the social form of the Yangtze River Basin after the end of the world has lasted for two years, and I have obtained a large amount of data from Jianye City. According to the standard of the empty twisting plane, it is definitely qualified.

My sixty-year-old self, although I can't say that I have achieved a perfect score, I have also completed eighty or ninety points. The next story about Tianzhulong in the Yangtze River Basin is about to begin. I am not good at dealing with that kind of thing, it seems that I should be able to evacuate .

Wei Keng (Zhen Xinzheng) stood up from the bed and put the luggage back into the box.At the same time, he also made a determination that is completely different from the state of drifting with the tide on the empty twisting plane.

Proactively linked to the self cluster, sending out this application: "Newsletter project, I have a copy of my insights."

The transformation of communication facilities has been a project in the southern unified logging area since 144.

The unified logging area has invested a large number of scientific researchers in this field (90% of scientific research personnel = Wei Keng of drilling technology.)
In order to ensure the control of the territorial area, strengthen the exchange of personnel in various economic zones.

Of course, it is to demonstrate to the leaders of Jue Ming that before the era of digital communication, how to structure the management system of the communication industry controlled by public ownership, how to adjust policies, and let the people use digital communication in their work and life.

Regarding the choice of technical route, Wei Keng made careful consideration.

The first step of the practice plan, the technical route is the pager.

In the 21st century, the technical era of WeChat QQ voice chat is the 4G era, and then install a mobile phone card for everything that can be charged, so that all electrical equipment at home can be activated outside, and at the same time, the car can be driven out of the garage to pick itself up. This is the era of technology, this is the 5G era.

The pager is something from the 1G era, and it was a beggar's version of the communicator that was much simpler than a mobile phone at that time.

This device can only receive messages!I can't send a message. If I want to send a message to this thing, I have to find a public phone and call the number, and let the person inside relay it to me, and then send it over.It is only equivalent to half a text message!
However, it is this thing that, after the birth, allows many people who go out to do errands to know important news at home, in the company, colleagues, friends, and relatives, and they can ring at their waists immediately.

This is precisely the technology possessed by Jueming Plane, allowing Wei Keng to copy it.

Two main boards, filters and coordinators, such sophisticated electronic components, Wei Keng would not be able to manufacture such sophisticated electronic components in the first place, but now, Wei Keng has [-] spare manpower for technology, and the small world "Shenzhou bit" The technology chain in the "surface" can supply equipment.

Wei Keng was very confident and came up with this technology chain.

Even the application industry chain has been planned, so that all the traffic station departments and agricultural station departments under the unified logging area will send messages four times a day.On the side of the unified logging area, a check and calculation agency will be set up to report the information sent on this communication chain, and to create a digital age, the collection of industrial production data and consumption data!

Wei Keng: How do you say something?Outdated equipment is not a problem, backward thinking and organization is the problem.

[The production organizations are all college students, even if they use pagers to communicate, their production efficiency is higher than that of some underdeveloped countries, those tribal people who are only literate but hold digital smartphones!Because it will be used, and the performance can be used to the maximum. 】

However, Wei Keng's plan was still ahead of his time, with a big step, and some problems that were not considered before directly interrupted Wei Keng's cluster idea.

It's this plane. With the influence of various life radiations in Pandora's field, the frequency band of communication is unstable.The three silicon-based radiation towers were built, and the signal was just sent out, but it was submerged in the surrounding noise frequency band.Wei Keng, who carried dozens of tons of equipment to the 300-meter hill, fell into an unparalleled sense of frustration.

It also made Wei Keng, who were excited about arranging the industrial chain and preparing to show the leaders of Jueming Plane an "informatization development" model, realized that this was a huge work mistake.

The wrong arrangement of the industrial chain means a lot of investment, and the pre-training of tens of thousands of people in the entire industrial chain has been in vain.

On the side of the unified logging area, various departments are suffering from headaches, and Wei Keng from the technical department is preparing to write a review.

The self-individual (true Xinzheng) who was doing technical learning tasks in the north sent a communication on his own initiative, but proposed a new technical route view.

That is to say, the wireless communication in this Pandora plane can adopt the carbon-based biological route.

During the period of 144 years in the Pandora calendar.

Jianye's Zhen Xin had read the research materials of a large number of experts from Southern University. These materials were all dusty in the archives, stuffed with mothballs, and no one looked at them.

Zhen Xinzheng spent hundreds of coins to buy a passport. After reading it carefully, he understood the situation: almost all gene groups have wide-area control capabilities.

During this period, according to some anatomical data, Zhenxin also conducted some experiments to determine that there is a protein organization in the brain tissue between higher individuals in the biological community, which is specially used for communication.

In the current data, the most usable colony is in the upper reaches of the Huaihe River, which is a group of native ant colonies.The female worms in each of their nests have the ability to communicate, and this!Easiest to find in adjacent groups.And ants are naturally mass-produced.

Zhenxin is Wei Keng's individual, with a reserved personality, and dare not say anything that he is not sure about.However, the self-cluster in the south is really helpless. Zhen Xinzheng put forward the plan of "possibly, it can be rescued" for his own cluster, and proposed to find this community by himself, and then transport the samples back.

After the investigation of the Weikeng community in the unified logging area, relevant samples were quickly found from the spatio-temporal data.

After a certain amount of discussion, what Zhenxinzheng individual proposed is an important technological breakthrough, but the specific operation requires a little effort.

The unified cutting area is very far away from Jianye.Even though a certain scale of power projection can be carried out through long-distance ground raids and air support, such a large-scale power projection will inevitably be subject to unnecessary speculation by human forces along the way.

Then, it seems that we can only let Zhenxin take a certain degree of adventure, and then transport the samples back to the unified logging area through normal diplomatic and commercial activities.

Wei Keng group understands his own (true new) mentality in the north as much as he understands himself.

The self in Jianye obviously hesitated in all aspects, otherwise, he would not have contacted now because of the low number of calls in the past few months.

People with a reserved personality usually stay silent for a while before giving their opinions.This is a determination. If it is a normal humane society on earth, it will ignore this determination, and only greatly appreciate this kind of initiative.

However, the Weikeng Group must pay attention to its individual mentality of "deciding to contribute"!
Wei Keng: How could a person like me give casually!In the empty twisting plane, there are countless casualties in the world, and they always remain objective.

A response plan was given within two hours.

That is, to venture into the upper reaches of the Huai River, it will take two weeks to prepare supplies. At that time, our own military forces will move north along the Hunan area to attract the attention of the northern communities.At the same time, diplomatic contact with Jianye is also required.After everything is in order, the collection mission can be started in about two months.


Jianye side.

After Zhen Xinzheng understood the news from his own group, he smiled, shook his head, made up his mind further, and explained his views and attitudes from this perspective to the self-group.

Zhen Xinzheng: "Not to mention the large-scale operations spanning thousands of kilometers, there are a lot of uncertain factors. The plot of Tianzhulong is about to unfold, and the attention of all gene groups on the eastern plain is concentrated in the eastern direction. There’s a window period. It’s best for smaller, stealthy operations during this time”

That is to say, Zhenxinzheng advocates to proceed ahead of time.Don't hesitate to take a little risk on your own.

logging area

Wei Keng was silent in the group. It has to be said that he had unconsciously ignored his own characteristics in the past.

The lonely self will remain indifferent to the cold, but will also work hard to respond to the sincerity.In other words, Zhenxin has been trapped in the iron cage in the north for a long time, and wants to burn up in the environment of unified logging urgently to expel the dampness from the outside.

After a long time, Wei Keng group made a promise to Jianye himself.

The will of Wei Keng, a carbon-based group, is in the self of Jianye (True Xinzheng). Since he has chosen a fearless way to start a certain task, no matter how many individuals fall, we will send individuals to take over!
The meaning is very simple: you (Zhenxinzheng) have to decide whether this task should be completed in this way. Once you decide, then as a collective, you will go forward. The right to make decisions for all Wei Keng individuals is now in the hands of an individual.

For the Weikeng Group, once the plan is determined by Zhen Xinzheng, a series of preliminary experiments will be done here.Strive to correspond to the original progress.

On the Jianye City side, Zhenxin confirmed that his group was digging power tower equipment on four or five mountain peaks, and he also felt that the heavy responsibility was on him, so he took a deep breath.After a long time, he said silently: "Unyielding, unwavering determination."

The response given by the self-cluster in the unified cutting area is what I want.The heart is burning with his own emotional response: "I died generously for the people, and the people dyed the flag with red blood for me."

In this foreign land where the customs are completely different from the places I am familiar with, as a single person, I really long for a sense of community!

After calculating the credibility of the whole plan, Zhenxin gave a confirmation.

In the south, Wei Keng also began to build a huge life radiation tower, and then injected his own tissue cells to try to conduct ecological experiments.

In the space bubble, the person in charge of monitoring Wei Keng in Jianye City today is Hongyan Lai, a member of Bai Linglu's sixth team.

She was surprised to see that today, Wei Keng, an individual, suddenly resonated with a group thousands of miles away to achieve a high level of consciousness.

Without waiting for her to report, Bai Linglu was already standing in front of her data interface.

For this sudden situation, Bai Linglu flickered to the main operation panel on duty, and her hair was grabbed by her own hand before she had time to straighten her shoulders.Supervisor Bai didn't know whether to sigh, or he said to himself with great interest: "If you find the south wall, hit it, oh." She turned to Hong Yanlai and explained, "That's why I like him."


The Weikeng engineering group on various hills in the unified cutting area, once they are ruthless, cut the flesh and inject the cell culture solution, and then transfer the surrounding radiation towers to recharge, and all kinds of high-end life existences thousands of kilometers around are sensitive.

In the East China Sea region, the vast continental shelf area here is rich in ecological resources. Whether it is ancient or modern, the overlord species basically develop on the continental shelf area of ​​tens of meters. loser.

On the vast continental shelf sea area of ​​the entire East Asian continent, there is an apostle named Tianzhulong entrenched here.

As a super sea beast migrated from the Alagasy island chain, it has been here for almost 170 years.That is to say, before Jianye and the Five Colors Alliance were established, it was already entrenched here.

As the top-level overlord of the continental fringe region, it was originally in the east, occupied the first island chain, and extended its sphere of influence to the ocean in the Guam region.And the first step to the west to deter the East Asian continent.

For example, the Bohai community that has put pressure on the Yanjing defense line of the Five-color Alliance for decades is its masterpiece.

Similarly, when Wei Keng came for the first time, more than ten years ago, Guangdong was originally a node creature with a regional overlord. Later, this overlord node disappeared and became dozens of small communities that Wei Keng encountered initially. The reason is also The sky kills the dragon.

However, it was at its most proud time, about the 73rd year of the Pandora calendar.

Volcanic activity intensified in the First Island Chain region.From the North Pacific Trench, another group of apostles extended their sphere of influence to the vicinity of the continental shelf of the East China Sea.

That is, in the 133rd year of the Pandora calendar (when Wei Keng set fires in Guangdong and showed his excellent ability of beggar-thy-neighbor), the sulfur iron basalt (the apostle like the giant island) that affected the path of the typhoon in the East China Sea approached the area of ​​​​Tianzhulong ,

This kind of battle between groups can be a mild struggle, that is, a large number of middle and low-level organisms prey on each other and compete for mutation speed. ——Now the groups under Tianzhulong and Sulfur Iron Xuanwu have been fighting for more than ten years, just like the long period of low fever in the early stage of the Second World War.

The battle between the groups can also be fierce. It is a confrontation between the central nodes of the node creature (apostle) level of both sides in a day.

In the original plot, the Tianzhulong community was slowly stewed by a small fire and lost in the struggle of the bottom ecological chain. After the central node led the group to shrink the ecological area, the terminal node Tianzhulong was repeatedly tested, injured, and squeezed the community. The ecological energy, finally found a certain human being.

The biological characteristics of the gene community are like this, as long as the community to which it belongs is not completely occupied by another community, the ecological space, then it can be resurrected infinitely.In fact, it doesn't matter if you are seriously injured. Even if you keep a claw, you can recover to the original body under the supply of the community.In the original play, the Tianzhulong group is at a disadvantage, but the core node - the body of the apostle has not been broken for a long time, and the fusion with the caller also maintains the master-slave status.

But in the current era when Wei Keng, the emperor, is present, due to the rapid ecological replacement after the Gannan Battle, Tianzhulong has the idea of ​​​​a quick solution to the invasion of sulfur, iron and basalt.But at this point, Tianzhulong had an accident that did not exist in the original plot, and the body of the apostle fell.

August 145, 8 in the Pandora calendar.

According to the new idea proposed by Zhen Xinzheng in the unified logging area, four carbon-based experimental towers with an area comparable to a tennis court will carry out an initial model to verify the experiment.

On the sea where the "Yonaguni" island area is located.

The hundreds of meters long Tianzhulong and the sulfur-iron basalt like a hill are fighting. The thunderclouds in the sky and the methane phosphorus fire floating in the ocean reflect each other, setting off huge waves. These two drops of blood can create life. The "reactor" of strong life radiation seemed to feel throbbing from the land to the west at the same time.

Not only them, there are a total of 27 apostle-level existences in the world, all aware of a wave of life that is familiar (human beings are the old overlord) but strange (different from other apostles).

Half an hour later, Tianzhulong continued to attack, and seemed to realize that there might be challengers on the continental shelf, so he started a decisive battle, but Sulfur Iron Xuanwu also realized this situation,

On the huge bathtub state island, the huge heads on the four peaks stretched out, biting the three parts of the Tianzhulong's body, and pulled it suddenly, and the Tianzhulong broke into several sections.

Sulfur Iron Basalt could have killed Tianzhulong once and for all, but the huge mouth the size of a bus let go of Tianzhulong's head section and let him go back.

And not only let the Tianzhulong go, but also suspended the continued attack of his group on the Tianzhulong group, that is to say, Sulfur Iron Xuanwu allowed the loser to recover.

The huge body of Sulfur Iron Basalt slowly slid back to the Pacific Ocean, and the retreat this time was not a retreat from Tianzhulong, but a waiting and observation of the unknown situation.

(End of this chapter)

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