out of cage

Chapter 221 Chapter 7.04 Weak Divine Power, Strong Divine Power

Chapter 221 Chapter 7.04 Weak Divine Power, Strong Divine Power


Interpretation from Chinese characters, industry: behavior.

Industry is "work" industry.

From the perspective of oriental cultural dominance philosophy, when a kind of behavior is allowed to exist on a large scale, it becomes an "industry".Then it must be a boost to stability,

Therefore, in the East in modern times, the reason why industry was vigorously supported was to stabilize the society.What is inherited is the orthodox tradition of "work for relief" in the classical era.

Industry is "industry" in Western English vocabulary, which means hard work, artisan production, and workshop.

In Western sociology, craftsmen come together to unify tool production with an emphasis on wealth creation.If industry cannot generate enough wealth, it will be difficult to maintain its social functioning.

In the 27th century, the understanding of the concept of industry by the mainstream civilization of the earth basically comes from the above two categories.

The Western philosophy of observing things can identify and grasp the core of material operation and start the industrial revolution, while the social cooperation and joint participation of the Eastern "humanistic philosophy" can also expand the industrial scale to an unprecedented scale.

And in such a different world

If the industrial godhead is entrusted by travelers with different civilization concepts on the earth, there will be huge differences because of the different purposes at the beginning.

In 3572, in Xiange Town, the Xuedang River was cut off and a dam was built.With the closure of the dam, a rotor generator wound with a large number of coils and cutting the magnetic induction line built by the craftsman shop in the small town began to collect the electric energy here, and then sent it to the capacitors constructed of graphene.In the local language, it is called the magic pool.

Oh, the process of peeling off graphene and then arranging it needs to rely on the arcane magic of this world to do it on a large scale: only the second-ring magic is needed to make the irregular graphite in nature quickly and orderly microscopically arrangement.

The knowledge that arcanists dream of on this plane is not lacking in Master Wei's system database.

After the electric energy is sufficient, it is naturally used for the forging machine.Wei Keng borrowed about [-] gold coins as start-up capital.

Although as an heir, whether he can inherit this territory is still uncertain.But for merchants, if they really become lords in the future, those who don't borrow money will be finished.

After getting the money, Wei Keng, who was the investor, signed a contract with Xinya Church, the contributor to the dam construction, which stipulated the method of loaning agricultural tools and purchasing agricultural products.Of course, the contract is not so dead. If farmers fail to harvest due to natural disasters, diseases, etc., there will be loan relief.

Natural disasters and diseases in this world are largely attributed to gods or curses.The concept of traditional contracts doesn't care about these things. When encountering such unlucky things, it is considered that God has not blessed you.

Lady Sprout is not a powerful deity, and the church organization is quite loose.

Because there is such a thing as food making technology in the world that people can't die from starvation.The matter of farming is not completely determined by the sprouts. Gods such as Monsoon, Guanghui, and the earth are all involved. Her priesthood is only the last step: let the seeds germinate tenaciously.

Wei Keng: If there is no soil cultivation in the future, build a greenhouse.The priesthood of the sprout goddess may be stronger.

In the winter of 3572, grain was successfully planted.

As the future lord, Wei Keng fulfilled his promise and only collected grain from farmers.Then the priest of the Temple of Tyre was invited and a new contract was reached with the temple here. The newly built granary will be under the protection of the God of Justice.

Because, the granary is waterproof, fire-proof, insect-proof, and dry. God knows if there will be believers of some evil gods to do things.As for the priests of the God of Justice, they will not do it in vain. The contract clearly stipulates sufficient remuneration.

Even though there would be some corruption in the temple organization, Wei Keng felt that if he was paid enough and put on his own belief in the origin of divine magic, it would be okay to rob all the food, right?

System prompt: "If there is a large number of famines in the periphery of your ruling area, the priests of the God of Justice may find ways to bypass the contract, such as grabbing your other vitals, forcing you to let go of the contract and give up the ownership of the food. .”

Wei Keng: "Well, indeed. However, if that's the case, we can discuss it carefully. I am also happy for righteous acts of kindness. As long as the distribution of responsibilities is well established, another contract can be made up.

Well, if I am willing, and the God of Order is also willing, then there should be no room for smart people to operate in the middle, unless there are conspiracy and lie believers to intervene. "

After the system paused for a few seconds, it responded, "God is not that gentle, and will not do Tai Chi with you."

The tall granary cut the ribbon under the blessing of the priest of the temple.

Seeing the truckloads of grain being transported to the warehouse, people believed in Tyre, the god of justice, to give justice because of their own wealth.

And justice must also be reflected in certain important things and be respected.

In Fresh Song Town, the power of faith permeates.

The priests in the temple had a noble look, obviously getting a response from their gods. ——It seems that this god is still projecting.

Wei Keng's contract with this god of justice is very important, and this god seems to want to take this deal one step further.

In the monitor space.

Bai Linglu: "Wait, the situation is wrong."

Qin Xiaohan didn't deny Bai Linglu either, but cooperated to search for information.

Bai Linglu opened the interface and had a conversation with Wei Keng.

Bai Linglu: "Congratulations, you have helped a god."

Wei Keng, who was in the material world, let out a sigh of relief: "Achieving a contract? This is the necessary direction of development." Sensing that Bai Linglu's inexplicable words may have the meaning of asking, he further explained: "The existence of gods in this world is objective. In fact, if you want to develop something, you can't get around them."

Bai Linglu nodded, transferred the information from Qin Xiaohan, glanced at it and said: "The power of this god has gathered, and he has begun to instruct his believers to do something."

Wei Keng: "Well, is it aimed at me?"

Bai Linglu: "Yes."

Wei Keng: "You want to fuck me?"

Bai Linglu: "I want to support you as a lord. Of course, if you are willing to go one step further, they will support you as the heir to the empire. As a person with divine favor, you are indeed a potential stock."

Wei Keng: "This is, assist?"

Bai Linglu: "When mortals trade with gods, it is always the gods who take advantage."

After saying this, she gave Wei Keng time to react.

Wei Keng looked at the interface for a while, then rubbed his forehead: "My brain is not that clear, you should talk about it carefully."

Bai Linglu: "When gods make deals with mortals, mortals often help the gods to expand their faith, and gods bless mortals: giving them powerful magic, or high social status. But neither of you lack."

Wei Keng, as a time traveler, cannot be regarded as an ordinary mortal, and does not pursue power and wealth in this world.

As for social status, what social status would a person who can safely sell pancakes for decades care about?
A consciousness that can directly push across the starry sky battlefield is itself an existence that suppresses one side's luck, and does it need to be recognized by the gods?
This is like, in ancient times, the total industrial output value was the first in the world, and supercomputing and aerospace were all close to the world's highest level. Does it still need free media to conduct value evaluations in order to obtain legal status like a small African country?
National character is different from national character, and personality is also different from personality.

~The main world, which travels among many planes, is in an equal relationship with the multiverse where arcane magic exists.

And Wei Keng, the top-level conscious being in the plane war, is also equal to the gods of this world.It's just that Wei Keng's character is too honest!It's easy to be regarded as a mortal by the guys here.

Wei Keng paused: "Indeed, I don't need anything, but do this now? Refuse?"

Bai Linglu: "Please keep your distance. When dealing with the gods, you must be very vigilant. What they give will definitely make you pay the price. Even the gods who preach order and justice are good at calculating."

On the street, Wei Keng nodded silently as he looked at those people praying to the gods with their hands on their chests.

Wei Keng: "Understood, when doing things in this world, you can't ask for smooth sailing. Anything that is mainly promoted by me, God is involved in it too much. After the result is achieved, my "elements" will be in the whole event. The proportion in the chain will drop."

Bai Linglu didn't continue his long speech, but nodded: "Right, then I won't bother you. Continue with your plan."


In the monitor space, when Bai Linglu hung up, Qin Xiaohan couldn't help asking: "Why didn't you tell him about that!"

Bai Linglu's expression was flat: "To him, I have said everything that needs to be said, and there is no need to say anything else. If I say it, it will be annoying."

The current overall analysis of the Overseer team on Wei Keng's mission is as follows:

Wei Keng's act of achieving the industrial concept is likely to form a god with weak divine power, and it may be a medium god if it works better.But in fact, if you follow the most effective strategy, you can reach the powerful gods.

This is because when Wei Keng completes the industrial concept, it needs the cooperation of multiple parties.

For example, Wei Keng has room for agricultural cooperation and warehouses based on the reputation of the Temple of Justice, and these "rooms" will be taken by other related gods.

Bai Linglu's so-called "speaking everything that needs to be said" actually includes cooperation with the gods to achieve industrial concepts, which will weaken the power of the gods.

For example, like Ms. Sprout, she can only manage a small number of functions such as plant germination and new birth.Therefore, such a domineering concept of the oriental "sheji" cannot be realized.

Wei Keng regards industry as a necessary procedure for stabilizing society, which is a manifestation of kindness.

But a kind heart is sometimes a stumbling block to becoming a god.

The Mediterranean system determined that the "industrial" godhead could create a lot of wealth and at the same time start a war.

Such a priesthood can inspire the believers' vows and become stronger.

This is actually the difference between Eastern and Western philosophies.Godhead is a Western overview of the concept of focus.The East, on the other hand, talks about "Tao", "Tao" is not the main point, Tao is a ubiquitous element, and Tao is not isolated.

This is like the difference in the art of painting between the East and the West: Western paintings have a central observation point, but when appreciating, they are hung in the exhibition, so that each painting with an observation center can be compared with each other.The east is the picture scroll, and the landscape paintings slowly unfolding in the scroll adopt the perspective of looking around the whole situation.

It's not that Wei Keng doesn't understand when the industry has the most impact in history (in modern times, several world wars were the embodiment of the coldness and strength of industry), but he still chose the most harmonious one from the overall concept.

So for this task, Bai Linglu is not happy at ordinary times!
Because of the industrial godhead assigned to Wei Keng, the basket was too small, and it couldn't show Wei Keng's inherent overall development ability at all.How strong is Wei Keng on the plane of Pandora?Industry, agriculture, science and technology, education, military affairs, strategy, although each of them is the so-called middleman's posture as he said, but the integration is overwhelming.

Therefore, before crossing, Bai Linglu complained to his aunt: "Qin Tianfang is blindly directing. The multiverse is not suitable for Wei Keng to expand at all. This release is mostly ordinary. If there is such a small bit of expansion, he (Wei Keng) can make our seemingly simple things extremely tragic."

The perspective turns back to the material plane,

12-year-old Carret (Wei Keng) rode a white horse by the river to visit the rows of bungalow workshops under his name.In less than half a year, these workshops have made themselves big property owners on this land.

Oh, although I still owe a foreign debt of several thousand gold coins, no one will doubt that I can't pay it back.

The stored grain and the ironware produced are all best-sellers, and it is impossible not to sell them.The specific credit performance is that if bonds are issued at this time, they will definitely be snapped up, indicating that the credit is strong.Conversely, if you must force apportionment to sell it, it means that you are overdrawing your reputation.

But alas, this is not cost-effective for a mage.The purpose of arcanists building energy stations (magic towers) is not to be wasted by mortals, and the support of mortals is useless to the arcane path.

The arcanist himself is the most potential industrial consumer, and the more powerful the arcanist, the more energy he consumes.

Thus arcanists celebrate knowledge, but do not devote themselves to spreading it, or sharing the ability to discover it.

This is like the global technology under the rule of US imperialism in ancient times. The high-tech eagle sauce is willing to share values, but whoever wants to share his energy (oil) will immediately turn his face.

Wei Keng's magic tower is nothing unusual to great arcanists.

The strange thing is the energy distribution.

In the contract signed by Wei Keng, he can only use [-]% of the energy, and all the rest will be used for the production of daily necessities for the citizens.

Many lord mages have also used their own arcane methods to make the territory prosperous, normal, normal.Well, it's just that Wei Keng was willing to reduce his own share to [-]% in the contract.

Suddenly, Wei Keng stopped in front of a workshop.The perception at sixteen o'clock made him aware of the abnormality.Then Wei Keng frowned.

Wei Keng walked into the factory, and workers were sweating.When the supervisor saw the young and excessive Wei Keng walking in, he immediately stepped forward to accompany him.

When the future lord, who was just 1.7 meters tall and in good shape, was about to become the center of the crowd, Wei Keng pushed them away and walked straight to the edge of the production line.

When approaching the workers, these workers were obviously affected, waiting quietly like tamed animals for questioning. ——This is the effect of the high Charm attribute.

Wei Keng took a look at the workers' hands, and then asked each worker about their wages.

Oh, this process changed the expressions of the supervisors behind.

After the questioning, Wei Keng didn't speak, but just smiled and gave each worker [-] copper coins for lost wages.Soon the production line restarted.

Master Wei didn't reprimand the supervisors on the spot to show off his ruling charm.A very high "charisma" value and a casual attitude will have a mental effect on the crowd.

Half an hour later, Wei Keng jumped onto the high wall of the factory in front of the supervisor, took out a detection crystal and placed it on it—this was installing a camera.At the same time, he took out a hammer and nailed the "report mailbox" in the blind spot of the factory aisle.

After doing all this, Wei Keng rubbed his head, and while checking the system information, he walked to the factory office, leaving behind the supervisors who wanted to attack the lower-level workers but had to restrain themselves.

Wei Keng said to himself: People have mental fluctuations, and in the environment of this world, the accumulation of negative mental fluctuations will produce pollution.No wonder there are no mages who let a large number of mortals participate in their own arcane production, and most of them tend to use magic power puppets that construct machinery for production.

Wei Keng sighed: "People in industrial production need to restrain their emotions. But can ordinary people do it?"

(End of this chapter)

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