out of cage

Chapter 207 Chapter 6.21 Left?right?Hold your direction.

Chapter 207 Chapter 6.21 Left?right?Hold your direction.

At eight o'clock in the morning on February 154, 2 in the Pandora calendar,
In the south of the Shandong Peninsula, near the newly built port of Xinlu City, the returning coastal security fleet passed through the sea mist.

Next to this rock fortress made of cement and stones, the ships that can berth are only [-] tons, and the cement piers are all at the level of river bank dams.

However, when the fleet with the banner of the commanding expedition approached the port, it encountered a contradiction that "although it was an accident, it will happen sooner or later".

Note that this is already the northern part of the Yellow Sea.The navy in the commanding area bypassed Jianye and went north to the sphere of influence of the Five Colors Alliance.

The unified logging area has changed their means to contact Qiantang Bay, LYG and many urban areas. After successfully settled in, although it is still a long way from the establishment of complete steel, machinery, military and other factories.

However, warehouses capable of storing ammunition, mechanical parts, food, and cloth materials have been established, and the maintenance industry that can oil cannon parts, clean ships and machinery, and paint is becoming more and more perfect.

These infrastructures are enough to open up the shipping lanes!In contrast, the restoration of inland railway facilities is really much more difficult.

Therefore, this trade team sailing along the coastline can go all the way north until the route extends to the Qilu Peninsula area.

As for this small port, it was built by the Ministry of Commerce of the Tongfa District with the help of Xinlu City in December last year, with a 12-kilometer-long gravel road leading to the city.
Just two months of trade has helped Xinlu City make a lot of money.A large number of cans, steel, guns and ammunition, and cloth are flowing.

Under the guidance of Xinlu City, the salt farms were also opened, and each time hundreds of tons of salt were pulled directly towards the unified cutting area.There are also some industrial products such as aluminum ingots and copper coils that were moved out of the abandoned factories during the Great Destruction. These industrial relics are rare for them to break open scrap iron after the Great Destruction, and now they are the bulk of the trade.

But such reciprocal trade cannot escape the surveillance of the local forces in the north.

Sometimes they don't cherish things that no one wants. Once someone comes to spend money to buy it, he feels that he is being stolen.This sentence can be applied to the attitude of the upper echelons of the northern inland big cities towards the trade of the coastal city-states that they can't get a hold of when thousands of oceans in the unified logging area purchase large pieces of coastal marine gas turbines.

The Five-Color Alliance, the veteran northern force, has made a move.

Ten days ago, the special commissioner from the Taihang Mountains led a team to Xinlu City.Complying with the requirements of the old school, directly controlled the trade school, and then sealed the port.

But now, when the fleet from the commanding area came, they had to take action to block it.

A black mechanical beast resembling a Spinosaurus (steel wheels on the abdomen to assist ground movement) and another mechanical beast resembling a large pangolin directly blocked the ship in the deep water in front of the pier.

And the two special commissioners stood on the mechanical beast like the "two envoys of reward and punishment", confidently resisting it.

During the confrontation,
The unified logging area insisted on entering the port, because the port was invested and constructed by its own side, and its own materials were still kept in the warehouse.

But the two commissioners of the Five Colors Alliance declared: "The South is illegally entering other people's sphere of influence, and all supplies have been confiscated." And they refused to negotiate.

In this case, the unified logging area, which has been going smoothly, can't bear it.

Using the captain's excuse afterwards: "Today he can confiscate it at will, and tomorrow he can rob it at sea unscrupulously! I can't swallow this breath."

In retrospect, let's make a hypothesis.

If Wei Keng handled it, he would definitely be more gentle.Put forward a request for the Five Colors Alliance to release all the personnel who cooperate with them, and put pressure on the means of continuing the confrontation on the coastline through the fleet.

This approach guarantees bottom-line benefits and is effective and manageable.It is impossible for the commissioner of the Five Colors Alliance to soak the mechanical beast in the water forever, and sooner or later they will compromise on this aspect during the confrontation.

And after the people are brought over, at least the loss of touching the bottom line will not be suffered, which shows that the unified logging area still has the ability and determination to protect the personal safety of its own people and partners.

As for the material loss?The little profit they took away today will allow them to watch the edge of the control area rise into a new trade center next year, erode the influence of those uncooperative conservative groups in Xinlu City, and then eat it back several times .

However, Wei Keng has been away from the job of dealing with the city-state for a long time.Therefore, the above-mentioned patient diplomacy cannot be carried out.

These comrades in the unified cutting area—well, I can’t say comrades, they are young men carrying swords and merchants—after three warnings were invalid, they sent the Marine Corps to engage in fierce conflicts with the special commissioners in the area.

The accompanying mage (Lu Min) in the commanding area directly cast a life-frequency ray, causing all the mechanical beasts 500 meters away who tried to approach the battleship by submerging to drown in the water.

Then the lifeboat of the fleet salvaged the two five-color alliance trainers as hostages.

At 13:11 noon, under the investigation of three Rogia, the enemy's position was determined.The marines immediately calibrated the map through the language of the mind, and began to install biological seekers on the warheads of the 130 rocket launchers, and carried out fixed-point bombing of certain warehouses in the city.

In this eye-for-an-eye revenge, the naval power of the commanding army destroyed the warehouses in Xinlu City and the parking lot where the transport vehicles were gathered.

The accompanying Daoist Lu Min is also a ruthless character. He sits directly on Lugia, looks at the life radiation group outside the city, and uses life-frequency spells one after another to make the large mechanical beasts of the Five-color Alliance All "neuronal necrosis".

In the end, the foreign trade caravan spread leaflets through Rogia: "We are attacking those who break the contract. Urban residents can receive rations and clothing in coastal areas."

The 2.14 incident occurred in which the unified cutting area and the five-color alliance forces directly clashed.

Xinlu City has a population of [-], and food reserves are needed in February, when the crops are so lean.Originally, the trading faction completed the hoarding of rations through trade with the unified logging area, but as the conservative faction seized power and destroyed the trade rules, it led to such radical measures by the commercial sector of the unified logging area.

Six or 10 minutes after the incident, the complete cause and effect had been reported to Hengyang.

Before Sun Xiangyang made some decisions, Wei Keng, the secretary specializing in international diplomacy, emphasized the nature of this matter to Sun Xiangyang!

Wei Keng: "As the old saying goes, the conquest of ritual and music comes from the Son of Heaven, which is an overview of the highest central power of a country.

But with the current theory, we have to figure out what kind of regime we are in order to rule out the wrong path.

Our supreme power is by no means to serve commercial capital, our strategy is based on the interests of the people.

But now the caravan can mobilize troops directly.This shows that the fleet has seriously violated discipline!It's fine if they fight a war, maybe they can find reasons to protect overseas Chinese and rescue their partners.

But they also took the lead in expressing their views, thinking that their sophistry was very successful.This is unorganized and undisciplined, utter nonsense. "

When Sun Xiangyang and other comrades heard what Wei Keng said, they turned their attention from "the possible attitude of the five-color alliance" to "the current cross-border behavior of our Eastern Front Trade Team".

Lao Li, who was in charge of personnel appointment and dismissal, asked, "What do you think should be done about this matter?" The expression on his questioning face obviously felt like making a fuss out of a molehill.

Wei Keng said solemnly: "It must be dismissed and punished. Otherwise, there will be no boundaries in doing things there in the future. For this matter, the center must directly send other people to go there, and divide it into three parts to clean up the matter.

The first part: to ease the relationship with the Five Colors Alliance, willing to compensate for the accidental injury of their personnel and the loss of mechanical beasts.Note that we just accidentally hit them.Don't talk to them about invasion and defense, their commissioners are also outlanders to Xinlu City.

The second part: Complain to the current group of power holders in Xinlu City, asking for a negotiation on the commercial breach of contract.Also in diplomacy, don't talk about who fires first, otherwise we will be unreasonable.

Our diplomatic purpose is not to make them compensate, but to ask them to apologize.As for the loss of cities, we also have to replenish them afterwards in the form of humanitarian aid.

The third part: This is also the most important part, that is, the people in the city.The most important strategic work on our eastern coastline is to win the hearts of the people step by step.

We must remember one thing: when a war breaks out, no matter what the reason, the people in the area always feel the pain.

The reason we are firing now seems to be a dispute of commercial interests - this has to be corrected internally as well.Hey, now that my face is torn, I might as well do the grassroots work a little deeper.We're going to win most of them over this winter.

To this end we have to make preparations to set up a new base in the region.This requires a large number of responsible cadres to organize in the area and let the area build up to our people. "

Similarly, Wei Keng also used spiritual language to deduce the serious consequences of not doing this and letting it develop!
As the advanced side, the unified logging area will inevitably produce compradors from the backward classes in the process of industrial exchanges.

But in industrial exchanges, there are progressives as well as compradors.These progressives are very poor and inconspicuous now, but only they can be absorbed into our organization and govern the place.

But now the special thing is that the unified cutting area opened fire in Xinlu City.The reason for firing is not to stand with the local oppressed people to seek justice, but for commercial interests, which is proper imperialism.It is bound to push progressives in the region away from us.Then what "unification" are you talking about?
This is like a rich man in the 21st century talking about struggle and ideals with you.But after talking about all this, in practice, your Saturday is full of overtime work, and in the end, when it comes to interests, he even took the money for exploitation.Although it's just a little bit, it's insignificant to his already billions of dollars, and even he never bothered to take that little money out, but as long as he took it, his words would be fart.

The "Eastern Strategy" identified by Wei Keng: economic input, even sanctions and strikes, but in terms of force, we must be cautious.

But there is really no way, if force is invested, it will be responsible to the end.

Sun Xiangyang and other high-level officials finally listened to Wei Keng's analysis.

The eight-member committee voted to unanimously approve the "correction" proposal.

This vote is a bit exaggerated, but it is also expected.

Because, now the decision-making power of the unified logging area is in Hengyang, and they are all members of the Qianbei faction, and they have very little contact with relevant interests.

If the voting is still held in Zhuxin City, there may be a few-to-few situation.Because of its impact on trade in coastal areas, there will be a large number of losers in the decision-making hierarchy.

Two hours later, a communication from Hengyang came out, issuing a series of serious orders.

All the relevant personnel who started the fire were dismissed, and the officers were redeployed to deal with related matters. Chu Cang and Huang Yu were on the recruitment list.Of course, 343 Wei Keng who had already landed on Dayuan Island were urgently transferred as the backbone of the work.

The personnel in the unified logging area arrived at the incident area by An-2 transport plane within one day.

The working group met at 2:15 am on February 5th to read the spirit of the Hengyang Central Center on the matter, and then began to deal with it intensely.

Negotiations with those in power in Xinlu City began on February 2. The two sides ceased fire completely and released each other's blockade.At the same time ensure the safety of personnel.

On February 2, Xinlu City promised to release the trade faction, and the Tongfa District promised to supply goods.The two sides conducted anxious negotiations on the damage of the war.

On February 2, there was a shortage of food in the slums of Xinlu City.

The bulldozers outside the city have already entered the camp, and began to recruit people in the city to join in the construction.A large number of follow-up materials were transferred, and a change of clothes was provided and food supplies were guaranteed.

The scent of canned food boiled in dozens of large iron pots blows into the city in the cold winter wind, attracting more people.This has attracted a large number of people to go out of the city to eat.

The cadres in the unified logging area did not catch this kind of behavior of taking advantage of it.Those who are willing to stay can eat two bowls and walk with us in our clothes.Those who don't want to stay, eat a bowl, and take the steel to go back.

On February 2, under pressure, Xinlu City admitted that it was its own side that confiscated the goods from the logging area.Of course, this kind of acknowledgment may only be a stopgap measure, waiting for the support of the Five Colors Alliance to come over.

But for the unified logging area, this is enough, and the upper echelon of Xinlu City admitted to "robbing the commercial and trade grain shipped from the unified logging area."The announcement was sent to thousands of households in the city along with the supplies once again aided to Xinlu City.

This gave 70.00% of the lower-class people in Xinlu District the feeling that Xinlu City had robbed the food that the unified logging area wanted to give to the people.

The reason why the unified logging area opened fire this time was because "the food that should have been handed over to the trade faction for the people" was robbed, and it could stand morally.

On the 27th, the last day of February, the unified logging area released two commissioners from the Five-color Alliance, and signed the contract under the witness of the two commissioners.

As for the next step, it is to discuss with these special commissioners of the Five Colors Alliance the compensation for those outsiders who accidentally injured them in the fire.

Regarding this loss, Chu Cang and others originally thought about whether they could save those mechanical beasts.They are all very confident in their own medical technology, but after the autopsy, it was found that this f*ck is completely cold.

As the crazy carbon-based programmer in this incident, Lu Min was very ruthless!A variety of frequency bands were used, first to cause coma, then to damage the nerves, and finally did not forget to use some "radiation of phosphorus organic substances" to make up the knife quite thoroughly.

This made it impossible for the trainers who regarded the mechanical beasts as their partners to reconcile.

On February 2st,
Chu Cang went directly to the confinement room to see Lu Min who had lost a lot of weight.

This guy poisoned himself into residual blood, and he recovered by relying on the blood bag technology, but he also lost a lot of body tissue.

Chu Cang faced the junior brother: "Why don't you stay on the front line when you do things?"

Lu Min raised his head and said with a sad smile, "I want to tell you that the times have changed for grown-ups who stepped on other people's backs."

Wei Keng, who was in charge of guarding next door, immediately called up Lu Min's information.Good guy, he came to the unified cutting area during the period when the Gan area was fighting against each other. Someone in the family died due to the stampede driven by the upper-level mechanical beasts in Ganzhou.So -- it's class hatred.

On February 2, the Tongfa District and Xinlu City reached a literal reconciliation, and at the same time won the hearts of the people in the city.

What is the Five Colors Alliance doing?


(End of this chapter)

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