out of cage

Chapter 185 Chapter 5.31 Differences Between North and South

Chapter 185 Chapter 5.31 Differences Between North and South
In late November, the turmoil in Jianye City had calmed down.

In the eyes of Jianye people, on the 7th, the rampage of Tianzhulong was quite appalling, but most of them were outside the city, and did not cause any damage to the city where the family members of the cadres lived.

In this incident, the Jianye City Joint Defense Command (a department left over from 100 years ago) commended many warriors.

(Jianye official bulletin) Among them, due to Song Heng's decisiveness, he mobilized the artillery corps to prevent the disaster.

And this matter is inseparable from the efforts of other trainers, such as the young trainer Qiu Mengfei, who drove his partner to the vicinity of Tianzhulong, and attracted the attention of Tianzhulong through the armed forces loaded by his partner, so that Tianzhulong adjusted its direction towards Move around Xuanwu Lake to minimize the damage caused by artillery strikes.

At 18 am on the 9th, in Zifeng Building,

Qiu Mengfei met the heavenly kings who are rarely seen, and left his own image in front of the camera.

But after a few hours,
Just after he won the medal, he got a farewell letter from his partner in the past few months.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Qiu Mengfei rushed to the Yangtze River Bridge and met Su Lingshuang in military uniform (marine camouflage military uniform).

The two looked at each other and smiled, and then exchanged gifts. Su Lingshuang gave him a crystal pendant chain that he carried with him, and he gave him the medal he just got.

by the river,
Qiu Mengfei watched Su Lingshuang board the boat, and for the next 10 minutes, Qiu Mengfei stood at the port and Su Lingshuang on the stern looked at each other until Jiang Wu blocked their sight.


When the people from the Five Colors Alliance left,
In a garden of rockery and artificial flowers in Jiangling Mansion, Jiang Xu sat in front of a stone table in a gazebo. On the stone table was engraved a Go grid, and on the grid was backgammon. (This old thing can't play Go.)
And beside him, a blue mechanical beast that looks like a thousand paper cranes is standing aside.

This is a mechanical beast made up of five sharp edges. Although the thickest part of the edge is [-] centimeters, since each edge is two meters high, and the sharp part is open, it always gives people a sense of sharpness.

Sitting opposite Jiang Xu was Wei Renlu who had just arrived.

After the two sat opposite each other for a few minutes, Jiang Xu said, "It seems that the people in the south (common logging area) are easy to deal with."

Wei Renlu looked at Jiang Xu: "The guy over there is very rigid, holding various regulations of the previous generation of civilization."

Jiang Xu: "Yes, since this is the case, it's easy to pass. As the most human-like gene group, it is only imitating human beings after all, and it has not learned thoroughly about human nature."

Speaking of this, Jiang Xu smiled, and said to Wei Renlu: "But such a group of individuals is very useful, right?"

Jiang Xu clearly meant Wei Renlu, but in fact he was quietly pointing to some doubtful points in the Tianzhaolong incident.


Jianye City responded properly after controlling the Tianzhaolong Incident, and was resolute in throwing the blame away, and forcibly passed the testimonies of the unified cutting area.

So the loss of the Trainers Association is only face, the actual loss is only the consumption of some ammunition, 12 armored vehicles, and varying degrees of damage along the road.

The trainer associations presided over by these top-level kings still want to carry out the Tianzhulong project, but this time the upper-level opinions are very unified, that is, to abandon the partner plan of Tianzhulong, that thing is too uncontrollable, and the cockpit and partner plan must be allowed simultaneously.At the same time, the size of the Tianzhulong was reduced.

After Jiang Xu mentioned Wei Renlu, he gave Wei Renlu the latest plan to control the dragon.

Wei Renlu opened the report booklet, and couldn't help but pause when he saw the expression on the huge hull painted on it.

Jianye City's backup plan for the Tianzhulong No. [-] plan is actually not Wei Renlu's plan for the body in the No. [-] pool.But another new solution.And this, Wei Renlu didn't even know about it before.

Bai Linglu's space monitoring team, according to the information obtained in multiple timelines, the No. [-] plan is like this.

Tissue capsules of hundreds of tons were cultivated using the tissues of Tianshulong nodes. These tissue capsules were placed on the hull of a [-]-ton giant ship, and the hull had the function of pumping river water for cooling.So to a certain extent, the activity of these tissue capsules can be reduced to a dormant state by cooling down.

There is an entrance and exit on the hull, so that the 30-meter-long and 45-ton Tianshilong (mechanical flying dragon state) can land on this giant ship, and the main body is inserted into the pipeline and the tissue capsule in the hull for life connection.

This is almost the plan of an aircraft carrier, and if this route is mixed, there will be a colony cockpit in this mechanical dragon.

The reason why this plan was canceled by the No. [-] plan is because in the No. [-] plan, the mechanical dragon controlled by human beings in Jianye can achieve strategic maneuvers across multiple areas. Regarding the end of the world, the upper layers of Jianye City also have a little ambition Yes, want to spread their influence across multiple geographies.

However, after adopting the No. [-] plan, because Tianzhulong needs to obtain vitality from the ship's mother body, it is limited to the area where the ship can move, so it can only operate in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the East China Sea.Therefore, this is only a defensive weapon.

The five-color alliance is wary of Jianye, and the political families in Jianye don't want to increase their family's influence by "expanding their influence and replacing the five-color alliance".


On the table, Wei Renlu handed the report back to Jiang Xu, revealing: "The biological cockpit in the No. [-] pool has been recovered."

Jiang Xu nodded, very satisfied with Wei Renlu's willingness to hand over his technology.Then he responded: "The association's impeachment against you is mostly untrue."

Wei Renlu nodded, and then said: "The technical cooperation with the unified logging area on planting equipment has been cut off, and there will be some difficulties in updating the operating platform."

Jiang Xu: "Is this necessary?"—or in other words: Is technical cooperation with the unified logging area necessary for the Tianzhulong No. [-] plan?
On the technical level, Wei Renlu didn't know how to explain to him the impact of the operating compartment on combat effectiveness.

The aircraft operating platform of the twentieth century is a large number of instrument panels and dozens of gear push buttons. The operation manual is very thick and difficult to operate. In the early 21st century, it was a whole electronic display screen.Then in the middle of the 21st century, electronic eyepiece display and voice-activated artificial intelligence were used to call up pop-up windows.

In terms of the cockpit, the communication between Tongfa District and Jianye is only the first generation of technology!

But in the second half of November, what Jianye didn't know was that the power of the unified cutting area in southern Jiangxi had already moved eastward. ~ In the past, the unified logging area was used to reduce border conflicts, and a certain buffer zone could be left between Jianye and the unified logging area.

But now, the diplomats in the unified cutting area, Zeng Jiaban reported after the negotiation: Don't talk nonsense with them, it doesn't make sense.

In addition to directly connecting the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, this military operation in the commanding area also needs to be verified technically. Wei Renlu knows a little about the superficial second-generation cockpit technology.

The proportion of the mountainous area in Fujian is comparable to that in Guizhou.

After the rise of the unified logging area, a large number of gene groups have migrated to this relatively complex terrain area. It has been a problem to hunt down them a few years ago, but with the continuous expansion of plantations in southern Jiangxi, it is also an urgent problem to be solved in the unified logging area. .

Those plantations near Fujian always send reports of large beasts from the east in the mountains in areas of human activity.

Therefore, the combat headquarters on the eastern front of the unified cutting area is scheduled to enter the area for "big cleaning".

At the junction of Fujian and Jiangxi, along the ruins of the national highway from Ruijin to Longyan, a mechanized force consigned by 47 large-wheel tractors drove past.

The task of the convoy is to clean up the unevenness and blocking stones on the road, and burn all the vegetation visible within a few kilometers on both sides of the road.

The cleaning of the gene nodes in the area was handed over to the light infantry and domesticated herds.

One of the offensive routes is to get off at the first section of the National Highway, relying on the detection information from Lugia in the air, approach the Triangle Peak, then Jianfengqi Mountain, then Huoshao Mountain, and finally along the Wan'an River (Jiulong River tributary) this important water source, blocking the drinking water channel for large organisms in the genetic community in this area.

Although Master Wei is still leading the team in this battle, a large number of comrades from the unified cutting area have already participated in it deeply.


In this mountainous area, a cat weighing fifteen kilograms is quietly walking through the jungle. Its eyes are watching the surrounding area vigilantly. After finding a small target, it pats it down with its paws Down, and then lock the throat, silently, and when encountering a large target, it will choose to hide and follow like a shadow.

If you look closely at these cats, they all have a rounded man-made structure on their heads.

This raised interactive storage is an information processing tool, which is used to collect information from the cat's perspective, and then send it to the rear through the frequency band.The same is true for Rogia flying in the air.

And the rear is actually not far away, just two kilometers later, inside a four-meter-high humanoid mech, the operator in the cockpit is drawing the map with his head (thought) according to the information on the frequency band, After being converted into spiritual language, it will be distributed to lower-level combat soldiers.

The information in the frequency band and the description of the spiritual language are similar to the difference between the contour map and the three-dimensional sand table.

The former is a lot of digital aids to understand, while the latter requires no thinking conversion, just like a well-colored sandbox game screen (for example, total war).

Every second of frontline fighters is precious, and this kind of observation information processed by mechs is absolutely necessary.

As for the organic chip carried by the cat, why can't it directly convert the cat's visual information into the language of the mind?This is because the current organic chip technology and software have yet to be improved.

[This is the thinking of the Information Corps in the 21st century. Soldiers at the front collect information, and a dozen vehicles or a warship in the rear form an integrated command center, which acts as the brain to comprehensively think about the information, and then summarizes the combat situation in an area. Sent to frontier soldiers and fighters, and in the 22nd century, a large number of unmanned machines have entered the human combat system as combat units.The work of humans at all levels of warfare becomes almost pure decision-making. 】


But now, the soldiers entering the Fujian area are in groups of 20, and each of them wears a helmet that can greatly receive the spiritual language from afar. Advance.

Before they reach the target area, they can hear the sound of the target area being bombarded by the air system.After arriving in the combat zone, if it is determined that there are still many enemies ahead (a few hundred meters away), then three to four Rogia air formations (four formations each) will arrive in the sky and continue to project incendiary bombs.

The explosion continued until the soldiers on the ground were sure that the firepower of the firearms in their hands could deal with all the remaining threats.The threat standard that can survive in the air and long-range firepower: a group of creatures that are no larger than wolves in size and no larger than the number of hands.

From December to March of the following year,
In this occupation of Fujian, no one was killed in the commanding army. Well, more than 600 domesticated cats died.

When the human troops cleared the colony, they used a large number of small domesticated beasts to penetrate into various environments.

Whether it was a swamp in a ravine or a dark cave, the commanding army dispatched a small team of soldiers with complete insight.

Every human warrior is the same as a game player. He can drive twelve battle cats to guide himself, or a combat group of Lugia units can accurately kill large units according to their own orders.


And the only thing that made the soldiers of the Commanding Expedition Army feel that it took a lot of brains was the instructor in the mecha combat cabin (basically Wei Keng).

Wei Keng will call them in one by one and teach them how to deal with the raw data in the operation warehouse.

Then there is a small test every week and a big test every month.If you fail, you will go to bed after eleven o'clock, and get up at seven o'clock the next day to continue studying.

For students, during the most energetic period, the compressed ones cannot play.It's as difficult as a hungry man who can't get enough to eat.Master Wei also naturally understood it from his student days.

"Soldiers who don't want to be generals are cannon fodder." "If you don't work hard to master technology in war, you're walking a tightrope with your eyes closed." "Sweat instead of blood is not only saving yourself, but also keeping your companions."…

Since the Jianye incident, Wei Keng has been particularly concerned about the science and technology teaching of his new forces. This attitude of sparing no effort to teach everyone is something that many people don't understand.

However, some comrades who dealt with the Jianye area in the north heard about it and told the details of the individuals separated from the Wei Keng group who suffered in the north.

The cadres in the leading cutting area on the eastern front could not help but take a deep breath.

What a cold experience it is for those who carry the disaster in front to be watched numbly by those who are already regarded as compatriots, and to slander them afterwards.

[On the plane of Pandora, including Wei Keng who just came from the plane of empty twisting, they are now in a tense state.This kind of influence was also transmitted to the empty twisting plane, which was highly concerned by Qin Xiaohan and other supervisors. ——When a person who has been fishing for a long time suddenly stops fishing, it is not a change of sex, but someone makes it difficult to fish. 】


After late November, after it was confirmed that the cooperation with Jianye had completely collapsed, the unified cutting area began large-scale drills and training on the eastern front.

The wartime learning of the language of the mind and the mastery of the operating compartments have also entered a peak state.The fire is burning throughout Fujian—the life field of the heterogeneous biome has been shattered under the sweeping of the commanding army.

While destroying the biome in Fujian, the eastern front of the unified cutting area is always ready to have friction with the old city-state forces headed by Jian Ye in this area.


November 146, 11 in the Pandora calendar.After the Tianzhulong Incident in Jianye and Tongfa District, many exchanges were hindered.

North, DY City.After the clippers returning from the south entered the Yellow River channel, it was the territory of the Five Colors Alliance.

The container with biochemical symbols went through three carrier platform conversions and moved to Kaifeng smoothly.

In the Bianjing Research Institute, the larval egg of the Tianshenlong gene node obtained from the south was finally opened and lay in the pool of organic matter.

Compared with the complete form of Tianzhulong under the mechanical constraints of Jianye, this is an underdeveloped appendage, but even so, it can draw life activity energy from the communities in the Bohai Sea area, which is enough to be called strategic.

On December 12st, there was a light snowfall in the north, and all life began to enter a dormant stage, and at this time of the year, humans in the Five-color Alliance can let go of social activities, and steam cars on the street began to deliver goods.

Su Lingshuang, who was wearing a white camouflage uniform, was reporting her experience in the south to her father and the scientific research experts sitting next to her.In particular, she handed over her observation report on the technological cockpit installed in Jianye City.

Her father, Su Qianqing, heard his daughter's emphatic recounting of Tianzhulong's difficulty in controlling it.

The supreme speaker folded his hands in front of his nose, and said with a smile: "With regard to the technical route of Tianzhulong, we will not do stupid things in the south."


When Su Lingshuang went to build Ye City,
The Five Colors Alliance also made diplomatic contact with the unified logging area.But the two sides did not form in-depth exchanges.

The top executives of the Five Colors Alliance lack interest in the so-called implant technology and spiritual language.Those who still possess nuclear weapons are most concerned about energy technology.

Now that they have captured apostles like Tianzhulong, the idea of ​​applying technology is to use their life radiation effect to upgrade the power of their war mechanical beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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