out of cage

Chapter 166 Chapter 5.12 Hold up a piece of sky

Chapter 166 Chapter 5.12 Supporting the Sky
Wei Keng stayed in the ant nest for a full fourteen hours.

I almost fell asleep in an ant nest.Of course, sleeping is impossible. If you want to let the ants in the nest recognize that you are the same kind, you have to continue to brainwash the poor nervous system of the ants with spiritual language. The jaws are killed inch by inch.

Of course, after mastering the language of the mind, Wei Keng became more and more bold and unrestrained in the lair.

The curiosity of human beings is to find that there is no danger in the mysterious areas in the past, so go to the new mysterious areas to find dangers until the boundary line of danger is determined.

Wei Keng didn't meet the enemy in the spawning room, and went all the way into the area about 200 meters underground, where the temperature has reached 45 degrees!
Normal humans can directly die of heat in this environment where they cannot dissipate heat through sweat and lack oxygen.And Wei Keng would die of heat, logically.

But this world has the conduction effect of Pandora's field.

The mechanical beast Wei Keng left on the surface felt the abnormal life state from the master after the master went 200 meters underground.

The billowing heat flow radiated from its protein, greatly reducing the metabolism it originally needed to maintain a constant temperature.This mechanical beast entered a state of excitement like a husky.

The phenomenon that "the protein structure in life refracts energy to each other, and even heat energy can be transformed into a conduction effect" is very unimaginable from the perspective of the physical concept of the main world.But in the world of Pandora, it has been widely used by gene communities.

For example, in contemporary times, the sulfur-iron basalt community that violently beats the Tianzhulong community is a representative of using this phenomenon!
Its original life group came from the Pacific Ocean Trench area, using the life group of thermal surge jets.

They were originally the earliest life groups on earth.Then came the era of great oxidation, and their ecosystems were compressed in the deep sea, losing the possibility of evolution in fragmented and small areas.

But as the Pandora field spread here, they, which were hundreds of millions of years behind the earth, took off immediately in the life interaction, like "unconditional technology transfer".Compared with life on the surface, they have also evolved in the hydrothermal vent ecosystem.

The dissipation of heat energy has been evolved to the extreme by them. They have specially completed a type of protein to conduct heat energy. At the same time, they use the difference in heat energy between the sea surface and the seabed to allow the protein to complete the reduction of carbon dioxide and become organic matter during back and forth denaturation.

So although Sulphur-Iron Basalt is a rising star in the Pandora era, it climbed out of the deep sea around 70 years ago in the Pandora calendar, but now it can chase after the dragon group!

Wei Keng's body has not yet evolved to the extent of using heat energy difference to synthesize organic matter from carbon dioxide.

Currently only using this effect!Pills containing cooling herbs, such as gypsum, andrographis, etc.

Along the way, I took a few bites of passing ants and completed the acquisition of water and protein.

When these organic substances are combined in the body to form more complex structures, they need to absorb heat, so that the body temperature in the body remains constant at 37 degrees.

[Speaking of which, this set of cooling Chinese medicine system is a scientific project carried out by Luo Hongxing on the No. 15 timeline.Because life in this world has too much influence on each other, the traditional Chinese medicine system idea of ​​dividing cool, hot, fierce, dry, and warm according to the growth environment is quite effective.For example, the heat-reducing medicine that Wei Keng is currently holding is the technical crystallization of statistics obtained through modern experiments under this idea. ——So, other traversers also worked on these planes. 】

But even so, everything has an upper limit, and Wei Keng can only withstand two hours in this scorching heat environment.

Within two hours, Wei Keng found the hiding place of the queen ant under the hill.

This ant queen can also be regarded as a node creature, the only existence in the entire mountain area with complex thinking, but its body does not have complex perception capabilities, and it only relies on the ant's antennae to perceive. When Keng Mo came in, this node creature was still a little confused: "Why does my child smell similar to a human?"

However, when Wei Keng pierced its nerve center with a knife, the ant queen understood, where is this her own child?It was obvious that a human had mixed in.


To be honest, Wei Keng was also a little surprised.

Along the way, I have figured out all the 68 kinds of ants in the ant nest.

How to touch it, is to pry open its head, and then stick the center of its brows to the nerve center that can accept the fluctuations of the mind, and perform a spiritual "roar" - that is, put the forehead on the ant's head, use the most powerful mind Instructions are issued to obey their own orders.

Then all the ant brain tissues were collected.Notify the rear, and after climbing up, send a plane to land on the top of the mountain, and then bring these samples back.

Of course, along the way, there were ants whose brains were obediently pried open by themselves. When they came to the nest, they faced the female worm. When they first saw that it didn't respond to me, they started to find nerves and start knocking in as usual.

This prying was unbelievable, and this thing whose life radiation was dozens of times stronger than his own suddenly let out a mental roar, and Wei Keng's head immediately went numb.

Of course, Wei Keng had quick eyesight and quick hands, so he let go immediately, endured a huge mental impact and tore off the outer film of a small grenade. The grenade directly stuck to the female worm, and Wei Keng rolled to the depression where its eggs were laid to avoid.

With a bang, with a violent explosion, the mental roar of the female worm was forcibly interrupted.

Wei Keng also took the opportunity to wrap a carbon-based cloth on his forehead, so that the frequency band can be blocked, and of course he can't speak spiritual language.

Wei Keng: There shouldn't be many war ants in this nest.

Oh, two seconds later, the huge praying mantis-shaped guard ants emerged from the cave, making Wei Keng feel that he was wrong.

But it's also true.

After dodging for five seconds, Wei Keng, who was walking around the female insect, suddenly rolled forward along the folds between the female insect's belly and the ground, and suddenly got close to a guard, aiming at the neck with a shot, the guard ant The head was broken on the spot.After hitting the wall and rolling back, Wei Keng grabbed the tentacles on its head and stuffed it into the chrysanthemum where the female insect laid eggs.

The guard ants, who had lost their senses, slashed wildly on the spot, and one of the knives hit the female worm, injecting a large amount of digestive juice into it.

Good guy, the mother worm took pain and immediately ordered another guard ant to crawl over from above her to stop the headless guard ant. Just when the guard ant came around from above and tried to push the guard ant away
After reloading with a click, Wei Keng stood up, aimed at the protruding forehead and shot again, two kills.

In fact, it can't be counted as a second kill.

This is the main nest of the life node. Under the supply of powerful life, the severed head can be regenerated. No, the severed neck of the first guarding war ant is already gathering blood and flesh.

Time cannot be wasted. Wei Keng immediately came to the female worm, took a shovel and dug out a piece of nerve tissue from the gap that had just been blasted. Every movement of the body produces heat that makes him faint.

Since then, Wei Keng has pushed himself to the limit.

Resisting fainting, rushing upwards,

Physical coordination has reached its limit.

At this moment, Wei Keng now has a very clear understanding of the various limitations of his body!

The human body has limits. If your legs cramp, you have to fall, because the muscles cannot move, and there is no such thing as exceeding the limit.The only thing that can exceed the limit is the will, which can exert every inch of one's ability to the maximum and most efficiently under the pain and various negative conditions.

In the current situation, Wei Keng may faint at any time due to the overheating of the brain nerves. This is the physiological protection mechanism of the human body!But Wei Keng forcibly suppressed this mechanism, because if he fell down here, he would die, but if he rushed to the top, within 30 seconds, there would be a groundwater area, so that his temperature would drop, and he could still live.

And the pursuers behind!Theoretically, Wei Keng should have a comatose brain, use the most effective thinking ability, observe the abrupt opening, plant the grenade, and calculate the time.

Finally, as the grenade left at the corner exploded and destroyed the pursuers, Wei Keng also hit the farm ant area under the action of the shock wave. In this area full of mushrooms, Wei Keng pulled the fungi and lay down on the ground. After barely lowering the temperature in the [-]-degree humus, he ran away again.


Three hours later, Wei Keng drilled out of the ground, and the swift cat, which had already received orders from its master, squatted at the entrance of the cave and had already tripled the size of the cave entrance. "Slapped" a few battle ants to death.

When Wei Keng came out, the big cat lightly bit Wei Keng's arm and pulled it out, threw it on his back and left
Of course, after Wei Keng came out, the ant dens on the raised patterns all over the mountains and plains opened up, and all kinds of flying ants came out.

At the same time, Wei Keng also had a connection. The only long-range strategic fire strike force in the southern commanding area—the air formation arrived. basket bomb.

After the bomb fell at a high altitude, it immediately dispersed, turning into a large number of particles and falling towards the ground.

This is a cluster bomb.In the past, it would never be used in the process of unified logging, because even if it is a cluster bomb with advanced technology, there will still be 30.00% unexploded bombs. The small cubes left behind will definitely be a disaster after the war.

However, these ants obviously can digest anything, and they will pick up anything in their jaws and crush it, so there is no need to be afraid.

A large explosion shot out behind Wei Keng.

Half an hour later, the plane landed on a dry riverbed. Wei Keng put the collected ten kilograms of samples on the plane. In the glass bottle, these wriggling nerve tissues were still beating. After absorbing the nutrient substances of the worm egg liquid, these nerve tissues have completed the restoration of vitality.

Since the pilot is also Wei Keng, there was no language or other questioning between the two. After understanding each other's plan and state through spiritual resonance, they gave each other a high-five!
The real Wei Keng wants to continue to explore the ant nest. The ant nest on the previous hill is useless, but he can change to another hill!
And with previous experience, Zhen Xinzheng felt that, except for the danger when touching the female insects, those ants were simply domestic animals during the exploration process in other areas.

Collecting another batch of ant brain tissues will not only provide more materials for the laboratories in the unified cutting area, but also bring the samples to Jianye City, where they can use the facilities to conduct a certain amount of research.

All of the above are reasons for this continuation of risk-taking gains.

The real reason why Wei Keng group acquiesces and continues to be a true individual is that this self-individual, who has traveled thousands of miles away, has found the meaning of practicing self-worth in a new direction!

When a boy finds a certain goal and a certain direction to practice self-worth after he grows up, he is a man!

[This is also the reason why firefighters and policemen look more masculine in peaceful times.In the war-torn era, many old and frail and out-of-control strategists did not understand why some young people would go against them at all costs]

A man needs to support something to live, to support something, the bigger the thing he supports, the straighter his waist will be!Wei Keng Group understands itself, so it will not interrupt the leading project of the "true new and authentic" individual this time.

From the point of view of the real state alone, he is completely different from the Wei Keng group in the empty twisting plane~~ But from the point of view of a person's life, it seems that a guy who often fishes must be full of enthusiasm at times .

On the plane of Pandora, Wei Keng's group is relatively more masculine,
Behind the truth, the Wei Keng group organization is also unambiguous about the supply of mechanical beast parts, ammunition, equipment, and medical supplies needed for this operation.Resupply personnel would drop in and direct subsequent airdrops.


And from the perspective of plane space, this kind of exploration is also extremely valuable.This is the first time that human beings have broken into the territory of real social creatures!And all the way to the ground, almost beheading the species.

Bai Linglu also wrote a wonderful report on the above.

The Great River System Space-Time Administration also attaches great importance to it! ——This space-time plane, which played a battle-level role in the last plane war, now has a high-value property again with the new development process.

When Bai Hengqian arrived, Bai Linglu and all the monitoring teams stood up and paid respects to the superior.

Bai Hengqian looked at Bai Linglu and nodded.

Such a bureaucratic style of work was something that Bai Linglu had firmly remembered after many times of teaching.

Bai Hengqian nodded to the surroundings, and Bai Linglu began a brief report.

Bai Linglu: "This plane has entered a state of great discovery. There is a high probability that the attribute will change from 'catastrophic' to pioneering. ([-] words are omitted in the middle). Please adjust the level of this mission."

Bai Hengqian stared at Bai Linglu. She knew her niece's plan, which was to gradually withdraw Wei Keng's consciousness group from the war of twisting and throwing them into the plane of Pandora, and then complete the "king" level project.

Bai Hengqian: "You have to know, now that the Second Plane War has entered a state of anxiety, the Space Twisting Plane must not be given up."

Bai Linglu corrected it word by word: "It's not about giving up the empty twisting plane, but about speeding up the progress of the war."

after a few seconds

Bai Hengqian closed the information on the interface in front of her that needed to be randomly checked: "You prepare the information and report to the above."

(End of this chapter)

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