out of cage

Chapter 239 Chapter 7.21 The so-called soul

Chapter 239 Chapter 7.21 The so-called soul

On the issue of war, Wei Keng has been making preparations, and some preparations have ample margin in terms of standards.

When this extraordinary power is upgraded to one level, the amount greater than the low-level power will be increased by ten times. ~Wei Keng's countermeasure is to pull the war out of individual confrontation, and try to drag it to the group, or even the whole.

In short, Master Wei: "You can run away from the monk, but you can't run away from the temple. If you can run away with blood, then your family will be punished."

Defense-style campaign planning ideas: long-range detection, mid-range and near-far firepower, and tactical maneuvering.

Wei Keng filled in one by one according to this comprehensive and perfect policy. (This is clearly Chinese-style industrial development, as opposed to the "details first" Japanese way of thinking.)
Master Wei's style of doing things.Of course, Qin Xiaohan's team, who has been taught in the empty twisting plane, knows that it really has to wait until Master Wei fills in these guidelines. God knows how many years will pass before the merits and virtues are consummated.
So before Wei Keng was ready to set off, Yan Beixiang followed Wei Keng's existing various technical conditions to evaluate, and before Wei Keng took the initiative to come up with a set of industrial Austrian law battle mode.

Ever since, after learning about guns while taking advantage of Master Wei, he was more positive in mood.The admonitions began. (Bai Linglu told the team in charge of public relations: remember to follow along, and let him agree to it when he is not rebellious.)
In Wei Keng's system interface, a set of "War Arcane Combination" comparable to a base vehicle appeared.

Yan Beixiang, who was wearing a female colonel's military uniform, proudly explained on the interface: "For the interface of the operating platform, please refer to your base vehicle operating experience in the internship plane (Shenzhou plane)."

Wei Keng paused: "I'm on the plane of China, so I don't seem to use a base car. Wait, let me think about it."

Wei Keng dug out this part of memory from the exclusive quantum memory storage area, after docking.Then he covered his face and said in embarrassment, "Isn't this set a bit too much?"

Wei Keng's attitude is like that of a big boy who has stitched together many weapon models as an adult, and feels embarrassed when he sees his kindergarten paper-cuts.

This set of combat base systems.

Based on space folding and space transmission, it can deploy melting furnaces, electromagnetic energy welding, airflow separation (airship manufacturing), and library systems on flat ground.

This is an engineering system with an eight-ring arcane structure, fifteen seven-ring arcane structures, and many complex arcane combinations.

It's not just delivering a modular forward operating base system, it's delivering knowledge!Ability to maintain battlefield maintenance capabilities at the forefront.

For any town with 1000 people, after the occupation, all the people will be registered and classified, and concentrated in various halls, as the base is released.They will establish a mind link with certain technicians in those industrial areas.

Each rear worker establishes 1 to 3 spiritual links with the front-line workers, with an infinite distance but not across planes.

[As for directly writing a non-existent memory, it is a nine-ring spell of the enchantment system, the application bottleneck is too high, and it is easy to be questioned by the host's own spirit.On the contrary, in the process of mind linking, the subjective fit of frontier labor can be stimulated by giving gold coin commissions. 】

Such a base can guarantee a combat force of 200 people and send combat support outside.

However, if there are multiple thousand-person villages and towns in an area, multiple bases can be established to ensure regiment-level (thousand-person level) military personnel to fight outside.

System: The concept of total warfare did not exist in the pre-industrial era.The external projection of thousands of regular army forces has become a decisive force in regional politics.

Wei Keng: I heard that on the main continent, there was a large-scale battle involving more than [-] people!
System: You are talking about super-large-scale battles on the main continent, such as the Scourge of the Undead, which can be assembled on a large scale without logistics, but the combat power of most zombies and skeletons is low, even inferior to the dung fork militia with the morale bonus of the lord.Moreover, relying heavily on the drive of necromancers, it is extremely easy to be assaulted by elite knight troops during long-distance marches.

As for the mobilization of tens of thousands of human troops between the two super-large kingdoms, it is often the mobilization of local militias in large urban territories, with thousands of elite mage and knight mixed troops supported by the kingdom as the core!Formed mixed corps.

When Master Wei was explaining the system, he flicked through the information.

In the feudal era, high-level troops played a central role, and there were no high-level troops to suppress the formation, and there were not enough dung fork militias mobilized by local leaders.

And not to mention the militia, even the regular spear halberd regiments of the kingdom, if they don't have a backbone on the battlefield, they will collapse on the spot with the blow of a monster-level monster and howl with fear.They fled all over the mountains and plains, harder to catch than pigs.

On Fengfu Continent, the basic characteristics of a regular army: "The core is hundreds of professionals, the army leader is full of charm, has the effect of boosting morale, and has the ability to counter giant units and dispel curse magic on the battlefield."

Although in Wei Keng's eyes, the delivery system prepared by Qin Xiaohan and her team is not perfect, objectively speaking, it is usable.

In Carrett's territory, the road is extending, the steam is floating with the movement of the vehicles, and the slogan is echoing with the progress of the river channel project.From the perspective of the outside world, Carret has long had the ability to do things.

Judging from the small goal of "struggling for the throne", Carret's capital is very strong.

The three armies of the Northern Territory "Breaking Ground", "Starting Construction", and "Jiangjiang" have been converted to mechanization.

A legion has 1200 front-line combat staff, and now it has added a mage company, a mechanical maintenance company, a pharmacy company, and other surplus configurations, bringing the total staff to 1500.There are tenfold reserves in various places.In other words, in the battle, if you lose, you can still make up.

However, because Wei Keng focused on many complicated contradictions, he felt that his sense of security was very low.

After Fengfuli 3578, the situation in the mainland temporarily calmed down.

The Alliance of Truth, centered on the Xuan'ao Kingdom in the central part, conducted a series of military confrontations with the surrounding areas after completing the alliance, and then retreated rationally within the scope of its own borders, and began to accumulate deep-seated power.

The southern city-state alliance along the main continent seemed to be relieved after this confrontation, and continued to start its own trade. In the process, a "Lingguang Trading Company" rose rapidly.

Behind all this, there is a mysterious force driving it.

In the northern industrial zone, Wei Keng walked into the office and slapped a pyramid one-eyed statue with his hands.

This statue was sent by a mage from Xuan'ao Kingdom in the south.

Now, with Wei Keng injecting enough quantum information (spiritual power), a large energy gap in the etheric plane is mobilized, and a space gate opens in front of Wei Keng.

In the multiverse, planar merchants are rare, but they definitely exist.

The profession of a businessman in a plane does not require fixed talents. They often have shrewd perception, charming charm, and high intelligence.

But the real restriction of this career is that you have to have enough capital!
This is the same as in ancient times, the constraints to become a big entrepreneur are by no means how smart or genius, but it is best to have a father who is a real estate tycoon and give you a "small goal" start-up capital.

Shuttle in the multiverse area where the arcana is located, at least there must be a rule area comparable to the kingdom of God,
And the Kingdom of God is the basic disk for God to accept believers, unless it is really the biological son of a god, it will inherit a rule area.Note: It must be a natural child, and an illegitimate child is not worthy.

Let's put it this way, the importance of the godhead is equivalent to the first diploma is a diploma from a first-class university in modern times.

The Kingdom of God is equivalent to the club real estate in the inner city of a first-tier big city.The former cannot be bought with money, and the latter is the money of ordinary people for more than ten lifetimes.

After Wei Keng entered the space gate, he saw a luxurious mansion with a suspended multi-dimensional fountain and lights, illuminating it in a luxurious way.

After Wei Keng entered, Wei Keng was marked on a hexagonal grid, which ensured that every visitor had an absolutely safe distance.

That's right - there are not only Wei Keng in this building, but also other guests.

And the guests are diverse, the building is divided into two barriers,
The flirt wearing tulle and winking in Wei Keng's left barrier is the abyssal demon.
On the left, another barrier is hidden in the shadows, but it is the devil who gives people a sense of staring.This thing has the business quality of selling "certain contracts" to all contacts.This reminded Mr. Wei of the insurance industry, small property rights houses, stock recommendations, and intermediaries who joined companies in ancient times.

The barrier on the right is the camp of kindness. Wei Keng glanced at it briefly. There are elves and dragon knights in armor.

What Wei Keng landed on now was the large square between the two barriers, which belonged to the neutral camp.

Neither evil nor good can enter the area at will.After stepping in, no contract of justice or evil can be used here.And the end result of violating the rules is that the mortgage here will be deducted by the owner of this building.

Devils and demons often came to this mansion by mortgaging a large amount of soul gems.

The mages of the good camp mortgaged the holy relics associated with legends, or expensive elemental crystals.Or it is a divine power crystal item produced by the blessing of the gods.

No contract of justice or evil shall be signed in the neutral zone,
However, people in the neutral square can be brought into the barrier area on the left to sign a contract. ~ That's what devils like to do.

Even though you know that "evil in capital letters" is on the barrier on the left, something like the devil, who studies people's hearts, will still hook you with bait.

This is not
In the neutral square, there are many poor girls soliciting customers, hoping that the visitors who come to the neutral zone can buy themselves out.

Most of them are the princesses of certain kingdoms, or the candidates left behind after the election of saintesses by certain deity sects.

They asked a wealthy guest like Wei Keng to sign a "soul contract" with them to wash away the "master-servant contract" that the devil locked on them

As for the devil, he will shout the price from the side: "Come, come, as long as you exchange a green soul, you can get this full-time maid. You can't buy it at a disadvantage, and you can't be fooled. You can sign a soul contract and trade at the same time, this one Lord, let’s take a look, you have other tastes, I can satisfy you here too, vampire countess! Look at this figure, look at these lips, look at this tongue. (The devil stretches out his claws and directly touches the goods’ mouth Break it apart and use your fingers to pull the tongue straight out.)”

The green-level soul is equivalent to the soul of a social animal who has gone to college and experienced the explosion of network information in ancient times.

Narrator: The green soul is equivalent to the main world, the hegemony of the Mediterranean civilization, and the reincarnation of the actual colonial countries such as Bangzi and Neon on the adjacent plane. ~~ That's right, the reincarnated people who are close to the plane of the earth have this price.

Don't think it's cheap!Soul consciousness under the influence of the information civilization age is actually not a rare commodity.When the consciousness silently obeys the rules, the death and reincarnation is regarded as a journey, but it is just a mortal soul with more complicated experiences.

Well, only the will to survive is precious.

And that body of mind, rooted in history, does not succumb to despair.

It's just that the slave traders in the Mediterranean system can't bring out such a soul.And if you can really bring it out, it is also for your own use!

Unyielding will, seeking upwards, represents a growth-oriented heroic spirit, who will sell potential stocks?

For the Space-Time Administration, the Hall of Valor and the List of Conferred Gods will never be filled.

The devils only need green-level souls for the first transaction, and they won't let you suffer.Mainly to open up the market.

Exchangers who come to trade for the first time often have such a few "leftovers" in their hands. Most legendary mages will always hack a few people to death and detain their souls along the way.

There is nothing wrong with exchanging this kind of soul for an absolutely loyal maid.

And once a mage who was originally neutral had the first time, there would be a second time.If there are too many times, you will enter the evil camp.

As for Wei Keng, he glanced at the pitiful half-elf ranger standing in front of him.

Wei Keng could see from her eyes that she wanted to escape hell.

But, first: Wei Keng, there is no sealed soul, and the promotion all the way is cheating, there is no fighting.Second: Although I have the soul power I condensed, I will definitely not exchange it with myself.

After studying the theory of main world traversal, Wei Keng knew that the power of the soul is the strength of the life phenomenon of consciousness at the quantum level.

The power of my soul now comes from the transfer of many timelines after the empty twisting plane ended.

Memory is the database information, and consciousness is the belief that one can drive changes in the world.

~ As for handing over to the devil or something?

Master Wei thought about it, he was in the plane of Pandora, if he didn't have the blood energy to gather, he was alone and was trampled by mutated creatures, fell into a dark situation, and no one came to save him, it was far worse than the monsters there. fear.

Wei Keng: "It's love at first sight, and then you give up yourself for love. Lord, I will never do it."

[Falling into the darkness is not terrible, what is terrible is that outside the darkness, no one remembers for himself.What is more desperate is that in order to elevate the category of their "desire", some people personally exchange their hopes with the devil in exchange for the improvement of the category of "desire". 】

So, face the half-elven ranger ahead.Originally, I wanted to endure the discomfort and avoid it, but suddenly thought of such an arcane plane, I don't believe in tears, and any weakness will be exploited, so I decided to face it head-on.

Wei Keng was very solemn: "Now, you have to make me believe you, right! Can you trust me now?"

The beautiful female elf nodded like a life-saving straw.

Wei Keng: "Then muster up your last courage and resist." After that, Wei Keng handed her a dagger and added: "Go there and stab the oppressor with the blade."

The female elf obviously felt the pressure of the master-servant contract.She looked at Wei Keng stiffly: "If I do this, can you save me?"

Wei Keng gritted his teeth fiercely: "No, I can't save you, but I will fulfill my promise and avenge you, even if my own body loss far exceeds your soul volume by a hundred times. I will still die endlessly."

The female elf immediately left disappointed.

And Wei Keng also breathed a sigh of relief, not being responsible for the promise he made.You can also give up without shame.

Wei Keng silently looked at the back that was far away from him, and defended himself in a daze, asking himself: "I always wait for others to save me, but I never have the determination to save others. And in the bottom of the abyss, as a human being, what can we do? The only thing left is this determination. ~ But, can we all just go into the dog hole?"

Wei Keng closed his eyes, and brought into himself the possibility of falling into the darkness, but after opening his eyes, he did not obey, but was still "indignant".

Wei Keng sorted out his thoughts, and what finally came out of his thoughts was the hostility of "If the bottom line is violated maliciously, even if the other party is the sun, we will perish together".

At this time, a beam of light was projected on Zhongli Square, opening Wei Keng's VIP channel.

 Straight man of steel, not afraid of difficulties.Weakness will never be seen by opponents.

(End of this chapter)

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