out of cage

Chapter 188 Chapter 6.02

Chapter 188 Chapter 6.02
In the 148th year of Pandora's calendar, the Minliu Strait Fleet is continuously cruising.

During the cruising schedule, line-guided biological torpedoes were put into the water to bombard those groups with triangular fins exposed in the waves.

After the Pandora era, dolphins and finless porpoises entered the Stone Age, and trade phenomena appeared.The finless porpoise will sell the pebbles washed in the river to the dolphins, because hard, round stones are very rare in the case of a large number of coral attachments on the seabed.

The dolphins sell sharpened large shells to the finless porpoise, and the finless porpoise holds this half-meter-long "shell" in its mouth and presses it against the tooth socket when needed, to "fencing" with large underwater animals .

As for these creatures, according to the situation of the species era, they already have the primary social level.

However, this kind of "social commerce" and "tool manufacturing" are imitated by them, and they are imitated under the consciousness of Tianzhulong!They didn't exploit it for their survival.The Tianzhulong community does not allow them to develop indiscriminately.

It looks similar, but there is a fundamental difference from the progress of primates over 400 million years ago!

Before the arrival of the Pandora era, a certain skill of a species had an intrinsic driving force only when it was used as the "basis of survival".

Because, if it develops in response to the requirements of "the master who controls you", what inevitable reason does the master have to worry about every detail of your existence?And a species that prioritizes survival over the pity of its master, how can it be so determined to promote other secondary skills!

Whether it is intelligence or muscle, it can only be done if it becomes the basis for the survival of the species.


In the Minliu Strait, these dolphins began to migrate out of the group after they turned into cannon fodder and consumed a lot of energy from the Tianzhulong group.

From July 147, 7, after half a year of coastal raids in this sea area,
The unified logging area is far away from Dayuan, the largest island on the continental shelf of the East China Sea.

Landing on the island is the next stage. In the military planning of the commanding area (Master Wei’s surplus plan), the landing craft and transport ships are still under construction. The early stage is to send an expedition team to the island to investigate the landforms.


All in all, in the area of ​​Fujian, Guangdong, and Jiaozhi, the maritime forces of the commanding army need to step up preparations.

A thousand-ton warship cannot be built, but a two-hundred-ton and five-hundred-ton battleship must maintain a certain reserve.Only in this way can the offshore area be controlled, and at the same time maintain the projection capability of the "regiment-level light mechanized corps" to the surrounding coastal areas.

Regiment level = establishment of 1000 people.

Light mechanization = artillery, standard ammunition for combat vehicles, and fuel supplies, with an average weight of one ton per person.

The unified logging area has been at a standstill in Fujian for more than half a year, and finally waited for the "repercussions from the outside world" that had been expected.

The envoys sent by the nobles of the Fujian city-state were deliberately released by the commanding area.

This is Wei Keng's suggestion to Sun Xiangyang: the scum should be sparse and not blocked.

"The Fujian region was taken down too quickly, and our policies were laid here all at once. There are a lot of conflicts with the rules drawn up by various old forces in this region.

Each of our policies can only take care of 90.00% of the people, but as long as 5.00% of the people object to any policy, it will bring a huge challenge to our governing power.

And the 5.00% opposition will be instigated by the old forces.

Instead of letting this 5.00% be destroyed by our side, it is better to build 90.00% of the area first, and leave [-]% of the area as pustule hoarded by the old forces.

When we have established a firm foothold in most areas (new cities, new agricultural areas), we will approach the cities step by step and squeeze out these pustules completely! "


Master Wei's suggestion is very useful!
During the recovery and reform of Fujian, the grassroots cadres in the unified cutting area, no matter whether it was cleaning the "Fengyue Cave" where poor women who lost their husbands sold their bodies.

It was still forced to finalize the "son and daughter" to directly inherit the property of the father's generation, and when the uncle was kicked to the second order of succession, there was a lot of rebuttal.

"Our ancestors have been like this for generations", "Why do you outsiders change our rules", "What laws, the only rules here are set by our ancestral hall."

[Suddenly stopping 60.00% of people from taking the flesh and blood of 20.00% of the weak as a matter of course will meet with great resistance. 】

However, as a few big city-states were left behind to fight, none of these dissenting voices were incited by the remnants of the old forces.

Because these veterans of the old forces have all hid in the city.

Therefore, when these "destroyed old people" met the governing forces of the commanding army, these famous figures who had the power to order others in the old era could not come as the backbone in person, and naturally they were in a state of disunity.

And when the welfare system of the public society allows women, the old and the weak to work, and creates a value that cannot be ignored in society,

90.00% of people are helping each other and gaining benefits. The so-called cannibalism in the dark age is unpopular!

Oh, and cannibalism is still talked about in those pustular districts.

Moreover, because the pustule was squeezed, the pus in the pustule felt that they had been persecuted: "Why in the past (old times) what they did (cannibalism) was bad, and today you squeeze us is justice. It's nothing more than power, as long as the power is strong, we are right."


When Master Wei's split communicated with the comrades who entered Fujian: "Don't quarrel with the pustules, they will only reflect on failure, not reflect on failure.

They have never really understood the spiritual concept of "the right will help more than the unjust" left over from civilization.They will only use this word to whitewash it when they are strong and many people obey them, as a reason for their strength. "


As for the direction in which the pustules in Fujian are squeezed out?
At the cost of a split body, Wei Keng verified the attributes of this big pustule in Jianye City!
At the cost of death, Zhenxin has implemented the standards of honesty, responsibility, solidity and bravery, just to let himself (Wei Keng Group) not waste energy, wealth and other costs to experience the innocence of those people in Jianye City.

When down-to-earth, dutiful, and diligent people pay the price of their lives for a certain group of people, and this group of people don't even feel a little bit of uneasiness, let alone regret, then—no matter how beautiful the aura and beautiful embellishments of this group of people, When disasters happen in the future, it is not a pity to die!
Looking back at the 23rd century, the end of the modern era, the period of the Great Nuclear War.The fact that some small and medium-sized countries that were prevalent in egoism and socialism before the war disappeared directly proves that sometimes the so-called "many, many, and groups" have no reason to survive.


In February 148, the upper echelons of Jianye City expressed their anger at the eastward march of the unified cutting area!
It's just that the time for the "roar" seems to be too long for the reflection arc.

In fact, as early as half a year ago, they knew that the unified logging area had entered the Fujian area. — At that time they were not interested in throwing their forces into the mountainous south to wrestle with the genetic communities there.The entry of the Confederate Army into the area was ignored.

Four months ago, some city-state personnel from Fujian came to ask for help, speaking in Mandarin without distinction between "H and F".

At that time, the bureaucrats of Jianye City faced such a pleading attitude: these city-states on the edge of southern Fujian were poor and strange, and their "pleadings" should be carefully studied and studied by themselves.

Two months ago, the Confederate Army had recovered the south.

Jianye City still didn't say anything, just said that it remains to be seen!
Then why are you suddenly furious now?
In February, the unified logging area opened the East China Sea trade route!Directly supply salt and iron to many city-states in the coastal area of ​​Sudi!
This is a serious geographical problem!It’s okay for you to project to a certain place, but after projecting to this place, you can quickly control this place, and then use it as a pedal to radiate towards the surroundings, then there will be a big problem!
On January 1, a fleet of five 23-ton gunboats of the Commanding Army, escorting three [-]-ton cargo ships, entered Qiantang Bay.

While conducting a large amount of grain (canned food) trade with the local Shaoxing City, this shipping team also conducted surveys of full military significance.

The fleet of the commanding army sailed to the Qiantang River and dispatched the Rogia aerial formation to take pictures of the ruins of Lin'an.

On February 2, this fleet left Qiantang Bay, arrived at the Puhai ruins along the upper part of the bell mouth, and then directly entered the Yangtze River, and arrived at the Jiangyin stronghold, which is the bastion area, at 3 noon.

The fleet in the commanding area is a little smaller than the large fleet of Jianye Tulong last year, but the masts are still higher than the walls of the bastion, and the five standardized ships with identical hulls and 57mm rapid-fire guns are also Let this fleet be full of deterrence.

Of course, this fleet was only a preliminary test of Qiantang Bay, and then withdrew from the Yangtze River waterway.

At present, the unified cutting area still believes that the river course west of Jiangyin city-state is the sphere of influence of Jianye. (Key words: still.)
Subsequently, from February 2 to 7, after detecting multiple points south of the LYG ruins, it began to return south.

Finally returned to Fujian on February 2.


Judging from the resumption planning of the entire maritime traffic road in the unified cutting area, the team going north is only one of the four fleets.

Of the remaining three fleets, one is responsible for exploring the southern route, while the other two fleets go up and down around the "Dayuan" Island for inspections around the island.During the inspection around the island, it was found that the Tiansulong node on Dayuan Island was no longer there.

And it was the Northward Fleet that caused the greatest stimulus to Jianye.

On the afternoon of the 3rd, when the Jiangyin side reported the information of the unified expedition fleet, the people in Jianye did not believe it at first, but in the next few days, many coastal areas in the north reported the "trade fleet activities in the unified expedition area" , Jianye's top floor suddenly had a stress response.

Due to the incident on November 11 of the previous year, the relationship between the unified cutting area and Jianye did not follow the expectations of the upper echelons of Jianye, "As time goes by, the unified cutting area will give up the pursuit."

The Jianye side has always had the feeling of "taking the initiative" in the southern control area!

Whether it is in the technical cooperation of mechanical beasts or personnel exchanges, since it was the unified cutting area that initiated the communication, Jianye felt that the unified cutting area needed him.

For example: The trainers in Jianye think that "opening up the learning quota" is an important card!

They feel that if the elites in the unified cutting area cannot maintain enough senior trainers, then there will be a problem of "instability of rule".

To know!
The upper echelons of Jianye City still feel that the elites control the "people of the same face" in the commanding area.

[After all, Wei Keng is too honest, Wei Renlu personally confirmed that the individual of the same face did not know how to refuse the "verbal emphasis" (Su Lingshuang's mouth cannon), so he went to die with the apostle. 】

The above cognitive errors have led to extremely serious consequences.

After 147 years in the unified logging area, they are no longer active in various cooperation and stopped personnel exchanges.With the cessation of personnel exchanges, the supply of many mechanical parts has begun a quota system.As for the price, it is left to market regulation.

Zeng Jiakan roared at the negotiating table: Unlimited supply at low prices is because your people who have me are learning.I can benefit, so I cooperate with the supply.You have not fulfilled your responsibilities, and now you still want us to unilaterally fulfill them?

This lack of smooth communication has already made Jianye City feel the consequences of a cold relationship with the unified cutting area.But no danger yet.

When the waterway of the unified logging area was opened directly at the edge of the coast, they felt the threat of the unified logging area.

Through one year of continuous exchanges, the unified cutting area has established a reputation in the business of the Yangtze River Basin through Jianye.Now that the channel is open, it means that you have mastered the channel and you can do it alone!


On March 3, on the Zijin Mountain in the suburbs of Jianye, the city's top officials held a crisis meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, the city finance department reported tax increases for this year, but no one was happy.90.00% of the increase in financial taxation is related to trade in the unified logging area.

Within the sphere of influence of Jianye City, the prices of various key commodities in other city-states, such as canned grain, gun barrels, and gunpowder, are also falling.The parts for building the mechanical beast no longer depended on Jianye unilaterally.

Before the Great Destruction, Jianye was nicknamed "Huijing" because of its proximity to the inland, which is the radiation effect of the big city on the surrounding areas.But this radiation effect is limited.

Also before the Great Destruction, each of the cities in Jiangsu had its own ports and canals leading to the coast, and each of them was qualified to be the big brother of Jianye, the administrative center.

The opening of maritime trade routes in the current unified logging area is to restore history and weaken Jianye's influence on surrounding areas


These high-level trainers in Jianye felt the threat from the reduction of their family's income.

Xi Dong (Heavenly King): "The unified cutting area in the south obviously challenged us. Because of Tianzhulong's incident, we endured them for half a year. But obviously we didn't get their understanding, and instead started to intensify."

This heavenly king has yellow hair, and the scars on his face show a murderous intent.

[In this era, yellow hair needs to be dyed with beer, two liters at a time, two to three times a week.But in the current city, when many people have protruding ribs, such a yellow hair is indeed worth gold. 】

Jiang Xu closed his eyes, and did not speak to such a suggestion.

(In the original plot: the big villain who is opposed to Su Lingshuang and Qiu Mengfei) Song Heng: "It is not the right time for war now! Fighting on land, our supplies are severely limited. Moreover, once the opponent destroys the railway, it will be difficult for us to attack to the south of them The core area. And the sea battle..."

Song Heng opened the information about the battleship Tianzhulong under construction.This battleship is 200 meters long and was transformed from a container ship.The power system is not a propeller driven by diesel and electric power, but an oar surface driven by biological muscles. Each oar surface is as wide as a school gate.

The upper structure is directly connected to the deck, and the five mechanized combat bodies of the Dragon Dragon are parked on it.

This is an aircraft carrier.

Armed with five mechanical wyverns with colony cockpits.

But the problem is, there are currently not enough people in those five cockpits.Traveling rashly to the sea, encountering the counterattack of the Tianzhulong group, this aircraft carrier is easy to lose control.

(End of this chapter)

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