out of cage

Chapter 183 Chapter 5.29 The Price of "Understanding"

Chapter 183 Chapter 5.29 The Price of "Understanding"

The night of November 11th.

In the Commanding Corps on standby in the Ganjiang area, in the command headquarters where Wei Keng was in the majority, there was an uproar due to his "true new and upright" behavior.
In the Wei Keng cluster in the past, when there was a dilemma, it was often the minority obeying the majority, and of course the majority obeying the minority was not ruled out.

For example: In the frontier exploration battle in Yunnan, the proportion of individuals who have just transferred from the empty twisting plane area is relatively large.These individuals work at a relatively slow pace. As a result, when discussing plans, it often happens that a few diligent Wei Keng are more reasonable than most fish-fishing Wei Keng.

But today, the Weikeng group is the first collective plan, and it was deflected by an individual action!

The basis for the action that was really taken out was all the matters that I hadn't noticed before, including the individual: that is the oath-taking procedure before going to the north!
For Wei Keng, the seriousness of the oath ceremony depends on whether anyone is willing to abide by it.

If everyone only regards this as a 'passing away ceremony', then the content of the oath can be completely ignored.But as long as there is an individual who is willing to implement it, Wei Keng will take it seriously.

Wei Keng's logical chain is also the rule of law in the current self-cluster: "I will never act bravely because of the so-called 'slogan'! But if someone takes the initiative to take responsibility, it must not be taken for granted just because I have cowardly reasons. Face the seriousness and solemnity of those who bear the responsibility with a hippie smile."

At eight o'clock in the evening, when the Tianzhulong incident was going on in Jianye, the sky in the Ganjiang New District was also shrouded in stars.But with Wei Keng's emergency call-up order issued.The Union Army's three airfields in the region are brightly lit
Within half an hour, the transport plane was pulled out of the hangar, Wei Keng grouped as the backbone of the ground staff, and all aviation matters were checked, and the airborne troops were assembled and ready to board the plane!
The planned airborne mission to Jianye this time was caused by Wei Keng's own unauthorized actions, so Wei Keng directly blocked the other members at the airport.

At the airport, Wei Keng is determining the skills that each individual is good at, and starting to assign tasks.

Zeng Jiakan, who was carrying a skydiving bag, immediately found Wei Keng: "How big is it? Are you going to invest [-]?"

In the eyes of these frontier cadres in the Zengjiaban, these Wei Keng individuals originally assumed very important tasks in the region.What the hell is going on now, Wei Keng is determined to take all these things away?
When Zeng Jiaban found Wei Keng, he had another list in his hand.

He hopes that in this airborne mission, others can replace some individuals.

Inside the airport, under the flickering lights.

Facing Zeng's family magazine, the person he used to adjust, Wei Keng has a channel of spiritual perspective.Therefore, he had a clear understanding of the extremely contradictory ideas of the Zeng Family Magazine.

Wei Keng looked at the list he gave, and besides him, there were many adjusters on the list.

It may be that Wei Keng is too sensitive. These selected people are individuals who are not outstanding after adjustment and have no obvious talents.

To put it bluntly: these adjusters who have to perform tasks for themselves are not as important to society as "Wei Keng Individuals".

The small list made Wei Keng's group, the uninterrupted contradictions and debates in the past few days, ended with a sigh.

Wei Keng looked at the plane preparing to take off on the tower side, and silently admitted: "That (Zhenxinzheng) is even more correct."

People in all segments of society instinctively ignore people who seem more ordinary.But civilization should never ignore ordinary people!

Zhenxinzheng seems to be out of touch with the Weikeng cluster, but now the Weikeng cluster has resonated with Zhenxinzheng, and resonance ~ means that the life frequency band has begun to resonate and unify.

With a tear, the list was torn up by Wei Keng.

Wei Keng said to Zeng Jiaban: "This is my plan. I propose, I am responsible, and I want to advance, so I will bear the price. Those people are still adjusting and have not joined us yet. Let them continue Get educated."

Zeng Jiakan: "Okay, forget it this time, let's talk about it on the plane."

Wei Keng grabbed him and said, "Don't join in the fun, the work assigned to you by the organization is the next diplomatic mission. Don't run away."

Jianye City

Truly new is feeling through vibes that the southern ego cluster is moving fast by plane.

The logic of the cluster now suddenly taking risks to rescue itself is based on their own consensus on military affairs: "Despair" must be wiped out at any cost.

When a lone army encounters danger abroad, when the central command has the ability to send assistance, it will never give up rescue because the evaluation of "rescue cost performance" is too low, but to see people and dead bodies.

Even if the rescue will cause more damage, it is still necessary to rescue.

Because as a team, you must have the attitude of "don't give up, don't abandon", so that every individual will stick to their posts tenaciously.

This is also what the Wei Keng group realized after encountering the northern Guangdong gene group on the plane of Pandora.

but now
Here, Zhen Xin, who was sitting in the cockpit of the No. [-] production outfit, knew that there was no need to save himself now.

The huge starfish-shaped celestial dragon, after withstood the thunder's bombardment, counterattacked with the 75mm recoilless gun carried on its back.

In the starfish state, Tianzhulong stood in the lake water and filled the back of the barrel with water, so when the recoilless gun fired, the barrel would spray out a full 20-meter white water mist ring.

The artillery hit the same part of the No. [-] Tianjiaolong three times in a row, effectively suppressing the No. [-] Tianjiaolong for a time.

Seeing this, Wei Renlu, who was watching the battle three kilometers behind, was greatly impressed: Sure enough, her plan is the most effective.

It can be seen on the screen he docked that all life radiation indicators are normal.Even though the current life radiation is forty times the limit of normal healthy humans, he still controls the cockpit perfectly!

Wei Renlu didn't know that this was actually because the Wei Keng Rescue Group was going north, which caused a resonance.

Of course, it is precisely because of Zhen Xinzheng's tyrannical radiation, even surpassing the internal radiation of the No. [-] Tianjiaolong, that the No. [-] Tianjiaolong has officially set its sights on Wei Keng.

At 20:49, on the roof of the fifth-floor apartment dormitory, Su Lingshuang, who was watching the battle, has now adjusted.She looked at Tianzhulong who was suppressed by artillery fire in the distance, and bit her lip.

She has also sat in that cockpit, but the operation of the weapon system is relatively unfamiliar.Although there is a red star for auxiliary artillery shooting, because her brain is not able to accept the information of the spiritual language, the sight is blurred when she is driving.

She carefully recorded the current combat situation of this colony armor,
I secretly confirmed the value of this technical route in my heart.

And Qiu Mengfei, who was accompanying her at the side, was ordered by the Jianye Trainers Association to bid farewell to her and leave in a hurry.

However, at 20:54, the situation took a sharp turn for the worse.

The ammunition carried by No. [-] Sky Dragon has been exhausted.

This is absolutely impossible to happen in the unified logging area.Peripheral troops will do whatever it takes to gain an opportunity for the main battle equipment to attack.

But in Jianye City?Wei Keng could not get such assistance.

In Jianye City, if people who are not from Jianye City get the strongest weapons and stand in front of their opponents, there are only two possibilities:

One is that you win alone, prove that you are a strong man, and become the hero who takes all the credit for the overview.Jianye City will accept you.

The second is that you can only fight alone, and if you lose, it means you are not strong enough!
The city of Jianye has been waiting for the strong to appear, and then is ready to cheer.

But when watching the challenger go, he will not lend a helping hand, because he does not know whether the challenger is qualified to win his cheers.

Zhen Xinzheng never thought of himself as strong.

When the No. [-] Sky Dragon rushed towards the No. [-] individual
On the real No. [-] tentacles, a three-meter-long chainsaw directly cut into the gap in the armor of Tianzhulong's head, and four or five garbage cans worth of blood splashed dozens of meters away along the mechanical chainsaw.

The blood coagulated into silk threads within a few minutes, and then turned into countless tiny tentacles and penetrated into the body of No. [-] Sky Dragon.

Wei Keng, who was sitting in the cockpit, felt the sudden increase in the radiation of the Tianshilong in the cockpit.

Two powerful bodies are now entangled.Wei Keng's life radiation was also completely suppressed by Tian Shulong's life radiation.

The time for Wei Keng to control the No. [-] colony through the colony cockpit is running out.

Machine No. [-] sawed off Tianzhulong's head with a chainsaw, but this was the final blow.The No. [-] body of Tianzhulong has already merged with the No. [-] body, and a jaw-dropping mutation has begun.

Mutant No. [-] directly transformed into countless tentacles and began to extract the body tissue of No. [-] body. This change in shape is just like its evolution as an echinoderm back then.

Wei Keng's cockpit, due to the dislocation of the body structure after the material was extracted from the second body, together with the bones and nervous system, gradually protruded from the second body.

21:00 minutes

The trainers watching the battle on the Zifeng Building silently looked at the writhing giant in the distance.The out-of-control No. [-] Tianzhulong is already using countless fleshy vines to infiltrate the growth suit into the cabin, and on the building, the life radiation monitoring instruments of cameras show that Tianzhulong has already merged with No. [-] unit. .

Finally, Song Heng broke the silence: "A decision must be made early, otherwise it will be out of control."

Just as Zhenxin was fighting No. [-] Tianjiaolong, Jianye's quick-reaction force finally pulled the towed artillery nearby and made preparations.

Speaking of these 105mm towed artillery, they are really grandpas.Not only has it been passed down to the present in a very solid way, but it can also be used as the main firepower to clean up the beginning and the end.

Jiang Xu was sipping tea and looking up the information that had just been reported, which was the extra income his old friend Wei Renlu had received from his laboratory in recent years.These incomes were not supported by the unified logging area, and the time point coincided with the time when the caravans from the Five Colors Alliance in the north came.

Jiang Xu frowned, he roughly guessed about this matter, but he couldn't say it.

Here in the cockpit, a large number of fleshy tentacles have been wrapped around the real body, and the spore threads have begun to physically connect with Wei Keng's body.

At this critical moment, Zhen Xinzheng felt the further life support of the self-swarm in the south, and his life radiation reached a hundred times the normal level in one second.At the same time, the fat under the skin is visible to the naked eye.

Rejection began, and a large number of hyphae withered and broke off from Wei Keng's body.However, the fractures connecting the hyphae on his body had just scarred quickly, but were soon entangled by more hyphae.

Zhenxin also broke out his desire to survive at this last moment, and forcibly tore off a large piece of his invaded flesh.At this time, the severe pain was forcibly suppressed by the male hormones in the desperate state.

Zhen Xin was pushing open the hatch, and his footsteps shook for a while.It's not all because of the loss of strength, but mainly because the body of the Tianzhulong under his feet is shaking.He looked at the lake below, and if he jumped down now, he should be able to survive.

However, all of this ended in the city's indifference.

Qiu Mengfei hovered in the air on a war eagle, staring at this huge mountain of meat that resembled the entanglement of snakes during breeding.At this moment, Wei Keng pushed open the door of the cockpit, and the door slammed into the lake.The splashing water and noise caught his attention.

Qiu Mengfei saw Wei Keng.

At this time, Wei Keng was no different from a severe genetic polluter, his face was distorted, and a large number of tumors appeared on his body.

Qiu Mengfei looked at Zhen Xinzheng with pity, raised the gun in his hand, and whispered: "I'm sorry, I can't save you. This disaster must end like this."

Zhen Xin was clearly watching this guy slowly pull the trigger, but his throat was unable to utter any words because of the broken ligament.

At the moment when he was torn apart by bullets, Zhenxin seemed to see the entire Jianye City! (actually from memory):

In the eyes of some people, the stable operation of this city is the top priority.This is crowned "justice",
And before this crisis, I didn't see anything wrong.But in a crisis, this kind of "justice" can be greater than the life of a marginalized person, which is obviously wrong.

The moment before the real new is being torn apart, it conveys the final message to the self-cluster: "The justice of human society can only be the direction of the common people's survival and development, not the direction of the arrogant people who are unwilling to look down and feel the normal order. run."

After Zhen Xinzheng was completely executed by the mechanical beast with flames, Qiu Mengfei's signal was also received from behind.The artillery fire fell on the huge body of Tianzhulong, and the Tianzhulong, who was trying to fuse, was blown to pieces of flesh and blood by tons of ammunition.

In the rear, Jiang Xu, who observed the front line from the perspective of a scouting mechanical beast, saw the whole process of Qiu Mengfei's actions, and opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Jiang Xu picked up Wei Renlu's phone and said, "Tianjinlong No. [-] is more maneuverable than No. [-], but I did have some concerns before. But now, this concern has been lifted."——This seems to be well thought out The conclusion is actually his provisional decision.

On the other side, Wei Renlu was a little puzzled.But then, after confirming that "the pilot of the No. [-] cabin of Tianzhulong died", his expression froze, and he returned to normal after a few seconds, as if nothing had happened.

Two hundred kilometers away, on the plane group that was approaching Jianye, Wei Keng, who were about to airborne, suddenly lost contact with the northern individual.Just now, Wei Keng was still thinking about how to make the northern self move closer to the concept of "them".But now, the Wei Keng group has confirmed that it is really him, the "oppressed" self that he tried to forget.

After being confirmed by the system, the plane landed at a nearby temporary airport in the area where the Ganjiang River merges into the Yangtze River.

Now the person who should be saved has disappeared, so there is no need to go again.Of course, further cooperation with Jianye City is unnecessary.

Wei Keng has learned about these northern human city-states and alliance systems at a sufficient price.

At the same time, the Overseer team is now completely blown up.

Wei Keng had learned enough about the north, so why didn't the supervisors re-understand Jianye City and the Five-Color Alliance from a profound perspective.

Through enough comparative evidence, the supervisors can confirm that it was Su Lingshuang who killed Wei Keng.

Because in other timelines, Su Lingshuang helped Qiu Mengfei to kill Song Heng, the villain enemy, in this way.

That's right, Song Heng is the villain.And in many timelines, Su Lingshuang and Qiu Mengfei are absolutely decent.

Because the two of them have love, are young, and challenge the old and old upper class.Moreover, most of the traversers also follow them on the timeline.

Only, Wei Keng this time!Let the supervisors who once admired Su Lingshuang Zhizhu's sharpness and restraint, see her cruelty!And the serious contradictions triggered in this seemingly stable development of the plane.

in the crossing regulations

The value of the supervisor on the timeline must be consistent with that of the traverser.

Those inspectors who were optimistic about Su Lingshuang were shut down by the huge contrast this time.And after the downtime like a puppet, I felt a huge humiliation.

This was by no means being humiliated by Wei Keng's slap in the face.When colliding with the plot, his traverser is absolutely awesome,
Wei Keng's ability in the Pandora plane is as extraordinary as Bai Linglu's previous "loose talk". ——Well, now it seems that it is "accurate prediction".

Then the source of the supervisors feeling that they were humiliated was Su Lingshuang.

True, the past failed to recognize her intelligence.It is because this world is very dark, this rose with thorns makes the supervisor feel "this girl's self-struggle".But when the real light appeared, her meanness was illuminated with incomparable clarity.This sense of deceit annoyed the supervisors very much.

(End of this chapter)

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