out of cage

Chapter 241 Chapter 7.23 Culture in the Age of Time and Space

Chapter 241 Chapter 7.23 Culture in the Age of Time and Space

In the plane trade building dominated by "science", the steps of the industrial fan have also been completed. The seats are benches made of steel bars, and the backs of the chairs are made of blue, white and red snakeskin cloth, with a civil engineering style.

After the cooperation plan was reached, Wei Keng took the lead to leave the stage because there was still a lot of work to be done.

The venue quickly turned into a discussion between Sainz and Shan Zhen.

However, after Wei Keng participated in the meeting, it seemed that the atmosphere was no longer so harmonious.

After thinking for a while, Sainz said to Shan Zhen jokingly: "What do you think would happen if I switched positions with him? He is now leading science, and I am leading industry."

Shan Zhen solemnly reminded: "Sains, the priesthood has been fixed, so it cannot be changed."

Sainz shrugged. "Oh, I'm just assuming you've got to have a sense of humor."

Before Wei Keng walked out of the building, he encountered the management system of the building.

This suspended optical geometry: "Your Majesty the Industrial Crown, my Lord wishes, to allow the Chosen One to join your composition."

Wei Keng nodded.

The cooperation plan with Sainz just now includes that he will arrange some saints to enter the process of industrial development.Regarding this agreement, Wei Keng acquiesced.

As for the people to be summoned, they are naturally in the camp of order and goodness.

Wei Keng walked into a hall, and saw that the door he came out was on a high step, and below the step were fifteen people standing in the light circle waiting to be called.

After seeing Wei Keng, they all bowed on one knee.

They are heroes from different worlds who have been waiting for the "Holy Spirit" here for a long time.

Wei Keng, as a powerful consciousness from the main world, is called "Holy Spirit".

Carret has not yet reached the legend, and belongs to mortals, but carries the "divine channel" and is the identity of the Son of God.

The "God of Industry" is the Holy Father.

This concept of the Trinity was obviously created by the Mediterranean civilization.

As for the heroes selected by Sainz, do they have undercover identities?Well, in fact, they are the medium through which Sainz understands Wei Keng's progress in the north.

These heroes, however, did not do "Judas" self-blasphemy themselves. ~Being bound by the precepts of order and goodness, they have no idea of ​​jumping between the two gods.

Therefore, facing Wei Keng now, he sincerely followed him.

Wei Keng walked towards these men and women.

Among these people, there are holy princesses from a certain world, and there are also some talented ascetic swordsmen who have been practicing for hundreds of years.

Their armor and equipment are high-level enchanted equipment that shines with artistic lines.

In theory, he (she) can all be called.

Wei Keng felt that he might not be able to let go of the guys with extraordinary temperament and the stars around him.

So to fulfill the contract with Sainz, Wei Keng solemnly chose one.

Grace (male) on the continent of Roram, a professional dragon knight, and the contracted dragon is the young bronze dragon Xiu Ensi.

This dragon knight, who now looks like he is only in his 20s, has experience in commanding many large-scale battles.After comparing everyone's resumes, Wei Keng decided to choose him.

When Grace was about to salute again and prepare to formally pledge his allegiance, Wei Keng stopped him: "I don't have so many red tapes in my place, so I just need to devote my limited attention to the norms and disciplines that need to be paid attention to."

Grace said respectfully: "Yes, Holy Spirit."

After choosing this one, Wei Keng was ready to leave.

At this time, the other heroes who had been waiting were a little surprised.Their achievements are not below Grace's.

Lian Xifina (queen of the forest elves) asked: "Your Majesty, may I take the liberty to ask you why we lost the election?"

Wei Keng looked at her and smiled: "The reason why you lost the election is because you are too beautiful? In many planes, I belong to a mortal, so I don't want to challenge my weakness."

As soon as the words fell, the lady picked up the dagger and stabbed her cheek. Immediately, dense optical charms covered her originally beautiful face.

The elf: "Well, it should be fine."

Wei Keng was taken aback, and looked at this persistent elf with locked eyes. He thought of something, and then turned to everyone: "Do you have any wish that must be fulfilled? So you are waiting for me here?"

Grace: "Your Majesty, we have made an exchange to get here. For example, me~"

Wei Keng interrupted him: "Needless to say, I don't want to see your weakness."

Speaking of this, Wei Keng smiled self-deprecatingly: "As a mortal, once he knows the weakness of other people, he can't help but want to judge when he acts. Instead of going through the trials of 'mean' and 'noble', I would rather It's better to build a defense line against 'meanness' from the beginning."

Wei Keng patted Grace on the shoulder: "Then remember the rules of getting along with me. Hold your bottom line when you are weak, and try to leave survival and development for the opponent after gaining the advantage in confrontation."

Wei Keng finally selected all the fifteen people, but when he returned to the north, only Grace stayed with him immediately.

As for Lin Xifina, Wei Keng erased the scars on her face.

What this elf didn't know was that Wei Keng complained in his heart: "Are you 'self-destructing your appearance'?
The golden flower vine is not so much a scar as a beautiful tattoo.Nose bridge, lips and big eyes, this is the key to beauty.Also, is the 'impulse' boiling in my blood triggered by the face..."

Wei Keng glanced at this elf, um, big breasts, long legs, shoulders like jade, pubic bone~ cough cough cough...

When Wei Keng didn't know, during the process of selecting followers, all the details of himself were repeatedly weighed by the staff of the Overseer Space.

Many young inspectors "pushed their lips and chuckled" at some of Wei Keng's small movements, and of course they were slightly "disdainful" of the Elf Queen's performance.

There is one Wei Keng who doesn't understand,
But contemporary (28th century) social concepts that have generally prevailed.

The Wei Keng of the recent ancient times is now an antique.

In the 28th century, the relationship between men and women in society has undergone brand-new changes.

The 50-year compulsory education has to some extent violated the basis of human's natural physiology to develop "juvenile love sinus".All children were born artificially after their parents were 45 years old.

Under the "unconditional random matching" mode, human beings want a child, which is often an opposite-sex gene cell that randomly matches another data sequence in the gene pool to breed the next generation.

The reason why randomness is used is to ensure genetic diversity and prevent the herd trend in society from affecting human reproduction.

Because there is such an assumption: In case the Internet suddenly becomes popular in a certain period of time, the milk dog male protagonist will cause women to follow suit, and the male side likes a stupid but obedient female protagonist.

If such a choice becomes the determinant of human reproduction.Then human beings may not be able to cope with survival in the future.

It has to be said that human children sometimes have very annoying personalities, such as abusing small bugs and setting fires, all of which are offensive desires brought about during the evolution process.If this annoying character is lost, it will certainly become very cute, but - people are not pets, and genes that rely on inviting pets to survive are not conducive to the continuation of the race.

[Of course, even if it is random, it is not completely random. For example, ethnicity cannot be random.East Asian household registration can only be selected for East Asian household registration in order to enjoy the benefits of raising the next generation. —Reproduction is ultimately selfish. 】

The prevalence of random matching for reproduction comes from the destruction of families by materialism in ancient times.

Since the end of modern times, people have increasingly tended to divide the relationship between men and women into groups, and the classical concept of love has long been thrown away.

Reproduction is an obligation, a kind of emotional companionship on which to depend when aging, and a partner is often an obligation in excess, as young men and women seek independence.

In modern times, the relationship between men and women consumed a lot of energy and resources, which hindered reproduction to a certain extent.

Men who are not short of sex pursue a lot of games, and women who are not short of money, because they have independent jobs and no pressure on car loans or mortgages, they can fully release their consumption potential.

Both parties consumed too much space for personal freedom in the process of combining in their youth.The cost of a partner is so high that ordinary people cannot afford it unless it is borne by idiots who really need a partner.

Moreover, TV dramas at that time also showed love, which created the illusion that "infatuation" is the norm, and implicitly acquiesced that the other party will pay the cost of infatuation.So it directly caused the breeding rate to drop to the bottom.

In the 23rd century, after the emergence of the artificial womb and the improvement of the fertility rate, love has become more and more elusive.

In the middle of the 27th century, the era of big plane development. ——For people who are slightly motivated, random matching is not enough, and reproduction still has to be chosen.

Centuries later, the problem of tutoring children with homework remains an epic struggle for young single parents.

So, this has spawned a wave of finding good genes, and ideally getting in touch with the child's brain-like partner to help. (Sometimes only the parents know whether their child's head is stupid or pretending to be dumb, because I was like this when I was a child.)
In the social system of the main world, only when the actual needs of a partner are met can the other party's genes be selected.

There are seven sets of civil codes, which have such regulations in the special profession of crossing:
When the matching time between the monitor and the traverser reaches a certain level, it is defined as a real partner.

Using the game to understand, as long as the "task" is completed, it is defined as "enough favorability", and then it can be defined as the authority to choose the opponent's gene.

Please note that the fulfillment of this partner condition is not set at 1:1.Can form a network relationship.

That is to say, you fulfilled the legal marriage 1:1.But maybe you have been selected as a partner by many people, and your genes are freely selected by these opposite sexes.

As for Master Wei, there is now a team serving him, and the whole team has obtained the authority.

Oh, about achieving the "substantial partner condition, you can get genes", this is not a system that can be derived from the East, um, but the cultural influence of the Mediterranean civilization circle.

The social families in the marine system of the Mediterranean civilization in the main world have become even more unrecognizable.

How did Sainz's time and space family come from?

It is not a traditional Zeus stallion story, but a breakthrough in new things on the basis of unbroken marriage morality in the 21st century.

Mediterranean ladies are much more open than Oriental ladies.

They raise the next generation without saying hello, and then show off to admirers, and maybe make a date.Later, such a group of children eventually formed a substantial father-son relationship with the original body (parent) of the y chromosome.

As for the current ethos in the East, the ladies haven't reached the level of "just get the baby out without saying a word".

Oh, of course, now, under the permission of the law, many supervisors used the name of "partner" on Wei Keng.

However, now they are all just trying to determine the relationship, so far no one dares to jump.

It's just that when Wei Keng came into contact with some women in the plane, when they were lonely and going crazy in the monitoring space, when they marked the native women of the plane like Lianxifina, they would curl their lips, half joking, and half complaining: Words like "green maidservant" have been addicted to it.Oh, with such a mouth addiction, sometimes words such as "white slut" will come out on purpose.

Bai Linglu knocked on the table and began to narrate the mission in the hall: "Pay attention, don't think about any miscellaneous things that have nothing to do with the mission."

Bai Linglu walked to the screen and saw that Wei Keng had returned to his territory.


On January 3579, 1 in the Fengfu calendar, in the northern port,

Six [-]-ton large warships entered the sea water along the log pulley.

When the boat was launched, the tens of tons of iron chains dragged by the tail were like snakes, swimming along the boat from the entrenched state.The clattering sound of friction even overwhelmed the crackling sound of firecrackers.

In fact, a battleship of this level can be smashed directly into the sea at an angle.This is the case for frigates in the main world.

But in this world, besides finalizing the battleship, Wei Keng will also conduct related experiments.It is best to use standard procedures in the launching process, and unconventional ones are prone to accidents due to the mental influence of everyone.

In this quantum era, when a code of conduct is stabilized, everyone follows this process to do things. Occasionally, unexpected excess energy will be transferred away by the tunneling behind the process.

[Ghosts, a product of superstition, are regarded as "spiritual pollution" under the quantum field in the arcane world.This kind of pollution has more victims, more beliefs, and more negativity gathered, and it will also produce strange energy tunneling in the house where it is located. ~ As a technology, within the mature range, if you are dogmatic, you will be safer. 】

Wei Keng used prophecy spells to monitor these ships throughout the whole process, and saw all the launching conditions from the perspective of everyone.

Before the [-]-ton large iron ship was launched, many of the onlookers on the shore, without modern scientific education, felt that such a large lump of iron would sink if it entered the water.

On the Weikeng quantum monitoring platform, the influence of such "ignorant and idealistic" quantum information on the steel hull was indeed detected.

The buoyancy of the hull is insufficient in the first three seconds of launching.The standard displacement once approached the level of full row.

But then, when the people on the shore saw that the steel ships could really float and began to cheer, the sea water around the hulls regained their absolute buoyancy.

Of course, the idealistic power of "ignorance" is not absolutely bad.Since it is a warship made of pure steel, the iron chains ping-pong in the process of twitching,
After everyone confirmed that it could float, they cheered, "This is an unsinkable steel fortress on the sea."

Well, Wei Keng found that the bond energy of steel crystals has been enhanced by about 5.00% during the quantum monitoring!It was simply enchanted.

Wei Keng said helplessly: "Speaking of which, if you really draw a strong shield on the battleship, it may be able to add a little more armor. In this world, superstition has power."

And Grace, who was beside Wei Keng, watched so many huge ships launching into the sea with admiration, but he didn't show much surprise.

There are countless worlds in the multiverse, and it is not a special thing for an armored warship to go to sea.

A steel warship means that the lord has abundant wealth and power.

Wei Keng said to Grace: "Did your dragon come to this world too?"

Grace: "Xiu Ensi (Bronze Dragon) has always wanted to see you after learning about His Highness' deeds."

Wei Keng looked at the north: "Forget it if you see it, I know it has to be arranged, but in the current era, human city-states are striving to surpass the development of industrialization, and their acceptance has reached the limit. Your dragon cannot appear in the public all at once. , I have to slowly get in touch with the society, and say sorry to him on my behalf."

Grace: "Your Highness, you are too humble."

Wei Keng: "After the fleet is established this time, I will open up the northern route and arrange for him (Xiu Ensi) an area with enough room for activities and supply points in the northern continent. Of course, it is relatively deserted there compared to the human world."

For the dragon, it really needs a deserted environment.

Then Wei Keng handed Grace a key, which was a key that could open the space coordinates, a key that could summon dragons in many magic tower strongholds in the south.

Wei Keng's opinion on this hero is: let his dragon go to the north first, and he himself is to study the mechanized combat of this era in depth.After learning, when the battle starts, prepare the dragon as the command center of the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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