out of cage

Chapter 194 Chapter 6.08 Value Blowout

Chapter 194 Chapter 6.08 Value Blowout

The social and humanistic environment of the Pandora plane is recovering at an alarming speed, and the development of science and technology that matches this world is dazzling.

As a bystander across the wormhole, the Destiny Plane had a lot of discussions on the scene where the construction of the modern country system was completed from the wilderness in almost a few months (the speed over there was slower).

A few months ago (the time of the deadly plane), scholars had just come into contact with the Pandora plane, and their impression of it was still in the state of scavenging civilization in the "Radiation 4" game.

However, the gap between white horses and hundreds of square kilometers of land, urban and rural systems reconstruction, public transportation, medical care, scientific research and other dozens of government departments have also been built from scratch.

The army has also changed from the original melee mechanical beasts equipped with mechanical drills and gunpowder-powered hammers to a modern military combat force that can mass-produce tanks and aircraft.

In terms of technology, Pandora's technicians participating in the wormhole communication have basically been Wei Keng's main responsibility from the beginning, and nearly a thousand scientific research and technical experts have opened up multi-field technical discussions.

The observers of the Destiny Plane confirmed that this is an "exciting" independent and independent development process.After social science experts signed a confidentiality agreement and were invited to the Wormhole Research Institute, seeing such facts, they all forcibly swallowed the "impossible" they said when they looked at the basic data.

Freedom, openness, science, and efficiency, without changing the "basic system" (the basic system in the eyes of Jueming Plane), can still promote technological innovation, productivity development, and the spiritual enrichment of the people.Then, the experts in the Jue Ming plane have a new understanding of the correctness of their own path.

Where should the "reform" of economic development be?Obviously, you must not directly use what others recommend, and you must have the ability to judge independently.


And in the Great River System Space-Time Management Bureau,

Bai Linglu just finished talking with the Space-Time Headquarters.Bai Linglu's report this time is to "continue to increase the confidentiality level of the Pandora plane".

During the second plane war, the core personnel of other king-level projects also set their sights on the Pandora plane.

The head of the Supreme Time and Space Decision Department, after observing the Pandora plane, asked Bai Linglu one sentence, that is, "Can you be sure: Sergeant Wei Keng can reach the king level in one step on the Pandora plane?"

In Bai Hengqian's warning, Bai Linglu did not give an affirmative answer in the end. —Because the water here is too deep.


The planes where all the other kings of the Great River System are currently planning are kept highly secret.

Only the plane of Pandora where Wei Keng is located is the unofficial plane of the king's experiment plan.
And according to the early development judgment, the "World Wide Web" of the main world has been made public, which is a popular "public plane".

It's not good to be so ostentatious.

But at the beginning, the main world believed that Wei Keng, the most suitable person for the Pandora plane, was too different from the mainstream plan, the uncertainty was too high, the upper limit of development was uncertain, and the secret had already been leaked.

Therefore, according to the views of some people in the Space-Time Administration at that time, there is no need to keep it secret.

Some supervisors of the Space-Time Management Bureau believe that too much basic information has been leaked. Even if the update of the Pandora plane system is stopped on the World Wide Web, there are still people who can complete the overcoming of the "Human Sovereign System" model by themselves.

This kind of cognition is because in the mimicry world hanging on the World Wide Web, many explorers' "unique" technical methods can be tried out by players in the mimicry world with enough trial and error.Therefore, there is such a theory, that with the opening of the mimicry world and the wisdom of many World Wide Web participants, the development of the plane may be fully tested.

In particular, at that time, Wei Keng's model in the Pandora plane seemed to lack the feasibility of high-tech development, but relying on a large number of people strengthened the judgment of this group of people.

Bai Linglu strongly disagrees with this: "His (Wei Keng) model looks very, very simple. It only needs thousands or tens of thousands of people to split themselves and maintain a stable work plan. But in fact it is extremely difficult to achieve. Gaming and survival are two very different states."

For crossing missions, Bai Linglu has always pursued the maximization of benefits.

But when the Time and Space Administration recommended "keep the Pandora plane open", which is the most beneficial model at the moment, Bai Linglu chose to oppose it.

Immediately afterwards, in the middle and late stages of the Second Plane War, she applied to upgrade the secrecy of the Pandora plane. After failing,
Bai Linglu found his aunt: "This best interest is to ensure the best interest of others, not his best interest."

Bai Hengqian said: "Linglu, you don't know people's hearts."

Bai Linglu retorted: "I know! The king's plan is to compete for the right to speak. As special promotions for the big battle of the planes, they found that after completing the sublimation of their life systems, they could only maintain the level of that position in the target plane. In this state, they already have..."

Bai Hengqian interrupted: "Don't speculate negatively." Then she added and persuaded Bai Linglu: "Although the Pandora plane cannot be stopped from being made public, the update review of the latest status of the Mimic World is still in your hands. You have to take good care of this Position. If you give up that position, it makes other people happy."

Until now, the facts have proved that the judgment of the upper management was wrong.

The Pandora plane has definitely not been reached, and the basic information has been leaked to the same extent.Afterwards, every milestone achieved by Wei Keng was enough to bring about an epic update in the world of Pandora's mimicry.

And now this time! ——It has reached the point where most of the travelers in the middle of the great river system can't bear it.

Can the internal details of a project like "Ecosystem Replacement" really be open at will?

Bai Linglu was right, and Bai Hengqian's strategy of making him endure it also worked. —— On the plane of Pandora, Bai Linglu still holds the absolute right to speak.This right to speak is shared with Wei Keng, basically monopolizing the world of Pandora into the world of two people.


Master Wei didn't know that the situation above was turbulent.As for how to deal with the Space Administration?Wei Keng was very confident in Miss Bai's ability.

Wei Keng: "I want to put all my energy into the transformation of the plane."

March of the 150th year of Pandora.

Throughout the southwest border, smoke was rising from the chimneys of the red brick factory buildings, and in the factory buildings, compared to the 21st century, cumbersome machinery was operating under the control of the plant operation cabin.

This year, most of the military production has been transferred from Wei Keng to other trained new workers.

Three years ago, in the arsenal not controlled by Wei Keng, the trained workers could only produce [-]mm short-barreled recoil guns, which were large wheels on both sides with a barrel in the middle—commonly known as mountain guns.

In terms of artillery production technology, it is not as simple as adding a piece of steel to slightly lengthen the barrel.This requires dozens of sets of processes, and the precision requirements of forging, pressing and drilling equipment will also increase enormously.

For novices, more craftsmanship will inevitably lead to an increase in the rate of defective products.

This is like a handwritten application form, which is not allowed to alter handwriting, and the more words required, the greater the probability of errors.

The process is a series of processes. If one of the processes is wrong, it means that the previous processes are in vain, which will be included in the cost.

But even so, Wei Keng still firmly pushed forward, and the processing accuracy of the factories where other workers who were not his own were improved.

Because the troops composed of pure Wei Keng can accept the price, lower the standard and use short-barreled guns.The mental language level of the own cluster is level eight, which can make a very accurate judgment on the curved trajectory, and the curved trajectory will also be accurate.

However, as the commanding army continued to absorb new members, the proportion of Wei Keng individuals decreased, and the sniper shooting tactics of long-barreled artillery with a higher barrel speed were more suitable for new soldiers.

According to the latest military development plan of the Commanding Army, the complete refitting of the army must be completed 151 years ago.

The latest armor-piercing gun now produced in the factory is the German Pak38 50mm anti-tank gun.

related data:

Overall length: 4.75 meters.

Barrel length: 3.137 meters;
Width: 1.85 meters;
Height: 1.05 meters.

High and low range: -8°~+27°.

Weight: 813kg.

Rate of fire: close to 13 rounds/min.

It can penetrate a 500 cm thick steel plate at a distance of 7 meters, which is enough to sanction all kinds of dissatisfaction on the Pandora plane.

Master Wei's guns are not only about caliber, range, and armor penetration.Sometimes the mobility that can run over hills and fields is more important than the performance ahead.

Now that a large number of mechanical pack beasts and half-track vehicles have entered service, the 92-type infantry gun, which was considered really fragrant by Master Wei in the past, has been abandoned.

The current military code of command of the commanding army stipulates that the artillery must be able to maintain telepathic communication with the front assault corps, must communicate the timing of firing, and transmit the ballistic trajectory to the front in real time through telepathic language.

This is a tactic specially prepared for the mechanical herds of Jianye and the Five Colors Alliance.

[Wei Keng has always avoided fighting Jianye and the Five-color Alliance, but he is always studying how to fight these two city-states. 】

Armor-piercing guns fired at large units, howitzers harvested fragments, and the forward assault corps "teared" the opposing formation in the past.

Here, Wei Keng repeatedly emphasized to the newly recruited craftsmen in the industrial sector that the key to the impact of each coefficient on craftsmanship.And in terms of communication on the Jue Ming plane, they are also looking for a military experience summary report from the military over there.

And in the communication with the Jue Ming plane, Wei Keng also linked to the traverser over there.

This Liu Su's rank is unknown, but when we met, Master Wei felt that he was very polite to him.

Liu Su: "Your Excellency, it's a pleasure to meet you. I have traveled fifty times more than Your Excellency, but according to the time of the main plane, I entered the time travel sequence four years later than you."

Wei Keng: "Uh, student Liu, hello."

After saying hello, Wei Keng asked his own question.Because according to the rules, the time-quake time-space area (Command and Conquer) has been sealed in the present age, and there is no shuttle. Now that Liu Su is there, it is obvious that the timeline has been restarted.

Liu Su: "Student Wei Keng, the scale of your actions in the Pandora plane is epic, and the adjacent plane (Jueming) has also been affected, so I was sent to observe here."


The Death Plane is the standard War Plane.

Contradictions among East Asia, the United States of the New World and the European Union, and the re-emerging Commonwealth of Independent States have begun to breed.

But these powers seem to have learned the lessons of World War II.

Germany's self-destruction proved that it is not feasible to rely on its own industrial advantages to conduct a full-scale war and attack another industrial country.Because with the organizational power of an industrial country, resisting at home would make it impossible for any attacker to go around.

When a form of warfare proves to be unfeasible, interests will always drive warfare to a new form. ——[-]% profit will drive capital to trample all order in the world.

In the Second European War, it was possible to annex a region to annex the industrial capital of that region, driving Germany to start another war.For example, Czechoslovakia, Austria and other regions were incorporated, and the rapid fall of Poland and France fed the Third Reich.

But more than ten years later, when the United States wanted to find a foothold in Asia, it couldn't get a foothold from North Korea to Vietnam.After that, they left a lot of chicken feathers in the Middle East, but they still couldn't establish order.Capital has run out of ideas on this road.

First of all, it is necessary to recognize an objective fact: the area on the earth that can be industrialized is limited.

In the current era of the Desperate Plane, the East Asian coast, Western Europe, the Mediterranean region, and the east and west sides of the Atlantic Ocean can only be industrialized in a very small number of places.

Other regions lack elements such as history, humanities, natural resources, and geography. ——The safety factor is very important.

Dian Zhongdian is Uttar Pradesh in India.It runs through the Ganges River Basin and has a concentration of hundreds of millions of people. In theory, industrialization can be completed, but it lacks a safe area and is extremely vulnerable to external infiltration.The multiple infiltrations in history have left a large number of historical factors of sectarian cultural contradictions here. Until modern times, the outside still affects the stability here.

But when industrialization is completed in a large region, the surrounding area can be stabilized and a security order in the region can be established.On the contrary, if the security order in this area is broken, the industrialization development of that area will be directly affected. ——Europe has been devastated by immigrants and people who blew themselves up.

Therefore, during this period, the strategy of the great powers will naturally develop into interventionism, which is to send troops to the surrounding areas near other industrial countries to create problems.

Such an action prevented Germany and Germany from directly facing the backlash of the occupied areas of other industrial countries in World War II, and then used the advantage of watching the fire from the other side to weaken the autonomy of competitors.

Therefore, the development of the industrial belt of a big country must have a buffer zone and a spare area.

The industrial innovation output value of the two triangles of East Asia is the highest, but the inland central plains are the industrial backup, separated from other surrounding countries by oceans, deserts, plateaus and other terrains, which are buffer areas.

The California and New York regions of North America are high-tech industrial centers, but the Great Lakes rust region is a backup region.

Strategists from various countries in the Destiny Plane are still hazy about the future, but they will definitely develop in this direction.

The new strategic game launched by the United States in the new era is to destroy the opponent's buffer zone and mess up the backup area, so as to take the lead in economics and trade after the armistice.

And other powers are also using the same means to engage in strategic wrestling!The intensity of the use of troops will intensify.

Desperate Plane, upcoming plots:
In the Central Asia region, the ban on nuclear weapons has become meaningless with the extensive use of space particle beam high-energy weapons by the United States.

The Russian side encountered the Central Asian border, and after many rebellions imported from the outside, it launched a counterattack against the United States and Europe.

Russia sent troops directly from the Black Sea, then supported the armed forces in Libya, and put security pressure on the EU across the Mediterranean Sea.In addition, nuclear submarines were dispatched into the Caribbean Sea, and the actions of the United States Intelligence Agency in Central Asia were retaliated against. The KGB personally instructed the Mexican civil forces on how to do business across the US-Mexico border.

In the end, the great powers will tear their faces apart in the process of continuously cultivating their puppet forces.


But now, on the current historical line of the Jue Ming plane, due to the influence of the space-time wormhole from the Pandora plane, the history is obviously different.

Don't worry about Wei Keng's current specific work on Jueming Plane, Liu Su is in charge of all this.

Liu Su came to communicate this time, just hoping that Wei Keng will continue to persist in the Pandora plane, and he is trying to arrange more scientific and technological materials to support the Pandora plane.


In the office of Jueming Plane, Liu Su let out a sigh of relief, and then he connected to the system interface.

On the interface, it was Luo Hongxing.

Liu Su: "Master, I have met him. His basic industrial level in the Pandora plane has developed to the first half of the [-]th century. Of course, this does not include the special technology of this plane."

After Luo Hongxing accepted the information, he said: "Well, it seems that the progress has exceeded my expectations. No wonder the people in the Space-Time Center are in a hurry and want to sign the agreement."

Liu Sulue understood: "So? Qin Tian's release of Qing may not be to suppress Wei Keng, who is waiting to be determined?"

Luo Hongxing looked at the melon skin and asked: "Suppression? Who said he was suppression, he wanted to sign a plane exploration contract with him (Wei Keng) first. Just like that little girl Bai Linglu, grab the potential stocks, Take full advantage of it before it goes on the market."

The Pandora plane is a plane with a very high potential for life development, and the plane tunneling technology based on the local physical rules of the plane is being carried out. For advanced traversers who have obtained the god position in other plane areas, it is a long-term communication in the future. partner.

After being told this, Liu Su finally understood the general idea.

Liu Su smiled wryly: "I thought it was because Pandora's mimicry world on the World Wide Web was hugely profitable, and the people on it didn't want to let go, and Qin Shangqing wanted to go in and get a share."

Luo Hongxing sneered: "That's the idea of ​​newcomers. I really thought that if I played a lot in the world of mimicry on the World Wide Web, I would be able to adapt to travel in the real plane."

There are many Shangqings with more than ten digits who have tried Wei Keng's crowd gathering state on the Pandora plane, and they were able to maintain the number at the beginning.But it really proliferates infinitely, and no one can maintain the sociality of cooperating and communicating with the people there without obstacles as it is now.

The connotation logic relied on by the thinking proliferation of each Shangqing level is unique.

And now that Qin Shangqing is hurrying up to try to reach the king, how could he change his logical connotation in order to occupy the plane of Pandora?

The logical connotation based on the king-level consciousness can be called a godhead!And the self-awareness belief that builds the godhead cannot be changed at will.

(End of this chapter)

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